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The Cowboy's Family Plan

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The woman reached into her purse and handed over her keys. Then she told the kids to get back in the car.

“But we’re hungry,” the little girl said.

“This nice man is going to bring dinner to us.” The woman stroked her belly, resigned to the inevitable.

“Don’t worry,” Alex said. “I’ll be right behind you guys.”

Selena sure hoped so. One of the obstetrical residents would be the one to deliver the woman’s baby. So there was no reason for her to hang out once they arrived.

But then again, someone was going to have to watch the children and figure out a way to get them to grandma’s house. And she wasn’t sure if Alex would be up for a task like that.

Once they were in the car and on the road, they exchanged names. “I’m Shannon Bedford, and these are my kids, Tommy and Kimberly.”

“I’m Selena Ramirez. I’m going to need your mother’s name and number.”

“Speaking of my mom, I’d better call her. Then I’ll give you her contact information.”

Eight minutes and three painful contractions later, Selena drove the old Ford sedan up to the E.R. entrance and honked her horn to let the staff know she was going to need some help. Within seconds, an orderly had come out to assess the situation.

“This is Shannon Bedford,” Selena told the man. “She’s going to need a ride up to Obstetrics.”

“Is she your patient, Dr. Ramirez?” the orderly asked.

“No, her doctor is in Houston. But she’ll need to be admitted. Her water broke, and she’s in active labor.”

He nodded, then headed back inside for a wheelchair.

Selena placed her hand on Shannon’s shoulder and gave it a comforting squeeze. “Brighton Valley Medical Center has a top-notch obstetrics ward. You’ll be in great hands, so relax.”

When the orderly returned with the wheelchair, Shannon took a seat as another pain gripped her.

They’d explained to the children what was happening while they’d been in the car, but little Kimberly was still worried. “Where’s he going to take my mommy?”

“Upstairs to have the new baby,” Selena said. “But don’t worry, honey. I’ll stay with you and Tommy until the baby is born. And then I’ll make sure you get to your grandma’s house.”

Selena and the children followed Shannon through the E.R., into an elevator and on to the O.B. floor. They stopped when they reached the waiting room.

“I’m sure my friend Alex will be arriving with your dinner soon,” Selena said.

They’d no more than settled into chairs near the television when Alex—thank goodness for reinforcements!—popped his head into the room. “I hope you guys like grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken tenders.”

“We do,” Tommy said, getting up from his chair. “Thanks.”

“I also brought milk to drink and cookies for dessert,” Alex added, as he placed the bags on a nearby coffee table.

Selena couldn’t help but grin. The cowboy was proving to be both thoughtful and generous.

After setting out the food and watching the children take seats on the floor around the coffee table, Alex nodded for Selena to step off to the side. As she did so, he lowered his voice. “How’s their mother doing?”

“She’s already been admitted and is being examined now.”

“Is everything going to be okay?”

“I called her doctor in Houston and let him know what was happening. He said the baby was breech at her last appointment. Unless it’s turned, the delivery will be more complicated. She’s also nearly six weeks early, but Dr. Chin, the resident in charge, is competent. So I’m sure everything will be okay.”

“What about the kids?” he asked. “What are you going to do with them?”

“I’ll wait here until Shannon is out of delivery. Then I’ll drive them to Oakville to stay with their grandmother.”

“Are you taking her car?”

“No, it was making some weird noises on the way here, so I’d rather take my own. I’ll have to transfer the car seat, though.” The minutes the words were out of her mouth, she realized she’d have to ask Alex to give her a ride back to the wellness center.

“Okay,” he said. “I’ll just hang out here until you’re ready to go back.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know.” His gaze locked on hers, and for a moment, she felt as though they were a team.

Selena couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt like she had someone on her side—a friend, a lover...

Oh, for Pete’s sake. They might be developing a friendship, but they’d never become lovers.

Before she could tear her gaze from his and get her mind back on track, Ella Wilkins poked her head into the doorway. “Dr. Ramirez?”

Selena’s gaze moved from the handsome cowboy who was proving to have a protective streak to the obstetrics nurse who’d just arrived. “Yes, Ella?”

“Dr. Chin has decided on a C-section and wanted to know if you’d assist.”

Selena stiffened. “Of course. I’ll be right there.”

“He’s also put out a call for Dr. Parnell,” Ella added.

Roger Parnell was a neonatologist, who’d be in charge of the baby when it was born. It was standard procedure in a C-section, but had something unexpected happened?

Why was Darren Chin asking her to assist?

Selena turned to Alex, who was no longer smiling.

“What can I do to help?” he asked.

“Watch the kids. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

She just hoped she wouldn’t have to bear bad news to Shannon’s children when she returned.

Chapter Three

Alex didn’t have any idea what was going on beyond the double doors that led to the obstetrics unit, but he was glad Selena was in there with the kids’ mother.
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