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Forgotten Lover

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‘To take me to Ocean World. And don’t say you forgot,’ she added as he began to shake his head. ‘You promised, Paul,’ she pouted petulantly.

‘I have to get this film developed.’

‘Ocean World won’t take long to see, and it’s only just down the road.’

‘We’re here to work, Carly. I——’

‘Oh, don’t be such an old grouch, Paul,’ Velvet cut in. ‘Take Carly to Ocean World.’

‘And what do I do if our client asks to see the initial photographs this evening?’

‘He’s invited us to dinner,’ Carly dismissed. ‘He’ll hardly expect to see the work already completed.’

‘I’d forgotten all about dinner this evening,’ Velvet frowned. ‘Isn’t it a little unusual to be invited out by the owner of a firm as big as Style Clothes?’

Paul shrugged. ‘It happens. Besides, we’re staying at his hotel. He lives in the penthouse apartment.’

She raised her eyebrows. ‘I didn’t know that.’

‘Where did you think we were having dinner?’ he teased.

‘Not at his apartment.’

‘He flew in yesterday evening,’ Paul explained. ‘I spoke to him last night while the two of you slept.’

Carly wrinkled her nose at him. ‘We don’t all have your stamina for work. Besides, Velvet and I need our beauty sleep.’

He grinned. ‘You said it!’

‘Why, you——’

Velvet laughed at Carly’s fury. ‘I think you walked into that one,’ she teased the other girl.

‘Maybe,’ she admitted grudgingly. ‘But just for that,’ she put her arm through the crook of Paul’s, ‘you can definitely take me to Ocean World.’

He sighed. ‘Who wants to see a load of dolphins performing tricks?’

‘I do,’ Carly said firmly. ‘And if you aren’t careful I’ll push you in with the sharks!’

Velvet knew that this veiled argument hid a very real affection, Carly and Paul were very much in love with each other.

‘Okay,’ Paul gave in. ‘Coming with us, Velvet?’

She shook her head. ‘I’m going back to the hotel to make a telephone call and then I’m going swimming.’

‘Don’t be late for dinner,’ he warned. ‘Seven-thirty for eight in the penthouse suite.’

‘I’ll be there,’ she promised.

‘And look your most stunning, I think Daniels will appreciate that.’

She grinned at Paul’s determination to impress their employer. ‘I’ll wear the sexiest dress I can find.’

‘Not that one,’ he said hastily, obviously recalling the daring of the black gown she had in mind. ‘I don’t want him to take you to bed, just to realise how beautiful the models are I’ve brought with me.’

‘I’ll remember,’ and she laughingly took her leave of them. If she didn’t soon make that telephone call it would be too late.

Her casual attire was perfectly acceptable in the hotel reception, some of the other people walking about in even less than she was, their nakedness barely covered by swimming attire. Although a model, and reasonably sure of herself, she would have felt too embarrassed to walk in wearing just the bikini she had modelled earlier; it was two strips of material that only just contained her modesty. The matching wrap at least reached down to her thighs, although the material was diaphanous.

But she didn’t give the impression of being in the least selfconscious as she strolled across the reception area to the lift, a tall beautiful girl with strawberry-blonde hair and flashing dark eyes.

‘Velvet! Velvet, stop!’

She frowned, turning to face the owner of that deep, attractive voice, a voice as English as her own. A tall man, well over six feet, was making his way towards her, a ruggedly handsome man with dark almost black hair, distinguished wings of grey at his temples, his eyes deeply blue, surrounded by thick black lashes, his nose long and straight, a dark shadow above his top lip over the firmness of his jaw, a shadow that meant he probably had to shave twice a day. Above that strong jawline his top lip jutted out determinedly, the lower lip fuller, hinting at a deep sensuality. He had wide powerful shoulders, tapering to a narrow waist and lean hips, and he was probably the most handsome man Velvet had ever seen. The white trousers fitted to his muscular thighs, the dark blue shirt was partly unbuttoned down his chest, his skin was deeply tanned, as if he lived a lot of his life out in the sun.

Yes, he was very handsome, excitingly so, being in his late thirties or early forties, she would say, having an assurance and confidence about him that pointed to him being unnerved by little. He was also acting as if he knew her, and much as she would like it to be true, she knew she had never seen him in her life before. He just wasn’t the sort of man you forgot once you had met him.

‘Velvet!’ He grasped both her hands in his, searching her face with those deep blue eyes as if he intended memorising every feature. ‘My God,’ he choked, very pale beneath his tan, a haggard look to his face. ‘It really is you!’ His hands tightened on hers.

She gave a polite meaningless smile, trying to extricate her hands without causing a scene. Men had tried to pick her up in this way in the past, but never anyone like this man. ‘It really is me,’ she agreed lightly. ‘Now would you mind …?’ she looked pointedly at their joined hands.

‘God, Velvet,’ he groaned, making no effort to release her, ‘you don’t know what it does to me to see you here!’

She was beginning to, his hold on her hands was painful now. ‘Could you please let me go?’ she winced.

His hold relaxed a little, but he didn’t release her. ‘Velvet …’

She was becoming angry now, aware that they were attracting more than their fair share of attention. ‘I think we’ve established that that is my name,’ she said in her coldest voice, realising this man was going to be a difficult one to shake off.

‘It happened, of course, men claiming they knew her. In her profession it was bound to; men saw her photograph in a magazine and thought it entitled them to claim an acquaintance with her.

Not that this man didn’t look as if he would be interesting to know, he did. But she was here to work, and the sooner the work was finished the sooner she would be able to get back to Tony. Tony! Goodness, if she didn’t soon make that call Simon and Janice would have gone to bed too!

‘It’s been pleasant meeting you, Mr—er—— But I have to go now,’ she finally managed to release her hand. ‘If you’ll excuse me …’ and she turned to leave, already dismissing him from her mind.

A strong hand came out to stop her, blue eyes narrowing as the man moved to stand in front of her. ‘Velvet, I know things ended abruptly between us, but I thought you understood——’

‘Now look, Mr——’

‘Jerard,’ he put in tersely.

‘Mr Jerard,’ she said impatiently. ‘You——’

‘Just Jerard,’ he snapped. ‘Don’t play games, Velvet, not now, and not with me.’

She pulled out of his grasp, knowing there would be bruises on her wrist tomorrow. Paul would love that! ‘I don’t play games, Mr—Jerard,’ she snapped. ‘And I don’t particularly like the people who do.’

‘I don’t play games either,’ he rasped. ‘I never have.’
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