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Conflicts in the family

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If we start studying the workings of the brain, we will encounter a big problem when in reality we do not know how the human brain works and how human consciousness is created. If we can't say this for sure even with the current development of technology, then the interval of variations, that is, the interval of predestination of human actions, becomes quite large.

This is when one small change in a person's mood can affect his fate so much that the most powerful circumstances could not affect it.

The problem with a large number of conflicts is that people change, get an education, become sufficiently educated specialists, but for the household they will always remain conditionally "Kolenka" or "Olechka", and his opinion will have weight according to his age in his eyes, when he was 15 or 17 years old.

A large number of children leave home after finishing school, study, get a job, reach big bosses, but at home they are remembered for their parents and even brothers, as at the age of seventeen he fell off the fence on New Year's Day, for example.

They do not see his intellectual growth and development of intelligence, and, of course, there will be misunderstanding, and various logical arguments of the son based on scientific research will not be taken seriously.

Such a problem exists not only at the level of the family, but also at the level of the state, when they say that "there is no prophet in his Homeland." Do not treat your own people so respectfully, and the opinion of a stranger will always be higher. Where this came from, we can roughly assume, but the book is not about this now, we will just try to understand the problem, the causes of conflicts between relatives. Problems need to be reprimanded, hushed up and pretend that they do not exist, not the smartest idea.

Conflicts in the family

Society is changing, the family is changing, conflicts are changing, and methods of resolving conflicts in families are changing. Changing one subject or object of conflict or the conflict environment changes the algorithms and scenarios of possible further development of the conflict.

The most dangerous conflicts are when people do not shout, do not quarrel, but hold a grudge. This may be accompanied at some inopportune moment by so many problems that the participants in a possible conflict do not even know about it.

With regard to conflicts in the family, in particular, we will consider civil marriages in approximately the same way, when a guy and a girl live and run a joint household. If they don't live together, then they are just friends, because true love is experienced when living together.

Conflicts between a guy and a girl when they do not live together, we have included in a separate chapter, so it is necessary.

The form of relationships in modern families is so diverse that it is probably almost impossible to classify them all. Because conflicts in families at a distance, when a husband and wife do not see each other for work or other reasons for a long time, but at the same time love each other sincerely, proceed in a completely different way.

Sunday popes have become such an all-encompassing phenomenon that it is already becoming scary in terms of the scale of tragedies. I stand for a strong family, for a large number of children, preferably three or more. Of course, everyone decides for themselves what to do. This is such a complex topic, and it is strictly individual. This is the ideal model that everyone should strive for.

But in most cases, any conflict is a normal psychoemotional state of a person. At the same time, thought processes, critical thinking, and so on change. No conflict can make a person more intelligent than he was before, conflict can only blind him. We will not refer to this case the phrase that the conflict opened my eyes. This is already after the fact, and not at all about it.

Any conflict has a cause, something that starts it all. Sometimes the cause of the conflict is ephemeral, it seems that three years ago someone looked at another obliquely or looked at her. Resentment can increase, gain destructive power, and at some point destroy everything.

Therefore, to resolve a conflict, you always need to look for the cause. You can't cure a person if you don't know the diagnosis.

Husband (bad)

In this case, we will move away from the fact that the wife is sane, the husband is insane. A stressful situation that occurs during a conflict with your husband can only blind you, make you make the wrong decision, which most often happens.

The conflict between husband and wife is the most dangerous, because passion and money are often involved. This infernal mixture is capable of destroying everything, and it does. Passion and money can ruin the life of anyone, even two loving hearts.

Next, we'll go through the list.

Cheating husband

Cheating on a husband for a wife is a different factor for every woman, because male infidelity and female infidelity are different from the point of view of physiology, but from a moral point of view it is equally shameful.

It is necessary to understand why the man went to the left, as they say. Possible reasons may be sexual dissatisfaction, a desire to diversify when you want black bread. All the reasons may be different, but the essence remains the same. It leaves a scar in the other person's soul.

Two possible scenarios: when the wife knows about it or she knows. In the first case, it may be a more predictable event in the future and less explosive, because no one knows what will happen when it becomes obvious to the wife, what consequences or actions will follow after that, neither the husband nor the wife know.

We need to talk more, have a heart-to-heart conversation. You don't have to spend the whole day figuring out what words to use so that you can ask them in the evening after work and make it as painful as possible. Remember the promise in the registry office, when you promise that you will be together in joy and in sorrow together. Words whose value we lose lead to problems.

