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The SAS Survival Driver’s Handbook

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• Hypermetropia (longsightedness) and myopia (short-sightedness) are common problems which can be rectified by wearing contact lenses or glasses.

• Colour blindness is for the most part a hereditary condition (about 8 per cent of men are affected and less than 1 per cent of women), though some cases do result from eye disease or injury.

• Tunnel vision means that only objects which lie straight ahead can be seen clearly. Peripheral vision (the view to the sides) is gradually lost. The most common cause is glaucoma, but brain tumours and degeneration of the retina can have the same result.

• Night blindness occurs when the cells of the retina (a light-sensitive membrane at the back of the eye) malfunction. There are a number of possible causes for this condition, including vitamin A deficiency. Sufferers will find driving at night difficult because they will have trouble judging and estimating distances, and the speed of other vehicles. Another problem which may be experienced in dark or low light conditions is over-sensitivity to glare. To compensate for poor light conditions, the pupil of the eye dilates to allow more light to enter. Some people are more affected by glare from oncoming headlights than others, and find driving at night difficult for this reason. But the solution is to see an optician — don’t try using tinted glasses, lenses or visors when driving at night or in poor visibility.

For the majority of motorists, the most dangerous time is not night but dusk. As the light decreases, shapes lose their definition and objects seem to blend into their surroundings, making them difficult to see. Switch on your dipped beam headlights as soon as the light begins to fail.

If an optician prescribes glasses or contact lenses, be sure to wear them. Leaving them off out of negligence or vanity puts yourself and others at risk. Keep a spare pair of glasses in the glove compartment, so that you won’t be stranded if you lose your contact lenses or break the glasses you’re wearing.

FATIGUE (#ulink_f9777525-8ec2-5caf-81b6-590b3a09a4c5)

Falling asleep at the wheel happens all too often on motorways, with terrifying consequences. And even if you don’t go so far as to actually fall asleep, driving when you are tired means that your concentration and risk perception are impaired, so you’re more likely to have an accident.

One of the most common causes of fatigue is lack of stimulation. On a motorway or a road that you travel every day and know like the back of your hand, driving gets to be monotonous. Fog, rain and darkness make matters worse because there’s even less to see. Because you’re not getting any visual or physical stimulation, your senses become dulled, your levels of awareness and alertness decrease. And the longer you drive, the worse it gets. A driver who is tired before getting into the car — after a hard day’s work or a sleepless night — is particularly at risk. Be careful if you have to drive at times when you would normally be asleep — more fatigue-related accidents occur between midnight and 8 a.m. than at any other time.

Try to reduce the risk of fatigue by taking precautions:

• A light meal like a salad, is best when you’re about to set out on a long journey. A heavy meal will make you sluggish and tired, whether it’s a roast lunch or a three-course evening meal.

• Don’t take any medications that may induce drowsiness. Remember that drugs and alcohol can stay in your system for a long time.

• Driving at night is difficult enough, but if you are suffering from any sight defect or disorder it can be very stressful and tiring. Have your eyes tested and wear glasses or contact lenses if prescribed.

• If you know you have a long overnight journey ahead of you, try to sleep during the day. Prepare the car and do all the necessary packing and route planning, then rest. Avoid last-minute running around at all costs.

• Rattles and squeaks can be irritating, so do what you can to reduce noise in the vehicle. Make sure any luggage in the back is packed securely and that you don’t have items rattling round on the floor of the car.

• Make yourself comfortable. Bad posture causes aches and pains which lead to fatigue setting in. It’s particularly important when driving a hire car or a vehicle you’re not familiar with to take time adjusting the seat and steering before you set off.

• Wear comfortable clothing that doesn’t restrict body movement or steering. Layers of light, loose-fitting garments are best, that way you can stop and add or subtract a layer to achieve the right temperature. NEVER try to get dressed or undressed at the wheel — you need both hands on the wheel and both eyes on the road.

• Wear lightweight, flat shoes with enclosed or covered heels, and make sure that the soles grip the pedals. Nothing is worse than shoes which slip off the pedals when you’re trying to control the car (check that the pedal rubbers themselves are not worn and slippery).

• Keep a window slightly ajar so that fresh air can circulate.

• Wipers can be very hypnotic. If it’s raining and the wipers are on, don’t stare at them — the effect can be very hypnotic and you’ll slip into a trance-like state.

