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The Twin

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“There’s nothing to tell.”

Cass rolled her eyes. “Come on, sis. This is me. What’s his name? What does he look like?”

“I think his name was Ben.”

“You think?”

“Okay. His name was Ben. I don’t even remember his last name. McSomething, I think. He was tall and kind of nice-looking. I didn’t pay much attention. I doubt that I’ll ever see him again.”

“You’re lying. Did he ask you out?”

“Of course not. I mostly talked to Sam, and we were busy in the café.”

Cass waited, that look on her face that said she wasn’t letting it go.

“And all right, he came back for lunch today.”

“Aha! I’d say that he’s interested. Was Sam with him?”

“No. He was alone.”

“That definitely means he’s interested.”

“It only means that he likes our chili. We barely spoke.”

“And why was that? Did you go hide in the kitchen?”

“Why would I hide in the kitchen?”

“Aha!” Cass said again. “I knew it. Listen to me, sis. It’s past time you put aside that shroud you’ve wrapped yourself in and rejoin the world. You’re too young to molder in widows’ weeds with your plants and cats.”

“Are you nuts? I’m not moldering, and I only have one cat.”

“How long since you’ve gone out with a man? How long since you’ve even considered going out with a man?”

“Would you stop with the goading? I’m simply not interested in dating. Not yet, in any case.”

“How long are you going to wait? Five years? Ten? Twenty?”

Thank goodness Sid appeared with their food, and Sunny was saved from answering Cass’s question. But she couldn’t help asking herself the same question. How long was she going to wait?

The whole subject gave her a headache. And for no reason. Ben might have revved her motor a little bit, but he hadn’t shown any particular interest in asking her out. Anyhow, just because he didn’t wear a wedding ring didn’t mean a thing. He could be very married. Or he could be in a committed relationship of some sort. It was unlikely that a hunk like him was available. Case closed.

Chapter Four

Sunny was just walking into Chili Witches after her lunch with Cass when the phone near the register rang. Melanie, a short blonde who was the assistant manager, grabbed it, then put her hand over the phone receiver and said, “Sunny, a call for you on line one.”

“Who is it?”

“Beats me. Some guy. Are you in?”

“Sure. I’ll take it.” She reached for the receiver. “Hi, this is Sunny. May I help you?”

There was a pause, then a deep voice said, “Hello. This is Ben McKee.”

Her breath caught and an odd rush spread over her. “Ben?”

“Yes. I’m the Ranger who came in with Sam Outlaw on Wednesday. I was there at noon today for chili.”

“Oh, yes, of course. Ben. Did you forget something?”

He chuckled and the sound seemed to resonate in her belly. How very odd.

“No, I think I got out with everything I came in with. I wanted to ask you to have dinner with me tomorrow night.”

“Din-dinner?” she said, stammering in spite of her efforts at control. “Tomorrow night?” Panic clawed its way up from her stomach to her throat. She wasn’t ready to deal with this.

“Yes. Tomorrow. Saturday night. If you’re free. That is, if you’re not involved with anyone. I didn’t even think to ask that. Are you?”

Her mouth went August dry. She finally managed to say, “No. I’m a widow.”

“Good,” he said quickly. “Oh, God, I didn’t mean it was good you were a widow. Sorry about that. I meant it was good you weren’t—”

“I know what you meant.” She almost smiled. He seemed as nervous as she felt. “And I really appreciate the invitation, but I have a previous commitment tomorrow night.”

There was a moment of silence, then Ben said, “Oh. Well, maybe another time. I’ll catch you later.”

And he was gone. She was left with a dial tone and a minor shock. What was that all about? His invitation had surprised her. True, she’d noticed a bit of interest on his part, but she hadn’t expected him to ask her on a date. She really did have a commitment tomorrow night. Her band, the Copper Pistols, played somewhere almost every Saturday night. Made up of police officers, the Pistols had been a garage band formed when Brian was still alive. She played drums, and Brian had played bass. Two other friends played guitar and keyboard and a third sang lead. They’d first started playing together as a stress reliever, and then realized they were pretty darned good and started accepting gigs now and then. After Brian’s death, the members of the group had helped her keep her sanity. And although she was no longer employed by Austin PD, the guys hadn’t kicked her out. Sometimes the band seemed like her last connection to Brian. They’d had so much fun playing together.

She hadn’t even had a chance to explain to Ben that she was working tomorrow night, that her excuse wasn’t a brush-off. He must not have been too interested or he would have asked her about another night. She wasn’t doing anything Sunday. Or Tuesday. Or Thursday.

It was just as well. She really wasn’t ready to date. It had been so long since she’d dated anyone, she wasn’t sure she’d know how to act. The whole business was awkward.

When she turned around the Senator stood there, shaking his head.


He sighed and disappeared.

“It wasn’t my fault,” she said to the empty space. “I really am busy tomorrow night.”

“I believe you,” Melanie said.

“Believe what?” Sunny asked.

Melanie grinned. “I believe you’re busy tomorrow night. I’m coming to see you at the Spotted Cow. Remember?”

“Uh, great.” It took Sunny a few beats to catch up with the conversation. Melanie, who dated the keyboard player, had thought Sunny’s remarks to the Senator were aimed at her. “Listen, did that new supply of napkins come in yet?”
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