7. The leader in the House of Commons during the Rockingham Ministry.
8. Lord Dartmouth.
8. President of the Board of Trade in the Rockingham Ministry, much loved in the Colonies. Dartmouth College bears his name.
9. Earl of Chesterfield.
9. A warm adherent of America.
10. Colonel Barre.
10. The companion of Wolfe at Quebec; in replying to Townsend during one of the debates over the passage of the Stamp Acts he characterized the Americans as "Sons of Liberty," a term which immediately was applied throughout the Colonies to those who were resenting the interference of Parliament with their home government.
11. General Howard.
11. A member of Parliament from Stamford who was active in obtaining the repeal of the Stamp Act.
12. Sir George Saville.
12. Represented Yorkshire in the House of Commons; a strong supporter of the Rockingham Ministry.
13. Sir William Meredith.
13. Member of Parliament from Liverpool. Lord of the Admiralty
14. Sir William Baker.
14. Also energetic in securing the repeal of the Stamp Act.
15. John Wilkes, Esq., and a Speedy Reversal of his outlawry.
15. The struggles of Wilkes excited keen interest in America.
16. The Farmer of Pennsylvania.
16. It is noted that this was the second time Dickinson's health was drunk that day. No other American residing in this country was toasted.
17.The Massachusetts Ninety-Two.
18.Prosperity and Perpetuity to the British Empire, on Constitutional Principles.
19. North America: And her fair Daughters of Liberty.
20. The illustrious Patriots of the Kingdom of Ireland.
20. In Letter X Dickinson warns against the fate of Ireland.
21.The truly heroic Paschal Paoli, and all the brave Corsicans.
22.The downfall of arbitrary and despotic Power in all Parts of the Earth; and Liberty without Licentiousness to all mankind.
23.A perpetual Union and Harmony between Great Britain and the Colonies, on the Principles of the Original Compact.
24.To the immortal Memory of that Hero of Heroes William the Third.
25.The speedy Establishment of a wise and permanent administration.
26.The right noble Lords, and very worthy Commoners, who voted for the Repeal of the stamp Act from Principle.
27. Dennis De Berdt, Esq; and all the true Friends of America in Great Britain, and those of Great Britain in America.
27. The agent of Massachusetts in London.
28. The respectable Towns of Salem, Ipswich and Marblehead, with all the Absentees from the late Assembly, and their constituents, who have publickly approved of the Vote against Rescinding.
28. Representatives of these towns voted in favor of rescinding. Town meetings, however, were held, and the citizens of these places recorded themselves as endorsing the action of the majority in refusing the "Ministerial Mandates" and condemned the position assumed by their own representatives. In letters which appeared in the press a number of absentees from the Assembly boldly endorsed the action of the majority.
29.May all Patriots be as wise as Serpents, and as harmless as Doves.
30. The Manufactories of North America, and the Banishment of Luxury, Dissipation and other Vices, Foreign and Domestic.
30. Referring to the proposal of Dickinson quoted on page xxiii of the Introduction.
31.The removal of all Task-Masters, and an effectual Redress of all other Grievances.
32.The Militia of Great Britain and of the Colonies.
33.As Iron sharpeneth Iron, so may the Countenance of every good and virtuous Son and Daughter of Liberty, that of his or her Friend.
34. The Assemblies on this vast and rapidly populating Continent, who have treated a late haughty and "merely ministerial" Mandate "with all that Contempt it so justly deserves."
34. Referring to the replies of the various Assemblies to the circular letter and endorsements of the action of the Massachusetts Assembly.
35. Strong Halters and sharp axes to all such as respectively deserve them.
36. Scalping Savages let loose in Tribes, rather than Legions of Placemen, Pensioners, and Walkerizing Dragoons.
37.The Amputation of any Limb, if it be necessary to preserve the Body Politic from Perdition.
38.The oppressed and distressed foreign Protestants.
39.The free and independent Cantons of Switzerland.
40.Their High Mightinesses the States General of Seven United Provinces.
41.The King of Prussia.
42.The Republic of Letters.