The Gift Of Family: Merry Christmas, Cowboy - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Karen Kirst, ЛитПортал
The Gift Of Family: Merry Christmas, Cowboy
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The Gift Of Family: Merry Christmas, Cowboy

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Merry Christmas, Cowboy by Linda Ford

A wild snowstorm strands Colt Johnson in Eden Valley, where the storekeeper’s daughter exudes welcome warmth. She’s even offered to give the two orphans in his charge a Christmas to remember. An outcast, Colt doesn’t dare hope for more—even though Becca’s love would be a Christmas wish come true.

Smoky Mountain Christmas by Karen Kirst

Cole Prescott’s Gatlinburg visit will be just long enough to free his wife from their mistake of a marriage. Then he meets the daughter he hadn’t known he had. Little Abby needs a father, especially at Christmastime. And all Cole wants is a chance to make a life with Rachel and Abby at last....

Praise for Linda Ford

“A lovely story of love, forgiveness and

accepting God’s guidance in difficult times.”

—RT Book Reviews on The Cowboy Tutor

“A tender love story with characters

who are strong-willed and caring.”

—RT Book Reviews on Dakota Father

“Ford’s sweet, charming love story has well-written characters that demonstrate strong faith, even though they stumble along the way.”

—RT Book Reviews on The Cowboy’s Baby

Praise for Karen Kirst

“Second in the Smoky Mountain Matches series, this story creates a great sense of place,

with a bit of suspense.”

—RT Book Reviews on The Bridal Swap

“Kirst’s debut knocks it out of the park.

It’s a gem of a story with a thrilling romance.”

—RT Book Reviews on The Reluctant Outlaw


shares her life with her rancher husband, a grown son, a live-in client she provides care for and a yappy parrot. She and her husband raised a family of fourteen children, ten adopted, providing her with plenty of opportunity to experience God’s love and faithfulness. They’ve had their share of adventures, as well. Taking twelve kids in a motor home on a three-thousand-mile road trip would be high on the list. They live in Alberta, Canada, close enough to the Rockies to admire them every day. She enjoys writing stories that reveal God’s wondrous love through the lives of her characters.

Linda enjoys hearing from readers. Contact her at or check out her website,, where you can also catch her blog, which often carries glimpses of both her writing activities and family life.


currently lives in coastal North Carolina with her marine husband, three boys and Andy the parrot. When she’s not writing or dreaming up characters, she likes to read, visit tearooms, play piano, watch romantic comedies and chat over coffee with friends. She’s incredibly blessed to be able to do what she loves, and gives God the glory.

The Gift of Family

Merry Christmas, Cowboy

Linda Ford

Smoky Mountain Christmas

Karen Kirst

Merry Christmas, Cowboy

Linda Ford

To those seeking a home and acceptance.

May you find a place of welcome

especially in the Christmas season.

For there is no difference between the Jew

and the Greek: for the same Lord over all

is rich unto all that call upon him

—Romans 10:12


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine


Dear Reader

Questions for Discussion

Chapter One

Edenvale, in what is now Alberta, Canada.

Winter 1880

He was about two minutes from freezing to death.

Colt Johnson grunted defiance, though the sound never left his icy lips. There’d be no freezing today. Not with two children burrowed against his chest and swathed beneath his heavy winter coat.

He reached the Eden Valley store, managed to dismount while still clutching the children and left his long-suffering horse at the rail so he could stagger to the door. His stiff hands struggled to turn the knob. The rattle of his efforts alerted the storekeeper, and through the frosty window Colt made out the shape of a person moving toward him.

The door opened. Colt blinked and tried to clear his vision as he stared into the face of the most beautiful white woman he’d ever seen—blond hair so curly that bits of it escaped her braids and hung around her face. Her eyes were as blue as a midsummer sky, and her smile rivaled the sunshine.

Simply looking at her made his insides start to warm.

This must be Macpherson’s daughter. He’d never seen her before, having stopped only briefly at the store as he rode toward the hills and the cabin where he meant to spend the winter.

“Step in before we all freeze.” Her voice was sweet as birdsong.

