The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting
‘Just had to share my delight with you … I have lost 18lbs in 14 days! Truly amazing as I have tried them all before and never had such startling results with such ease and enjoyment. My husband looks and feels 10 years younger and is even spreading the word to his ‘food police’ mates. I overheard him explaining to one that ‘it isn’t a diet, it’s a permanent change of lifestyle.’ I was so proud!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I am now going to order some more books and CDs for friends who need them. Another disciple is born! Alison’
I already hear cries from anyone reading this from the dietetic or medical world of ‘that’s far too much weight in such a short space of time’ along with ‘it’s not healthy to do such a thing’ and so on. However, I can also hear at the same time the cries of people who suffer from obesity: ‘WOW – now that’s the kind of results I can get on board with!’
We all know that this woman didn’t lose 18lbs of fat and that of course a great deal of the weight loss must have been water, but so what? This kind of weight loss has given her the one commodity essential to good health and continued weight loss – momentum. If she had been on a normal ‘steady weight-loss’ plan and lost only, say, 1–2lbs, she would have felt deflated, and the chances of her continuing would have been slim, unlike herself. However, such drastic weight loss has lifted her spirits; it has ignited that elusive fire within and launched her to change. I agree that if this kind of weight loss is achieved by chemical liquid shakes or pure fasting (where a person has no nutrition whatsoever) then I would be joining the ‘it’s not healthy gang’, but as it was achieved by drinking the finest freshly extracted juices, it’s hard to find an argument against it.
‘Hi Jason and the Juicy Team I am sure you must be inundated with emails of thanks but this one is really sincere and from the heart. I am somewhat confused by the fact that in the past six weeks I have lost 14 pounds and am now the same size I was 12 years ago. I found your book in a juice bar in Bath, having never heard of you before. Yes, I had heard of Jordan and vaguely remember when she started juicing but did not really take that much interest — in my view she looked fabulous before juicing and was naturally skinny and would have bounced back anyway after having her baby. I WAS WRONG! I have tried every silly diet going and the only weight I ever lost was just a few pounds which I put straight back on. My poor husband watched me suffer and boy was I bad tempered during these fads. This time he watched with great interest. I gave up alcohol easily. I gave up sugar and chocolate very easily (big shock as I am major addict). I even started working out twice a day and enjoyed it. He could not resist — he joined me on it and has lost 12 pounds so far in about four weeks. We would love to comment in anything you publish on how great this has been for us if you ever need extra testimonials. I am sure you have thousands but it’s good to feel we can give you something back. It must drive you nuts, trying to get people to just do what you say and let the magic happen. I feel that you have given me a special secret of health, wellbeing and a longer life. You have also saved me a fortune as I now fit back into all my fabulous clothes. So for that I thank you (which seems like two very small words compared to what you have done for us). This Christmas i have sent your books to family and friends. i am very happy to pass this gift to others who are in need. You are an angel — thank you … thank you … thank you. Annie’
One comment here is perhaps more poignant than any other: ‘… do what you say and let the magic happen’. And I can’t think of a better word than ‘magic’ to describe what happens when you start to give your body the finest liquid fuel and stop putting in rubbish. Many of the stories I read can only be described as miraculous, and I guess we should never underestimate the power of nature, its natural ability to heal and inherent desire to keep us alive.
