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No Ordinary Fortune

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“So your visit to the Mendoza Winery Distribution Center was plan B?”

“I hope that doesn’t hurt your feelings.”

At that, he laughed. “I’m just on the periphery of the Fortune family, but I can get you an introduction if you’d like one.”

“That’s great. And I promise that I’ll watch from the outside. I don’t mean them any harm. Think of me as an investigative reporter.”

“And a damn pretty one at that.”

Now, that was an interesting way to toss out a compliment. But then again, with the way he looked and his sexy style, it was easy to see Carlo had plenty of practice—no doubt from a string of sexual conquests over the years.

“Ariana can probably provide you with a better introduction to the Fortune family than I can,” Carlo said.

“You’re right. And once she and her hubby get back home in a few weeks, I plan to talk to her about doing that.”

He scrunched his brow, creating a crease in his forehead, but it didn’t mar his gorgeous face in the least. “Where are they?”

“They’re out of town while she researches a new book about people who embody the Texas spirit.”

Before Carlo could respond, his cell phone rang again. He glanced at the screen. “Believe it or not, I’m not usually a rude dinner companion, but I need to take this call. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll step outside and answer it. But I’ll make it quick.”

She nodded. Like Daddy had taught her since she was old enough to join the family at the dining room table, business always came first.

Once, when Schuyler was in high school, a friend called her while they were having dinner. Her father threatened to take away her cell phone if she answered. Yet two minutes later, he got a call and took it. When he finished talking, she pointed out the inconsistency, which made him angry. He lifted his finger and shook it at her. Here’s the rule in this family, Schuyler. When a phone call earns money, you answer it.

Moments later, Carlo returned to the table. He’d no more than taken a seat when he leaned forward and zeroed in on her like a con man who’d found his mark. “I have a proposition for you. I need your help again, and I’ll do whatever you want if you agree.”

Schuyler raised her eyebrows. “Whatever I want? Just what would this job entail?”

“Now who’s being skeptical?” Carlo laughed. “There isn’t anything unsavory about it. I need someone to represent the Mendoza brand at another special tasting. You just have to do the same thing you did this evening. Pour wine and get people to drink it—and hopefully buy it. I’ll pay you well for your time.”

“I told you before. This isn’t about the money. I don’t have to work a day in my life unless I want to.”

And if truth be told, she wanted to hostess again for Carlo.

“So what do you say?” he asked.

She was always up for an adventure. So she reached across the table to shake his hand and seal the deal. “It’ll be a pleasure doing business with you.”

* * *

In spite of his better judgment, Carlo had been listening to Schuyler half in amusement, half in curiosity. But things got serious the moment he took her hand and felt the unexpected strength of her small grip, the softness of her skin and the heat of her touch. Desire slammed into him, nearly taking him out at the knees.

He tried to play it cool, to hide his sexual attraction, but he’d never met a woman like her before. And he probably never would again.

Granted, he’d been skeptical of her the moment he’d learned the temp agency hadn’t sent her and she’d let him believe that they had. In some ways, he supposed he was still a bit leery, but she seemed sincere.

She was also gorgeous and as intriguing as hell. Besides, she was the best hostess they’d had yet. And she was damn good for business. Bottom line? He was going to take a gamble and believe her story.

“The next tasting is on Thursday evening,” he said. “Are you available to work that night?”

“Three days from now?” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing a good-size diamond stud. “Sure. I’ll be in town for a while.”

She didn’t say how long she intended to stay, and even though he was growing more and more curious about her plans, he didn’t ask. “Thanks for being flexible,” he said.

“Hey. That’s practically my middle name.” She flashed him a dazzling smile, then leaned forward. “So tell me about this ‘special’ tasting.”

“There’s going to be another convention in town. This one is for a group of software execs. So I called the people in charge and set up a special preconference event. We negotiated a discounted price, and they liked the idea.”

“Is it going to be in the Monarch Hotel gardens?”

“No, this one will be held at the winery. We’re sending a bus to provide them with transportation to and from the hotel. Then, after they have a tasting of our best vintages, we’ll serve them dinner.”

“Sounds like an exciting evening for a group I’d expect to be a little dull and boring in real life.”

Carlo laughed. “Leave it to a party girl to make that assumption.”

She gave a little shrug, followed by a playful wink.

“Actually,” he said, “a lot of thought goes behind my invitation for a special tasting. Those executives all live in various parts of the country, so I figure they’ll order several cases each and share it with their friends when they get home. It’s a good way to get the wine into the hands of consumers outside Texas.”

“I like the way you think.”

“Hey, when you have a good product or business, the best promotion is word of mouth.”

“Looks like you’ve thought of everything.”

“I try to.” He leaned back in his chair and lifted his glass. Yet he found his dinner companion more tempting than his favorite Mendoza wine.

Damn, she was pretty. Carlo prided himself on his strength and character, but God help a weak man who found himself attracted to her.

“Is your tasting room open daily—or just by special request?”

“We’re open in the afternoons, and we have a host who handles the regular tastings for us. He also works at La Viña in the evenings, so I’d prefer to use someone else during our special events.”

“So that’s where I come in.”

“Exactly. And as part of your pay, I’ll do whatever I can to help you be that fly on the wall with the Fortunes.”

“I’d really appreciate that.” Her eyes were an interesting and unusual shade of blue. They also were assessing him just as carefully as he’d studied her moments ago.

“I’m not blowing smoke,” he said. “There’s going to be a Valentine’s Day party at the Mendoza Winery on the fourteenth, and a lot of the Fortunes will be there. You can be the hostess that night and ‘work’ the room.”

Her smile practically lit the entire restaurant, extinguishing the need for the votives on the table. “That would be great, Carlo. You won’t be sorry. I’ll be professional and discreet.”

He hoped she was right, and that his belief in her hadn’t been unfounded. After reaching into the pocket of his sports jacket, he pulled out his business card and handed it to her. “In the meantime, why don’t you stop by the winery tomorrow morning. I’ll give you a personal tour.”

“I’d like that.”
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