He didn’t move, as much from not knowing how to react to her presence as because of the cold frosting his veins.

She grabbed his arm and pulled him forward, then shut the door behind him. “Brr. It’s cold out there.” She wrapped her arms across her chest and peered out the window.

Colt couldn’t disagree, but he spared no more time considering the woman as he hurried toward the stove, sat on the first chair he reached and threw open his coat.

Marie’s big eyes regarded him solemnly, full of trust.

“Are you okay?” Colt asked.

She held her little brother protectively to her chest and nodded. The little guy managed only a whimper.

It had been a long ride in cold that worsened with every mile.

The young woman sprang toward a stack of blankets and whipped off several. “You all need to get warm.” She draped the blankets before the fire to warm, then held them toward Colt. “Give me one of the children.”

But Marie pressed tight to Colt, and her eyes filled with fear.

“I’ll take care of them.” He took the offered blankets and wrapped them about the pair. With the fire’s heat and the children on his lap, his front side soon began to warm, but his back remained as cold as the outdoors.

“You’re shivering,” the woman said. “Lean forward and I’ll slip this blanket over your shoulders.” She stood behind him and waited.

He couldn’t move. Couldn’t think. Had she been so concerned about the weather she’d failed to take note of him...his black eyes, black hair and swarthy skin? A half-breed. White women did not have anything to do with the likes of least not well-bred women. He could tell this woman fit that category by the way she moved—graceful as a deer at a brook—the way she spoke—her voice gentle and sweet—and even the way she dressed—her clothes sparkling clean.

Her hands touched his shoulders, spreading the blanket.

Without deciding if he should or not, Colt leaned forward, allowing her to tuck the warm material around him. His throat tightened with a combination of fear, surprise and longing at the way she patted his back as she adjusted the blanket. When had he felt the gentle touch of a woman’s comfort? Anyone’s comfort, for that matter? He pushed the question to the far reaches of his mind.

“You’ll soon be warm.” She moved around to face him.

At that moment, Macpherson entered the store from a back room. His presence brought stoic indifference back to Colt’s thoughts. He didn’t require comfort. He was full grown and on his own.

“I’ll need to build more shelves to accommodate supplies.” Macpherson rubbed his hands together.

Colt couldn’t say if the man was cold or expressing pleasure at having to store more supplies.

The ruddy-faced man, with a shock of hair that was as red as it was brown, jerked to a halt. “We have visitors. Didn’t hear you come in.” He squinted at Colt. “Say, didn’t you stop here day before yesterday to get some supplies?”


“You’re the young man who bought that book, Flora and Fauna of Western Canada. Your choice surprised me.”

Colt gave the man a steady look, refusing to reveal any rancor at the comment. Did Macpherson think it strange a half-breed could read? “Like to know the names of things.”

“Uh-huh.” Macpherson’s gaze darted to the children and back to Colt. “Don’t remember you having any young ’uns when you stopped here earlier.”

“They ain’t mine.”

The man’s eyes narrowed. “Whose would they be?”

With long-suffering patience, Colt tamped down his irritation. Macpherson didn’t need to get all suspicious.

“I didn’t steal them, and if I had, I wouldn’t likely show up at a white man’s place of business, would I?” He kept his voice low and calm, but the way Macpherson blinked and straightened, he knew he’d managed to get his point across.

His daughter gasped. “Pa, surely you don’t think such a thing. Why, he wrapped his coat about the children, braving the cold to protect them.” She flashed Colt a bright smile that melted every remnant of frost in his body and all resentment in his brain. “It was very brave and noble of you.”

Macpherson made a rumbling sound in his throat. Colt wondered if it was meant as warning to his daughter or to him.

“Didn’t mean to suggest anything wrong.” But Macpherson’s expression showed no sign of relenting in his judgment. “Just wondering whose they are and why you have them.”

“Zeke Gallant, a trapper west of here, married a Blackfoot girl. These are their children.”

Macpherson nodded. “I met the pair a couple years ago. They had a baby with them.” He smiled at Marie. “I guess that would be you.”

