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Living Together

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‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ Sue said equally softly. ‘What would he want in a travel agency? Any travelling he did he certainly wouldn’t arrange for himself, he’d have a secretary to do things like that.’

‘But I’m sure it’s him,’ Katy insisted. ‘I saw one of his films only last week, and I’d recognise him anywhere.’

By this time their hushed conversation had penetrated Helen’s concentration. She had been working solidly since Mr Walters’ reprimand and was only now beginning to feel the faint stirrings of hunger for her lunch; she usually left about one o’clock and it was nearly that now.

But Katy and Sue’s whispering had broken in on her train of thought and she looked over to the front desk to their source of conversation. All the colour drained from her face as she recognised Leon Masters. Wearing a black leather jerkin and light tan shirt and trousers, he looked vitally attractive, his hair almost silver.

Her breath caught in her throat as his tawny gaze levelled on her, and she hurriedly turned away. What was he doing here? It couldn’t be just coincidence. But how had he found out where she worked? What did he want? Her thoughts were racing in her panic. She had thought he would leave her alone after Saturday, had hoped he would leave her alone. She looked at him again as he engaged in conversation with Mr Walters, wondering what he wanted.

‘What do you think, Helen?’ Katy leant over to her desk.

She looked at the other girl blankly. ‘Sorry?’

‘Is it Leon Masters or isn’t it?’ Katy said impatiently.

Helen swallowed hard. ‘It—–’

‘Mrs West,’ Mr Walters called her over, ‘this gentleman would like a word with you.’

From the angry inflection in his voice she would say Mr Walters hadn’t recognised Leon. He would certainly have been different in his attitude if he had.

She stood up, selfconscious about the curious stares of the other girls. Sally had already left for her lunch, but Helen had no doubt the other girls would soon tell her of Leon’s visit when she returned to the office.

‘What do you want?’ she demanded of him in an angry whisper. ‘We aren’t supposed to have visitors here.’

Leon looked unperturbed. ‘I came to take you out to lunch, not visit you.’

‘Oh, but—–’

‘And don’t say you’ve already been to lunch, because I know you haven’t, I asked your boss. Besides,’ he grinned, ‘Jenny said you never go to lunch before one,’ he looked at his gold wrist-watch, ‘and it’s just that now, so if you’re ready?’

‘Jenny told you where I worked?’

‘I went round to the flat, forgetting you would be at work, and she sent me on here. Now don’t be angry with her, she only told me because I told her I wanted to apologise to you.’

Helen scowled. ‘You could have done that over the telephone.’

‘Lunch would be so much nicer. Get your coat,’ he ordered.

‘I will not! I—–’

‘Get it, Helen,’ he commanded softly. ‘You surely don’t want to cause a scene here?’

‘I’m not going to cause a scene.’

‘No,’ he smiled, ‘but I am.’

She raised her eyebrows derisively. ‘Over a little office girl?’

‘Over a very beautiful but stubborn woman,’ he corrected. ‘I think I could stand the publicity, can you?’

Helen gave him an angry glare before collecting her lightweight jacket, not looking at anyone as she left with him, embarrassed beyond words.

‘Why did you have to do that?’ she groaned once they were outside. ‘They’ll all be agog with curiosity when I get back.’

Leon took her elbow in a firm grasp. ‘Worry about that later.’

‘It’s all right for you to say that. You—–’ She stopped as she saw he was directing her towards a gold-coloured Porsche parked on a double yellow line. ‘Where are you taking me?’

He opened the car door for her. ‘I told you, lunch. Get in, Helen, there’s a good girl. There’s a menacing-looking policeman making his way over here.’

She gave him a sweet smile of sarcasm. ‘I’m sure you could manage to charm your way out of it.’

‘Maybe.’ He pushed her inside the car before going round the other side and getting in himself. ‘But I don’t intend wasting any time trying.’ He manoeuvred the car into the flow of traffic.

‘That remark you made just now,’ Helen said tentatively. ‘What did you mean by it?’

He gave her a fleeting glance. ‘Which remark?’

‘About the publicity.’

Leon shrugged his broad shoulders. ‘I don’t mind it being known I’m attracted to a very lovely lady.’

Helen sighed. ‘I didn’t mean you, I meant what did you mean by asking if I could stand the publicity?’ She gave him a searching look, but could tell nothing from his expression.

He frowned. ‘I thought may be you wouldn’t like me to cause trouble at your place of work.’

’Is that all?’ she probed suspiciously.

They were heading out of town now and Leon turned to look at her momentarily. ‘What else could I have meant?’

Helen evaded those searching tawny eyes. ‘You tell me.’

He shook his head. ‘I have no idea.’

‘You—you really don’t know?’

‘Know what, for God’s sake?’ he demanded impatiently. ‘Do you have some murky secret in your past that you don’t want people to know about?’ he teased.

Helen drew a ragged breath. ‘Don’t joke about it, Leon.’

‘You mean you do have a secret?’

‘It wasn’t such a secret a couple of years ago, and I just couldn’t bear for it all to be raked up again.’

‘For what to be raked up? Come on, Helen, you might as well tell me now you’ve gone this far.’

Her hands twisted nervously together in her lap. ‘My—my husband was Michael West.’ She looked at him searchingly, watching for the recognition, for the disgust.
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