All a Cowboy Wants for Christmas: Waiting for Christmas / His Christmas Wish / Once Upon a Frontier Christmas
“And how do you propose we do that?” Mrs. Tuttle asked.
“I think we should bring them in by train,” Marlee said. “There are three towns nearby, the farthest less than an hour away. We could get the railroad to put on extra runs during the festival.”
“But how would we get the people to come?” someone called. “We can’t round them up like cattle and herd them onto the passenger cars.”
“We could get the Harmony newspaper to print flyers and posters and have some of your young men distribute them in those towns. We could purchase small advertisements in neighboring towns announcing the festival and the performances by the Barrett Family Singers,” Marlee said.
“Everybody will want to come hear them sing,” a woman in the back of the room called out.
Marlee gestured toward Heddy Conroy, the minister’s wife she’d met earlier. “You could write to the churches in those towns and ask their ministers to announce our festival to the congregations.”
Mrs. Tuttle’s frown eased a little, but she still didn’t say anything.
“Someone from Flora’s Bake Shop or one of the restaurants could ride the trains and sell cookies or candy, or something more substantial to eat during their journey,” Marlee said. “Maybe members of the church choir might be onboard as well, and lead everyone in Christmas songs.”
“That would really put them in the Christmas spirit—before they ever set foot in Harmony,” Harriet Goodwin said. “They’d tell their friends back home.”
“I think the mayor, or you, Mrs. Tuttle, might be on hand at the train station to greet our visitors,” Marlee said. “Perhaps some of the business owners might send a representative to direct them through town. Who knows, some of them could decide they like Harmony enough to move here?”
Mrs. Tuttle drew in a breath, then let it out slowly. She nodded at Marlee before turning to the ladies.
“I think our Christmas festival would benefit greatly from Marlee’s suggestions,” she said. “I say we put them into action at once.”
A round of applause followed Mrs. Tuttle’s words.
“Oh, Marlee, I’m so glad you’re here,” Becky declared.
Marlee glanced around the room at all the smiling, happy faces turned her way.
“I’m glad I’m here, too,” she said.
Chapter Five
Carson muttered a curse as his elbow slid off the edge of his desk, jarring him back to reality. Annoyed, he pushed himself upright and grabbed a paper from the large pile stacked in front of him.
He’d set up his office this way, with an outer reception area and this inner office where he worked. He’d placed his desk in a certain spot, at an angle that allowed him to look out the window to Main Street for those few moments when he needed a break from his work and a glimpse at another human being.
For the last few days, all he could do was stare out the window.
What the hell was wrong with him? He’d been so intent on gazing out the window that he wasn’t tending to business. He had a lot of things to take care of, all of them far more important that the goings-on outside on Main Street.
Carson’s gaze swung from the letter in his hands, out the front window again. Work had been underway along Main Street for days now as Christmas decorations were being displayed. Large wooden red-and-white-striped candy canes had been nailed to all the posts along the boardwalk. Men had climbed ladders to string evergreen boughs across Main Street. Merchants were putting wreaths and candles in their windows.
Leaning slightly to his left, Carson caught a glimpse of several young women on the boardwalk across the street carrying market baskets. He followed them with his gaze searching their faces. They were clustered together so he couldn’t see all of them clearly. They came closer and he recognized Audrey Meade and her younger sister.
Carson sprang from his chair. If the Meade girls were there, that must mean—
He dodged around his desk and planted himself in front of the big display window that bore the name of his business. His gaze swept the group of young women across the street. Audrey, Becky, the barber’s daughter whose name he could never remember, that girl who worked at the—
His breath caught at the sight of her and a heat enveloped him. The same heat had plagued him for days, kept him awake at night and prevented him from tending to all the important matters that required his attention.
Still, he couldn’t drag his gaze from her. He watched as Marlee and the others set about tying wide red ribbons to the posts outside Flora’s Bake Shop. The task must have been more fun than he imagined because all of them were smiling, chatting. Becky said something. As he watched, Marlee’s grin turned into a full smile, then she broke out laughing. All the girls laughed with her.
What was it? Carson wondered. What had Becky said that transformed Marlee’s already lovely face into one of such merriment?
