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Private Lives

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“You and Gina are very close. You said as much and so did Gina. Exactly how close are you, Ms. Walker? Would you describe your relationship as intimate?”

“Objection, Your Honor!” Maude said fiercely, surging to her feet.

“Sustained. Move on, Mr. Paxton,” the judge said, looking mildly irritated.

“How do you come up with ideas for your books, Ms. Walker?”

“As most authors,” Elizabeth began, struggling to control the angry tremor in her voice, “I’m an observer of human nature. I read newspapers. I watch television. I read.”

“The kid in your book is named Jasmine. That’s very close to Jesse. Was there some connection there?”

Again Maude Kennedy jumped to her feet. “Your honor, I object! Mr. Paxton’s insinuations are scurrilous and have no foundation in fact.”

“Withdrawn, Your Honor,” Ryan said, unfazed. Going to the defendant’s table, he picked up his notes. “December 24, 2000. Does that date mean anything to you?”

“Christmas Eve?” Elizabeth guessed, but, again, her heart was beating fast.

“A couple of years ago,” Ryan acknowledged, nodding. “Tell us what happened that night.”

“What happens to anyone on Christmas Eve,” Elizabeth replied. “It depends on your family traditions. My Christmases are usually very quiet.”

“But not that year, right? Didn’t the cops ring your doorbell sometime after midnight? You’d gone to bed, I believe.”

“Your honor,” Maude Kennedy said, “if Mr. Paxton has anything of substance to add to this hearing, would he please get on with it?”

Ryan faced the judge. “This is a hearing about Gina D’Angelo’s suitability to gain custody of a five-year-old child. The facts I’m about to elicit from this witness will cast grave doubt on Ms. D’Angelo’s character.”

“Again,” the judge intoned, “I want you to get on with it, Mr. Paxton. There’s no place in my courtroom for grandstanding.”

“Understood.” Ryan turned back to Elizabeth. “Where were we, Ms. Walker? Oh, yes. Midnight. Your front door. Cops ringing the doorbell. What was that all about?”

“Gina had been in an accident. She was—”


“It’s not the way you make it sound.” Elizabeth’s tone was soft, pained. “Gina and Austin had been at a party. They had a quarrel in front of the other guests. They’d both been drinking. Everybody at the party was drinking, but—”

“But nobody else stormed out into the night—by the way, it was raining. A downpour. To be more specific, one of our torrential Houston storms. But that didn’t deter Gina as she spun out into the street in Austin’s eighty-five thousand dollar Porsche, did it?”

“She knew if she got into the car with him he’d become violent,” Elizabeth said fiercely. “He’d done it before.”

“Well, we have only your speculation about that, don’t we?” Ryan said, giving the judge a droll look. “What we know happened was that she ran onto a neighbor’s curb, knocked down a mailbox, bogged down in a planting of sago palms and incurred substantial damage to the Porsche.”

“She had to swerve onto the curb to avoid hitting a cat that darted in front of the car!” Elizabeth cried.

“A cat. In the rain. In a neighborhood with stringent leash restrictions on all animals. Even cats.”

“Maybe it was a possum,” Elizabeth said, knowing she was being baited. Still, she was doggedly determined to defend Gina. “Maybe it was a raccoon. There’s a stream running behind those houses. Animals are common.”

“Critters, huh?”

“Was that a question, Your Honor?” Maude inquired with disgust.

Striding away, Ryan tossed the notes onto his table and sat down. “I’m finished with this witness, Judge.”

Elizabeth turned in her chair to look at the judge. “Austin would have hurt her that night, Your Honor. That’s why she took the car. And he would have hurt her even worse if she’d asked a guest at the party to help her. That would have revealed the trouble in their relationship. It would have made public Austin’s cruelty.”

“Your honor—” Ryan was on his feet.

“That’s enough, Ms. Walker. Step down, please.” The judge drew in a deep breath. “Let’s recess for lunch, folks. We’ll resume at two o’clock.” Banging his gavel, he rose impatiently, striding out of the courtroom in the billowing folds of his robe, slamming the door behind him.

It was a subdued trio who were seated for lunch in a restaurant near the courthouse half an hour later. “I’m sorry, Gina. I made a mess of that.” Elizabeth rubbed at her temples, eyes closed, but unable to banish Ryan Paxton’s smug expression from her mind. If only she’d been more clever, faster on the uptake on the stand. Instead, she’d been pathetically inept in Paxton’s skillful hands. “You were right about Paxton. He’s tough.”

“Worse yet, I think the judge is on Austin’s side,” Gina said, gazing morosely into a glass of iced tea. “His body language during the entire morning says it all.”

“Not all. The game isn’t over, ladies.” With reading glasses resting at half-mast on her aristocratic nose, Maude Kennedy studied the menu. “It’s never possible to predict a judge’s ruling. Has anyone tried the trout amandine?”

“How can you have an appetite, Maude?” Gina exclaimed. “I’m never going to eat again.”

“Of course, you are.” Maude looked at them both. “How about a cup of crab bisque and that old standby, a Caesar salad?”

“I’ll just have the bisque,” Elizabeth said, laying down her menu.

“Did you see the way he slammed the door of his chambers when he left?” Gina asked, clearly still focused on the judge.

“I repeat, judges are unpredictable.” Maude paused and motioned a waiter over. “And whether he may have seemed so or not, Judge Hetherington has a reputation for fairness. He’s tough, even a bit chauvinistic, but when it comes to the welfare of a child, he’ll be very careful.” She removed her glasses and looked at Elizabeth. “By the way, Elizabeth, you didn’t mess up on the stand. Your reputation and demeanor go far in adding credibility to your testimony. Judge Hetherington won’t dismiss lightly the fact that you’ve actually seen Gina bruised and hurting.”

“Even though he thinks we’re two lesbians?” Elizabeth said bitterly.

“That was below the belt,” Maude conceded. “I was surprised at Paxton.”

“A barracuda,” Gina repeated. “Didn’t I say it?”

“I have to think the lie originated with his client,” Maude said.

“Austin knows that’s pure garbage!” Gina said. “I knew he’d play dirty, but I didn’t expect him to go that far.” She crushed a roll in her fingers. “But the worst thing was dredging up that old drunk driving charge.”

“I believe Judge Hetherington heard Elizabeth’s explanation even though he had to silence her,” Maude said, taking a sip of water. “Let’s order, ladies. I’m famished.”

“I hope the worst is over.” Elizabeth leaned her head back against the leather padding in the restaurant booth and closed her eyes. They were due to return after lunch at two o’clock, but after being subjected to Ryan Paxton’s ruthlessness, she wanted nothing more than to go home, close up in her office and turn on her computer where she could enter a safe and idealistic world, a world he’d described as whimsical, somehow making the word sound weird.

“Remember, Ryan Paxton is used to winning,” Maude Kennedy said, “but there is enough substance in both your testimonies that I have hope the judge will not rule in Austin’s favor.”

After taking their orders, the waiter collected the menus and hurried away. “What was that about media?” Elizabeth asked, frowning. “Was the reporter who did that feature on me lurking around?”

“He wasn’t in the courtroom,” Gina said. “I looked.”

Maude broke open a roll and buttered it lavishly. “There are always reporters assigned to the courthouse beat, but they seldom have an interest in custody hearings unless the people involved are in the public eye. As much as Austin might fancy being in the public eye, he isn’t. No, I think Ryan was just trying to rattle your cage, Elizabeth. Trust me, you did very well up there. Your sincerity shone through.” She smiled at them both. “I, for one, find the friendship between you heartwarming.”
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