‘I would like to say thank you so very much as I’ve just done the plan and am overwhelmed with joy. I started out weighing in at 12st 7lbs, and today is the eighth day and I now weigh 11st 12lbs. I am 37 years old and I haven’t weighed 11st anything for 10 years. My body fat was 36.7, now it’s 33.3. Water was 46.0, now 48.2. Muscle mass was 32.0, now 33.5. BMI was 28.3, now 26.8, and basal was 1561, now 1520. I am gobsmacked. I loved all the juices except the pure green super juice. Like you said, I only had three or four juices a day because I wasn’t hungry. I have had a juicer for a while now and got stuck in the rut of making the same juice every day, but now I look forward to getting all my ingredients out ready to juice. I’ve read the turbo charge book so that’s going to help no end in my next step in life, and then I’m going out shopping for new clothes. Ha ha! I can’t thank you enough, Jason. A couple of years ago I weighed 15st 1lb so I joined Weight Watchers. In the beginning it was good and right for me but as time went on I found I got sick of constantly working out how many points was in every single thing I put into my mouth. I felt as though it had taken over my life and I had stopped losing weight so I left. If they could see me now, ha ha! Well, here’s to forever. I love my new self and new life. I’ve dug out my old bike and used it no end and I’ve been bouncing for England, so once again thank you all. Love P Ward’
Please take a moment to look at the stats. Yes, she has lost 9lbs in the seven days, but more importantly, look at the muscle mass and body fat. Before, the muscle mass was 32 and is now 33.5, and the body fat was 36.7 and is now 33.3 just seven days later. One of the first things anyone in the dietetic or medical profession says about my juice programme (before they test it at all) is that if a person were to live on nothing but juice for one week then all they would lose is muscle and water and very little, if any, actual fat. However, time after time I get emails with stats like these – muscle INCREASES and fat DECREASES.
‘Hi to Jason and everyone — wanted to say THANKS. I bought a juicer last week and got the book free with it. I decided to only replace two main meals per day and have rice and veg, fish or tofu, stir-fried or steamed, in the evening. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS I FEEL FANTASTiC!!!! I HAVE ENERGY! IT’S WONDERFUL. I was drinking far too much alcohol although my food was healthy with plenty of fresh fruit, veg and grains. But Monday of last week I decided that I had to do something as my weight was just going up and up — I am 53 and 5 feet tall and the scales were threatening to go over the 11st mark. I felt terrible and had scalp problems which wouldn’t heal after becoming intolerant to hair dye last September. The JUICES are DELICIOUS!!! and so easy. After a week I have lost 4lbs, my scalp is healing and I even ran down the road with my grandchildren on Monday! So again, thank you. I love fruit and veg anyway but these cocktails are so tasty. I am already experimenting with different ingredients as I really enjoy fresh food. I’m gradually weaning my husband on to juices as well. Thanks again’
For the first time in years this 53-year-old women feels fantastic and more energetic. She’s lost weight and her scalp is healing – again, all in the short space of just seven days. All she has done is introduce a couple of juices a day into her life and eat an evening meal – once again, exactly the principles of Juice Yourself Slim. She lost 4lbs without even trying, which is the beauty of this programme. As well as being highly effective – it’s easy! As you will discover soon.
‘Dear Jason On Sunday (day 19 on the juice trial) I did the 10K Bananaman Chase. I took your advice and had a banana with my juice in the morning and I was really nervous. I knew I would do it but thought it would take me a lot longer than my last 10K at the beginning of September … Well, anyway, I am so proud of myself because I have just had the official timing for the race on Sunday and I have knocked six minutes off my last run. Yippee! I was literally RUNNING ON JUICE. X Annette’
Annette was one of the people on the Super Juice Me! test programme. The small group lived on only juice and smoothies for 30 days. Annette was on day 19 of this programme when she decided to run the 10K race. As you can see, she not only completed the race but knocked six minutes off her previous time. We have been conditioned to believe we need to load up on complex carbohydrates before any kind of distance running, but time and time again I have seen people literally ‘running on juice’. When I was on day five of a juice-only programme I ran a half marathon, and I completed the New York full marathon with just a couple of Super Fuel Smoothies in me. This woman had been living on nothing but juice and smoothies for 19 days before the race, and far from collapsing, she sailed home. Never underestimate the carbohydrate and ‘isotonic’ powers of freshly extracted juice!
