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Bachelor By Design: Bachelor By Design / Too Hot For Comfort

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“Among other things.” She cleared her throat. “The point is, she has her heart set on bringing the two of us together. Are you willing to break it?”

Chloe couldn’t have hit her mark better if she’d drawn a bull’s-eye on his chest. The last thing he wanted to do was disappoint his aunt. He owed her. Big-time. Still, he couldn’t marry the wrong woman just to make his aunt happy. He shook his head. “I’m sorry, Chloe,” he said with a long sigh. “It just wouldn’t work out between us.”

“Of course not.” She rolled her eyes. “That goes without saying. But if we pretend to give it a go, your aunt will eventually see the writing in the coffee grounds. She’ll realize we’re completely wrong for each other.”

“You can say that again.”

“We’re completely wrong for each other.”

He frowned at her. “That was just a figure of speech.”

“I know. I just wanted to repeat it, in case you once again fall under the delusion that I want to sleep with you.”

Her words pricked him more than he wanted to admit. “Not a problem.”

“So do we have a deal?”

His common sense told him to turn her down and turn her out of his condominium. But his love for his aunt overrode his better judgment. “Yes.”

“Good. I’ll tell Ramon that he can start work again first thing in the morning.” She stood and held out her hand. “Shall we shake on it?”

Trace complied, surprised by the strength of her grip. “Give me a chance to call my insurance agent first. I want to up my workman’s comp to the max. Not to mention my life insurance.” Then he stood up to follow her, momentarily forgetting about his sore toe. “Wait a minute. What about us?”

She turned around. “Us?”

“We should probably go out on a date or two just to make this look real.” He limped toward her. “I’m free Friday evening.”

She shrugged. “All right. The sooner we can convince your aunt we’re completely wrong for each other, the better. Shall we meet at Café Romeo?”

“I’ll pick you up at your place,” he said firmly. “This is supposed to be like a real date, remember? We can go to dinner first, then stop at Café Romeo for a cappuccino later.”

“Fine.” She pulled a business card out of her purse and handed it to him. “My home address and telephone number are on my card.” Then she turned and headed toward the door. “Do you want me to make reservations? I know a great Mexican restaurant.”

“I hate Mexican food,” he said, limping after her.

“How about Japanese?”

He grimaced. “Please tell me you’re not serious.”

She sighed. “All right, what would you like to eat?”

“How about plain old American?”

She laughed. “My favorite.”

“Mine, too. Seems we have something in common, after all.”

“Scary, isn’t it?” she quipped, then sailed out the door.

Trace watched her walk toward her car, a sporty red Ford Taurus that matched the color of her suit. The way that skirt molded to her swaying hips made his mouth go dry. Then realization sunk in. He had a date with Chloe D’Onofrio in three days.

Scary was definitely the word for it.

BY FRIDAY, Trace was more than scared, he was downright suspicious. The night before he’d lain in his bed, unable to sleep, and replayed Chloe’s unexpected visit in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced she had or-chestrated every aspect of their encounter—right down to the alluring shade of lipstick she wore. How else could he explain the fact that he had a date with Chloe D’Onofrio only three short days after vowing to his aunt that he’d never fall into one of her matchmaking traps?

Then another thought hit him, chilling him to the very marrow. Maybe Sophie had planned it this way all along. Asking him to hire Ramon, the power-saw incident, Chloe’s visit and their unusual deal.

“Don’t you think you’re just a little paranoid,” Jake Callahan said, after Trace had explained his suspicions to his brother. They stood in the large, plush dressing room of Sir Galahad Formal Wear.

Trace adjusted the blue silk cummerbund around his waist. “You tell me. I’m trying on tuxedos with my confirmed-bachelor brother, who is getting married in six weeks, thanks to Aunt Sophie.”

“I’ve thanked her more than once,” Jake replied, knotting his bow tie. “Nina is the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“It was a fluke.” Trace shrugged into a black cutaway jacket. “You don’t really believe Aunt Sophie can read romantic futures in a pile of soggy coffee grounds.”

“If you don’t believe it,” Jake challenged, “why are you so worried about it? Apparently this Chloe is all wrong for you, which is hardly surprising if she’s anything at all like her brother.”

“She’s nothing like Ramon.” Trace slipped into a pair of black patent-leather dress shoes. “But she’s still…dangerous. You should see her, Jake. Or maybe not.” He grinned. “If you saw Chloe D’Onofrio, you might just decide to remain a bachelor.”

The dressing room curtain was suddenly swept open. Nina Walker, Jake’s fiancée, stood on the other side. “All right, Trace, quit trying to sabotage this wedding.” Her voice sounded stern but her green eyes sparkled with amusement. “Or I may just have to kill you.”

“Nina,” Jake whispered, “you’re not supposed to be in here. This is the men’s dressing room.”

She grinned. “Sounds like the perfect place to be to me. Unfortunately, you’re both decent.” She turned to Trace. “So who’s Chloe?”

“No one for you to worry about,” Trace replied, looking fondly at his future sister-in-law. Nina didn’t have any competition for his brother’s affections. He’d never seen Jake so besotted with a woman.

She smiled up at him. “So I can let you live?”

“You’d better, since I’m the best man. Somebody has to catch Jake when he passes out from a panic attack during the wedding ceremony.”

“Ignore him,” Jake said, drawing her into his arms and giving her a tender kiss on the lips. “If I start to panic, it will only be because it’s taking so damn long to make you my wife. Six weeks seems like forever.”

Nina laughed. “I agree. So why is everyone else calling it a whirlwind courtship?” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m ready to start the honeymoon.”

Jake responded with another kiss, this one longer than the last. Trace folded his arms across his chest, waiting for them to come up for air. They’d been like this ever since they’d announced their engagement two weeks ago.

As much as Trace hated to admit it, he envied his big brother. Soon Jake would have exactly what Trace wanted—an adoring woman as his wife. A family of his very own.

He tugged at his bow tie. Not only had the Kimberly fiasco set him back, but now this situation with Chloe would cause an even longer delay. He just wanted a woman who fit all his requirements, who shared all his likes and dislikes, who didn’t make him completely crazy.

Was that so much to ask?

He glanced at his watch, then impatiently cleared his throat. “Sorry to interrupt, but you two aren’t on your honeymoon yet.”

Nina turned to him, her cheeks flushed a becoming pink. “So who’s Chloe?”

“Ramon’s sister,” Jake informed her. “She also happens to be Café Romeo’s new interior designer, as well as Trace’s date for this evening.”
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