Marie gave a shy smile then buried her face in Colt’s shirtfront.

It amazed him these children trusted him so easily. After all, he hadn’t seen Marie but once or twice, and Little Joe only once when he was a tiny mite.

Macpherson’s smile flattened as he waited for Colt’s explanation, but Colt was momentarily distracted as the fine young woman reached over and patted each little head. She was so close, he could see the light catching in her hair and smell the fresh, clean scent of her skin and clothing.

“Where are the Gallants?” the storekeeper prompted.

Colt jerked his attention from the woman and steeled himself to reveal nothing of his thoughts. He didn’t immediately answer. He didn’t like to mention the harsh reality he’d discovered. Not with little Marie watching him with big dark eyes, and listening to every word. Thankfully, her little brother had fallen asleep against Colt’s chest...double reason to be grateful. He guessed when Little Joe woke up and saw he wasn’t at home, he would let them all know his displeasure.

Colt’s ears still rang from the racket the tiny boy made in protest to being taken from his home and parents.

“My ma and pa are dead.” Marie dropped the announcement into their midst with a distinctive, husky voice. Not that it took her voice to give away her mixed race. Dark hair and black-as-coal eyes proved it. There would be no hiding the fact that this pair was part Indian.

Macpherson’s eyes widened at the announcement, and his daughter again leaned closer and reached for Marie as if wanting to hug her. She settled instead for stroking Marie’s head.

“I’m so sorry.” Her words seemed filled with tears.

Against his better judgment, Colt looked into her face. Indeed, her eyes were watery, but she favored Colt with a trembling smile that shook him to the core. Was the light so poor she hadn’t noticed what sort of man he was? Had she failed to notice the obvious heritage of these children?

He jerked his attention to Macpherson. Saw the curiosity and concern in his expression as he regarded the children. Colt explained what he’d found when he stopped at his friend’s place. “Their mother was already gone. Buried under a tree. Zeke was barely alive when I got there. Figure his concern for his kids kept him going long past what his body wanted. I buried him next to his wife this morning.” Some wouldn’t dignify the union by calling the Indian woman anything other than a squaw, but Colt didn’t feel that way.

“Pa said someone would come for us. He happy to see Colt. Said Colt will take care of us.”

The young woman squatted to eye level with Marie.

Colt stiffened, drew back. He darted a glance at Macpherson, expecting the man to step forward and push Colt away from his daughter. But the man’s gaze rested on Marie, his expression—near as Colt could decipher—full of sympathy.

Colt wasn’t sure if he trusted the compassion he saw. He’d witnessed very little of it in his lifetime. He waited for the expression to shift and grow hard.

He pulled the children closer. If necessary, he would move on. If they were fortunate, he’d find shelter in a barn. Otherwise, the river was nearby. The trees would offer some protection. He had the skills to build a shelter of branches. They’d survive.

Except the children deserved more than he could offer them in an outdoor camp. They at least needed food and more warmth than a fire struggling in the wind would provide. But, he reminded himself, this pair must learn to survive the opinion of white folks, the uncertain welcome of the natives. They would need to be tough.

The woman remained unaware of Colt’s troubled thoughts and tense waiting.

“My name is Becca.” She stroked Marie’s head. “What’s yours?”

Marie stared into the blue eyes, likely as mesmerized as Colt by the sweet voice and warm smile. “Marie,” she answered.

“Marie. What a nice name. How old are you?”

“Four.” Marie held up the correct number of fingers.

“A big girl now. With a little brother. What’s his name?”

“Little Joe. He’s two.” Marie held up two fingers.

Little Joe, disturbed by his sister’s movement, jerked awake. He sat up, looked about, wrinkled his face—

Colt balanced Marie on one knee as he pulled Little Joe to his shoulder, hoping to prevent what he knew would follow. But Little Joe turned as wriggly and uncooperative as a newborn calf and as loud as a pen of angry mountain cats. Colt’s ears rang from the boy’s cries. He had his hands full trying to make sure Little Joe didn’t launch himself headfirst to the floor.

