The Juice Master Juice Yourself Slim: The Healthy Way To Lose Weight Without Dieting
The reality is that the powerful nutritious liquid fuel trapped within the fibres of raw fruits and vegetables contains the perfect balance of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and amino acids to maintain health during weight loss. There are some who will be arrogant enough to think they can create something more perfect than nature itself to deal with the obesity nightmare taking place in our world at this time, but I hope and feel that common sense and intuition will have the majority of people going in the right direction.
You Can’t Patent Fruit or Veg
Once again, the biggest problem is that you cannot patent a fruit or vegetable. No patent means no big blockbuster money-spinner. What I find most extraordinary is how no one seems to question what many scientists in this field are doing. They often do a study and find that a certain fruit or vegetable is highly effective for either the prevention or treatment of a particular disease. They then try to find exactly which ingredient contained within the fruit or vegetable makes it so effective. Their aim, I imagine, is to isolate the secret ingredient and add some other chemicals to it in order to make a patentable ‘drug’. A ‘drug’ which will once again be hailed as the new all-singing, all-dancing answer to whatever disease the fruit or vegetable helped with. Just a thought here, but why on earth don’t they simply suggest people eat the fruit or vegetable that made the difference? Is it really because you can’t patent it? Could the industry be that corrupt?
‘Lies, damn lies and statistics.’
— Mark Twain
You can make any study look and sound better than it actually is, especially when you are trying to get a licence for a blockbuster drug. Not all studies are worthless, clearly, and many are extremely valid. However, as far as I’m concerned there is only one study worth looking at and that is genuine people giving genuine testimonials. We live in a world where if people say a drug has helped them in any way it is taken as read by the medical profession, but if a load of people get spectacular results for their health or ailment using natural methods, the usual responses are: ‘it hasn’t been tested properly’ and ‘it might have worked for those people, but there is no evidence to suggest it will work for everyone’. But there’s no evidence to suggest any drug on earth will work for everyone either. There is also no evidence to suggest we are making any progress whatsoever with ‘drug therapy’ for weight loss in any part of the world, yet many millions are still being invested into finding the cure-all ‘anti-obesity pill’.
True Scientific Success
I have received thousands of genuine emails from people all over the world who have had major health problems massively reduced or eliminated as a direct result of freshly extracted juice and nutritious freshly made smoothies. There will also be countless people who have had diseases prevented due to getting into a juicy and healthier lifestyle, the extent of which we will never know.
What I find shocking is that instead of many people in the dietetic and medical professions looking into this as a potential breakthrough natural treatment for obesity and other ailments, we have a situation where my programmes, such as 7lbs in 7 Days, are attacked instead of embraced. When you read the results in the next chapter, you will be blown away and will think it even more of a mystery why freshly extracted juice as a therapy isn’t embraced more widely.
‘The drugs don’t work.’
— The Verve
It often takes years for some dieticians and the mass medical profession to catch up and accept any alternative to drug treatment. We are only now getting doctors and dieticians recommending things like fish oil for joint pain, even though this has been spouted by the non-medical clan for decades. Even as I write, I have just heard the news on the BBC headlining the result of a scientific study showing how a cocktail of additives can cause hyperactivity in some children – something which, once again, the ‘alternative’ voice of common sense has been saying for donkey’s years. When you see bright green, often luminous drinks masquerading as ‘juice’, containing a chemical concoction any science academy would be proud of, I don’t think you need six years of medical training to instinctively know it just might send your kids nuts!
What has happened to common sense? What has happened to that inner knowing we all possess? Things become even more insane when you think that some of the top-selling children’s medicines contain some of these hyperactive-causing chemicals, as well as other lovely things such as aspartame. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener which has been linked to 92 different harmful side-effects, including brain tumours. You can’t make this stuff up.
‘Anti-wrinkle cream there may be but anti-fat bastard cream there certainly is not.’
— from the film THE FULL MONTY
We are, despite what some are saying, in the grip of a genuine obesity and overweight epidemic. This isn’t Daily Mail headline stuff either. It’s common knowledge to most in the know and blatantly obvious to all who walk down Walsall High Street on a Saturday afternoon! It has been reported that if current trends continue, 50 per cent of all children in the UK will be significantly overweight or obese by the year 2050. It won’t be long before we are on a par with the US, where at the time of writing a whopping two-thirds of US citizens are overweight or obese. That’s two-thirds! Along with being overweight and obese comes diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, gout, arthritis, high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol levels, hyperactive disorder and so the list goes on and on.
Everything we put into our system changes our biochemistry, and given that blood flows through the brain there is no question that many mental disorders are also caused by a lack of nutrients and the addition of clogging ‘foods’ and ‘drinks’. Even the World Heath Organization recognizes that 85 per cent of all disease is a direct result of what we put into our mouths and external environmental factors, such as living in a polluted city.
