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Falling For A Cowboy

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Nope. No way would she ever jeopardize their friendship.

She tore her eyes from Jared and peered at Hank through the steady curtain of water dripping off her hat brim.

“A 13.95 average through ten rounds.” Hank whistled. “Pretty neat day. Brings you that average title. How important was that to you?”

“You know, it was real important to me. Every contestant that comes here dreams of winning and that, of course, is one of my goals, and so to achieve it is huge. Though it’s surprising, I’ve worked really hard for this and I just have to thank everyone who’s helped me get here.”

The rain had turned Jared’s long lashes into dark wet spikes around his golden-brown eyes. He didn’t blink, just stared right back at her for a long moment with an unreadable expression she should be able to decipher. She usually knew almost every thought inside his pretty head. “They all helped me get through this week and all through the year. I just can’t thank them enough.”

Jared mouthed something and pointed to the parking lot where his pickup waited. She didn’t have to read his lips to guess he’d said something like, “Let’s go.”

“Final numbers were one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars on the week, and that leads you to another world title,” pressed Hank.

How many followers did his blog have? Millions? As much as she wanted to please her fans, she needed out of this weather. She felt a sneeze coming on, held it in, then jerked as it exploded in her sinus cavities.

“How does this one stack up?” Hank asked, undeterred.

She took a deep breath and launched into what she hoped would be a good enough answer for him to quote and move on. Please...

“Well. You know. The first one is always special and so unreal and indescribable. But this one feels so much more hard-earned. And that’s what it felt like all this year. Harley got injured right before the season started, so that was a challenge. I didn’t think I had a chance to even be thinking of a world title.”

Especially with her eyes failing.

A tremor lanced through her.

Jared gave her a firm, “you got this” nod that bolstered her. He’d said those words when she’d worried she and Harley wouldn’t be competition ready in time for the season. Every chance he got, he’d come home to work with her and Harley until they got up to speed. She and Jared had always been each other’s number one fans.

Would he still stand by her if she had a serious vision problem? She kicked the dumb thought aside. People her age didn’t up and go blind for no good reason.

“And I have to give credit to all the girls here because they put on a great barrel race all week and they’re tough competition,” she concluded and shot Hank a hopeful look.

Got enough?

“World champion barrel racer Amberley James,” Hank intoned into his recorder. “Congratulations on another great year.”

She ducked her head and sent a shower of water on her rain-splattered boots. “Thank you.”

Please let this be the end. Her heavy lids drooped momentarily, and the ground seemed to tilt a little bit. Or was that her?

“Hank, good to see you,” she spied him now standing just a couple of feet away, shaking hands briskly with the lingering blogger.

“Well.” Hank’s ruddy face turned tomato. “Didn’t expect to get a double scoop here.”

“Oh, I believe Amberley’s done a great job of giving you all the material you need,” Jared drawled, polite, friendly and respectful as ever, with just the right amount of firm. “Y’all have a good night, now.”

He swept an arm around her waist and led her toward the parking lot.

“Any special reason you came out here? Are you two going to make it official?” Hank called.

Jared halted and peered down at her. She blew out a long breath. Why couldn’t men and women just be friends? They’d battled the misimpression they were a couple for years, right down to rumors claiming they dated, held hands, kissed even. She blushed a bit thinking how they’d come close to doing just that right before her father got ill. Luckily, they’d come to their senses and avoided a huge mistake.

“I’d be a lucky man if that were true, but Amberley and I are just longtime friends. If that changes, I’ll be sure to give you the exclusive.” He tipped his hat and pulled her into the unlit, mostly deserted parking lot.

Under cover of darkness, they ran, hand in hand, splashing through puddles, laughing, soaked and breathless when they arrived at his truck.

“Why’d you do that?” she asked, one heel up and back on the step bar.

He placed his hands on the wet body of his truck, boxing her in, and leaned down. The clean, masculine scent of him, leather, soap and a hint of spice, had her breathing deep.

“To rescue you. Plus, I owe you for bailing me out at the bachelor’s auction last week.”

A bright laugh bubbled up from within. It felt good after so much worry. “Still not sure if I got my money’s worth...”

“Chili dogs and chips?” he scoffed, looking not the least bit offended. “That took a lot of effort. Planning.”

She pressed lightly on his muscular chest. “Yeah. Right.”

He trapped her hand against his heart, and for a breathless moment they simply stared at each other.

Tell him about your eyes, urged the angel on one shoulder.

Keep quiet, the devil on her other shoulder whispered.

She cleared her throat and ignored the strange sense of letdown when he released her and stepped aside. “Anyway, I had to even up the score.”

“Never,” she shot back, forcing a teasing tone, needing to lose this strange awareness tugging her from the friend zone.

He angled his head and raised his thick, perfectly shaped brows. “As in you don’t want me rescuing you or pulling ahead in the tally?”

She lifted her chin and ignored the twinge inside about her eyesight. “Neither. Do I look like someone that needs rescuing?”

“Not a chance.” He chucked her gently under the chin and considered her. “It might be what I like about you best.” Her heart flailed at the deep, serious timbre in his voice. “That and your burned grilled cheese sandwiches.”

She laughed, but it didn’t break the intimacy swelling between them. “It’s an acquired taste.”

“Acquired? Maybe. Taste? That’s debatable.”

The air in her lungs faltered at his tease. Strategic withdrawal time.

She hopped into the truck but left the door open. Today had been a strange day with lots out of focus, especially these all-over-the-map feelings for Jared. Friends didn’t look at each like that.

“Get me out of here, you fool.”

“Always a fool for you, darlin’.” Deep dimples appeared in his flashbulb smile, and for a moment, she almost believed him. He winked, then shut the door.

She leaned her forehead against the window and watched her breath fog the glass. Flirting was as natural and necessary to Jared as breathing.

It didn’t mean anything.
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