‘Dear Juice Master Team I accidentally stumbled on Jason’s book when I purchased my new juicer from John Lewis. My first reaction was to bin the book because at 5’6” and 8st in weight I had no desire or need to lose weight. I read the first few pages and persevered as the book had asked me to and then became interested in the nutritional aspects. I proceeded to give juicing a shot just for the hell of it. Things then started happening quite quickly even though I was not doing the juicing diet itself but just taking two or three juices a day on a regular basis. The first thing was that my system flushed out. Then I had more energy and felt like exercising more and sleeping less. Finally, within a period of three months, my endometriosis disappeared quite unexpectedly after eight years, several miscarriages and numerous treatments. So thank you! Regards Tayba’
You would think after reading such a letter that anyone in the medical or dietetic industry would want to know more. After all, if eight years of numerous medical treatments have failed and only three months of juicing has seen the condition ‘completely disappear’, surely someone, somewhere who can make a bigger difference than me, should at least look into it with an open mind. What shouldn’t happen is what so often does: it gets dismissed as pseudo-science.
Endometriosis is a condition affecting some two million women in the UK alone. It can cause pain, swelling and bleeding, and can occur in many parts of the body, most commonly the fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, bowel, intestines and vagina. So what’s the usual approach to treatment? Anything from simple anti-inflammatory drugs to surgery. Side-effects of some of the drug treatments used for this condition include bloating, mood changes, irregular bleeding, acne, weight gain and even the development of masculine features (hair growth and deepening voice). So your endometriosis might get better but you may well be walking around with the voice of Darth Vader, the face of Wolf Boy and a stomach the size of the Napa Valley!
The side-effects from the ‘alternative’ juicing approach were simply more energy and less sleep. Doesn’t it seem odd that when what is deemed an ‘alternative’ approach works, it is viewed by many as meaningless, but if a drug has the slightest positive effect it’s on the shelves quicker than you can say ‘blockbuster’.
‘Hello there I just wanted to thank Jason … about a million times over really. I started juicing a while back as I bought a juicer and it came with one of Jason’s books. I have always tried to watch what I eat but reading this book was very helpful in getting me to juice every evening after work. Since 16 June, I have lost about a stone and a half and feel amazing. I promote Jason and his book and the health benefits wherever I go, and people are amazed when they taste how good the juices can be. It’s now part of my life and I don’t want to go back to former eating patterns. At 5’ 2” I have always struggled with my weight but juicing has made steady weight loss EASY. I have a healthy meal in the evening which mostly consists of an enormous salad with something else (have always been nuts about salads anyway). Everyone is telling me how good I look and although I still have a little way to go to be a perfect weight (if there is such a thing) I am relaxed about getting there. I feel like I’ve got a whole new set of clothes in my wardrobe. I have become interested in shopping again, which I haven’t been for some time. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me the tools to help myself. My daughter is also doing brilliantly (although had little to lose) and we hope one day, maybe next year, to sign up to go on one of Jason’s retreats. We are both yoga fans and a week of juicing would be brilliant. We both feel very empowered after reading Jason’s books and hope that others will want to share in the success it can bring. Thanks for the life change … it continues to be amazing!! Marianne and Tabitha XXX’
Once again we have someone who simply incorporates a few juices a day into her life and has a balanced evening meal. In her own words: ‘Juicing has made steady weight loss EASY’, something I believe the world is looking for and something you will discover when you start the revolutionary Juice Yourself Slim programme.
‘Hi Jason I haven’t had a migraine since I started juicing! So I experimented and for a week I didn’t juice or exercise (Pilates) and guess what? Yes, my migraine came back with a vengeance! From the time I was a toddler I have suffered from migraines at least once a month, sometimes twice or three times. I have been to several doctors and clinics, done the ‘programme’, took the pills for 30 years and nothing worked. So thank you Jason and the Juice Master — I am juicing the wheatgrass now with my new juicer. Still doing the Pilates which has helped tremendously with my back injury. And to top it all I have been accepted at the local university to do a design degree. And I’m 60 years young — but where the hell were you for 35 of my years!!! Thank you again a thousand times. Penelope P’
I used to suffer from migraines and they aren’t a laughing matter. If you have them my heart goes out to you – all you can do is close the world out and pray it goes away soon. This lady is 60 years old and took pills for over 30 years, yet a bit of juicing and some exercise and boom! Problem gone. The juicing and exercise have also helped with a back injury. This isn’t the first time I have heard of juicing helping people with migraines.