‘I am too chubby, too large … it’s not good.’
— Luciano Pavarotti
Being overweight is often an addictive and uninspired trap. As it has a knock-on effect on the manifestation of virtually all of mankind’s common and debilitating diseases, it really is something we should be paying full attention to. This is why it is of paramount importance that the mainstream dietetic and medical world gets on board with any treatment that is clearly effective in this area. Juicing is not only super effective, but it’s also safe, healthy and something people can do every day of their lives with no adverse side-effects whatsoever. If a drug was produced that had the same effect, it would be hailed as the new obesity and disease ‘wonder’ drug, and every doctor and dietician would be singing its praises and prescribing it left, right and centre.
Juicing is not only super effective, but it’s also safe, healthy and something people can do every day of their lives with NO adverse side-effects whatsoever.
Being overweight, as I know from my past, is no picnic. People who have never suffered are the first to simply say, ‘Eat less and move more.’ This sounds logical and obvious, and who can blame them for saying such a thing. However, logic plays no part in addiction. It’s like saying to a smoker, ‘Smoking is bad and if you stopped you’d have more money and would be healthier.’ That kind of statement might be correct, but it’s somewhat patronizing to think the smoker has no idea of these obvious facts.
It is just as patronizing to inform someone who is overweight that, ‘If you eat more good stuff, cut down on rubbish and exercise more you will be slimmer and feel better.’ When I was overweight and I heard people saying this to me I would simply think, ‘No shit, Sherlock!’ Just because someone is thick physically it doesn’t automatically make them thick mentally. I was fully aware of what I was doing. I had lost my fire, my inspiration – that impetus which makes us want to bounce out of bed and embrace the opportunities life has to offer. I had simply lost my spark, something that happens to so many people on a regular basis.
‘My dream is to wake up 50lbs less and fly.’
— Luciano Pavarotti
Luckily, times really are changing. Increasing numbers of doctors and dieticians are realizing that drugs don’t work when it comes to weight loss. Many are also more open-minded than ever when it comes to possible new options. Even the resident Radio 2 doctor – Dr Jarvis – often recommends cognitive therapy for many ailments, including obesity. This is why this book, like all of my others, deals with the mental as much as the physical. Things are changing so much that I even have many doctors who recommend my books and work, but I feel we are some time off mainstream medical heads being as open. I also feel it will be many more years before ‘juice therapy’ of any kind is recognized as an extremely safe and effective treatment for obesity and other disease.
I wish to make something clear at this point: I am all for medical intervention and drugs where necessary. I strongly believe I wouldn’t be alive today without the injection which saved my life when I had my very first asthma attack at the age of eight. However, I wish I had been told what was causing my condition instead of simply being given drugs for the next God knows how many years to sticky tape over the root cause of the problem. It would have been good if someone had at least suggested that diet and exercise just might play a part. At least then I could have tried to do something about it instead of just accepting my drug-filled days. However, as I will keep saying, there’s a lot of money in drugs – more than most of us can comprehend – so what interest has a drug company got in actually curing your condition? Just a thought.
Pure Common Sense Science
Science, as far as I am concerned, is ‘that which works’. For obesity and weight loss there is no question – juicing works! Exercise works! It not only works for some; it works for everyone – and I am willing to challenge anyone who believes anything to the contrary. This means that no matter what you have tried before, the physical weight-loss results are guaranteed on this programme.
However, this book isn’t simply about the physical. It’s also about igniting that inspirational mental fire within – that passion, which often sits dormant inside us all. When ignited, it makes us feel anything is possible. It makes us excited about life again, and makes us want to get up, exercise and get slim so we can get the most out of each and every day.
As mentioned in the Introduction, many people think that life has put out the fire. While we are breathing, however, it is a sure sign that the pilot light is very much on, and all that’s required is a bit of mental fuel to ignite the fire once again. What we don’t realize is that there are many aspects that dampen the fire. There are many ‘foods’, for example, that contain toxic chemicals which gradually wear us down without our knowledge. We often take over-the-counter drugs to deal with some of the nutritional deficiencies caused by these ‘foods’. These drugs ALL have negative side-effects, which once again contribute to the dampening of our inspirational fires.
There are many things that can ignite us once again. Sometimes it can be just a sentence. For others it’s hearing of other people’s successes. It can be seeing what you deem ‘real’ scientific studies on juicing. It can be seeing the truth behind the food companies and deciding you no longer want to help fund them by passing over your hard-earned money in exchange for substances which will simply make you fat, ill and unhappy. Whatever it is, this book has been carefully designed to ignite that fire within and give you a successful launch on your juicy journey to the lovely world of slimness and health.