The day was cold but windless and the high sun overhead sent its rays down onto the girls. When Marlee turned her head, her hair seemed to shine with hints of red, at least all he could see of it under her bonnet.
He wondered what her hair looked like beneath that bonnet. He’d caught a glimpse of it in Willard Meade’s store when he’d seen her peek through the curtained doorway from the back room. Silky and soft, surely. He’d had an overwhelming urge to go to her, touch her locks, coil them around his fingers.
An urgency grew in him with predictable results at the memory of later that evening when he’d found her alone in the alley. How lovely she’d looked in the moonlight. Then, how she’d tried to pull a gun on him to scare him away.
Carson’s desire for her grew. She was a proper young lady raised among polite society back east. He hadn’t expected her to attempt to bluff her way out of their encounter in the alley. She had spirit—something else he hadn’t expected of her—which was probably the reason he’d kissed her.
Placing his palms against the cold glass of the window, Carson leaned in as he watched Marlee and her friends across the street. He’d kissed her, all right. It was hardly the way he conducted himself, certainly not the sort of thing he made a habit of doing. Surely every mama in town had pushed a young lady or two his way, hoping for a match. Carson didn’t have time for matters of the heart. Business, making money, securing a solid financial footing was what mattered.
Carson drew in a long, heavy breath as he studied Marlee. Her slender hands, the sway of her skirt, the little glimpse of her ankle he’d caught, the bodice of her dress that swelled to—
“You okay, Mr. Tate?”
Carson snapped back to attention as Drew Giles, his office helper, walked through the door, staring as if he’d suddenly lost his mind. Not that he blamed him. Carson wasn’t given to long moments of gazing idly out the window.
Barely twenty years old, Drew was a tall, slim young man with a shock of thick blond hair. He’d helped out at Carson’s office for several months now and seemed to have a good head on his shoulders.
Drew walked closer, then glanced out the window. A knowing grin spread over his face. “I see you’re admiring the town’s Christmas decorations.”
“That’s exactly what I’m doing,” Carson told him.
“Bigger things to come,” Drew said. He nodded out the window. “The whole idea of running the trains was Marlee’s idea.”
Carson frowned—both because he didn’t like that his feelings were so obvious, and that he had no clue what the “train idea” was.
“Seems some of the ladies were worried about enough folks coming to the festival,” Drew said. “The way I hear it, Marlee had the idea to run trains to all the nearby towns and bring them in for the day. Hundreds of people will be coming to Harmony.”
Carson glanced out the window again. Marlee had thought of that? It was a damn good idea—yet fraught with problems.
“We’ll get all kinds. Pickpockets, scam artists, thieves. The sheriff will have his hands full, that’s for sure,” Carson said. “But at least my investors aren’t coming until next month. I sure as hell don’t want them here deciding on whether to invest in my weaving mill with a town full of criminals.”
“They changed their plans,” Drew said. “They’ll be here during the festival.”
Carson’s head snapped around. “What the hell?”
Drew pulled a telegram from his back pocket and presented it to Carson.
“I just picked this up,” he said.
Carson scanned the telegram, then crushed it into his fist. “Damn it. This is going to play hell with getting my mill going. I can’t have those men here with scalawags and riff-raff running loose in our streets.”
He grabbed his Stetson and headed out the door.
Carson spotted Chord Barrett outside the jailhouse nailing Wanted posters beside the door as he made his way down the boardwalk. He’d left his office in such a hurry he hadn’t picked up his coat, but he was still so fired up about trainloads of strangers coming to town that the cold barely registered.
“Hell …” he muttered as he saw that Sheriff Thompson’s horse wasn’t tethered to the hitching post in front of the jail. He’d wanted to speak to the man personally. Not that he had anything against Chord. He’d proved himself a good deputy, despite the fact that he had the voice of a lark and toured the country doing musical performances with that family of his.
A man couldn’t pick his family—as Carson well knew—and he doubted Chord would have selected those peculiar parents of his who’d given their children musical names. He doubted, too, that Chord would otherwise have been part of the family in which all the kids—sons and daughter alike—favored each other so strongly, all of them tall, with light brown hair and cool blue eyes.
“Afternoon, Carson,” Chord called. “How you doing?”