‘I have lost 23lbs in only four weeks and my asthma has improved so much that I have reduced my medication (I take steroids and have a nebulizer). I wrote to my doctor to make sure it was okay and he’s very happy. Kindest regards Heather’
Most of you will have focused on the massive 23lb weight loss in just four weeks. After all, this book is entitled Juice Yourself Slim. However, what I wish to emphasize is that Heather didn’t decide to Juice Herself to Lower Asthma Medication – she read the book and wanted to Juice Herself Slim. The improvement in her asthma was a ‘side-effect’ of the programme.
I used to suffer from severe asthma, to the point where I had steroid tablets and was using my Ventalin inhaler up to 14 times a day, every single day. If I lost my inhaler or misplaced it I would immediately panic, which, not surprisingly, often triggered an attack in itself.
There is no question that diet and environment play a massive role in the development and treatment of this condition. The example above is just one of many I have received over the years from people who are breathing a great deal easier due to a change of diet, increased exercise and, of course, some freshly extracted juice magic. So you may only be doing this to Juice Yourself Slim, but if you suffer from any other condition you may just find that as a side-effect it improves or disappears altogether.
‘I saw a review of your book in one of the health magazines and decided to buy it. I read it from cover to cover and couldn’t put it down because I was that keen to start! In six weeks I have lost almost 28lbs, and this has prompted me to get my life into gear. At 32 I haven’t felt or looked better for a long time. Thank you for helping me get my life sorted! K’
28lbs in six weeks! Now that’s the sort of result which should ignite the fire within. Anyone can juice themselves slim and anyone can get these results. All you have to do is read the whole book and then follow the simple Juice Yourself Slim programme.
‘… changed my life totally, also saved my life after major surgery. I was in intensive care for two days and couldn’t eat. The hospital tried to feed me chips. I got my mother to bring me freshly juiced veg and was home in four days. I had read your book before hospital and knew it worked. The doctors said they had never seen anyone heal so fast. Now I’m just finishing a health and nutrition course, all thanks to the inspiration of Mr Jason Vale. Thanks pal Scott’
The doctors said they had ‘never seen anyone heal so fast’. Clearly this is anecdotal, but this is far from the first of its kind I have received. I have even had someone suggest they wouldn’t be alive today if they hadn’t had juice therapy after a large dose of chemotherapy. I am healthily sceptical of such claims, but as I continue to receive similar testimonials, I do believe that healing is improved when the body has the right nutrient elements to work with.
This also illustrates the importance of getting good natural juice bars into hospitals. Our government wastes so much money on various quangos and other money pits so it could easily get a juice bar into all UK hospitals. It’s the one place where people’s digestive systems are heavily weakened and immune systems compromised. It is also a place where nutrition is looked at as an afterthought. This is despite the fact that 85 per cent of all disease is directly caused by what we put into our mouths, according to the World Health Organization. Juice bars would make money for the hospital and improve the health of the patients, but I guess that’s just a little too simple a solution to even consider. On that note, if you have any influence in this area and can help add a genuine Juice Master Natural Juice Bar to some hospitals, please let me know.
‘… most recently I purchased 7LBS IN 7 DAYS and decided to give the detox plan a go. I can truly say that I feel better now than in years and have lost a total of 5½ stone. I am looking forward to continuing on my journey through stages two and three, and am eagerly awaiting future book releases from Jason. And yes, I read all of the books all the way through!! My vital stats, in case you are interested (isn’t it amazing how people like to talk about themselves?):

Many thanks and best regards Adrian’
In case you think he lost 5½ st in seven days, clearly he didn’t. The only way that would be possible is by cutting off your legs! This man has been on a two-year journey which started with one of my other books and has continued since. He clearly understands the nature of ‘reigniting’, and the importance of continued reading, learning and inspiration.
