Кэтти Уильямс

Произведения автора 156

Только полные версии книг

Соблазн – Harlequin

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Год написания книги 2013
Много лет Анджело ди Капуа жил с мыслью, что возлюбленная Рози предала его. Но он так и не смог перестать желать ее. Боль и страсть слились воедино в его сердце, и Анджело понимает, что не...
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Год написания книги 2015
Сьюзи Сэдлер приходит в дорогой лондонский ресторан на свидание вслепую. Увидев своего потенциального бойфренда, она сильно разочаровывается. Чтобы избежать встречи с ним, она подсаживается за столик...
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Год написания книги 2015
Люси и Дио – супружеская пара. В первую брачную ночь Люси узнала, что ее отец заключил сделку с ее мужем: Дио становился частью именитой семьи и получал привлекательную жену, с которой не стыдно...

Любовный роман – Harlequin

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Год написания книги 2011
Что произойдет, когда независимая и целеустремленная учительница Лиззи Шарп познакомится с мистером Дарси наших дней – Луисом Жумо, баснословно богатым бизнесменом, который уверен, что все, чего...
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Год написания книги 2013
Элизабет посчастливилось получить место личной помощницы Джеймса Грейстоуна, престарелого владельца красивого поместья. Она испытывает искреннюю симпатию к старику и с радостью приступает к работе....
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Год написания книги 2013
Каково чувствовать себя одной из первых в мире красавиц? Обычная девушка Холли Джордж никогда не задумывалась над этим вопросом, пока не встретила знойного бразильца Луиса Каселла. Жизнь богатых и...
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Год написания книги 2011
Случайно попав на Рождество в дом своей секретарши Джейми Пауэлл, Райан Шеппард и по прошествии времени не перестанет считать, что это был один из незабываемых дней в его жизни, полный неожиданных...
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Год написания книги 2014
Лео Спенсер приехал в маленький ирландский городок, чтобы встретиться со своей биологической матерью, бросившей его когда-то. Брианна, хозяйка местного паба, у которой остановился Лео, сразу же...
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Год написания книги 2012
Влюбившись в отъявленного плейбоя Рауля, Сара очень скоро понимает, что беременна. Она не хочет искать бывшего любовника, так как считает его не способным к роли отца. Воспитывая ребенка в...
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Год написания книги 2015
Лора тяжело переживает окончание неудачного романа, бросает работу, веселую лондонскую жизнь и переезжает в тихую шотландскую деревеньку к бабушке, чтобы зализать раны. Она верит, что обязательно...
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Год написания книги 2015
Кейт Уотсон едет в командировку со своим боссом Алессандро Преда, который пытается расшевелить свою подчиненную и подтолкнуть ее к тому, чтобы она перестала прятаться за своими деловыми костюмами и...
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Год написания книги 2016
Теоде Анджелис и Алексис Кальдини вынуждены сыграть свадьбу по решению родителей. Они решают скрыть реальное положение вещей, изображая счастливую семью на публике. Но все их намерения держать...
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Год написания книги 2016
Миллиардер Стефано Ганн предлагает будущему адвокату, Санни Портер, стать няней его дочери. Стефано чувствует влечение к сторонящейся его Санни. Он бросает ей вызов и предлагает недолгие отношения...
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Год написания книги 2016
Согласившись давать уроки рисования пассажирам лайнера, путешествующего по местам с художественной ценностью, Делия хотела всего лишь на несколько недель забыть о своем разбитом сердце и домашних...
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Год написания книги 2016
Не в силах указать заблудившемуся в метель путнику на дверь, Бекки решается пустить его к себе на ночь. Но стоит им оказаться наедине, как ее мысли сразу же заполняют эротические фантазии с участием...
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Год написания книги 2015
Габриэль Кабрера – успешный бизнесмен и известный плейбой. Он красив, умен и невероятно обаятелен. Габриэль уверен, что ему не составит труда обольстить даже самую непокорную недотрогу. И есть лишь...
