Guarding Camille
Then, when he’d gone into the delivery room with her, helping her through that difficult time, she’d thought they’d drawn closer. But she could sense he was pulling away again.
“I read a lot. And we have a television and VCR. Jake got us movies to watch.” Though most of them she’d watched alone.
“Well, tomorrow night you’ll get to socialize a little,” Anna said. “Which brings us to what you’ll wear at Mom’s. Shall I show you my favorite?”
Camille nodded, and Anna unzipped a garment bag and pulled out a cocktail dress in pale leaf green. Its empire style relieved Camille’s concern about her waistline, which hadn’t quite shrunk to its pre-pregnancy trimness, and the frothy chiffon skirt gave the dress a certain grace and elegance.
Camille gasped. “How beautiful!”
“It will be perfect on you,” Anna assured her.
Camille picked up the dress and gasped again. “But—but it’s a designer dress!”
“Don’t you like it? It’s beautifully simple, such great lines,” Anna enthused.
“Yes, it’s wonderful…but expensive,” Camille said, frowning.
“Oh, don’t worry. After I talked to you and Jake, Mom called. She was afraid you’d have nothing to wear. She wants the gown to be a gift from her.”
Nothing could have pointed out more clearly to Camille how far apart her world and Jake’s were than his sister’s casual attitude toward a designer gown. “There’s no reason for her to pay for my dress.”
Shelby chuckled. “Yes, there is. She figures she owes you for bringing Jake home.”
JAKE WAS BACK in a suit and tie. And tense.
When he’d met with the FBI team the day before, while Camille tried on her new clothes, they’d assured him Eckart was staying well underground.
“He may even have left the area,” Steve Parks, the team leader, said.
“No, he hasn’t,” Jake disagreed firmly.
“You’ve heard something?”
“No. But I know how the man thinks. He considers Camille to be his property. He won’t rest until he has her in his control.”
Even worse, Jake believed Eckart was filled with anger and revenge because he’d been bested by his ex-wife. His macho image had been damaged. He wouldn’t rest until he had Camille under his power again. And heaven help Camille—and Jamie—if that happened.
“Come on, Jake. She’s just a woman, not Cleopatra. No man’s going to blow his entire life for a woman who doesn’t want him.”
Jake sent a steely stare Steve’s way. “Stay alert. He’ll turn up.”
Now he waited for Camille to appear so they could drive to his mother’s house. He wasn’t comfortable about the drive there. Once they arrived and he had Camille inside, he’d feel a lot better.
He suspected Camille would, too. Ever since he left her at Garrett’s house yesterday, she’d behaved differently. More withdrawn, quieter.
He should be pleased. After all, he’d rebuffed her early attempts at conversation. He’d ignored her offerings of friendship. For six months, he’d resisted her. And now that he wanted her to talk to him, she refused.
“Camille? Are you ready?” He checked his watch again. He definitely wanted them to arrive at his mother’s early. There would be a crowd, since his family was large. His mother and father had had five children of their own plus his adopted siblings, R.J. and Anna. Then there were the four Lords, and Jake’s cousin Connor and his fiancée.
And Harrison Smith.
Strange man. He’d come to town to check out Maitland Maternity Clinic as a possible place for his first grandchild’s entry into the world. Not an unusual occurrence. The hospital’s reputation drew the rich and the famous and extended far beyond the Texas border.
But something about Harrison Smith bothered him.
He’d stayed too long, and his interest seemed focused on the Maitlands themselves, rather than the clinic.
“I’m ready,” Camille said softly.
Jake looked up, still lost in thought, and was completely unprepared for the vision facing him.
His breath caught in his throat, and he thought he was going to pass out.
Dissolving into coughs, he bent over.
“Are you all right?” Camille asked, concern in her voice.
He straightened and looked at her again. Man, he was in trouble. He hadn’t seen her in anything sexy before.
And she was right about her breasts.
The gown she wore was a halter top in some kind of shimmery green material that made her eyes look huge. It hugged her breasts and then floated around her legs, emphasizing every move she made.
Her silky blond hair, shoulder length when they’d first come to Texas, was longer now, but she’d swept it up on top of her head, revealing an elegant neck that made his mouth water.
“Jake?” Camille prompted.