Miss Becca stood to her full height and stared at the boy, as amazed by the noise one small boy could make as Colt had been the first time he’d heard the racket.

Little Joe squirmed away and stood on the floor, his mouth open wide as he bellowed his displeasure.

“Shush.” Colt patted the boy’s back and tried to calm him. Being mixed race was already enough to see them turned out into the storm. This noise would make anyone with ears reconsider an offer of shelter.

“Little Joe, it’s okay. Don’t cry.” But the kid merely sucked in air and released it in a louder scream.

“Ouch.” Colt covered his ears. “That hurts.”

Macpherson shuddered and backed away while his daughter stared.

Marie giggled. “Mama said he was loud enough to call down rain from the sky.”

Colt could barely make out her words in the din.

“I’d have to agree,” Becca said. “But we don’t need rain, do we, Little Joe?”

Little Joe paid her no mind. The volume didn’t diminish at all.

Marie went to her brother and patted his back. She murmured Indian words Colt recognized from his past as speech meant to comfort. They were always spoken for another, but he remembered a time he’d allowed himself to pretend they were for him. He shook his head, driving away the useless memory.

Little Joe stopped screaming and clutched Marie’s hand.

Becca’s sigh filled the air. “That’s better. Thanks for calming him.”

“He’s my brother.” Marie gave Colt, then Becca, a dark-eyed look of fierceness as she pulled Little Joe closer to her side.

Becca smiled, which filled her eyes with beams of sunshine. “He’s a fortunate boy.” She turned her blue gaze to Colt. “I don’t know your name.”

He gave it. Would she ask him to leave now?

But she only smiled and said, “Nice to meet you.”

Colt kept his face expressionless and slid a look at Macpherson. Would he ask Colt to leave? The man’s face showed a thousand things Colt could only guess at, but his gut informed him the man did not feel any welcome toward his guests.

“We’ll be on our way as soon as the children are warm enough. I’ll get more supplies before we leave.” He hoped the promise of a sale would allow them to stay for a brief period. He’d never been one to pray. Didn’t seem to be any point in praying to a white man’s God. Truth was, he wasn’t sure whose God he should pray to, but at the moment, he petitioned the only God he’d heard much about...the white man’s.

Please stop the storm and guide me to a shelter for these kids.

“Nonsense,” Becca said. “No one will be going out in this weather. There’s plenty of room here, isn’t that right, Pa?”

“I certainly wouldn’t expect man nor beast to venture out in this storm.” The words were spoken kindly enough, but Colt didn’t miss the slight hesitation before they came, any more than he missed the protective look Macpherson fixed on his daughter.

Colt could assure the man he would not harm her in any way. He would only speak to her when necessary, and he’d stay a goodly distance away. He knew better than to ever look at a white woman in a way to invite the ire of a white man.

Marie pulled Colt’s head down to whisper in his ear. “She’s nice.”

Colt nodded, but kept his attention on the child. Nice white women did not associate with half-breeds.

* * *

Becca watched the black-haired man with his head bent over Marie, listening to her murmured comment. She couldn’t hear what the child said, but she ached for the gentle way he held her. Almost as much as she ached for the plight of the children. Orphaned, half-breed children didn’t face a happy future, from what she’d observed. If it was in her power, she would do something, but what could she do? She’d promised Ma on her deathbed that when she turned eighteen, she would return east to family back there. She was set to keep that promise. Her trunk stood packed and ready near the door, waiting for the stage-coach due tomorrow. The first leg of the journey would take her to Fort Macleod. From there she would go south to Fort Benton. Eventually a train would carry her to her destination, though it pained her to think of leaving Pa alone.

Colt lifted his head, as if aware she watched him. His gaze collided with hers. A jolt raced through her veins at the intensity in his black, almost bottomless eyes. Except they weren’t. Looking into them, she felt her heart hit something solid. Something deep inside, almost hidden. She knew somehow, that he was a person one could trust through thick and thin. A heart could find perfect rest in his care.

She shifted her attention to a display of hardware behind his shoulder and wondered when she had grown so silly.