• When planning your route for a long journey, pick out a few places where you can take a break en route. Aim to stop at least every three hours for a 20-minute break. If weather conditions are poor, you may need to stop more frequently. Mature drivers need more frequent and longer breaks to relieve fatigue.

If you start to feel drowsy at the wheel, or if you’re driving at night and lights start to blur, it’s time to take a break. Pull into a layby or service area as soon as you can. In the meantime, do something to fight off the fatigue. Open the window and take deep breaths of fresh air. If you have a passenger, get them to have a conversation with you If you are alone, turn on the radio and sing along, or try giving a running commentary as you drive. Flex your fingers and toes, and stretch each arm and leg in turn while sitting at the controls. Don’t stare fixedly at one point. Look as far ahead as possible then check the mirrors left and right, then look ahead again. By focusing on objects close at hand and then in the distance, you will work the optic muscles and help to keep yourself alert.

When you are able to stop the car, get out and stretch your legs. Go for a walk if it’s safe to do so. If not, do a few gentle exercises in the car. Try rolling your head gently, first one way and then the other. Make circular movements with your shoulders to release some of the tension in your neck and spine. Pour yourself a refreshing non-alcoholic drink before you set off again — dehydration can make you feel lethargic on long journeys.

DISTRACTIONS (#ulink_b8e0608f-935f-5bf9-adb9-60e500f2dd63)

Safe driving means giving the road your full attention. Being distracted by something going on in the car, even for a split second, can have terrible consequences when you are travelling at speed. By the time you become aware of the hazard on the road ahead, violent braking or swerving may be your only option — which can have repercussions for the vehicles following along behind you. And even if you do have your eyes on the road, poor concentration slows your reaction times.

Eliminate distractions wherever possible. Physical discomfort can take your mind off the road, so dress in loose-fitting clothes, wear sensible footwear, adjust your seat to a comfortable position, and visit the toilet before you depart. Tidy up the interior so that there are no loose items to fall about when you accelerate, brake or corner. Make sure that the driver’s footwell is kept clear, because if something were to roll under the pedals it could prevent you from applying the brakes in an emergency.

The correct way to maintain safe control of the vehicle is to have both hands on the wheel, positioned at two o’clock and ten o’clock or three o’clock and nine o’clock.

This is why it is illegal to use a hand-held mobile telephone while driving (there are phones that can be operated safely without taking your hands off the wheel, so if you must use make or receive calls in the car, use one of these). One of the most common causes of accidents is tuning the radio or changing a cassette while driving. Don’t get too engrossed in a radio programme or telephone conversation — your hazard perception and response times will suffer. If you have passengers, keep your eyes on the road while you talk to them — and avoid getting into an argument or having a stressful heart-to-heart with the one you love.

DON’T SMOKE AND DRIVE (#ulink_4034c3c8-42eb-51cd-ac10-7b91ba8f145c)

Smoking can seriously damage your health in the long term — smoking while driving can kill you in seconds. For as long as that cigarette lasts, it is placing you and your passengers in jeopardy.

To start with, concentration is lost while you search for the cigarette packet and lighter. To light up you have to take one hand off the wheel (two hands are needed to light a match). Once the cigarette is lit, you need one hand to hold it or remove it from your lips. The ash has to be flicked somewhere, which means using the ashtray or flicking it out of the open window (with a risk of it being blown back into your eyes). Sometimes when the smoker tries to take the cigarette from their mouth it sticks to the lips, so that the hand slides down, nipping off the hot tip which drops into the lap causing your attention to be diverted yet again.

When the cigarette is finished it must be extinguished and disposed of. Using the ashtray involves taking a hand off the wheel, throwing the cigarette out of the window could injure cyclists or pedestrians, or cause grass fires.

Some insurance companies now charge smokers a higher premium to reflect the risks they run. Why run risks when you don’t have to? If you must smoke, wait until you stop for a break and then light up.

NEVER allow pets to roam free in the car — they can become excited and cause a major distraction. The majority of dogs love travelling and like nothing better than sticking their heads out of the window. This can be dangerous; have the windows open just enough for ventilation, but not enough for the dog to get its head out. If your dog is a poor traveller, don’t sit him on your lap to make him feel better, seek the advice of a vet before you travel. For a long journey, some nervous pets may need to be prescribed tranquillizers. Keep all pets in the rear of the car, either in purpose-built carriers or behind a wire screen. It’s a good idea to see they get exercise before the journey to make them a little calmer. Take along a supply of food and water for them on the journey and stop frequently to monitor their condition.