“Not so good,” he replied.
Chord turned away from the Wanted posters and laid the hammer aside. “Sheriff’s out at the Dawson ranch. What’s on your mind?”
“What the hell is the town thinking, bringing in trainloads of strangers?”
Chord threw up his hands in surrender. “I’ll be damned if I know. Those ladies on the festival committee should have talked to the sheriff before doing all of this. It’ll be nothing but trouble, that’s for sure.”
“More than you think,” Carson told him. “Those investors who’re interested in the weaving mill are coming smack in the middle of the festival.”
The deal for the construction of a weaving mill on the outskirts of Harmony had been in the works for months. Carson had arranged for investors from back east to come take a look at the place and hear the details of his plan. He wouldn’t be the only one to benefit from the mill, of course. It would bring new jobs and new wealth to Harmony.
Chord muttered a curse under his breath, then opened the door to the jailhouse. “Ian, get out here, will you?”
Harmony’s other deputy, Ian Caldwell, strode outside. He was a tall man, solid, and knew how to take care of himself. Carson had seen him drag drunk cowboys out of the Gold Garter Saloon and toss them into jail with little effort.
Carson told him what he’d just explained to Chord, and Ian shook his head. A quiet moment passed, then he muttered, “Women.”
As one, they all turned to gaze down the street.
Marlee, Audrey and Becky stood outside Flora’s Bake Shop. Lucy Hubbard had joined them. Moments dragged by in silence, until finally Ian spoke.
“Why won’t a woman just do what you tell her to do?” he mumbled.
There was no hostility in his words, no anger, not even any confusion or wonderment, only a longing and a hurt that seemed to roll from him in waves.
Everyone in town had speculated that something had gone on between Ian and Lucy back in Marlow, Colorado. Nobody knew for sure, one way or the other, because neither of them spoke of it.
“I’ll talk to the sheriff when he gets back in town,” Chord said. “He could order the musical performances canceled—which would suit me just fine—but that’s what’s bringing everybody to town.”
Ian shook his head. “I don’t see the sheriff doing that.”
“He may not care so much about disappointing folks who want to hear Christmas music,” Chord said. “But he sure as hell doesn’t want to hurt the merchants who’ve spent so much money to get ready for this festival. I’ll let you know what the sheriff says when he gets back.”
“Appreciate it,” Carson said, and headed back down the boardwalk.
Marlee and the others were still outside Flora’s. Carson intended to give Marlee a piece of his mind, even though he understood that she was new in town and didn’t know everything that was going on. A great deal was at stake for Harmony with the weaving mill he was trying to get built, and he didn’t need any more surprises where the investors’ visit was concerned.
This would be a business discussion, he told himself. Just business. Nothing more. And he sure as hell wasn’t going to end up kissing Marlee again.
“Afternoon, ladies,” Carson said. He touched the brim of his hat and managed a smile as he joined them on the boardwalk.
“We were just going inside Flora’s for a bit to eat,” Audrey said. “Would you care to join us?”
“No, thank you,” he said, then turned to Marlee. “I wonder if I might have a word with you, Miss Carrington?”
Audrey and Becky threw her a concerned look, but Marlee said, “I’ll be inside in just a minute.”
Carson grasped Marlee’s elbow and steered her to the corner of the building, then stepped off the boardwalk into the alley, bringing her with him.
She smelled delightful.
The thought slammed through Carson, chasing away the good intentions he’d had of educating Miss Marlee Carrington about the error of her ways, as well as life in Harmony, Texas.
He refocused his thoughts on the task at hand, and reminded himself again that, no matter what, he would not kiss her.
Marlee stared up at him, her eye wide, her lips pursed. Though she was covered up with that large cloak, he knew how shapely she was beneath it. He imagined what it would feel like if he slipped his hand—
“You wanted to talk about something?” Marlee asked.
Carson gave himself a little shake. “Yes, I do. You and the other ladies should have discussed the notion of bringing trainloads of strangers to Harmony for the Christmas festival with the sheriff before you went and did it.”
“And why is that?” she asked.
“Because all manner of thieves will probably come, too,” Carson said.
She drew herself up a little and looked him straight in the eyes.
