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For Christmas, Forever: The Yuletide Engagement / The Doctor's Christmas Bride / Snowbound Reunion

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But she still had no idea what Patrick was up to…

Because he was up to something. She was sure of it!

‘So, Ellie, what do you think?’ Patrick looked at her consideringly now. ‘Do you want to help us prove to Sarah what an absolute bas—What a calculating mercenary her new fiancé actually is?’ he amended harshly.

Ellie glanced across the room to where she could see Gareth, now talking to Sarah, a superior smile curving his lips as she looked up at him with absolute adoration, obviously enthralled by his every word.

A shudder ran down Ellie’s spine. Had she once looked and felt as Sarah so obviously did? She had been attracted to Gareth, of that she had no doubt—just as she had no doubt that she had been meant to feel attracted to him! She had been flattered by his interest too—what woman wouldn’t be when he was so handsome and charming? But she was relieved to realise that if she had ever believed herself in love with him it had been short lived, because she felt nothing but disgust as she looked at him now.

She turned back to Patrick, her shoulders straightening with resolve. ‘I have absolutely no idea how you intend going about that, but, yes, I’m willing to help. If I can,’ she added uncertainly.

If Patrick and George, two very capable men, had no idea how to go about revealing Gareth in his true colours to the besotted Sarah, what could she possibly do to achieve that?

Simply telling Sarah what she thought of Gareth would do no good. She had thought of that once she’d become aware that Sarah was Gareth’s latest target—her concern and liking for Sarah were completely genuine—but she had concluded that Sarah was very unlikely to believe anything she had to say about Gareth once he had told Sarah the ‘woman scorned’ story. Pity was the more probable emotion Sarah would feel on hearing it—for Ellie!

Patrick gave her hand a triumphant squeeze. ‘I hoped my instinct about you was right, Ellie,’ he told her warmly.

She eyed him uncertainly. ‘What instinct?’

He grinned. ‘I knew you were a fighter,’ he said with satisfaction. ‘You had to be, to have chosen and succeeded in taking on the responsibilities you did eight years ago. Any woman who could do that isn’t going to let a man like Gareth Davies get away with anything—least of all gulling some other poor woman in the same way you were!’

Again, Ellie was sure there was a compliment in there somewhere—it was just buried beneath the insult that had followed it!

Chapter Four

‘WHAT on earth do you think you’re playing at?’

Ellie turned slowly to face Gareth, already knowing by the aggressive tone of his voice that his mood was ugly. She had briefly left the dinner table after dessert to go to the ladies’ room. Gareth must have deliberately followed her.

Yes, she was right about Gareth’s mood. He looked less than handsome in his anger, blue eyes glittering furiously as he strode purposefully towards her.

‘I’m sorry?’ she answered coolly, very aware of the fact they were completely alone in the foyer. The receptionist was inside, helping to serve drinks now, the Delacorte party having taken over the whole restaurant for the evening.

‘You heard me, Ellie,’ he snapped impatiently. ‘What are you doing here with George’s nephew?’

‘Eating dinner, the same as everyone else,’ she dismissed with a lightness she was far from feeling. She knew that physically there was nothing Gareth could do to her here—even if he did look as if he would like to wring her neck—but verbally he could rip her to shreds!

Gareth’s mouth twisted frustratedly. ‘Don’t get clever with me, Ellie,’ he scorned. ‘Moving in rather exalted company nowadays, aren’t you?’ he added insultingly.

Deliberately so, Ellie knew. Although she refused to become angry. Or at least only with herself—that she could ever have been taken in by such a man. In fact, it was a pity Sarah couldn’t see him in this mood—the younger woman would have no doubts about his duplicitous charms then!

But Ellie knew what he was referring to with that remark about ‘exalted company’; ordinarily she would have been seated at one of the tables with other secretaries and their partners, but as the nephew of the senior partner was her guest for the evening, she and Patrick had been moved onto the top table with the other senior members of staff.

The same table as Gareth and Sarah…

Ellie coolly met Gareth’s accusing gaze. ‘Do you have some sort of problem with that?’

