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The Native Races [of the Pacific states], Volume 1, Wild Tribes

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Dobbs (Arthur), An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay. London, 1744. 4to.

Doctrina Christiana y Confesionario en Lengua Névome. (Shea's Linguistics, No. 5.) San Augustine, 1862.

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Dollfus (A.), and E. de Mont-Serrat, Voyage Géologique dans les Républiques de Guatemala et de Salvador. Paris, 1868. 4to. (Mission Scientifique, Géologie.)

Domenech (Emmanuel), Journal d'un Missionaire au Texas et au Mexique. Paris, 1857.

Domenech (Emmanuel), Manuscrit Pictographique Américain. Paris, 1860.

Domenech (Emmanuel), Le Mexique tel qu'il est. Paris, 1867.

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Dominguez (F. A.), and S. V. de Escalante, Diario y Derrotero, Santa Fé á Monterey, 1776. In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie ii., tom. i.

D'Orbigny (Alcide), Voyage dans les deux Amériques. Paris, 1859.

Douglass (Wm.), A Summary, Historical and Political, of British Settlements. Boston, 1755. 2 vols.

Dragoon Campaigns through the Rocky Mountains. New York, 1846.

Drake (Francis), The World Encompassed. Out of the Notes of Master Francis Fletcher. London, 1854. (Hakl. Soc. ed.)

Drake (Samuel G.), The Aboriginal Races of North America. Philadelphia, 1860.

Draper (John Wm.), History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. New York, 1872.

Draper (John Wm.), Thoughts on the Future Civil Polity of America. New York, 1871.

Drew (C. S.), Official Report of the Owyhee Reconnoissance. Jacksonville, 1865.

Duhaut-Cilly (A.), Viaggio intorno al globo. Torino, 1841. 2 vols.

Dunbar (Edward E.), The Mexican Papers. New York, 1860.

Duniway (Abigail J.), Captain Gray's Company; or Crossing the Plains. Portland, 1859.

Dunlop (Robert Glasgow), Travels in Central America. London, 1847.

Dunn (Henry), Guatimala, or the United Provinces of Central America. New York, 1828.

Dunn (John), History of the Oregon Territory. London, 1844.

Dupaix (Guillermo), Relation de la première (seconde et troisième) Expédition pour la Recherche des Antiquités du Pays. Spanish text and French translation, in Antiq. Mex., tom. i., div. i. Plates in id., tom. iii. Spanish text, in Kingsborough's Mex. Antiq., vol. v. English translation, in id., vol. vi. Plates in id., vol. iv.

Duponceau (P. Ét.), Mémoire sur le système Grammaticale des Langues de l'Amérique du Nord. Paris, 1838.

Edinburgh Review. Edinburgh, 1802 et seq.

Edward (David B.), The History of Texas. Cincinnati, 1836.

Edwards (Bryan), The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies. London, 1793-1801. 4to. 3 vols.

Edwards (Frank S.), A Campaign in New Mexico. Philadelphia, 1847.

Emerson (R. W.), Essay on Civilization.

Emory (Wm. H.), Report of the U. S. and Mex. Boundary Survey. (34th Cong., 1st Sess., House Ex. Doc. 135.) Washington, 1857. 4to. 3 vols.

Emory, Abert, and Cooke, Notes of Military Reconnoissance, etc., in New Mexico and California. (30th Cong., 1st Sess., Ex. Doc. 41.) Washington, 1848.

Erman (A.), Archiv für Wissenschaftliche Kunde von Russland. Berlin.

Escalante (Silvestre Velez de), Carta escrita en 2 de Abril de 1778 años. In Doc. Hist. Mex., serie iii., pt. iv.

Escalera (Evaristo), and M. G. Llana, Méjico Histórico-descriptivo. Madrid, 1862.

Escobar (Alonso de), Account of the Province of Vera Paz. In Lond. Geog. Soc., Jour., vol. xi.

Escudero (José Agustin de), Noticias Estadísticas del Estado de Chihuahua. Mexico, 1834.

Escudero (José Agustin de), Noticias Estadísticas del Estado de Durango. Mexico, 1849.

Escudero (José Agustin de), Noticias Estadísticas de Sonora y Sinaloa. Mexico, 1849.

Esparza (Marcos de), Informe presentado al Gobierno. Zacatecas, 1830.

Espeio (Antonio de), El Viaie qve hizo Antonio de Espeio en el anno de ochenta y tres (to New Mexico). In Hakluyt's Voyages, vol. iii.

Espinosa (Isidro Felis de), Chrónica Apostólica y Seráphica de todos los Colegios de Propaganda Fide de esta Nueva-España, Primera Parte. Mexico, 1746. folio. [For Segunda Parte see Arricivita (#Arricivita).]

Esquemelin (A. O.), De Americaensche Zee-Roovers. Amsterdam, 1678.

Esteva (José María), Apuntes Arqueológicos. In Museo Mex., tom. ii.

Evans (Albert S.), Our Sister Republic. Hartford, 1870.

Fabens (Joseph W.), A Story of Life on the Isthmus. New York, 1853.

Fages (Eduardo), Noticias Estadísticas sobre el Departamento de Tuxpan. In Soc. Mex. Geog., Boletin, tom. iv.

Fages (Pedro), Voyage en Californie. In Nouvelles Annales des Voy., 1844. tom. ci.

Fancourt (Charles St John), The History of Yucatan. London, 1854.
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