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One Christmas Night In...: A Night in the Palace / A Christmas Night to Remember / Texas Tycoon's Christmas Fiancée

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Almost being the relevant part of that statement, she acknowledged. His anger was now such that he looked in danger of blowing smoke out of his ears. Or rather icy vapour, of course. Dmitri was too cold, too controlled, ever to really lose his temper in the way most people did and end up shouting at her.

Which made Lily’s baiting him like this dangerous in the extreme. Except she couldn’t seem to help herself. There was just something so—so arrogantly superior about this man—such an air of certainty that he was right—that she couldn’t seem to prevent herself from antagonising him even further.

Sculptured lips tightened in annoyance. ‘Claudia will see the error of her actions once she has returned and we have had a chance to speak together.’

‘I can see it now—big, scary and dominating older brother bullying his much younger and sweetly innocent sister,’ she mused naughtily.

Dark brows shot up. ‘I am not sure that I appreciate being described as scary and dominating.’

‘Too late,’ Lily quipped, knowing she found his cold determination completely intimidating!

Dmitri’s mouth thinned at the insult. ‘I also believe that minutes ago you described Claudia as being a grown woman, old enough to make her own decisions?’

‘Which doesn’t preclude her from being sweetly innocent.’

‘You obviously have not met my sister!’ He eyed her with mocking amusement.

She frowned. ‘Felix assured me that Dee is very sweet and innocent.’

‘Innocent, certainly,’ Dmitri agreed—hoping fervently that was still true. ‘Sweet may be something of an exaggeration, however.’

‘Claudia isn’t sweet?’

He gave a hard smile. ‘As syrup—until she does not get her own way.’

‘Oh, dear.’ Somehow Lily doubted that even-tempered and fun-loving Felix was aware of that side of the young woman he had supposedly eloped with.

‘Indeed.’ Dmitri gave a humourless smile. ‘I should also inform you that until Claudia reaches the age of twenty-five it is perfectly within my power to disinherit her,’ he explained.

Lily looked at him searchingly, realising from the coldness in those pale green eyes, and the sharp, uncompromising angles of his harshly handsome face, that Dmitri Scarletti was capable of doing exactly that. It was unlikely that there was ever an occasion on which this arrogant man didn’t mean exactly what he said.

His gaze was mocking. ‘Is your brother in a position to keep Claudia in the life of wealth and indulgence which she has so far enjoyed?’

Lily’s cheeks felt warm. ‘You know he isn’t.’

‘Yes,’ he confirmed, without apology for his obvious insult. ‘And once that becomes apparent to Claudia I have no doubt she will become disenchanted with her Englishman.’

If Claudia Scarletti really was the spoilt little rich girl that her brother described, then Lily thought that would be the case too. If Claudia and Felix were already married, it would be disastrous!

‘And he will likely become disenchanted with her once he realises that she is no longer an heiress,’ Dmitiri continued softly.

‘I believe I’ve listened to your insults for long enough.’ Lily picked up her shoulder bag from where she had dropped it earlier. ‘If you will excuse me, I believe it’s time I got in a taxi and found myself a hotel for the night.’


She stilled and once again eyed him warily, not in the least reassured by the expression of implacability on his face. She moistened suddenly dry lips. ‘What do you mean, no?’

He shrugged broad shoulders. ‘You are a young lady, alone in Italy for the first time, and in the absence of your brother I feel, as Felix’s employer, that it is my duty to offer you both my protection and the hospitality of the Palazzo Scarletti.’

Lily felt a nervous fluttering of butterfly wings in the pit of her stomach. ‘And I assure you that at twenty-six years of age I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.’

Dmitri gave a scornful laugh. ‘I did not see any evidence of that earlier at the airport, when you allowed yourself to be put in the back of a car by a complete stranger without even knowing where he was taking you.’

Considering Lily had realised exactly the same thing on her arrival here, she had to agree with that assessment. Inwardly. Outwardly it was a different matter entirely. ‘Marco behaved like a perfect gentleman on the drive here. In fact, since my arrival in Italy, the only person from whom I seem to need protection is you!’

Dmitri frowned. ‘You are insulting.’

‘I haven’t even started!’ she snapped back. ‘You had me brought here under false pretences, then proceeded to hurl accusations about my brother—and insulted me in the process. And now you expect me to be grateful for your offer of protection and hospitality?’ She gave a disbelieving shake of her head. ‘I may have been a little naïve earlier, but don’t ever think that I’m stupid!’

No, Dmitri would never make that mistake where this fiery young woman was concerned. He was far too aware of the intelligence in her deep blue eyes and the authority in her tone ever to underestimate her determination of will. ‘It was not merely my suggestion that you stay here, Lily,’ he murmured softly. ‘It was an order.’

She looked aghast. ‘Sorry?’

Dmitri moved impatiently. ‘Along with her letter Claudia left her mobile phone—no doubt so that I could not telephone her and order her back home,’ he acknowledged grimly. ‘And unfortunately, after her car was found at the airport and searched, this was found down the side of the passenger seat.’ He produced a second mobile phone from the pocket of his tailored jacket.

Lily stared at the small black-and-silver phone. ‘It’s Felix’s …’

The Count’s gaze sharpened. ‘You are absolutely sure?’

She nodded numbly. ‘I bought it for him three months ago. As a going-away present.’ It had been more a way of ensuring that Felix kept in touch with her while he was in Italy. ‘If you would return it to me—’

‘I think not.’ He slipped the mobile phone back into his pocket.

Lily felt a return of those butterflies in her stomach, those wings beating harder this time. ‘What are you doing?’ Her cheeks had paled a ghostly white.

‘It is quite simple, Lily,’ he said harshly. ‘At the present time the only means of communication that Claudia or Felix have with either of us is by landline or your own mobile.’

‘Only Felix will try calling me in England. And when he keeps receiving the answer phone message he’ll put two and two together and realise I must have come to Rome, after all.’

‘Felix is certainly intelligent enough to eventually work out that his first message must have arrived too late,’ Dmitri agreed. ‘And as I have Claudia’s letter, and no reason to believe she will telephone me until she is ready, we are left only with the possibility of Felix contacting you on your mobile.’ He shrugged. ‘I do not suppose you are prepared to leave your mobile phone with me if you leave here?’

‘Certainly not!’ Lily bristled indignantly.

‘As I thought,’ he said blandly. ‘Then it would seem that, as my sister is at this moment completely at the mercy of your brother’s “honourable intentions”, I should return the favour in regard to his sister!’

Lily stared up at him, not sure if she was understanding him correctly. Not sure she wanted to understand him if he was saying what she thought he was! ‘Would you just spit out exactly what you mean?’ she said nervously.

‘Of course.’ He bared even white teeth in a hard and humourless smile. ‘Until your brother returns my sister to me, you will stay here, at Palazzo Scarletti, as my personal guest.’

Exactly what Lily had thought he meant!


‘YOU’RE mad!’

Quite possibly, Dmitri accepted heavily. It had been a day of shocks and frustrations. And receiving the letter from Claudia, informing him of her elopement had only been the start of the nightmare.

What had followed had been a desperate search of the palazzo, and then the even more futile questioning of those of Claudia’s friends he was aware of. After that her car had been located at the airport, along with that damn mobile found down the side of the passenger seat—a mobile Lily Barton had just confirmed was indeed her brother’s. Dmitri’s telephone calls to several business acquaintances had revealed that the pair had not booked with any of the airlines flying out of Rome that day, nor did the car hire companies have any record of providing them with a replacement vehicle.
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