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Tall, Dark... Collection

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But Nick obviously hadn’t…

He couldn’t seriously think that just because her mother had died in childbirth she might too, could he?

Even if he did, hadn’t he realised yet that it would solve all his problems for him—that he would be able to have his baby and get rid of his gold-digging wife in one fell swoop!

At the moment he looked like that saying—‘found a penny but lost a pound’.

Although quite what the ‘penny’ and the ‘pound’ were in all of this Hebe had no idea…!


‘CHEER up, Nick,’ Hebe told him lightly, as they drove away from the doctor’s consulting rooms two hours later. ‘It might never happen!’

It already had, as far as he was concerned.

Neil Adams’s prognosis had been excellent, assuring them that Hebe probably would not have the same problem during childbirth as her mother had, and that even if she did, now that he was aware of it, he was sure they could deal with it when the time came. He had told them to just go away until next month, when he would examine Hebe again, and enjoy the pregnancy.

Something Nick hadn’t let Hebe do too much of so far!

Admittedly, they had only known about it for a few days, but Nick was all too aware that he had made those days pretty miserable for Hebe.

Even if she did seem bright and bubbly now!

He was still slightly in shock over discovering that the portrait had been of another woman, after all. Claudia—Hebe’s mother.

How stunned Hebe must have been when he’d produced that portrait, knowing it wasn’t her even as Nick accused her of all manner of indiscretions.

God, it made him cringe to remember the awful things he had said to her!

Accusations he certainly owed her an apology for.

But he owed her more than that, he acknowledged heavily. He owed Hebe the offer of her freedom, along with his support, emotionally and financially, during her pregnancy and after…

She had been so adamant on Thursday that she wasn’t pregnant, so convinced that she couldn’t be, and she must have been totally shellshocked when the tests had shown that she was.

And what had he done? Armed with the knowledge—so he’d thought—that Hebe had once been engaged to Jacob Gardner and then had had an unsuccessful affair with Andrew Southern, he had accused her of getting pregnant on purpose in order to trap herself a millionaire husband, that was what he had done!

When what he should have been doing was assuring her that everything would work out fine, that he would look after her during her pregnancy, telling her that she would have no worries after the baby was born either, because he would care for both of them.

He should have made all those offers without conditions, without even thinking she might want to marry him, let alone forcing her into doing so!

He glanced at her briefly now, appreciative of just how beautiful she was. It was odd, but she appeared even more so since the doctor had confirmed her pregnancy. She seemed to have taken on that inner glow, her eyes deeply golden, her face creamy and flushed.

She was everything and more that he could ever want in a wife, he realised. She had shown herself to be loyal and loving where her parents were concerned, understanding of the youthful mother who had died giving her life, and, most of all, she had put up with his boorish behaviour when inside she must have felt like screaming her innocence at him.

Yes, Hebe was just too good for him, and he had to let her go.

Nick didn’t look too happy, Hebe had to acknowledge, wondering what he could possibly be scowling about so darkly.

‘I do believe that Claudia was just a rebellious teenager who got into a situation way over her head…’ she began tentatively.

‘Could we leave this for now, Hebe?’ Nick rasped curtly. ‘Obviously we need to talk, but I would rather wait until we get back ho—to the apartment,’ he corrected harshly.

She grimaced at this noticeable change of word. ‘I was only trying to explain to you that I’m well past the rebellious teenager stage. So you needn’t fear a repeat of my mother’s behaviour.’

Nick shot her a narrow-eyed glance. ‘Claudia was just a kid.’

‘Exactly.’ Hebe nodded. ‘I just thought I would mention it, in case you think that sort of behaviour is hereditary too.’

If it were possible, Nick now looked even more unapproachable.

Personally, she was relieved to have the truth out in the open.

Her parents had returned home to Cambridgeshire soon after the four of them had sat down for a snack lunch Hebe had prepared—with Hebe’s promise that she would call them later, to let them know how she had got on at the doctor’s.

Strangely, Hebe felt closer to her parents than ever now that she knew they were actually her grandparents, and her mother had promised to get out all the old photographs of Claudia the next time Hebe went home. Hebe felt more as if Claudia had been a sister rather than her mother—the age difference between them was really not that great.

And the child she was expecting would help to bridge any lingering awkwardness there might be at the truth at last being told, binding them all together as a family.

Although Hebe wasn’t sure, after a sideways glance at Nick’s uncompromising face, that he still wanted to be a part of that family…

She wasn’t in the least reassured once they got back to the apartment. Instead of sitting down, Nick paced up and down the room like a caged tiger.

‘What is it, Nick?’ she finally prompted with a sigh. ‘Do you want to call the wedding off? Is that it?’

He stopped his pacing to look at her. ‘Is that what you want?’

Her heart sank. She had only asked the question halfheartedly, sure that Nick would still want to marry her, if only to gain complete access to his child.

Then she remembered Sally’s telephone call the previous evening and her spirits sank.

She stiffened defensively. ‘I asked you first.’

He gave a humourless smile. ‘Let’s not play that particular game, shall we?’ He looked down at her grimly. ‘What do you want, Hebe?’

She wanted him!

But she wanted all of him, heart and soul, not just the small part of himself he was willing to give her.

And she knew he didn’t have it to give. She knew that part of him still belonged to Sally…

He was more remote than he had ever seemed before—the expression on his rakishly handsome face arrogantly distant, not even the denims and casual blue polo-neck he had changed into before they went out making him seem accessible.

Something had changed since last night, and she didn’t believe it was only what they now knew about Claudia. Nick’s mood had been dark before they had discovered that, which only left Sally’s telephone call.

Why didn’t she answer him, damn it? Nick brooded impatiently. Why didn’t she tell him exactly what she thought of him, and the way he had treated her, and then just walk out of here? It was what he deserved, after all.

He forced his expression to relax. ‘I’m willing to go along with whatever it is you want, Hebe,’ he assured her quietly.
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