As I will repeat constantly throughout the book, life has a habit of coming along and dampening our inspirational flames at times. This is why it is absolutely necessary to do whatever it takes to keep the fire going. We all require some inspirational fuel from time to time, and the right psychological injection can make the difference between being slim for a week and being slim for life.
Although this man had lost 4.5st in just under two years, he needed something to reignite the fire and give him a boost so that he could reach his goal. He got hold of a copy of 7lbs in 7 Days, read the book, got inspired once again and lost a massive 14lbs in just 7 days! He has a ‘Grand Designs’ rather than a ‘Changing Rooms’ approach to his health and fitness goal – something I will explain in depth later – and he is now 5.5st lighter than two years ago.
Super Slimming Success
He’s far from the only person to have what I describe as ‘super slimming success’ using the power of juice and a positive frame of mind. I have had letters from people who have lost over 20st (280lbs), and it’s extremely common to receive emails from people who drop three to five stone. The difference that kind of weight loss makes to every aspect of a person’s life is almost incalculable.
If you want a small glimpse of what it would feel like, get a rucksack, add 42lbs of weight (21 bags of sugar) and walk around for a day. At the end of the day remove the rucksack and feel the difference. Can you imagine the effect on someone’s life of losing three, five or twenty stone? It’s often the difference between simply surviving and truly living. It’s the difference between being able to get up and play with the kids and a ‘can’t be bothered’ mentality. It’s the difference between feeling bloody good about yourself and feeling like crap.
I realize that for many people slimming is the numero uno reason for reading this book and doing the programme. But in the same way as understanding the difference significant weight loss makes to someone’s life, it’s also easy to see how every area of someone’s life would be different when they are no longer plagued by migraines, severe asthma, a skin disorder, arthritis, diabetes … and so I could go on. Let’s not underestimate the impact this programme will have on all areas of your health, areas which perhaps haven’t even manifested themselves yet. Prevention is MUCH easier than cure, and every time you pour some of this ‘pure’ liquid fuel into your system, you are not only one step closer to the land of the slim, but you are also supplying yourself with perhaps the finest health insurance you will ever invest in.
Fool Proof
I have enough life-changing testimonials to fill an entire book, but for some people these stories won’t be enough. It doesn’t matter how many genuine letters and emails come in on a daily basis, nor how powerful their stories are – some people need what they consider proof, usually of the ‘scientific’ kind. Many people in the medical and dietetic professions will see every letter you have just read as purely ‘anecdotal’ evidence of the effectiveness juices and smoothies have on weight loss and disease, even if it involves freeing themselves of the big C.
Cancer versus Carrots
The cancer-fighting abilities of carrot juice have been well documented, but again no matter how powerful the story I fear it will still be many years before freshly extracted carrot juice is ever prescribed as a prevention or treatment. Dr Bernard Jensen, as far back as the 1930s, illustrated the amazing anti-cancer ability of carrot juice when one of his patients cured himself from what was described as a ‘terminal disease’ by living on just carrot juice and shots of liquid chlorophyll for one year. He had cancer of the bowel and could hardly eat anything. According to Dr Jensen’s reports, doctors had given up on this man. After the year he went back to hospital for a checkup. His hospital report showed that he was completely free of cancer!
Another Doctor (Dr H E Kirschner) investigated the story and was so impressed he wrote an article about the effectiveness of fruit and vegetable juices on disease, which he sent to a medical journal. The article was sent back to him explaining, ‘the story lacked credibility’ and that ‘it wasn’t up to the medical profession to promote any particular food for the healing of any disease’. I wish to repeat that as it’s quite important: