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The Waitress's Secret

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When they stepped outside, Arden saw Brandon reaching into Joni’s trunk, two boxes near his feet while he hefted out another. His shirt was taut across the muscles of his back as they flexed with his movement. Arden’s mouth watered at the sight, but she managed to keep from drooling.

“What are you doing here?” Joni asked, leaning against the bumper.

“John called. I forgot to get Arden’s number and, as usual, your phone is turned off.”

“Oops.” Joni didn’t sound even the tiniest bit sorry. She shrugged, picked up a couple of bags and carried them inside.

Arden grabbed a box, eager to get away from the gorgeous man before she did something ridiculous like flirt or bat her eyelashes. The weight inside shifted and the box began to slip. Brandon reached out to help her steady the load. His hand brushed against her arm and her knees actually went weak. Her eyes flew to his and time seemed to stop. She found herself swaying closer to him.

Kiss me. The stray thought caught her off guard and she jerked away from temptation, stumbling like a klutz over a box beside him. He grabbed her before she fell. The warmth from his hands sent heat coursing through her body. This was so not good.

“Thanks,” Arden said breathlessly, and took a step toward the youth center, hoping to get away and gather herself.

Brandon raised an eyebrow and stared at her as if he knew what she’d been thinking. “Don’t you want to know what he said?”


“John.” She must have looked as blank as she felt because he spoke the next words very slowly. “The guy who’s fixing your car.”

“Oh, yeah. Right. What did he say?”

“He towed it in, but he needs the keys. Once we get this stuff inside, I’ll drop you off at the garage.”

The thought of their sitting shoulder to shoulder again in the cab of Brandon’s truck, his masculine scent swirling around her, tempted her to forget she was not interested in getting involved with another man. “You don’t have to do that. I’ve caused you enough trouble as it is.”

“It’s not a problem,” Brandon replied as he hoisted a box onto his right shoulder and grabbed another under his left arm. “John’s place is on the way to my restaurant.”

* * *

Brandon glanced at the woman beside him and wondered, not for the first time, what the heck he was doing. Although he’d previously had no problem keeping women at arm’s distance, he was being drawn into Arden’s orbit. Worse, he was doing nothing to resist her pull. He knew Joni would have dropped Arden off at John’s garage, but instead he heard himself offering her a ride. What was it about her that had his mouth running miles ahead of his brain and leading his body in the totally wrong direction?

Sure, she was pretty and liked some of the same things he did. Before Sylvia’s treachery, that would have been a good thing and he would have pursued her. Now... If he knew what was good for him he would stay away from her before she drew him in and made him feel things he didn’t want to feel ever again.

The morning was warm with the promise of becoming a scorcher as the day wore on. The sun was shining in the cloudless sky so he pulled down the visor. Still, the sun was no match for the brilliance of Arden’s smile. It was almost hot enough to melt the ice encasing his heart. Almost. Lucky for him she was leaving soon or he might be in danger of letting her get too close.

She peered out the window. “Sweet Briar has got to be the cutest place I’ve ever seen.”

He bit back a sigh of relief. Talking about impersonal things was safe and easy. Figuring out his attraction to her and how to get control of it was not. “Our town is making a better impression on you today than last night?”

“Oh, yeah. I can’t believe the difference a little sunlight makes. It looks like a picture postcard, advertising the perfect little town. The shops are so pretty with their striped awnings and old-fashioned signs. Best of all there’s not a chain restaurant in sight to ruin the effect. There’s not a stray branch or leaf in sight, either. If I hadn’t lived through it, I wouldn’t believe a storm blew through here only hours ago. It’s like elves or fairies cleaned up everything overnight.”

“Fairies and elves?”

“Okay. Shop owners.” Understanding lit her eyes. “That’s what you were doing this morning. Clearing the street and walkways around your restaurant.”

“Guilty as charged.”

He drove past Wilson’s Hardware and waved at Hank, grandson of the founder. Two doors down, Carlo and Mario Marconi were setting red-and-white-checkered tablecloths, vinyl place mats and napkin-wrapped silverware on the tables in front of their family-owned pizza parlor.



“Do you see that?” Arden’s reverent whisper made her sound like a kid looking at a pile of presents under the Christmas tree.

“See what?”

“The chocolate fountain in the window of Louanne’s Homemade Candy Shoppe. It was surrounded by strawberries and pretzels and a whole bunch of other goodies. I’m definitely going to visit that store before I leave.”

“You and every other woman in this town.” He glanced at the popular shop and drove another block.

Arden laughed suddenly and pointed out her window. “Fit To Be Dyed Beauty Shop. Is that where little old ladies go to get their hair tinted Easter-egg blue?”

Brandon huffed out a laugh. He couldn’t help it. Her quirky sense of humor appealed to him. He was almost sorry to reach their destination. Howard and Son’s Garage was across the street from the salon. He parked, turned off the engine and opened his door.

Arden placed her hand on his arm and stopped him from getting out. Her skin was warm and soft and awakened feelings in him he’d rather remained dormant. He’d never responded that way to such an innocent touch. “You don’t need to go in with me. You must have a hundred things to do.”

That was true, yet he wanted to insist on accompanying her. But why should he? John was totally trustworthy. Joni had already volunteered to pick her up when she was finished. Not only that, Arden wasn’t his responsibility. He wasn’t going to fall back into the habit of rescuing women. Hadn’t he just been thinking he needed to maintain his distance? Becoming more involved in her life and her problems was the total opposite of that.

He nodded and restarted the truck, forcing himself to drive off the minute she stepped onto the sidewalk. He needed to get a grip, and fast.

* * *

Arden stepped into the building and looked around. A black leather couch that had seen better days was pushed against a windowless wall, a glass coffee table covered with magazines inches in front of it. The smell of oil and brake fluid filled the air. Clanging sounds mingled with Bruce Springsteen, and a howling noise that almost sounded like singing came from the back of the shop.

She crossed the empty waiting room to the laminate counter that divided it from the work area. There was a small silver bell on the counter and she gave it a good ring. A few moments later the noise stopped and the volume on the Springsteen song was lowered.

“Hi. How can I help you?”

She glanced up into smiling brown eyes in a round tan face. “Are you John?”

“In the flesh.” He wiped his hands on a stained rag, then shoved the cloth into the pocket of his blue-striped coveralls. He leaned against the counter and swiped a yellow sucker from a bowl. “My wife insisted I give up smoking when she was pregnant with our first child. Now I’m hooked on these.”

Arden laughed. “Brandon sent me.”

“Ah, so you’re Arden.”

She nodded and looked longingly at the candy.

He slid the bowl across the counter. “Help yourself. I buy them by the gross. I haven’t had a chance to get to your car yet. Emma Johnson’s daughter had her baby a month early, so she needs to get to Tennessee as soon as possible to help out. There’s no way I could let her hit the road without checking her car first. It’s a good thing I did. She needed new brakes and a tune-up. I have a couple more cars to get to, so I might not get to yours for a bit.”

“Okay.” Arden was astonished by how easily he spilled another person’s business. She hoped he wouldn’t be as free with her information as he was with this Emma person’s.

“Is my car in the back?”

“Yep.” He chewed his sucker, then tossed the stick into a trash can.

“I need to get some things out.”
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