Nothing, I feel, can trigger the pilot light to fire more so than people who have already experienced incredible success. When you see what can be achieved in a short space of time, it helps to start the firing process. I have chosen just a tiny selection from our juicy postbag to help light that juicy fire within. Make a point of reading every one, as some of the results will astound you. I also sincerely hope that those sceptics in the dietetic and medical worlds read the next chapter and take note. I hope it makes them sit up, pay attention and start to see the incredible value freshly extracted juice can have on every aspect of mental and physical health. I also hope they, and you for that matter, don’t dismiss these letters and emails as ‘isolated’ or ‘not real’. The following are all 100 per cent genuine, from ‘real’ people from every walk of life. All have different lifestyles, jobs, commitments, ages, and yet all managed to introduce juicing into their often hectic lives and reap the slimming and health rewards. Come forth and let me give you a glimpse of what can happen when you join in …
The Juice Revolution

Juicing is no longer seen as something for mad people with long hair who spend much of their lives in trees protesting against a new bypass being built. Today, juicing and smoothie-making is viewed as a genuine and highly effective way to get better health and a super-slim body. A little over five years ago, less than 1 per cent of the UK population owned a juice extractor; that figure is now 6 per cent and is expected to reach 20 per cent by the year 2012. Not only are people buying them, but unlike gadgets like bread-makers, they are even starting to use them – what a concept!
Today, juicing and smoothie-making is viewed as a genuine and highly effective way to get better health and a super-slim body.
This chapter is dedicated to illustrating the truly amazing health and slimming results that can be achieved by incorporating freshly extracted fruit and vegetable juices into your life. You can have all the scientific studies in the world, but none will get your juices flowing more than the remarkable results of others.
I have heard some amazing stories over the years and have seen at first hand some truly wonderful and almost miraculous changes. I have seen people come off antidepressants after years of taking them. I have seen people with arthritis who could barely move climb a steep hill and walk miles after incorporating juicing into their lives. I have seen skin disorders virtually disappear as well, of course, as excess fat seemingly melt away.
In a recent seminar I conducted, an 80-year-old man asked a question: ‘What are you supposed to do if your partner thinks you’re insane for juicing?’ I suggested that if he were told by a doctor that he should be taking something like a statin drug for high cholesterol she would insist he took them, so she should be as understanding when he is trying to treat his health with something natural. His reply was perhaps one of the most priceless I have ever heard: ‘Oh that’s the other thing. I am meant to be on a statin for high cholesterol, but since I have been juicing I have no need … but we’re having to keep that one a secret – don’t tell the wife!’
It would be almost impossible to read this chapter without it adding at least a few flames to your fire. Inspiration is such a vital catalyst to any kind of change, especially when you are trying to kick-start a healthy eating and slimming plan. And there is nothing more inspirational or motivating than seeing real results.
Here are just a few of the hundreds of thousands of genuine emails I have received over the years. I have made comments after some of them to fully illustrate some of the points. I would like to thank the thousands of people who have taken the time to write to me. Even if it takes a few months I always make a point of reading and replying to as many as possible. It was hard to pick out just a few. However, I hope this small selection enables you to see the sort of health and slimming magic that can occur with the help of the right frame of mind, a few fruits and vegetables, a juicer and a blender.
Please do not make the mistake of skipping the letters. They all have a message and they all help to lay the foundations. Remember, everything I have written is for a reason; every word has a point to it; and every one of the letters you read here is 100 per cent genuine and unsolicited. The magic is in their words – don’t miss them.