Dogs should be put on a lead when you let them out as they will be excited and want to run. Don’t let them in fields where there are livestock, and don’t let them foul public areas. If you have to leave an animal alone in the car, leave them with adequate ventilation and water. On a hot day, park in the shade and leave the rear windows open at least 4 inches. Do not leave them unattended for hours on end — as the sun moves across the sky the shadow will disappear and the car will turn into an oven. Every year there are reports of dogs dying a terrible death in parked cars because of their owners’ thoughtlessness.

Insects like wasps, bees or hornets, can cause pandemonium when they get themselves trapped inside a moving vehicle.

STAY CALM. Keep your eyes on the road. Don’t swipe at the insect — you will only make things worse. Wind a window down so that it can fly out. If that doesn’t work, pull over when it is safe and legal to do so, open the door and coax it to leave.

Children can be a major source of distraction on long journeys. As the miles mount up their enthusiasm gives way to boredom. Don’t allow children to slip their shoulders from seat belt in order to get a better view of the surroundings. Take along a supply of colouring books and favourite soft toys to help pass the time. Be careful what you give the children to eat before and during the journey, especially if they are prone to travel sickness. Sweets may add to the pleasure of the trip, but avoid large boiled sweets which they might choke on, and sticky sweets which will mark the interior of the vehicle. Crisps will make them dry so have a drink handy. This will lead to them requiring to relieve themselves, so be prepared for plenty of short halts.

Frequent rest stops are essential. Stop at a designated picnic or parking area and supervise the children, preventing their pent-up energy from placing them in danger. Keep them off the road and don’t let them play ball games where cars are parked. An open field is ideal for letting them stretch their limbs in safety. Don’t climb fences to gain access — honour the country code.

As it gets dark encourage the children to sleep. Cushions and blankets will make this easier.

Awareness (#ulink_a6f19e1c-0eb1-598d-9442-7600de748fca)

A safe driver is one who thinks about their driving and looks for ways to improve it. The majority of motorists consider themselves to be good drivers, but the fact that driver error plays a part in over 90 per cent of accidents means that a lot of people are kidding themselves.

An important aspect of driving safely is developing an awareness of your limitations and those of your vehicle. We all have limitations, though many of us fail to recognize them. When there’s an accident or near-miss, we tend automatically to hold the other driver responsible rather than accepting our own portion of the blame. That means we come away without learning anything from the experience. So it’s no wonder that drivers who have been in an accident are twice as likely to have another one, while drivers who are at least partly to blame for an accident are four times more likely to be involved in a similar accident within the next year.

All too often when we take risks, we try to justify them instead of taking a critical look at our attitude and driving practices. That needs to change if you want to be a safe driver, because otherwise you will go on repeating those risks and having accidents or narrowly avoiding them.

Start by making an adjustment in the way you assess your own performance as a driver. Recognize your limitations. If you are middle-aged, don’t think that because you are experienced you cannot be involved in an accident. If you are a mature driver, adapt your driving habits to fit your physical abilities. Drive shorter distances, stay out of heavy traffic, and try to stick to familiar routes. Drivers of all ages should review their driving from a safety angle. Do you routinely leave for work at the last minute and use aggressive tactics to get you through rush-hour traffic regardless of the risks? Can you honestly say that you always match your speed to your vision and the prevailing road surface conditions? Do you enjoy the thrill of danger? Do you think that your fast cornering, rapid acceleration and breathtaking manoeuvres impress others? In safety terms, you’re a disaster. It’s definitely luck rather than judgement that has kept you alive thus far.

The more routine an action becomes, the harder it can be to change. Advanced driving lessons can help you to re-evaluate your driving and improve your standards, and there’s the added incentive of a reduction in insurance premiums if you pass the advanced driving test at the end.

CAR GAMES FOR KIDS (#ulink_4034c3c8-42eb-51cd-ac10-7b91ba8f145c)

• Each child in turn adds up the number plate of the car coming in the opposite direction. The highest score wins.

• Each child picks a colour. Every time they spot a car of that colour they score a point. The winner is the first one to 30.

• Play ‘first one to spot…’ Before setting off on the journey give each child a list of objects which they must spot — bridge, church, canal, types of animals, trees, road sign, etc. Each of these can be a point of discussion and explanation.
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