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Год написания книги 2014
Миллиардер Алессандро Моретти, глава огромной корпорации, вынужден провести важные деловые переговоры самостоятельно: его подчиненные не смогли справиться с этой задачей. Он рассчитывает убедить в...
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Год написания книги 2017
Учительница Саманта Уилсон – ничем не примечательная молодая женщина, каких много. Живется ей непросто во всех отношениях: на ней висят долги, больная мать требует постоянного внимания, да и...
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Год написания книги 2017
Владелец крупной компании, красавец плейбой Лукас Киприани, заподозрил свою подчиненную, программиста Кэти Бреннан, в промышленном шпионаже. Он вызывает провинившуюся сотрудницу к себе. Ожидая...
Год написания книги 2019
Владелец крупной компании, красавец плейбой Лукас Киприани, заподозрил свою подчиненную, программиста Кэти Бреннан, в промышленном шпионаже. Он вызывает провинившуюся сотрудницу к себе. Ожидая...
Год написания книги 2019
Владелец крупной компании, красавец плейбой Лукас Киприани, заподозрил свою подчиненную, программиста Кэти Бреннан, в промышленном шпионаже. Он вызывает провинившуюся сотрудницу к себе. Ожидая...
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Год написания книги 2018
Софи Уоттс повредила дорогой автомобиль своего заклятого врага, миллиардера Матиаса Риверо, и не знает, как расплатиться с ним. Он предлагает ей довольно необычный способ вернуть долг: поработать...
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Год написания книги 2018
Эбби проработала два года секретаршей у властного плейбоя, руководителя компании, Габриеля. Между ними всегда были только деловые отношения. Но волей случая они вынуждены притворяться женихом и...
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Год написания книги 2018
Мэдди Галло проводит страстную ночь с Лео Конти, а потом узнает, что он миллиардер и намерен отобрать у нее магазин, который она получила в наследство. Вскоре она обнаруживает, что беременна от Лео....
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Год написания книги 2019
Чтобы помочь своему отцу расплатиться с долгами, Элли Эдвардс берется за любую работу. Поэтому когда миллиардер Лука Росс предлагает ей стать няней для его осиротевшего крестника, она соглашается....
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Год написания книги 2017
Любовь не принесла Эбигейл счастья, обожаемый возлюбленный, красивый, успешный Леандро Санчес, поверил лживым обвинениям и выбросил ее из своей жизни. Молодая женщина тяжело переживала обиду, а...
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Год написания книги 2018
Властного богача Матиаса Сильву больше интересуют сделки на миллионы долларов, чем серьезные отношения с женщинами. Ситуация меняется, когда к нему приезжает подруга детства Джорджи Уайт и заявляет,...
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Год написания книги 2019
Благодаря крестному Рафаэль встречает потрясающую молодую девушку, с которой должен вступить в брак по расчету. Сначала молодые люди относятся друг к другу с недоверием, но потом между ними...


Год написания книги 2024
Год написания книги 2024
Год написания книги 2024
Алессио Балдини, миллиардер и красавец, давно разочаровался в любви. Единственной ошибки в юности хватило, чтобы понять: женщинам нужны только деньги. Но судьба сводит его с Лесли Фокс, которой он...
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Год написания книги 2014
Алессио Балдини, миллиардер и красавец, давно разочаровался в любви. Единственной ошибки в юности хватило, чтобы понять: женщинам нужны только деньги. Но судьба сводит его с Лесли Фокс, которой он...
Год написания книги 2024
Год написания книги 2024
Год написания книги 2024
электронная книга
Год написания книги 2009
Оставив в прошлом неудачный брак, Лео решил с головой погрузиться в работу и оставить мечты о тихом семейном счастье и достойной женщине. Однако проблемы с воспитанием маленького сына вынуждают его...