“I’m fine. You look—very nice,” he said, hoping she wasn’t aware of the reaction those tame words hid.
“Thank you. It’s exciting to wear new clothes. Anna even brought some things for Jamie. See, he’s wearing a new sleeper.” She gestured to the baby carrier where she’d strapped in her son.
“Very nice. We’d better hurry. Here, put these on.” He held out a white shirt, a tie and a jacket.
Camille stared at him. “You’re kidding, right?”
“No.” This was part of his plan to protect Camille. “You’re going in disguise.”
She took a step back. “But, Jake—my dress.”
“It won’t hurt it.” He didn’t mention the fake mustache in his pocket or the cowboy hat on the breakfast table.
He draped the jacket over the sofa and held out the dress shirt he’d bought the day before, along with the rest of the disguise. “Slip your arm in.”
With a sigh, she turned her back to him even as she stepped closer to slide her left arm in first. It was almost as if she were in his embrace. He drew a deep breath and was assailed by her delicate, provocative perfume. With her bare neck so close, he had to fight the urge to trace its graceful lines with his lips. Damn!
“I’m afraid I’ll mess up my nails,” Camille complained as she turned to face him.
He’d been relieved that the white shirt covered her alluring décolletage. Then he realized what her words meant. “You mean…you want me to button it?”
“If you don’t mind.”
Mind? He couldn’t find the words to explain the problem, because he’d have to admit what touching her did to him. With his mouth feeling as if it were stuffed with cotton, he growled and reached for the first button under her chin. Not too bad, he assured himself as his hands slid to the next button. But the third button—that was the test. His knuckles skimmed the warm, soft mounds of flesh above her low neckline, and he suddenly couldn’t breathe.
Camille jerked back, obviously uncomfortable with his touch, too. “I—I think my nails are dry enough now.”
He nodded, still unable to speak. His gaze was fastened on her slender fingers, the nails painted a delicate pink, as she buttoned the shirt.
He was relieved when the process was complete, and handed the tie to her.
She stared at him blankly. “I don’t know how to do one of these.”
“Do? You mean tie it?”
“Yes, that’s what I mean.”
He stood there, breathing deeply, trying to think. But in the end, he knew what he had to do. He slid his hands to her neck and turned up her collar, then slid the tie in place, its ends lying on her chest.
Clearing his throat, he ordered, “Turn the collar back down.” After she’d done that, he said, “Take the ends of the tie and—” He didn’t know how to tell her. Finally, he led her to the hall mirror. Standing behind her, keeping his elbows as far from her body as he could, he reached around her and gingerly picked up the ends of the tie.
Moving as quickly as he could, he tied the knot and slid it to her top button, all the time inhaling her delicate scent.
“There,” he said, glad the tough part was over.
“I don’t think this will fool anyone, Jake,” Camille insisted. “My hair and face—”
He held up a hand, stopping her in midsentence. “This will help,” he assured her, reaching into his pocket for the brown mustache, “and there’s a hat in the kitchen.”
Her hazel eyes widened, but she made no attempt to take the fake mustache. He swallowed several times before he stepped closer again. He peeled off the adhesive protector and pressed the mustache across Camille’s upper lip. Her soft upper lip. Her kissable lip. Hunger surged through him.
She sneezed. “It tickles,” she complained.
“That’s what a woman says when she kisses—” He stopped. He didn’t want to go there.
“Did you ever have a mustache?”
“Yeah, when I was younger and wanted to look older.” And more in control. More macho, able to face his father as a man. Able to determine his own future and not follow in the traditions already laid down by his family.
But instead of facing his father, Jake had stayed far away.
CAMILLE WASN’T SURE what she’d said that had distracted Jake, but he appeared to be worlds away.
“Uh, yeah, here’s the jacket. You put it on and I’ll get the hat.” He hurried out of the room.
She took a deep breath and tried to relax. When he stared at her lips, only to check out the mustache, of course, she’d thought she might melt. All she could think about was him kissing her. How much she wanted him to kiss her. What kissing him would be like.
“Camille?” Jake said as he stepped into the room. “Is there something wrong with the jacket?”
Her cheeks burning with embarrassment, she scrambled into the jacket. “No, it’s fine,” she assured him. And it fit, sort of. A lot better than one of Jake’s would have. He was a big man.