Marie turned to Colt. They studied each other, then she grabbed his hands, opened his arms and indicated he should lift her and Little Joe to his lap. He arranged one on each knee and pulled a blanket around them. Marie glanced up at Colt and smiled, as if being in his arms made her feel safe.

Becca’s eyes stung at how tender he was with the children.

Colt looked up and caught her watching. Again, she felt that unexpected jolt of surprise, and something more that she couldn’t name. Meeting his gaze, however, made her aware of an unfolding inside her. How unusual for her to take so much note of a customer. Or even a visitor.

She must stop thinking about Colt and focus her attention on these orphaned children. Because of her promise to her mother, she could not offer them all the things she longed to—shelter, acceptance and love—but while the storm raged outside, she could give them a taste of what her heart longed to provide.

Pa cleared his throat. She realized she’d been staring at the trio far too long, and turned toward her father. He went to the window to look out.

“Good thing you got here when you did. The wind has picked up. Anyone out there now would be in danger of freezing.”

“We was pretty cold,” Marie said.

Colt grunted. “You mean to say you weren’t cozy and warm under my coat?”

Marie quickly corrected herself. “Most of the time.”

“It’s okay, little one,” Colt said. “I knew you were cold. But there wasn’t anything I could do about it.”

“I know. It’s okay.”

Becca chuckled at the way Marie tried to reassure him.

Pa wandered about the store, paused to adjust the cans of tomatoes, and secured the lid on the barrel of crackers. “I hope this doesn’t last too long.”

“We’re all safe, Pa.”

He sat on a chair by the fire. “The stagecoach won’t run if this keeps up. You won’t make it to Toronto as we planned.”

“I’ll be safe here. I can go later.” She didn’t object to a delay in her travel plans—although Pa insisted that the sooner she went, the better. But she hated to leave before Christmas.

“I promised your mother you’d leave when you turned eighteen.”

“I’ll be eighteen for a whole year.” She smiled encouragement at her father, then glanced at Colt to see his reaction to the conversation.

He watched them with guarded interest.

Deciding to change the topic, she asked him, “What are your plans for the children?”

He paused as if to measure his words. “I thought the children should go to Fort Macleod. I hear there’s a teacher there who takes in orphan children without any regard for their race.”

Suddenly, the first leg of her journey didn’t seem so lonely and frightening. With Colt and the children along, she’d barely have time to think about all she was leaving behind.

Colt fixed his dark eyes on her, bringing her thoughts to a crashing halt.

“Miss Macpherson, seeing as you plan to take the stagecoach, I hope you’ll agree to take them with you and turn them over to the teacher.”

“Me?” She couldn’t tear her gaze from his.

“Makes sense,” Pa said.

Becca did not think it made any sense whatsoever. She saw herself clutching two sad children, tears flowing silently from three pairs of eyes, as they huddled alone and cold in a stagecoach racing farther and farther away from everything familiar. Though perhaps the tears wouldn’t be silent on Little Joe’s behalf. She blinked, reminded herself of her promise to her mother, and managed a soft answer.

“Of course.”

“So much depends on the weather.” Pa again wandered about the store, poking at supplies.

Marie shifted to look into Colt’s face. “You not take care of us?”

“I’ll make sure you’re safe.”

His reply satisfied Marie, and she snuggled against his chest.

Colt had the most peculiar expression on his face. As if unsure how to handle the children, and yet he was so gentle and natural with them.

Becca couldn’t stop watching him.

Pa cleared his throat, and guilty heat burned across her cheeks. Pa always guarded her closely, making sure she didn’t spend too much time in the company of the men who visited the store. Not that he’d ever had to run interference before.

“It will soon be supper time,” Pa said.

“Of course. I’ll see to it.” She hurried into the living quarters, grateful to escape the three visitors. She stared around the kitchen. What was she to prepare for them? Would they enjoy clustering around the table? When had she ever been so disturbed by unexpected guests? It wasn’t as if they hadn’t had occasional visitors over the few years they’d been here. But none that stirred her heart the way this man did.

The innocent children, too, of course. Only it wasn’t the idea of the children sitting at the table that had her thoughts all aflutter.

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