It is necessary to gather all the will in a fist and try to solve the problem, some tension in the relationship that leads to male infidelity.

We must not forget that, in addition to moral damage, you can get infected with quite dangerous infectious diseases, which in turn can lead to impotence, infertility or other chronic viral infections, infections that are incurable. One night out can ruin the rest of both of their lives, and even worse, if the wife starts cheating, the problem will only get worse.

Everything is interconnected on Earth, in one place if there is a problem, this problem is expanding, the negative multiplies faster and more globally than kindness.

Human behavior is dominated by the so-called ancient brain, the reptilian brain, which controls all instincts, such as hunger and getting food, the instinct to reproduce and sex. These instincts are impulsively stronger than a person's consciousness, and if a person is not able to control them, very negative actions from the point of view of morality and medicine, as well as the law, occur. A person's head is given to think, to weigh actions.

One of the great ones said that the need for sexual diversity arises from a not very high development of intelligence. Talk more, find common ground. If each person starts cheating on the other in retaliation, then it can start going on for quite a long time and will not end in anything, or rather, it will end in the same way. Someone will become a Sunday dad, someone will wait for alimony, and someone will live and grow up without one parent in the house.

Children who grow up in families where their parents are divorced are essentially orphans with living parents. The psyche deteriorates so much that it will sometimes be quite difficult to adapt to life.

When you are young, your rash actions can then be reflected in your old age. As you know, in life you have to pay for everything, so the question is not whether you can avoid punishment or not, but when it comes and how severe it will be.

Many philosophers and psychotherapists consider polygamy as a psychological disease, even as a mental illness, to be more precise, a deviation when a person seeks diversity for the same actions. A person may live with one for convenience, and then walk on the side. Everyone has their own interest.

It is better to give passion to each other than to be scattered so everywhere, there is no point in this at all. Learn to abstract in your problems, otherwise you can even drown in your thoughts, get confused.


The fact that a man earns little or does not spend enough on his wife is quite common. This is no longer perceived as something eventful. Everyone is sure that this is normal, or rather, not normal.

Why did we decide to focus on money separately?

The presence or absence, or lack of money often leads to conflicts, sometimes so strong that they end up in divorce quite quickly.

The world has become so immersed in commodity-money relations that it has become a kind of fuel, the absence of which begins to anger the subjects of the economy. In this case, each person can be represented as a subject of the economy, since he does not have enough money.

It is necessary to proceed from the capabilities of the region and other circumstances that may limit wages.

Happy is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough. Minimalism during certain periods of life can sometimes be useful to think more conceptually about what is really important in life.

There is no point in continuing this chapter for too long, because everyone has a different attitude to money.

There is a saying that you need to earn more than save, but you need both in order for the positive balance to grow.

Families manage their household in different ways, some manage a joint budget, some try to distance themselves in this matter, and everyone spends more on themselves than on the joint budget. But there is a caveat that in this case, the joint budget will be smaller. Joint purchases should be discussed earlier and discussed. The language was invented by mankind not to quarrel, but to negotiate.

This chapter deals with the case when a husband becomes the instigator or problem for conflicts, because he earns either little or a lot, but does not spend on what his wife wants.

Make some tea, sit down, and talk. Why fight and show your ego? What is the point of perceiving the world that everyone is wrong?

If you really believe that your husband doesn't work because he doesn't want to, then you need to inspire him, and how you do this is up to you. This section of the book will not go to such tips, this is not exactly my specialty. But I think you understand what I meant, so I believe in you that you will succeed. Love each other more, and everything will work out for you.

Do not put pressure on the man, do not put pressure on him as a male and a breadwinner, in a good way. Restriction and pressure on a moral man leads to nervous breakdowns. He can not answer with words in contrast, men, in general, are poorly versed in intrigues and do not know how to build them. You can't use physical force under any circumstances, so he's chased like a wolf with a stick stuck in a cage, and he can't respond.

It is necessary to remember, because some qualities in him you liked before marriage, perhaps they need to be cherished and through them to form the right person. A man-a man, a breadwinner, in the sense that nature gave birth to him. Scandals lead to nothing, they destroy the will.

Watch the couples on the street, how they walk and how cute they communicate, and whether they do it in a feigned or heartfelt way. You don't need to try to be better, or rather, to appear better than you really are. This applies to both men and women. In extreme situations, you will show yourself as you really are, for this reason, you can be very upset at some point.
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