И на уздечке дрогнул колокольчик.
Как лес прекрасен, тёмен и глубок.
Но не окончен путь, мой путь далёк.
Всех обещаний не свершил сполна,
И сотни миль до сна, и сотни миль до сна.
Fire and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
Огонь и лёд
Одни твердят, что мир сгорит в огне.
Другие, что растопится во льдах.
Желанья жар давно известен мне,
Во мне огонь не вызывает страх.
Но если дважды миру суждено
Исчезнуть без следа,
Испивший ненависти горькое вино,
Скажу: наш мир пойдет на дно
Скорее ото льда.
The Aim was Song
Before man to blow to right
The wind once blew itself untaught,
And did its loudest day and night
In any rough place where it caught.
Man came to tell it what was wrong:
It hadn’t found the place to blow;
It blew too hard – the aim was song.
And listen – how it ought to go!
He took a little in his mouth,
And held it long enough for north
To be converted into south,
And then by measure blew it forth.
By measure. It was word and note,
The wind the wind had meant to be —
A little through the lips and throat.
The aim was song – the wind could see.
Главное – песня…
Наш предок песен не слагал,
И только ветер, всласть,
Выл днём и ночью среди скал…
И песнь его лилась!
Но человек сказал: – Не так,
Не там, дружок, не пой!
Владей дыханьем, помни такт…
Займусь-ка я тобой.
Ты рот и губы округли,
Петь с севера изволь,
На юге слушай, как вдали
Звучат до, фа, ми, соль.
Что ж ветер? Шею, горло, грудь
И лёгкие искал…
А песню так легко спугнуть!
Стих ветер среди скал.
«Lovers, forget your love…»
Lovers, forget your love,
And list to the love of these,
She a window flower,
And he a winter breeze.
When the frosty window veil
Was melted down at noon,
And the caged yellow bird
Hung over her in tune,
He marked her through the pane,
He could not help but mark,
And only passed her by,
To come again at dark.
He was a winter wind,
Concerned with ice and snow,
Dead weeds and unmated birds,
And little of love could know.
But he sighed upon the sill,
He gave the sash a shake,
As witness all within