He showed her a felt Stetson. “I chose beige so there wouldn’t be a sharp contrast between your hair and the hat.” Without waiting for her to take it, he put it on her head.
“My hair!” she exclaimed, reaching for the hat.
He caught her hands. “No, don’t take it off. You’ll have time to fix your hair when we get there. We’d better go.” He reached for Jamie’s carrier at the same time she did, his hands touching hers again. Jerking back, he said, “I’ll carry him. We don’t want to mess up your disguise.”
She surrendered her hold and stepped aside. “Okay. Will—will your mother—everyone else will be dressed up, won’t they?”
Jake stared at her. “Is that what you’ve been stewing about? Whether you’ll be dressed all right?”
“I haven’t been to a formal party in years, or maybe ever,” she confessed, avoiding his gaze. And she’d never been anywhere with a man who looked like Jake.
He shrugged. “Hang around here long enough and you will. Mom loves dressing up.”
He escorted her to the SUV and belted the baby carrier in the back seat.
Neither of them spoke until they reached Garrett’s house and Camille exclaimed, “Look, there’s Max. And Garrett. Are they going to ride with us?”
Jake slowed down. “Nope. They’re escorting us. Garrett will lead, and Max will bring up the rear. The only tricky part about the evening is getting you to and from Mom’s.”
“Oh. Has there been any sign of Vince?”
“Maybe he’s given up. Maybe he doesn’t want me or Jamie anymore.”
Jake pressed his lips tightly together before he answered, a grim look on his face. “No. He hasn’t given up.”
His words depressed her, and she sank back against the seat, staring out the window at the passing pastureland.
WHEN THEY TURNED IN at the gate that protected his mother’s home, Camille spoke for the first time since they’d left Garrett’s ranch. “Oh, my heavens!”
Jake gave a wry smile. The house was imposing. When he’d brought friends home from college, they’d been overwhelmed by the magnificence of his home. His girlfriend, the one who broke his heart, had reveled in the luxury of the place and been eager to move in.
Once he realized his girlfriend was only interested in his family’s fortunes, he had decided he didn’t want to be associated with such obvious wealth. He didn’t want to be different from other people. He didn’t want friends who could be bought with money.
“I thought Garrett’s house was—impressive. But this… You actually lived here?” There was astonishment in Camille’s voice.
“Were you ever lonely?”
That unexpected question brought a rush of other memories. “Hell, no. There were seven of us kids, plus Mom and Dad and the staff they hired to take care of all of us. Both my parents were involved with the hospital, but they spent a lot of time with us,” he remembered, his lips curving in a smile. That smile felt good.
Once his world had fallen apart with Susie’s betrayal, he’d had some problems with his father. When he left home, he was determined to make it on his own.
And he had, but his childhood memories felt surprisingly good tonight.
Garrett stopped and got out in front of the house as a man in uniform hurried to park his car. He stepped back and waited for Jake’s vehicle. When it came to a stop, he opened the door for Camille.
An appreciative whistle split the air. “My, my, my. You’re a little, uh, unusual, Camille,” Garrett said with a smile.
Jake looked sharply at his friend. Garrett wasn’t one to flirt. In fact, he was a very private man. But he’d been friendly with Camille.
Jake got out and hurried around the SUV. Garrett had his hands around Camille’s waist to lift her out, and Jake had to fight to hold back harsh words.
“Will you get Jamie, Jake?” Camille asked as Garrett turned to escort her into the house.
“Yeah, sure,” he muttered. After all his work to take care of her, he didn’t even get to escort her into the party? He was going to have a few choice words for Garrett.
Max joined him before he got to the front door. “Need some help with that diaper bag?” he asked, grinning.
Jake gave him a disgusted look and shook his head. “You’d think they’d make these things without flowers all over them. Jamie’s a boy, too. He must be pretty embarrassed to have his belongings in this thing.”
“I think he’ll survive,” Max assured him.
“Did you see anything?” Jake asked, turning to business.
“Nope. And I’ve checked all the staff and extras hired. They’re clean.”
“Good. While I look around, I want you to stay close to Camille.” A sudden image of the way she looked beneath her disguise had him amending his instructions. “But not too close. And don’t let Garrett drool all over her.”