“If you’re concerned about being a victim of a crime,” she said, “I’d like to point out that you do, after all, have my Derringer to defend yourself with.”
Carson’s resolve crumbled.
He pulled Marlee into his arms and kissed her on the mouth.
Chapter Six
He’d kissed her—again.
And she’d let him—again.
Marlee moved the small stool farther along the row of tall shelves in the Harmony General Store and stepped up on it. Around her, shoppers were busy making their selections, talking with Aunt Viola behind the counter. Marlee had gladly pitched in and offered to dust the merchandise because she wanted to help out, of course, but mostly because it was a mindless task that allowed her the opportunity to think about what had happened two days ago.
Carson had kissed her. He’d said he wanted to talk with her when he’d approached her and her cousins outside Flora’s Bake Shop, but after they stepped into the alley he’d hardly said anything at all. He’d just kissed her.
Then he’d walked away. He’d left her standing there alone, her heart racing, too stunned to figure out what had just happened.
And to make matters worse, she hadn’t seen him since.
Was it right that a man would maneuver her into an alley, steal a kiss then disappear? What did it mean?
Marlee brushed the feather duster over the tin coffeepots on the shelf. Maybe it didn’t mean anything—to him anyway. She’d never felt this way about a man before. Of course, her job with Mrs. Montgomery allowed few opportunities to meet anyone. Before she’d taken the job she’d been enrolled at the Claremont School for Young Ladies where all facets of her life were strictly controlled. There was talk among the girls and information was shared, but opportunities to mix with the opposite sex were limited.
If only there was someone she could talk to.
The vision of her mother floated into Marlee’s mind. They had shared so little time, but that didn’t mean they weren’t close. She wished her mother was here so they could talk.
For a moment, Marlee considered broaching the subject with Aunt Viola. She was a wonderful aunt, and Marlee could see how Audrey and Becky adored their mother, yet Marlee couldn’t bring herself to share her feelings.
Besides, she didn’t know exactly what her feelings were for Carson. His presence in her life had caused her nothing but confusion and upset. Did that mean she should avoid him at all costs? Or should she confront him and demand to know—well, she hadn’t any sort of idea what she would say to him.
Aunt Viola’s voice broke into her runaway thoughts.
“You’ve been dusting those same pots for fifteen minutes now. I think they’re clean enough,” Aunt Viola said.
“Oh, I have?” Marlee felt color rise in her cheeks.
She gave her a warm smile. “Go out for a little walk. Stop by Flora’s and talk to Lucy Hubbard. I think a chat with her will do you both good.”
The scent of apple pie wafting from Flora’s Bake Shop drew Marlee through the front door and out of the cold. She found Lucy sitting on a chair behind the counter, gazing out the window into the alley.
Her cousins had told her that everyone in town suspected Lucy had a secret past. Marlee thought she saw those memories in Lucy’s face now as she stared outside at nothing.
Lucy blinked a few times, then spotted Marlee. She hopped out of the chair and walked to the counter. “What can I get for you?”
“I just came by for a visit,” Marlee said.
Lucy looked a bit surprised, as if she didn’t get too many folks in the shop just to visit. She smiled and said, “That’d be nice. How about some coffee?”
Marlee circled behind the counter while Lucy poured coffee from the pot on the cookstove. She pulled up another chair and they sat down.
“So,” Lucy said, “are you enjoying your stay in Harmony?”
“Everyone has been so welcoming,” Marlee said. “Most everyone.”
Lucy frowned. “Has someone been unkind to you?”
“Well, not, not exactly,” Marlee said, and felt color rise in her cheeks.
“Has someone been a little too welcoming?” Lucy asked softly. “Carson Tate, perhaps?”
Marlee gasped. She set her cup aside and plastered her palms against her cheeks. “How did you know?”
“I saw him kiss you in the alley,” she said, and nodded out the window.
Marlee’s face burned. She’d been seen? In the alley? Kissing Carson Tate? Had other townsfolk seem them? Was she the object of gossip?
“I only saw it because I was looking out the window,” Lucy said.
Marlee gazed into the alley. She noticed that the view also took in part of Main Street and, in the distance, the jailhouse.