Год написания книги 2024
Год написания книги 2024
Год написания книги 2024
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Год написания книги 2010
Когда Алекс вызвали к начальству, девушка не на шутку испугалась. Ведь она только-только устроилась в эту фирму! Неужели что-то не устраивает в ее работе? Но, увидев своего босса, Алекс сама захотела...
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Год написания книги 2022
Нико и Грейс давно работают вместе. Казалось бы, люди, которые видят друг друга каждый день, должны быть близки, но все не так просто. Для их отношений есть множество препятствий. Но внезапно у Нико...
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Год написания книги 2020
Притворившись по просьбе своего друга Алехандро Кабрера его невестой, Кейтлин Уолш даже представить себе не могла, что увлечется его неприступным братом. Данте Кабрера подозревает Кейтлин в корысти и...
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Год написания книги 2020
Спасая незнакомого красавца, тонущего в бушующем море. Корделия не подозревала, что круто изменит свою судьбу. Она влюбилась в этого парня, да и он был очарован безыскусной красотой, силой и...
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Год написания книги 2019
Engage students in mathematics using growth mindset techniques The most challenging parts of teaching mathematics are engaging students and helping them understand the connections between mathematics...
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Год написания книги 2019
Passionate, proud and so sexy, these Spanish men are 110% male!Top film director Leandro Reyes made women go weak at the knees. But he made Isabella feel as if she was different from all the...
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Год написания книги 2019
She’s at His ServiceOne night with playboy Raoul Sinclair leaves Sarah with more than a memory…she’s pregnant! Five years later and Sarah’s struggling, working as an office cleaner. When her new,...
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Год написания книги 2019
Scandalous SinsUnwrapping His Convenient FiancéeViolet Drummond can’t face another office Christmas party as a singleton, but charismatic family friend Cameron McKinnon seems like the perfectly...
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Год написания книги 2019
Ruthless PropositionsAlessio BaldiniTo avoid exposing his greatest secret, billionaire Alessio Baldini needs the best – Lesley Fox. As challenging as she is alluring, Lesley stands firm against his...
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Год написания книги 2019
His after-hours mistress!Angie was always prim and proper, the perfect assistant, until a trip to Tuscany with her gorgeous new boss ended in seduction.Agatha Havers was invisible to her boss, Luc...
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Год написания книги 2019
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Год написания книги 2019
A Delicious DeceptionRayne Hardwicke has an old score to settle. Arrogant playboy Kingsley Clayborne built a billion-dollar business at the expense of her father’s career, and she wants justice… but...
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Год написания книги 2019
A Tempestuous Temptation by Cathy WilliamsAggie’s first introduction to billionaire Luiz is his outrageous accusation that she is a fortune hunter! But when Aggie finds herself snowbound with the...
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Год написания книги 2019
Nicholas Knight was a formidably powerful and attractive man, and he had a very tempting proposal for Rebecca Ryan: he wanted to move her into his luxury home, to share his life… and his bed?Rebecca...
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Год написания книги 2019
NANNY WANTEDSexy tycoon seeks live-in nanny… Nicholas Kendall is a playboy tycoon who, until recently, had no idea he was a father – because Leigh has spent months agonizing over whether to reveal...
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Год написания книги 2019
Millionaire businessman Riccardo Fabbrini was furious that his child had been kept a secret from him! He blamed his daughter's guardian–the very pretty Julia Nash. And he intended to use seduction as...
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Год написания книги 2019
THE TWELVE NIGHTS OF CHRISTMASExhausted from transforming the penthouse of the hotel where she works into a dazzling winter wonderland, Evie Anderson secretly sleeps over. Woken by an outrageous...
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Год написания книги 2019
She likes him being the boss – even in the bedroom! Magenta isn’t expecting her new employer to have the old-fashioned ruthlessness of Gray Quinn! Quinn wants temptingly innocent Magenta in his...
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Год написания книги 2019
His Purchased Bride!When Sophie left tycoon Javier, and walked down the aisle with another man, he swore to make her pay. Now with Sophie desperate, Javier’s assistance comes with a price tag – the...
