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A Dry Creek Courtship

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“Now, does anyone need jelly?” Linda beamed at them.

“What kind of jelly do you have?” Charley asked. He knew she had over a dozen flavors and he was happy to have her slowly list them all to him. Charley asked for the last flavor, orange marmalade, simply because it was the last flavor she mentioned and he needed some time to gather himself.

“See?” Edith said when Linda went back to the kitchen to get the jelly.


“See how many kinds of jelly there are in this world? We don’t need chokecherry. We can have grape.”

“I’m going to get you those chokecherries,” Charley said. “Just give me a little time. I haven’t even had a chance to drive out to the Morgan place.”

“I don’t want to be a bother.”

Charley grunted. “Then get your jars ready to make jelly.”

Maybe making jelly would get Edith’s mind off this Jasmine woman. At least, he hoped so.

Chapter Four

The next morning, Charley went by the hardware store as he usually did. Elmer didn’t show up at his regular time, so Charley decided to go over to the church for a bit. He told himself he was only going there so he could finally move those old hymnals from the back Sunday school room to the shelves by the pastor’s office. He’d meant to do it yesterday, but his morning had been spent with Edith and it took most of his afternoon to get her enough chokecherries from that coulee out by the Morgan place.

Charley was a little nervous about going to the church when no one but the pastor was there. He’d never been one of those people who felt the need to have pastoral counseling about everything they did in life and he wasn’t going to become one now. If he happened to run into Pastor Matthew while he was at the church, though, and they just happened to have a conversation, that would be okay.

Charley felt a man should know his own mind without having to talk with someone else. Still, he needed to move those hymnals and the bookshelf was just outside the pastor’s office.

Charley didn’t want to disturb Pastor Matthew, of course. That’s why he carefully held the hymnals so they wouldn’t fall to the floor and startle the pastor. If the pastor happened to look up and see him walking past though, no one could count that as an interruption.

“Charley,” Pastor Matthew called out as Charley walked past the open doorway. “I’ve been meaning to check with you. Did you catch up with Mrs. Hargrove yesterday? How’s her car running?”

Charley told himself it was only polite to turn back and stand in the open doorway to answer the pastor. No one liked to have to yell back and forth to have a conversation. “I sure did. She was out trying to get some chokecherries.”

“She makes a good jelly. I always look forward to the jar she brings us at Christmas. Glory uses it to make thumbprint cookies. They’re the twins’ favorite.”

Charley swallowed. He hadn’t even known about the cookies. “I ended up getting the last of the chokecherries at the Morgan place. There weren’t many, but I found enough.”

“That’s good. The harvest dinner is coming up and her biscuits and jelly are the hit of the evening.”

Charley shifted his weight so he stood up a little straighter. “The jelly will be there. I think she’s going to make it tomorrow.”

The two men were silent for a moment as Charley tried to think of a way to begin to talk about his problem. He almost wished he had a spiritual crisis—that would be easier to talk about than what he had troubling him.

“How’s your grandson doing? He getting along okay with Doris June?” the pastor finally asked.

Charley stepped inside the pastor’s office.

“He worships her. She makes him those sour-cream raisin cookies that Edith makes. Doris June is pretty near as good a cook as her mother.”

It was silent for another minute before Charley cleared his throat. “Speaking of Edith—I—ah—”

Charley couldn’t think of how to say it so he just stopped.

“She’s a fine woman,” the pastor prodded. “Not perfect, of course, but—”

“She’s closer to perfect than any woman I know,” Charley snapped. He decided next time he wanted to talk he’d go into Miles City and see that dentist who didn’t believe in using Novocain. “Just because a woman has a few opinions and doesn’t know anything about cars doesn’t mean she’s not, well, perfect.”

The pastor nodded.

Charley nodded back. He was glad they had that settled.

Charley was starting to turn to the door when the pastor said, “The two of you have been friends for a lot of years.”

Charley turned back. “That’s it right there.”

The pastor frowned. “It’s good to have friends, isn’t it?”

“I don’t want to be friends anymore.” Charley spit it out and then took a breath.

Pastor Matthew looked bewildered. “Did you have an argument? I hope I wasn’t responsible. I truly thought someone should help her with her battery. She was trying to jump-start her car using the motor on her lawn mower.”

“Well, that would never work.”

“I know, that’s why…” he trailed off. “Please, don’t be upset with her about what I did.”

“I’m not upset with her,” Charley said. “I’m—I’m…”

For the life of him, Charley couldn’t say he wanted to have a romantic relationship with Edith. In his own defense, though, he did have to say that the dentist in Miles City would have guessed the truth of everything by now. Of course, that man dealt all day long with people in pain who couldn’t talk so he was good at understanding the unspoken agony in a man’s eyes.

“Well, don’t give up on your friendship,” Pastor Matthew finally said. “I know all of us are a little annoying at times. But you and Mrs. Hargrove have been friends almost your whole lives. You don’t just throw that kind of friendship away.” The pastor stopped as though something had just occurred to him. “She’s not mad at you, is she? I know she’s awfully protective of that car of hers. Maybe you shouldn’t have told her to get a new one.”

“She only likes that car because Harold bought it.”

The pastor nodded. “I’m sure the two of you will work things out. Just be patient with one another. Who knows? If you give her some time, she might even buy a different car.”

Charley doubted that, but he nodded anyway. He sure wasn’t going to reveal that it wasn’t the car that was bothering him. It was that Edith kept that beat-up old vehicle like a shrine to her dead husband. And she knew all along that the man didn’t deserve it. Harold had betrayed her. Most women he knew would have taken a hammer to that car years ago. All of which must have meant Edith had a powerful love for Harold that just wouldn’t let go.

Charley hoped he lived long enough to see Edith give up that car. If she would even do that much, he would have reason to hope that she could break away from the past and begin a new future. He’d asked his nephew to give her a call and see if she was interested in a new car, but he told him not to expect to make a sale.

“Well, I better get the rest of these hymnals moved,” Charley said as he started toward the door again.

“I’m glad you stopped by to talk,” the pastor said.

“I wasn’t really stopping to talk,” Charley said as he stood in the door. “I was just moving the hymnals. If we don’t move things around, we get in a rut.”

The pastor nodded.

Charley left to stack the hymnals. He suddenly wished time would go back to last Sunday. Or better yet, two Sundays ago. That would be before Edith got the letter that had her so upset. And it would be well before she’d turned to him for beauty tips. Him! What kind of a man did she think he was? She wouldn’t take car advice from him but she wanted to know what he thought about the way she looked?

Charley decided he was losing his touch with women. That was the only explanation.
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