Her embarrassment fled and sadness enveloped her heart.
“You’re in love with Ian Caldwell, aren’t you,” she said.
Lucy turned her head away. A moment or two passed before she faced Marlee again. “Yes,” she whispered. “And you’re in love with Carson Tate.”
Lucy’s words stunned her and she hardly knew what to say. She searched her feelings and knew something was in her heart for Carson. She’d felt it the moment she’d laid eyes on him at the train station. But was it love?
“Carson is always rushing around,” Lucy said, “taking care of one problem after another, with some kind of business deal in the works. He’s always in a hurry. But lately—since you got here—he’s come into the shop almost every day, and he always manages to work the conversation around to you. I can see he has feelings for you, and I know you feel something for him. Maybe you two are meant to be together?”
Marlee shook her head. Now she was more confused than ever.
“Yet you’re in love with Ian and you do nothing about it,” Marlee said.
Lucy drew back a little. “Things are different with Ian and me.”
“But he loves you,” Marlee said. “Everyone in town says so.”
A little grin pulled at Lucy’s lips, yet it faded quickly. She set her coffee cup aside and drew a breath, as if she were drawing on some inner strength.
“Ian and I knew each other in Colorado, in a little town called Marlow,” Lucy said. “I was married.”
Marlee tried not to let her surprise show. “What happened?”
“Raymond turned out to be something less than a good husband,” Lucy said. “I knew Ian cared for me, as I cared for him. He was a perfect gentleman, and I’d taken vows before God, so nothing came of our feelings for each other.”
Lucy seemed lost in thought for a while, then spoke again.
“Ian was helpful after my marriage ended,” she said. “I couldn’t stay in Marlow, not after everything that had happened. So I moved here.”
“And Ian followed you?” Marlee asked.
“He’s a determined man,” Lucy said. “You should stay in Harmony and see what happens between you and Carson. If it’s love, you can’t let it get away.”
“Yet you can’t do that with Ian?”
Lucy shook her head. “I’m afraid. Afraid things might turn out the way they did with Raymond. I can’t make that kind of mistake again.”
“Ian’s a good man,” Marlee said. “He loves you.”
“My first husband seemed like a good man, too. He said he loved me, and things turned out … well, they didn’t turn out the way I expected.”
The bell over the door jingled, taking Lucy’s attention. As she went to wait on the customer, Marlee gave her a wave and left the shop.
She’d hoped that talking with Lucy might clarify her feelings for Carson, but now she was more confused than ever. And she was sad, too, for Ian who seemed to love Lucy so much that he’d stood by her through her marriage, then followed her to Harmony. Sadness filled her for Lucy as well, who’d been so damaged by that marriage she was too fearful to take another chance on love.
Darkness had fallen bringing a deeper chill to the air as Marlee slipped into the store. A dozen women were gathered near Aunt Viola at the counter. Marlee spotted Mrs. Tuttle, Heddy Conroy, Harriet Goodman and Melva Walker among them. Every woman frowned. Chatter flew back and forth between them.
Becky broke away from the group of women and hurried down the aisle.
“Marlee, something terrible happened.” Her words came out in a rush.
All sorts of images filled Marlee’s mind. Had someone been injured? Taken ill? Been killed?
“It’s Malcolm Barrett, Chord’s pa,” Becky told her. She swiped at the tears that sprang to her eyes. “He’s hurt, hurt real bad.”
“What happened?” Marlee asked, frantic for more information.
Becky wrung her hands. “He’s still in Colorado. Remember he went there looking for places for the family to perform? Chord just got a telegram from the sheriff telling him his papa got run over by a runaway freight wagon. It said the whole family should come right away because their papa might not make it.”
“Where’s Audrey?” Marlee asked. “She must be so upset.”
“She’s at the train station,” Becky reported. “The whole Barrett family—every single one of them—is leaving on the next train. It should be pulling out any minute now. Oh, Marlee, this is terrible. Just terrible!”
Marlee slipped her arm around Becky’s shoulders and gave her a hug.
“We have to be strong, Becky, and send good thoughts and prayers.”
Becky drew in a ragged breath. “I’ll say an extra-big prayer.”
Marlee joined the ladies clustered in the back of the store.