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Год написания книги 2019
The Secret Casella BabyThis is a question ordinary girl Holly George never thought she’d be able to answer! Until one sizzling night with brooding Brazilian Luiz changes her life. Not only is Luiz...
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Год написания книги 2019
A proposition that’s impossible to resist…To regain control of the fashion empire that’s rightfully his Rocco Mondelli must prove his playboy days are over. His secret weapon? Supermodel-in-hiding...
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Год написания книги 2019
Billionaire Curtis Diaz is determined to uncover why his new executive assistant, prim and proper Tessa Wilson, fuels his desire like no other woman. Is there life beneath her sensible, shapeless...
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Год написания книги 2019
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Год написания книги 2019
From one night…When Sergio Burzi’s table at an exclusive London restaurant is invaded by a stunning woman fleeing a blind date he’s intrigued. Candid, innocent artist Susie Sadler is nothing like the...
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Год написания книги 2019
Falling for her fiancé?Tycoon Theo De Angelis lives life by his rules only…until a family debt nds him forced to propose the only merger he’s never chased – matrimony! Beautiful, inexperienced Alexa...
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Год написания книги 2019
Meet the British bachelors that will ignite your wildest desires!What His Money Can’t HideArchitect Drake Ashton finally has all the money a man could want. But, duped by the trappings of wealth...
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Год написания книги 2019
One deal has sparked more passion than they ever expected…Secrets of a Ruthless Tycoon by Cathy WilliamsRuthless tycoon Leo Spencer has it all – but there’s one thing his luxurious lifestyle can’t...
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Год написания книги 2019
She owes him a wedding night…and he will collect!Billionaire Dio Ruiz’s convenient union was meant to secure two things: vengeance, and the enticing Lucy Bishop. But from their wedding night onwards...
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Год написания книги 2019
A surprise holiday souvenir…Billionaire businessman Daniel De Angelis’s plan is simple: a few undercover days at sea to reveal the weaknesses of the ship he plans to acquire. Instead he discovers a...
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Год написания книги 2019
No More Sweet Surrender by Caitlin CrewsIvan Korovin is determined to cement his evolution from dirt-poor, dreamless kid to billionaire philanthropist. First he has a serious PR problem to take care...
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Год написания книги 2019
The Marciano Love-ChildAlessandro Marciano threw Scarlett out on the street without a second glance – she had betrayed him! Now he has returned – to claim the woman who lit his desire like no other....
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Год написания книги 2019
The Sicilian’s Defiant Mistress by Jane Porter Cass couldn’t continue a relationship that involved just her body when her heart was breaking. But did she have a choice? The deal she made with Maximos...
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Год написания книги 2019
The Antonakos Marriage by Kate Walker Theo Antonakos is furious when Skye slips away from his bed without a word. Then he arrives on his family's Greek island to meet his stepmother-to-be and...
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Год написания книги 2019
The Greek’s Seven-Day Seduction by Susan Stephens On holiday on the Greek island of Iskos, Charlotte encounters gorgeous Greek Iannis Kiriakos and can’t resist the sexual current flowing between...
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Год написания книги 2019
With the quirk of an eyebrow, Gabriel Cabrera can get anything he wants!That is until he meets PA Alice Morgan and realises three things:1) He’s jealous… a first.2) He’s in pursuit… also a first.3)...
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Год написания книги 2019
Between the billionaire’s sheets…Bound by a shocking consequence!Leo Conti is determined to secure a crucial business acquisition—until he meets Maddie Gallo. When their irresistible chemistry...
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Год написания книги 2019
Chill out in the CaribbeanRuthless Sicilian Alessio Capelli saw Lindsay Lockheart as a challenge; she’d turned him down once before, but she won’t do it again – not once he sweeps her away from Rome...
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Год написания книги 2019
Once, Dominic Duvall's passion for Katherine had made her feel alive and, for the first time, she'd tasted freedom. But freedom had its price and the tragic secret Katherine could never reveal had...
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Год написания книги 2019
Ruth had been overwhelmed by Franco Leoni from the moment she became his secretary. A shy reverend's daughter, Ruth was stunned when such a dynamic, handsome man took an interest in her. She knew she...
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Год написания книги 2019
Kane Lindley is a regular customer at the restaurant where Shannon works. When an incident results in her getting the sack, Kane comes to the rescue and offers her a job! As well as being his...
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Год написания книги 2019
After living all her life in the jungle of Panama, Destiny is on her way to London to claim her inheritance – a business worth millions!Flung into a city jungle, Destiny feels lost, self-conscious...
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Год написания книги 2019
In the office…Millionaire businessman Rafael Loro dominates everyone around him. Until plain but determined Sophie Frey is assigned to work with him.After hours…Rafael is used to beautiful,...
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Год написания книги 2019
Theo Miquel doesn't have time for love – his work is his life. He dates slim, beautiful women, but once they start talking about commitment it's over!Heather is different from this tycoon's usual...
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Год написания книги 2019
He's determined to have her… Greek millionaire Theo Toyas is suspicious of the beautiful but beguiling Abby Clinton. He's convinced that her air of vulnerability conceals a devious woman intent on...
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Год написания книги 2019
Gorgeous Greek billionaire Dominic Drecos has sworn off women…until he meets Matilda Hayes. She is truly stunning, but she makes it extremely clear she is off-limits. Dominic, however, is a man who...
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Год написания книги 2019
To arrogant Italian Gabriel Gessi, Rose has always been his plain, sensible secretary.But when she returns from vacation with a stunning new look, Gabriel decides he wants to take her out of the...
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Год написания книги 2019
Multimillionaire businessman and playboy Rafael Vives is bedazzled by Amy's beauty – and instantly decides she must be his new mistress! Showered with jewels and gifts, Amy knows she should feel...
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Год написания книги 2019
An accident has forced Greek tycoon Theo Andreou to rest and recuperate. After meeting feisty Sophie Scott, Theo decides that if he can seduce her his recovery will at least be pleasurable!Although...
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Год написания книги 2019
An outrageous engagement An undeniable desire! Tycoon Matteo Moretti has one goal this Christmas—to land the deal of the century. Rescuing enchanting stranger Rosie from a romantic scandal is...
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Год написания книги 2019
Today she’s a nanny… Tomorrow the billionaire will make her his bride! Tycoon Rafael Almirez heads to Argentina with one aim – to find Sofia Suarez, the woman due to inherit the company he’s poised...
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Год написания книги 2019
Their engagement is accidental. Indulging their passion is deliberate… Commanding tycoon Matias Silva is less long-term romance, more million-dollar business deals. Until his sweet childhood friend...
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Год написания книги 2019
Hired for the tycoon’s convenience… Engaged to secure his legacy! Brooding Spaniard Luca Ross has the world at his feet. But left to care for his orphaned godson, the heir to his unimaginable wealth,...
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Год написания книги 2018
Vicky's relationship with Max Forbes, her sexy new boss, had to stay strictly business…just in case he discovered her secret – her young daughter, Chloe.Even after their passionate night together,...
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Год написания книги 2018
Nick Papaeliou dates beautiful women, so his attraction to frumpy Rose is a mystery.Maybe it's because she's not falling at his feet! Rose wants to detest her arrogant Greek boss, but she needs the...
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Год написания книги 2018
Jade just couldn't convince millionaire businessman Curtis Greene that she wasn't a gold digger pursuing his younger brother's fortune. Especially as Curtis had returned to his family home to find...
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Год написания книги 2019
NANNY WANTEDSexy tycoon seeks live-in nanny… Nicholas Kendall is a playboy tycoon who, until recently, had no idea he was a father – because Leigh has spent months agonizing over whether to reveal...
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Год написания книги 2018
Top tycoon Rocco Losi is legendary for being arrogant and demanding!When he takes over Losi Construction, he confirms his reputation by trying to sack Amy Hogan! But Rocco's presumption that Amy will...
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Год написания книги 2018
Sophie had been a trophy wife– once– and was never going to make that mistake again! She had her beautiful daughter, Jade, and she was a happy, fulfilled single mother. She simply didn't need a...
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Год написания книги 2018
In paradise—as his prisoner!One of Lucas Cipriani’s employees has information which could ruin a vital takeover—and he’s furious! The only way to handle temptress Katy Brennan is to hold her captive...
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Год написания книги 2018
Seducing the enemy!Antonio Silver was just too much of everything – too arrogant, too good-looking and far too sure of himself! And he made it perfectly clear that he distrusted Corinna's motives in...
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Год написания книги 2018
'This is crazy! You’re my potential client!'But can Ellie ignore Niccolo’s scandalous suggestion?Strait-laced Ellie Wilson only has eyes for her job…until she meets outrageously gorgeous Niccolo...
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Год написания книги 2018
His plan is simple…The ultimate seduction!Billionaire Arturo da Costa is furious when lawyer Rose Tremain places his latest business deal in jeopardy. He plans to counter her in the boardroom—but...
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Год написания книги 2018
Of all the arrogant billionaires in all the world, why is Gabriel Diaz the only one she can turn to? The last occasion when Gabriel heard the word ‘no’ was when Lucy Robins rejected his skilled...
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Год написания книги 2018
THE ARGENTINIAN’S DEMANDWhat the most powerful man in business wants… He gets!When billionaire Leandro Perez’s indispensable assistant Emily Edison resigns, telling him exactly what she thinks of...
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Год написания книги 2018
I have returned, Isobel, and this time I am calling the shots! Ruthless, sophisticated Lorenzo Cicolla had one single, dramatic goal – revenge! Isobel had betrayed him once, and now it was her turn...
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Год написания книги 2018
I'm immune to male charm and good looks!That was what Christina told herself – and Adam Palmer had more than his fair share of both qualities… as Christina knew only too well, having had a crush on...
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Год написания книги 2018
The most shocking consequence of all… She didn’t mean to fall for a notorious playboy, but Sarah Scott’s head was overruled by Raoul’s skilful seduction. Yet after he jets out of her life Raoul’s...
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Год написания книги 2018
'Marriage, Abigail. Like it or not, there’s no other way.'Leandro Sanchez never forgot the beautiful virgin who lit a fire in him like no other—then betrayed him. When Abigail Christie appears on his...
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Год написания книги 2018
How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people? That is a question ordinary girl Holly George never thought she’d be able to answer! Until one sizzling night with brooding Brazilian Luiz changes...
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Год написания книги 2018
Exacting his revenge…in the bedroom!Sophie Watts is mortified when she crashes into billionaire Matias Rivero’s luxury sports car. But even worse is his proposition that she work off her debt by...
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Год написания книги 2018
New boss…love-child scandal! When plain-Jane Alex McGuire indulged in an innocent flirtation with a staggeringly perfect stranger, she never expected their paths to cross again. Meek and dowdy Alex...
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Год написания книги 2018
Pregnant with De Angelis’ baby! Seeing Bethany Maguire’s captivating curves in a tantalising silk dress, Cristiano De Angelis indulges in one night of passion with this beauty. A string of society...
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Год написания книги 2018
From festive fling…When heartbroken Becky Shaw retreats to the Cotswolds for Christmas, she expects to be warming herself in front of a fire, not in the arms of gorgeous Italian billionaire Theo...
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Год написания книги 2018
Leonardo West: the most eligible single father on the glittering London social scene! But the Italian tycoon is simply not fatherhood material – so he hires Heather as a carer. Her dumpy curves are a...
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Год написания книги 2018
This tycoon plays to win!When widower Stefano Gunn meets trainee lawyer Sunny Porter he’s instantly sure of two things – she’s the perfect person to take care of his daughter and is by far the most...
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Год написания книги 2018
Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Women always jump at the click of his fingers…don’t they? Hot and...
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Год написания книги 2018
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Год написания книги 2018
THE UNCOMPROMISING ITALIANThe Italian you can’t refuseTo avoid exposing his greatest secret, billionaire Alessio Baldini needs the best – Lesley Fox. As challenging as she is alluring, Lesley stands...
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Год написания книги 2018
They grew up side by side – but he lived in the mansion, she in the servants’ cottages…James Rocchi has always had it all: money, good-looks and perhaps too much charm – his killer smile ensures...
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Год написания книги 2018
FROM HERE TO PATERNITY The bachelor and the baby! Lisa hadn't planned to fall in love. If only she hadn't accepted an invitation to be Angus Hamilton's guest and found herself in a different world,...
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Год написания книги 2018
Seducing her boss!To Kane Marshall, her arrogant boss, Natalie had always been the perfect secretary: quiet, efficient, undemanding. For five years Kane had thought he controlled her life – and...
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Год написания книги 2018
The Secret BillionaireBillionaire Lucas Romero is many things – brooding, talented and a consummate womaniser. The one thing he’s not? The ‘ski instructor’ beautiful, innocent Milly Mayfield thought...
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Год написания книги 2018
Blackmailed by the billionaire!Damien Carver is determined to prosecute the woman who stole from his company – and nothing the culprit’s sister, Violet Drew, says or does will change his mind. But...
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Год написания книги 2018
Years ago, Laura Jackson was shocked by Gabriel Greppi's proposal of marriage–but she turned him down. She wasn't ready for a walk down the aisle….Gabriel has never forgiven Laura. Now he's a...
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Год написания книги 2018
Passion Against All Odds… Roberta was looking for a fresh start – she wasn't looking for romance! But as soon as she arrived at Grant Adams's home in Toronto, she knew she was heading for trouble… As...
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Год написания книги 2018
Expecting the Spaniard’s baby! Cesar Caretti has a string of sophisticated socialites warming his bed. Until he meets Jude – and her pure beauty sets his Spanish blood on fire. Jude struggles to keep...
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Год написания книги 2018
Their six-week betrothal bargainSamantha Wilson never forgot the sting of Leo Morgan-White’s youthful rejection, but now the brooding billionaire is offering a solution to her mother’s debts, and she...
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Год написания книги 2018
The Alpha and the Innocent…Raised by a mother who traded on her looks, buttoned-up accountant Kate Watson is determined to be respected for her brains and not her beauty! But working side by side...
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Год написания книги 2018
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Год написания книги 2018
A grand master of seduction…Alessandro Falcone is notorious for winning–in every pursuit. Being forced back to Scotland on business is an inconvenience for the billionaire bachelor, but he'll get in,...
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Год написания книги 2018
Power, wealth, and beautiful women at his beck and call!Leo Spencer has it all – but there’s one thing his luxurious lifestyle can’t give him: the truth about his past. His search for answers leads...
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Год написания книги 2018
He’s the last man in the world she would ever marry! To Lizzy Sharp, businessman Louis Jumeau is a real-life Mr Darcy: insufferably proud, infuriatingly prejudiced…and impossibly good-looking! Louis...
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Год написания книги 2018
Mistress material?Dane Sutherland was rich, powerful and sinfully gorgeous. He had it all – but he wanted more! He wanted Suzanne… and she was equally determined not to fall into his arms, or his...
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Год написания книги 2018
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Год написания книги 2018
Lessons in love Sleek city animals like successful attorney Nicholas Reynolds were a rare species in Leigh's quiet hometown. But Nicholas had a mission: as a favor to an old family friend, he planned...
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Год написания книги 2018
When you’re caught in a snowstorm, there’s only one way to warm up… An outrageous accusation of being a fortune-hunter is Aggie’s excruciating introduction to billionaire Luiz Diaz. And things take a...
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Год написания книги 2018
‘You win, Alessandro.’Defeat leaves a bitter taste in lawyer Chase Evans’s mouth. She’s worked hard to put the mistakes of her past behind her, but it’s not in billionaire CEO Alessandro Moretti’s...
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Год написания книги 2018
I'm not looking for love. Those words shattered Claire. How could she have been so naive as to assume that she would be the one to break through James Forrester's cool, arrogant exterior? She should...
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Год написания книги 2018
There’s only one item left on entrepreneur Ryan Sheppard’s Christmas list – something scandalous for his buttoned-up secretary… It seems that disapproving Jamie Powell is the only woman that doesn’t...
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Год написания книги 2018
Not quite what the tycoon ordered… Successful New York businessman Matt Strickland expects nothing but the very best. However, his newest employee – nanny Tess Kelly – is a world away from the...
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Год написания книги 2018
9 to 5 CONFIDENTIAL MEMO:TO: Ross Anderson, head of the company FROM: Abigail Palmer, personal assistant Dear Ross, You're been my boss for two years now, and you've never realized that I'm secretly...
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Год написания книги 2018
A vow of revenge…When Sophie Griffin-Watt walked out of tycoon Javier Vasquez’s life, and down the aisle with another man, he swore to find a way to make her pay.A proposition from her past…With...
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Год написания книги 2018
Seduction on the agenda! Victor Temple didn't want the complication of a lovesick secretary, so quiet, efficient Alice was the ideal assistant. He trusted her, paid her well, but was interested only...
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Год написания книги 2018
Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Billionaire Rafael Rocchi always has a woman in his bed, but never in...
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Год написания книги 2018
A Passionate Pretense…"I can do without being known as someone who has a tramp for a secretary." Now that wasn't fair! Marcos Adrino might have been taken in by Beth's impersonation of her identical...
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Год написания книги 2018
She’s at the top of her boss’s agenda… Agatha Havers feels totally out of her depth working for Luc Loughton. Hiding behind her shapeless cardigans, she is invisible to her boss…Until Luc discovers...
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Год написания книги 2018
She'd been his mistress–now he was her boss!Two days of glorious, unexpected passion with gorgeous Luke Decroix and Miranda was already naming their babies! But for him it was only a brief affair, so...
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Год написания книги 2018
Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.His diamond mistressAs Alessandro Caretti made his ruthless climb to...
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Год написания книги 2018
Plain-Jane Secretary…Elizabeth Jones thought she was meeting her father for the first time. But ruthless tycoon Andreas Nicolaides has other plans for this frumpy arrival on his doorstep! Isn’t...
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Год написания книги 2018
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Год написания книги 2018
From Fling to Forever?When widower Stefano Gunn met trainee lawyer Sunny Porter, he was instantly sure of two things – she’s the perfect person to take care of his daughter and is by far the most...
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Год написания книги 2019
Engage students in mathematics using growth mindset techniques The most challenging parts of teaching mathematics are engaging students and helping them understand the connections between mathematics...
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Год написания книги 2018
Engage students in mathematics using growth mindset techniques The most challenging parts of teaching mathematics are engaging students and helping them understand the connections between mathematics...
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Год написания книги 2018
Engage students in mathematics using growth mindset techniques The most challenging parts of teaching mathematics are engaging students and helping them understand the connections between mathematics...
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Год написания книги 2016
Согласившись давать уроки рисования пассажирам лайнера, путешествующего по местам с художественной ценностью, Делия хотела всего лишь на несколько недель забыть о своем разбитом сердце и домашних...
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Год написания книги 2016
Теоде Анджелис и Алексис Кальдини вынуждены сыграть свадьбу по решению родителей. Они решают скрыть реальное положение вещей, изображая счастливую семью на публике. Но все их намерения держать...
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Год написания книги 2016
Миллиардер Стефано Ганн предлагает будущему адвокату, Санни Портер, стать няней его дочери. Стефано чувствует влечение к сторонящейся его Санни. Он бросает ей вызов и предлагает недолгие отношения...