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Pregnant by the Billionaire: Pregnant with the Billionaire's Baby / Mistress: Pregnant by the Spanish Billionaire / Pregnant with the De Rossi Heir

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She only had to look at the hot glitter of Sin’s eyes as he looked at her, the sensual twist to his lips, to know that he felt exactly the same way.

And it wasn’t going to happen.

Not again.

Not ever.

He raised his eyebrows in tacit challenge. Then, ‘Scared, Luccy?’

She flicked her hair back over her shoulder as her chin rose. ‘That ploy may have worked once, Sin, but it isn’t going to work a second time.’

Sin stood so he was barely inches away from her. ‘How many times have you thought of our time together, Luccy? How many times have you lain awake in your bed at night aching with arousal?’ he murmured.

Now that he was with Luccy again, practically touching her, Sin could recall each and every one of the nights he had lain awake in his own bed, hot and hard as he thought of the silky feel of this woman’s skin, as he remembered surging into the heat of her tight sheath as she climaxed wildly and took him with her.

Unfortunately those memories had always quickly been followed by the realisation that she had only been using him that night…

How often had she thought of Sin Sinclair? Luccy asked herself achingly. Too many times, considering their last conversation! On several occasions she had even dreamt of this man, actually felt him inside her, only to awaken and find her body hot and trembling, her breasts full and tingling, a dampness between her thighs.

Had she come here tonight with the expectation of seeing Sin again? Had all her excuses, all the reasons she had given herself for having to be here, really been because she had needed to see Sin one last time? To know if that night two months ago had merely been an aberration on her part, or if she still wanted him?

Well, if she had, Luccy now had her answer—she trembled with the sheer physical awareness of just being near Sin again!

‘I’m sorry to disappoint you, Mr Sinclair,’ she told him scornfully, ‘but I’ve been far too busy with my career to spare you a single thought.’


Her eyes widened at his soft accusation. ‘You—’

‘Are you going to keep this lovely young lady to yourself all evening, Sin?’

Luccy removed her gaze thankfully from Sin’s glitteringly compelling one to look past him to the elderly man who had just joined them. He was tall and slender in the black evening clothes, with a shock of snowy-white hair, it was nevertheless easy to see from the similarity in the ruthless hardness of their features that this was Sin’s grandfather, Jacob Sinclair Senior.

Her back stiffened as Sin moved to stand beside her and curve his arm lightly about her waist before making the introductions.

‘Luccy, this is my grandfather, Jacob Sinclair,’ he said smoothly. ‘Grandfather, meet Lucinda Harper-O’Neill.’

Grey eyes almost as piercing as his grandson’s looked her over speculatively. ‘The clever young lady with the camera,’ Jacob Sinclair finally murmured approvingly. ‘You have done a tremendous job for us during this last year.’

Luccy raised surprised brows at his knowledge of her work. ‘How nice of you to say so.’

‘I don’t believe that nice is necessarily a Sinclair trait, Miss Harper-O’Neill.’ The elderly man chuckled. ‘What do you say, Sin?’ he prompted his grandson dryly.

‘I say you could at least let Luccy get to know me a little better before telling her that,’ Sin came back.

The elderly man gave an unrepentant grin. ‘Our bark is much worse than our bite,’ he confided in Luccy lightly.

Not in Luccy’s experience, it wasn’t!

Neither was she in the least comfortable with that possessive arm curved about her waist…

‘What do you think, Luccy?’ Sin felt, and ignored, Luccy’s attempts to escape his hold on her waist, the tightening of his fingers warning her to cease her squirming. ‘Is my bark worse than my bite?’ he queried huskily, his mouth quirking mockingly as he saw the blush that now coloured her cheeks.

‘Now, Sin, you really shouldn’t embarrass Miss Harper-O’Neill in this way,’ his grandfather admonished him laughingly.

‘Please call me Luccy,’ she invited the old man. ‘And where your grandson is concerned, I do assure you I’m beyond feeling anything as mild as embarrassment.’

Sin felt his grandfather’s briefly speculative gaze upon him, a gaze Sin met with cool deliberation. His grandfather might be eighty, but he was still one of the most astute men Sin had ever known. And Sin wasn’t even attempting to conceal his interest in Luccy.

He had spent a lot of the last two months thinking about this woman. Two months when he’d had no interest in looking at another woman, let alone going to bed with one…

His grandfather was smiling as he turned back to Luccy. ‘Perhaps you would care to accompany Sin to lunch at my home tomorrow?’

Luccy was no longer squirming in the curve of Sin’s arm, but had become absolutely rigid as she looked at his grandfather. ‘I don’t think so, thank you, Mr Sinclair,’ she said breathlessly. ‘I’m hoping to be able to get an earlier flight back to England tomorrow.’

Sin’s mouth compressed into a thin line. ‘A sudden change of plans?’

‘Very sudden,’ she confirmed defiantly, those blue eyes flashing warningly as she turned to look up at him.

‘See if you can’t get her to change her mind, hmm, Sin?’ his grandfather suggested speculatively. ‘It was very nice to meet you, either way, Luccy,’ he added warmly before taking his leave.

Luccy attempted once again to remove herself from the curve of Sin’s arm as soon as the two of them were alone. This time she dug her nails into the back of his hand when he refused to release her, her gaze turning triumphant as he gave a pained wince before stepping away to look down at the crescent-shaped marks her nails had left in his skin.

He scowled. ‘Now that definitely wasn’t nice, Luccy.’

Luccy eyed him with satisfaction. ‘I don’t believe that nice is necessarily a Harper-O’Neill trait, either!’

He narrowed silver-grey eyes. ‘My grandfather obviously wasn’t a good influence on you.’

‘Don’t you think so?’ she challenged brightly. ‘I thought he was charming!’

‘Unlike his grandson?’

‘Oh, definitely,’ she retorted sweetly.

Sin shook his head ruefully. ‘Obviously the sentiment was reciprocated. My grandfather isn’t in the habit of issuing luncheon invitations to every beautiful woman he meets,’ he explained dryly at Luccy’s questioning look.

Luccy was actually quite sorry that she hadn’t been able to accept the older man’s invitation. Surprisingly she had liked his forthright manner. But it really would be better if she went back to England as soon as possible.

Tonight had shown her irrefutably that the less she had to do with Sin, or his family, the better…

She turned away. ‘I really do have to go and circulate now, Sin—’

‘Where are you staying tonight?’ he asked suddenly.

Luccy eyed him warily. ‘Why do you want to know?’

Sin gave a humourless smile. ‘I thought I might offer to see you back to your hotel later this evening.’
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