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A Cowboy's Pride

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Her nose tingled, itching as it always did whenever she caught scent of a lead. “Great. No telling where the clues are, but I’m determined to uncover what happened between those two.”

“It’s not a mystery,” Cole said. “The Cades, hotheaded as always, jumped to conclusions when they discovered Everett by their runaway daughter’s lifeless body and their family brooch...”

“Cora’s Tear,” Travis supplied.

“Right, and the jewel missing.” Cole passed a hand over his thick black hair. “Then they strung up Everett, no questions asked, since they decided he must have coerced their innocent daughter to steal the priceless heirloom. They dispensed prairie justice like outlaw vigilantes.”

“And the murderers broke out of jail and hid in the mountains, harassing our ranch for years.” Travis squinted out the window at nearby Mount Sopris as if wishing he could travel back in time to apprehend them personally.

Hopefully, she’d bring the family closure and justice.

“Are you planning on digging up our property to search for the jewel? It’ll disrupt operations during our busy season.” Cole leaned forward, elbows bent.

“We might excavate a few areas if we have a strong lead,” Katlynn said. “I’ll follow the facts where they lead me.”

“Spoken like a true investigator.” Travis shot her a smile, donned his hat then opened the door. “Y’all have a good day.”

“The jewel isn’t on this land,” Cole insisted.

“Guess we’ll see.”

“What makes you think Everett took it?” Boyd asked.

“He was the last one seen with Maggie, and the Cades don’t have it... If your family took the jewel, it’d explain the bump in business for Loveland Hills after Cora’s Tear went missing. Some say your family may have sold it and used the money to expand your operation. In that case, the jewel would be long gone... However, my preliminary research reveals no transactions or sightings of the infamous piece.”

“This investigation might stir up trouble between our families again. Discord we don’t need.”

Her heart squeezed when she spied Cole’s concerned expression, his gaze on his father. Boyd had gone through a lot, and Cole was loyal to those he loved.

When push came to shove, he’d picked his family, his ranch, his old life, over a new one with her.

“The truth will set you free,” Boyd said. “We need to lift this cloud. It’s been hanging over us for too long.”

“If Katie-Lynn proves Cora’s Tear was here, and our ancestors sold it—which I doubt—then we may as well give James Cade our ranch. We couldn’t pay back its worth.”


He refused to use her new name, see the person she’d become. Knowing Cole, this would be an ongoing battle of wills. “What’s James Cade got to do with it?”

At her question, Cole shot his father a warning look. “Pa...”

“She may as well know all.” Boyd’s lips drooped in the corners. “We’re on the brink of foreclosure. A while back James Cade privately offered to buy the ranch at full market value and rent it back to us. It’s a more than fair offer, considering what the bank would get at auction. We’ve put off giving him our answer, but we received the bank’s final notice yesterday. Your show’s compensation buys us a few more months. Otherwise we’d be deeding this land to James.”

“Keep that between us.” Cole’s face paled beneath his farmer’s tan.

A heaviness filled her at the thought of the proud, hardworking Lovelands losing their land. It’d be devastating, especially for Cole, who’d sacrificed for it. He’d wanted it above all else. Even her. “I promise. It’s off the record.”

“I trust Katlynn,” Boyd vowed. “She was almost family.”

Almost. Her eyes stung at his staunch support. She would have loved to be a part of the tight-knit Loveland clan, so unlike her own.

“If the public discovers our financial status, people will think Pa’s marrying another rich woman for her money.” Cole’s fingers drummed on the table.

Tom stomped inside. “Who’s marrying for money? Sounds interesting.”

“Just debating causes for the feud,” Katlynn temporized, and the tip of Cole’s boot touched her foot beneath the table. Her eyes flew to his, and she melted a little at the glimmer of warmth in their blue depths.

“Throw in as much scandal as you can, and we’ve got America hooked.”

Cole’s eyes narrowed on Tom, shooting sparks.

“We’ll only report verifiable facts,” she hurried to assure Cole and Boyd.

“And speculate on those we can’t,” Tom cut in, not helping at all. “And you’re right, Katlynn. We are in the middle of nowhere. Can’t get a signal.”

“Could use the landline.”

Boyd pointed to a rotary phone mounted on the wall beside a cuckoo clock as old as the house.

Tom studied it a moment, then gingerly lifted the handset, turning it every which way. “Where are the buttons?”

Cole lifted an eyebrow as the left edge of his lips tipped up in an amused smile, his silent “can you believe this” look.

She flared her nose and scrunched her eyes, her old expression for “Shut it.” Then she flattened her lips to keep from smiling back at him.

She was here to work. Not flirt. Especially with an ex capable of shaking her hard-won confidence.

Tires crunched on the rocky drive outside. Tom peered through the window then whirled. “Good. The director’s found us. Mr. Loveland, would you show us the lay of the land? We need to scout the property for potential shots.”

“You got it.” Boyd grabbed his coat and shoved his arms through its sleeves. “It’d be a relief to resolve the feud before the wedding.” Boyd settled a wide-brimmed brown rancher’s hat over his head. “I’m hoping to make us all one happy family.”

“I should have said congratulations right away, Mr. Loveland.” She hugged Boyd and breathed in the comforting smell of his Old Spice cologne.

“Katlynn, you know to call me Boyd. Could have been Pa if you two had worked out.”

Tom’s openmouthed expression was quickly replaced by a speculative stare. “You were engaged to him?” He pointed at Cole, who rose to his full, towering height. “I mean. That’s a surprise. No judgment.” He backed through the door away from the advancing giant. “I’ll meet you outside, Mr. Loveland.” And with that, he scurried away.

“Twitchy guy, ain’t he?” Boyd observed, pulling on his gloves.

“Twitchy?” Katlynn almost laughed to hear the Hollywood power player reduced to those terms. Must be the Rocky Mountains effect. It put everything into perspective.

“Pa’s got it right.” Cole’s boots clomped on the wide-planked floor as he neared. “Want me to ride out with you?”

“No. Check on the heifer and calf after Katlynn’s finished her coffee.”

“I’m done with it.” Panic rose at being alone with Cole. “I’ll ride with you.”

Boyd’s gaze dropped to her designer heels. “You’re not dressed for the climbing we’ll be doing, let alone riding. Besides, you said you wanted to start interviewing family. Sierra will be in some time this morning. Daryl, too.”
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