Max laughed again. “That might be the hardest assignment you’ve given me. Especially when she gets rid of that mustache. Good thing no one could see her clearly on the way in. She could never pass as a man.”
“Yeah,” Jake muttered. “Where are the guards stationed?” He had a picture of Eckart in his breast pocket. He wanted to show it around one more time.
Max gave him the information he’d asked for.
“Right. I’ll be back in a minute,” he assured his friend.
“You taking the baby with you?” Max asked as they entered the house.
Camille was waiting with Garrett in the entry. “I’ll take Jamie. I want to see the nursery where he’ll be staying.”
“I’ll take her to the nursery and somewhere she can remove her disguise,” Garrett offered.
Jake gave Max a stern look.
Max chuckled again. “We’ll take her,” he assured Garrett. “I want to see the setup.”
Jake hurried away. He didn’t want either man to spend too much time under Camille’s spell. They might never recover.
He wasn’t sure he would.
CAMILLE was overwhelmed.
She gazed around the high-ceilinged room at the beautifully dressed women, the men in their suits, and felt as if she’d stepped into another world. Megan Maitland, an elegant and gracious woman, had introduced her to each of her children and their spouses.
The woman was well loved by her family.
Now she arrived at Camille’s side, a beaming smile on her face. “Camille, dear, let me present my nephew, Connor O’Hara. I wish you could meet his fiancée, Janelle, but unfortunately she’s under the weather and couldn’t join us.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” Camille said. “But I’m pleased to meet you, Connor. It’s so wonderful that you and your family have managed to find each other after all these years.”
Megan’s nephew was good-looking in a rugged way, but when he took her hand, his lecherous gaze roved over her. “Yes, it is, isn’t it?”
Camille wanted to like everything about the Maitland family. After all, this was Jake’s family, and every member she’d met had been charming.
Everyone but Connor.
Something about him bothered her, and she tugged her hand away. A strong arm slid around her, and she jerked in surprise as she realized Jake had joined them. “Connor, Mom,” he said, acknowledging the other two.
“There you are, darling,” Megan said, smiling at her youngest son.
“Yes, Mom, here I am. Connor, where’s Janelle? I haven’t seen her.”
A flash of jealousy went through Camille. Did Jake have a special interest in the absent woman?
“She’s laid up with a cold and running a fever, so she wanted to stay in bed tonight, not take any chances.”
The man sent a suffering look Megan’s way, and she patted him on the arm.
“She made the right decision, though of course we miss her,” Megan assured Connor. Then she turned to Camille. “Did you see Chase when you took your baby upstairs?”
Jake had told Camille about Connor and Janelle’s little boy, Chase. For reasons Camille didn’t know, Janelle had abandoned the baby on the clinic steps the previous fall. Then in January she’d shown up to claim her child, but he was still in Megan’s care.
“Yes, I did,” Camille said with a smile. “He’s a handsome boy, and big for his age.”
“Yes, he is, isn’t he?” Megan agreed, sounding like a doting great-aunt.
Camille had been intimidated by Megan’s appearance when she’d first met her, but then she’d discovered the warm, loving woman beneath the expensive attire. No wonder all of Megan Maitland’s children adored her.
“What did you name your little boy?” Megan asked.
“James Jacob,” Camille said, not thinking about the speculation the name might cause. Jake’s hand squeezed her waist in warning.
“After Jake?” his mother asked in surprise.
“Um, well, Jake has helped me a great deal and—and his name went well with my father’s.”
Connor gave a harsh laugh. “I heard that my cousin was quite a stud, but I didn’t know—”
“Connor!” Megan snapped, an air of command in her voice for the first time.
He sobered at once and offered an apology.
Jake seemed distracted, however, his gaze fixed on something or someone over his mother’s shoulder. “I believe you have a late guest, Mom.”
She turned to look, then said, “Of course. Mr. Smith. If you’ll excuse me, children, I’ll go greet him.”
“Who’s that?” Connor asked, frowning.
Camille could feel the tension in Jake and knew he had some kind of interest in the man who had just arrived. She wondered if he had any connection to her ex-husband, but instantly dismissed that idea. Jake wouldn’t have allowed him to be invited to his mother’s house had that been the case.
