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The Rancher's Mistletoe Bride

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How long they stood like that, Clint had no idea—could have been a minute or an hour—but at some point, Lexi wiped her eyes free of tears and blew her nose into the handkerchief.

“Sorry, I don’t know what came over me. I have to get back.” She set her foot in the stirrup and swung her leg over the saddle. “I won’t keep you. You stay and check the fence.”

He watched her urge Nugget into motion. Off to spend the rest of the day answering calls and doing whatever wedding planners did. And from what he could tell, she’d been doing it nonstop since she’d hired him. Which left no time for grieving...

It hit him then. No wonder she was as thin as a piece of licorice. She hadn’t grieved her father’s death.

There was no one here to look after her. No clients to meet with. No friends to force her to eat lunch. No father to ensure she lived in a safe, well-maintained house.

Nobody but him.

He slapped his thigh and mounted his horse. Miles of checking fence wouldn’t be enough to pretend something hadn’t shifted inside where Lexi Harrington was concerned, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit.

* * *

Lexi pulled her favorite velvety blanket up to her chin and pressed the mute button on the remote. Ever since leaving Clint in the pasture earlier, she’d been unable to work. Tears kept erupting.

Because everything here, in this house and on the ranch, reminded her of her father.

Things she hadn’t noticed for weeks—his favorite coffee mug, the faded hand towel with an embroidered cowboy boot she’d bought him for his birthday—unleashed her memories. Two hours ago she’d walked past the master bedroom’s closed door, the one she hadn’t opened since finding out he’d died, and her feet had backtracked until she stood face-to-face with the pine door. Without thought, she’d fallen to her knees, sobbing in front of it.

It was at that point she’d given up on getting anything done. She’d changed into sweatpants, brewed a pot of tea and flipped through the channels until she found one playing original romantic Christmas movies. They always made her feel better.

Not today, though.

Thanksgiving was a week away. She would be celebrating the holidays alone. Oh, she could drive to Denver, join friends with their families, but she wouldn’t. Her heart couldn’t take being surrounded by happy people, people who would want to cheer her up. She was in no state to fake pleasantries while choking on tears as she ate their turkey dinner.

And she couldn’t believe she’d broken down in front of Clint. The man probably thought she’d lost her mind. Maybe she had lost her mind. What had possessed her to start telling him those personal things?

Unacceptable on her part. She wasn’t paying Clint to be her therapist. The poor guy. Probably worried she was having a nervous breakdown. She’d apologize. Assure him it wouldn’t happen again.

Her phone rang.


Her palms grew moist. Oh, why had she dissolved into a weepy mess in front of him?

“Hi.” His deep voice calmed her nerves. “One of the herding dogs is missing. Banjo, the older one. I didn’t want to bother you, but I’m concerned and... Have you seen him?”

Banjo, Daddy’s favorite border collie? “No, I haven’t. Have you tried the barns?”

“Yeah, I’ll keep looking.” He sounded like he was going to hang up.

“Wait!” She threw off the blanket, tired of being alone. “I’ll come with you.”

“It’s not necessary. I know you’re busy—”

“I’m coming.”

“Lexi,” he said in his low, soothing tone. It was the first time she’d heard him use her name, and it did something funny to her pulse. “I don’t want to upset you.”

“Look, I know I was overly emotional earlier, but that’s not me. I don’t cry all the time.”

“No, that’s not what I mean.” He sighed. “Dogs hide when they’re sick or when it’s their time.”

His words hit her in the gut. It was true. Dogs were social animals, but when it was their time, they slunk away to die by themselves.

Not Banjo. Not on top of everything else.

“I can handle it, Clint.” She couldn’t handle it, but being the boss meant dealing with tough situations.

Three minutes later, she wrapped her scarf more tightly around her neck and shivered as Clint handed her a flashlight. Dusk had fallen, and shadows lurked.

“I’ve checked the stables, the barns, all the obvious places.” Clint strode tall and confident toward the cabins. He had the air of a man in command, and right now, she needed someone else to be in charge. “Unless you can think of someplace the dog would have gone... I figure he might have followed one of the cowboys home.”

“It’s worth a shot.” She kept pace with him. “When did you last see him?”

“He trailed in behind Logan and Mike when they returned from checking calves, but he didn’t come in with the other dogs at feeding time.”

Nothing but the sound of the wind and their feet against the hard dirt met her ears. The fact Banjo hadn’t eaten was a bad sign. Where would the dog go if not with the other dogs in the barn? Coyotes were common in these parts. He couldn’t have been attacked, could he? Banjo knew better than to tangle with one of them.

They rounded the bend where windows in three of the cabins glowed.

“Why don’t you ask Logan and Sarah if they’ve seen him while I ask the other guys?”

She nodded. After knocking on the door, she rubbed her hands together. Felt like snow was on its way.

“Lexi, what a nice surprise!” Sarah, a pretty blonde in her late twenties, beckoned her to enter, but Lexi stayed on the porch.

“I don’t mean to bother you, but Banjo’s missing. Have you seen him around tonight?”

The smile slid off Sarah’s face. “No, I haven’t, and I’ve always been fond of that dog. Did you check all the barns? He might be trying to stay warm.”

“Clint checked already, but we’ll try again.” Lexi turned to leave. “Oh, and thanks for supper every night, Sarah. You don’t have to do that.”

“Well, we’re all sorry about RJ’s passing. He was a good man. Treated us like family. Anything you need, just ask.”

“Thank you.” Lexi’s throat tightened as she turned away. Not again. What was it with today? If she cried one more time, so help her...

Clint loped up. “Did they see him?”

Not trusting herself to speak, she shook her head, willing the emotions to pass. Clint rubbed his chin. He seemed nervous, upset.

“Are you okay?” She placed her hand on his arm. The muscles bunched, but she didn’t pull away.

“Yeah.” The sky grew darker. “I guess I’ll check the barns again.”

“Let’s look behind the cabins. Maybe he wandered back there.”
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