‘Subject: Yippee! I never have to go on another diet!!! WOW! Where do I start? Since having two kids 13 and 10 years ago my weight has gone up and down like you wouldn’t believe. Like many people I’ve done The Cabbage Soup Diet and Weight Watchers (brill, no more counting those bloody points!) to name but a few, but it wasn’t until September of last year that I found that juicing really and truly works for me. It really has been amazing — life-changing in fact. (I know you most probably hear this all the time!) I have since lost 2 stone. I have gone from 11st 4lbs to 9st 3lbs. Size 14 to size 10. in fact, I am wearing a size 8 top at the moment … I haven’t done that for years! One of the reasons I am emailing you is that the friends I have introduced juicing to keep saying ‘you must tell him how well you’ve done’ or ‘you should be one of his reps.’ I know you’ve had an email this week from Louise who’s done really well. She’s just one of the people I’ve introduced it to. My neighbour Maria has lost 9lbs in one week and my husband is doing it at the moment and has lost 6lbs since Monday (he was a bit sceptical at first). I’m sooo proud of all of them. I think to date it’s well over 4 stone between us all. Also, my kids love the smoothies. It just feels so good to see them drink all that live goodness. I must admit that when we go on holiday I get really crabby because I can’t do my juicing. Of course I always choose the healthy option now, which isn’t too bad. in fact, when I see people sitting in places like McDonald’s I feel sorry for them when they could quite easily go somewhere else and have something healthier. I have turned into a bit of the Food Police, and when my kids see something that’s not very nice they go ‘Oooh that’s toxic!’ Well at least it’s got them thinking about what they are putting in their mouths. Louise and I are coming to your seminar in Manchester, which we are really excited about, and I’m saving like mad to go on one of your Ultimate Retreat weeks next year. Well you’ve most probably had enough of my waffling now so as a last note I just want to say THANK YOU. You really have changed our lives, for which I will be eternally grateful. Many thanks Paula’
The weight loss is one thing but what interested me most was the knock-on effect success like this has. Not only has Paula lost over 28lbs and a few dress sizes, but because of her success her neighbour did it and lost 9lbs in one week, and even Paula’s husband who was a sceptic lost 6lbs in just a few days. What is also wonderful is how this kind of influence has an effect on their children too. Juicing and smoothie-making creates theatre in the kitchen and kids are often mesmerized by it.
‘Hi Jason and team Just wanted you to know I recently bought a juicer from you and am now mad on it! Lost a stone in weight in just under three weeks! And that was not really why I started. I had headaches most evenings, hay fever and allergies. Anyway, my headaches have gone and so has everything else. I feel great, and I’m not actually going mad on my intake, just one or two juices a day with a healthy meal. So far I’ve converted three other people because of the way I now look! I’m so pleased I listen to Steve Wright on Radio 2 as that’s where I heard about this. Cheers Jason — Happy Juicing M. Waller’
Headaches gone, hay fever gone and 14lbs lighter in under three weeks without even trying. Just by having a couple of juices and smoothies a day with a healthy meal – which, funnily enough, is exactly the principle of the Juice Yourself Slim programme. Once again, they have converted three of their friends because of the way they now look – the juice revolution is happening!
‘Dear Mr Vale My husband and I are very much enjoying drinking delicious juices as a result of reading your books. Not only do we have more energy and better health but our hair is also going back to its original colour! We are 68 and 73 years old, so that is a wonderful surprise! Yours sincerely Audrey S’
What’s wonderful about this email isn’t so much that their hair started to go back to its original colour (although WOW!) but that at 68 and 73 years old they are willing to try new things in the 21st century health world. They’re not alone either. I am receiving more and more letters and emails from people in, let’s say, the mature part of their life. The digestive system often gets weak as the years go on, and juicing and smoothie-making are the perfect way to get ‘live’ nutrients into a weak system. I honestly can’t wait till I get our juice and smoothie bars up and running in hospitals. If there was ever a place crying out for excellent nutrition that’s easy to digest and assimilate, it’s hospitals.
‘I have got so much energy and mental clarity … and I am so happy because I have got my 90-year-old grandad into juicing and he loves it!’
Once again proving the fact it’s never too late to teach an old dog new juicy tricks!
‘Hi Jason I would just like to say thank you so much! I’m 15 and have been overweight all my life, constantly trying to slim down. That was until my mum bought your book and I read it. I’ve lost a stone and the weight just keeps going. I’ve never been happier or felt better. Thank you! Jenny’
Here’s someone at the other end of the age spectrum. Jenny is just 15 years old – the book clearly inspired her and the juices were the exact fuel required to catapult her to change, something she had been trying to do for years. I have had hundreds, if not thousands, of emails from people of 16 years of age or less. I remember one particular boy aged just 12 who lost over 3 stone after reading Slim 4 Life. The weight loss is one thing, but to read a book of this nature at just 12 years old is I feel a feat in itself. I know many adults who buy these books but never actually read them.
We live in a weight-obsessed society and one thing is for sure: teenage girls (and boys) will often follow just about anything their idol is doing to look great, no matter how bats it may be. To give you an example, after Victoria Beckham was seen reading a particular weight-loss book aimed mainly at teenagers entitled Skinny Bitch, sales increased by 4,000 per cent that same day! If a celebrity a teenager looks up to decides to drink oil and eat leather to lose weight, they will follow. One of the many good things which came from Jordan doing the juicing programme was the tremendous influence she had on teenage girls looking to lose weight. Teenagers up and down the country started juicing fresh celery, cucumber, pineapple, apple, lime and spinach and blending it with avocado and ice to make the now famous Turbo Charge Smoothie – the very one Jordan was having daily. Tweenagers (ages 8–12) and teenagers drinking vegetables! A breakthrough by any standards, I’m sure you’ll agree.