“A man who’s checking out the hospital for his grandchild’s birth. Mom thought he might enjoy meeting the family.”
Camille studied Jake’s face. His explanation was reasonable enough, she supposed, but something about his intensity alarmed her.
“I thought it was just supposed to be family,” Connor grumbled. “Though I suppose since the Lords are here, there’s no reason—”
“The Lords are part of our family, Connor,” Jake corrected. “I’d suggest you not make that mistake in front of Mom.”
The man glowered at Jake, then tipped his glass to swallow the last of his drink. He signaled a waiter and exchanged his empty glass for another flute of champagne. “Aren’t you two drinking?” he asked, gesturing to the waiter’s almost full tray.
Camille lifted her glass of club soda. “I have something, thank you.”
Jake didn’t bother with excuses. He shook his head at the waiter and continued to keep his eye on the new guest.
A couple of minutes later, Megan approached them, a very handsome dark-haired man at her side. “Mr. Smith, I’d like you to meet my nephew, Connor O’Hara, and—”
Camille had been studying the new arrival as Megan made the introduction. When she gave Connor’s name, the man whitened, all blood draining from his face, and Camille wondered if he would faint.
Jake grabbed his arm. “What the hell is going on?”
JAKE SLIPPED a hand beneath Smith’s arm to support him, afraid he might pass out. Instead, Smith squared his shoulders and shrugged off Jake’s hold.
“Are you all right?” Camille asked, leaning toward him.
Jake recognized his instinctive urge to come between Camille and the stranger, but squelched it at once. There was no need to protect her. She was safe here.
“My heavens,” Megan exclaimed, looking at Harrison Smith. “Are you ill?”
“Yes! Yes, I just got over a bad bout with the flu,” he replied, a little too quickly, Jake decided. “I thought I was fully recovered but I guess I’ve had too long a day.”
Connor shrugged. “You probably should go home. Put your feet up.”
Jake smiled at his mother. “I’ll take Mr. Smith to the study and let him rest. He’ll probably be okay in a few minutes.” He didn’t want his opportunity to question the man to disappear. Especially now.
“I’ll find him something to eat,” Camille added. She smiled sympathetically at Smith, and Jake felt the stirrings of jealousy. What was wrong with him? She was only trying to be helpful.
“Thank you. I’d appreciate it,” Smith murmured, returning Camille’s smile.
For a prospective grandfather, Smith’s smile was a little too appreciative of Camille’s concern, Jake thought. Placing his hand on Smith’s shoulder, he directed him away from her. As he did so, he caught Michael Lord’s gaze and nodded toward Camille.
“I hope you’re able to stay, Mr. Smith,” Megan said, her social graces intact, as always. “Maybe if you rest until dinner, you’ll feel better.”
“Thank you,” he murmured.
Camille flagged down a waiter and conferred with him as Jake led Smith toward the study. She’d be safe, he assured himself as he caught sight of Michael heading toward her. Nothing could happen to her while he questioned the guest.
Once they reached the study, Smith stepped away from Jake.
“Thank you for your support. I’m feeling much better now. If you want to return to the party, I’ll stay here for a few minutes.”
Jake stuck his hands into his pants pockets and shrugged. “I’ve been to too many of these parties. I’d just as soon have a break, too.”
“I wouldn’t want to upset your mother by keeping her youngest away from the party,” Smith said with a slight smile.
Jake studied him. “How did you know I was the youngest?”
Smith didn’t flinch or look surprised by his question. “I think it’s common knowledge. You and your sister Anna are the only ones not involved in the hospital. I suppose that fact made you stand out.” He chose one of the large leather chairs tucked in a corner of the shadowy room, away from the glow of the lamp.
Jake paced around the room. “So, I understand your daughter is expecting.”
“Where is she?”
“At home. In Montana.” He kept his gaze fixed on the cuff of his shirt, which he straightened with his opposite hand.
“And her husband?”
One eyebrow slid up, reminding Jake of Megan when one of her children had challenged her. He almost grinned, then regained control of himself.
“Are you implying I’m interfering with my daughter’s life?”
Jake didn’t back down. “I just know if my wife was having a child, I’d be the one making the decisions about the birth, not my father-in-law.” Memories of Jamie’s birth flooded him. Jamie wasn’t his child, but Jake had been there for Camille.