He gave a scornful laugh. ‘Not at all. So if you were hoping to make me jealous—’

‘Don’t flatter yourself, Gareth!’ she cut in derisively, feeling her anger starting to rise. Really, the conceit of the man…! ‘The fact that Patrick and I are—friends has absolutely nothing to do with you.’

‘Have you said anything to him about me?’ Gareth rasped nastily, taking a painful grip of her arm. ‘Because if you have—’

‘Gareth, believe me, when I’m with Patrick I have better things to do with my time than discuss you,’ she assured him hardly. ‘Now, would you kindly let go of my arm?’ she asked coldly.

He looked down at her with hard blue eyes, a humourless smile now curving his lips. ‘No, I don’t think I will,’ he murmured slowly. ‘You’re looking rather beautiful tonight, Ellie,’ he told her huskily. ‘Rather sexy, in fact.’

Nausea welled up in her throat at this completely unwelcome compliment from a man she now despised, but the coldness of her gaze didn’t waver from his. ‘Patrick happens to like me in red,’ she told him challengingly.

The angry glitter intensified in Gareth’s eyes. ‘Why, you little—’

‘Everything all right, darling?’ Patrick’s voice suddenly interrupted pleasantly. ‘You’ve been gone so long I thought there must be something wrong?’ he added questioningly, and he strolled over to join them, much to Ellie’s relief. She instantly felt the reassurance of his presence.

Gareth slowly released her arm, and Ellie resisted the impulse she had to wipe his touch from her flesh. Instead she shot Gareth a look of intense dislike before turning to smile her gratitude at Patrick. ‘I was just directing Gareth to the men’s room,’ she dismissed lightly.

‘Really?’ Patrick turned cold grey eyes on the younger man. ‘But I thought that was where you were going when we met earlier this evening?’

Gareth pulled himself together with obvious effort, even managing to give the other man a rueful smile. ‘Actually, I was collecting Sarah’s wrap that time,’ he explained pleasantly.

No doubt Gareth was making an effort to be pleasant because he was very aware that Patrick was George’s nephew, Ellie guessed shrewdly.

‘Ah, yes. My cousin Sarah.’ Patrick murmured coldly. ‘I’m very fond of Sarah,’ he added softly.

‘She’s a marvellous girl,’ Gareth agreed heartily.

‘That she is,’ Patrick acknowledged evenly. ‘I would hate to see her hurt in any way,’ he added softly, a dangerous stillness surrounding him.

Ellie was watching Gareth as Patrick made this remark. The handsome face remained pleasantly smiling, but there was a certain wariness in the younger man’s eyes.

She wasn’t sure it was absolutely wise for Patrick to challenge the other man, even in this mild way—not when his cousin’s happiness was at stake. But, as she was quickly learning, Patrick really did like to do things his own way.

Gareth gave an inclination of his head. ‘We really should be getting back; George is going to announce our engagement as soon as the coffee has been served.’

‘So I believe,’ Patrick rasped, once again holding tightly to Ellie’s arm as he felt her stiffen. ‘You go ahead,’ he encouraged the other man. ‘I just want to—have a few minutes alone with Ellie,’ he drawled dryly.

‘I was just telling Ellie that she’s a bit of a dark horse,’ Gareth drawled teasingly. ‘Who knows, Ellie? We may even be related to each other one day!’ he added mockingly.

How Ellie wanted to smack that confident smile off his handsome face!

But instead she felt cold common sense come over her as she answered him. ‘Somehow I doubt that very much,’ she told him scathingly.

‘I do hope your intentions are honourable, Patrick.’ Gareth’s smile didn’t reach the hard glitter of his eyes. ‘I should warn you George is extremely fond of Ellie—treats her almost like another daughter. He will not be happy if he thinks you’re trifling with her affections!’

She really would hit him in a minute, common sense notwithstanding!

George Delacorte was fond of her, and had taken her slightly under his parental wing after her parents had died. Which was what made this situation so difficult now; she would hate any inaction on her part to contribute to the unhappiness of George’s only child. But at the same time, as Patrick had already pointed out, what could any of them do about it?

Patrick gave a confident smile as he released Ellie’s arm and put his own arm about the slenderness of her waist. ‘I don’t think Ellie was referring to our own relationship when she cast doubt on the two of you ever being related,’ he assured the other man derisively.
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