OUTLAW in the Tudor Court
Kathryn sat beside him. She saw that Lorenzo made a dismissive movement of his hand, causing his men to withdraw to a distance, though he still stood closer than she would have liked.
‘There is no need to be afraid,’ she said to the former slave. ‘No one will hurt you. I promise you that, sir. I only wish to hear your story.’
‘I am not afraid,’ he replied. He spoke English, but hesitantly as though the words came hard to him. Yet that was not surprising, for he must have become accustomed to another language, the language of his cruel masters.
‘What is your name?’
‘I do not know,’ he said. ‘I am called dog. I am less than a dog.’
Kathryn swallowed hard, for the tears were close. ‘Do you have no memory of what you were before…?’
‘I am an infidel dog,’ he repeated. ‘I do not think, therefore I am not a man.’
‘That is so wrong, so cruel,’ Kathryn cried and saw him flinch as she put out a hand to touch him. ‘No, no, I would not hurt you.’
‘Am I yours now?’ he asked. ‘Have you bought me?’
‘You are not to be sold.’ Kathryn turned to Lorenzo with a look of appeal in her eyes. ‘Tell him that he is not a slave…please?’
Lorenzo hesitated, then inclined his head. ‘If you recover your strength, you might work for me, but you are not a slave. If you wish to leave here, you are free to go when you wish.’
‘Where would I go?’ The man’s blue eyes were so bewildered that Kathryn spoke without thinking.
‘You may come to Cyprus with my uncle and me,’ she said impulsively. ‘Not as our slave, but as one of our people. When you are well, you may perhaps work in the gardens or some such thing, but you will be paid for what you do.’
‘You would take me with you?’
‘Yes,’ Kathryn promised recklessly. ‘You shall be my friend and help me when you can.’ Her heart caught as she saw tears trickle from the corner of his eyes and she had to wipe away her own tears. She was shocked as the man fell to his knees before her and kissed the toes of her shoes that were peeping from beneath her gown. ‘No, no, you must not do that. You are not a slave. I shall take care of you.’
‘Get up,’ Lorenzo commanded, his voice harsh. ‘You are a man, not a dog. Since you understand English you shall be called William. You will return to the house where you have been cared for until Mistress Rowlands leaves for Cyprus with her uncle and aunt.’ He signalled to his men, who came to help the newly named William to his feet.
Kathryn watched as the former galley slave shuffled off, helped by Lorenzo’s men. She turned to look at him, her eyes bright with anger.
‘Why were you so harsh to him?’
‘He needed to be told, for you had unmanned him with your kindness. He is not used to that, Kathryn. You must give him time to become accustomed to his new life.’
She felt hurt by his accusation. ‘He needs kindness, not harsh words.’
‘I have dealt with many such victims. You do not know what you do, Kathryn. If you treat him too kindly he will become as your lapdog, a pet to beg at your feet for scraps. No man should feel that way. It is better that he hates, for hatred makes a man strong.’
Kathryn’s eyes widened as she looked at him. ‘Is that how you became so strong?’ she asked. ‘Do you hate so much that you cannot feel kindness, Lorenzo?’
It was the first time she had used his given name and she did not know what had prompted her to do it, and yet she felt that somehow she was closer to him, closer to knowing him than she had ever been.
‘I learned from a master,’ he said. ‘What will you do if your uncle refuses to have the man as one of his people?’
Kathryn dropped her eyes, for she did not know. Lord Mountfitchet had come to find his son and she knew that William was not Dickon, felt it instinctively inside her. She had wanted it to be so, but it was not—and yet her heart was filled with pity for the former slave.
‘I do not think he will refuse me,’ she said. ‘Lord Mountfitchet has always been kind and generous to me—especially since we lost Dickon.’
‘You called him Lord Mountfitchet then—is he not your uncle?’
‘We are not blood relations,’ Kathryn said. ‘My father and Uncle Charles are lifelong friends and I would have married Richard Mountfitchet if…’She shook her head sadly. ‘This man is not the one I loved. I would have known it—besides, his eyes are too pale a blue. Dickon had eyes like…’ She looked up and found herself gazing into eyes so blue that they took her breath. ‘He had your eyes, Lorenzo. If I did not know it was impossible, I would say that you were more likely to be Richard Mountfitchet than that poor creature.’
‘I am not the man you seek!’ Lorenzo’s tone was harsh, even angry.
‘I know that. Forgive me,’ she apologised. ‘How could you be a poor galley slave? You have too much pride, too much arrogance.’
To her surprise, Lorenzo threw back his head and laughed. She had not expected him to be amused and was at a loss for words.
‘Nay, Madonna, do not look so bewildered. Should I be angry when you pay me a compliment?’
‘It was not meant as one,’ she came back swiftly.
‘Perhaps not, but I take it as one,’ he said. ‘You think me a Venetian prince, perhaps, born to the life I lead?’
‘Is that not the case?’ she asked and for a moment as she looked deep into his eyes her heart raced. Something in his eyes made her think that he would take her in his arms and kiss her, and her heart leapt with sudden excitement. Her breath caught, her eyes opening wider as she looked up into his face.
‘It might be—and then again it might not,’ Lorenzo told her, a smile of mockery in his eyes now. His laughter had been genuine, but this was meant to put her in her place. ‘You will not gain my secret so easily, Kathryn.’
‘Why should I wish to know it?’ she asked and turned on her heel, walking into the house, her back stiff with a mixture of anger and pride.
‘Why indeed?’ he called after her, and then, in a softer tone that she could not hear, ‘Better that you should not know the devil you would rouse, sweet Kathryn. Better for you…and for me.’
Kathryn did not look back, but she was shivering with some strange emotion that she did not understand. When he had looked at her a moment or so earlier she had felt that she was drowning in the ocean of those blue eyes, and she had wanted him to kiss her.
‘You will take him with us, won’t you, sir?’ Kathryn asked when her uncle came in from his business later that day. ‘I know that I should have asked you before I gave my promise, but he looked so…desperate.’
‘It was in my mind to ask Santorini what he wanted as a ransom,’ Charles told her with a smile. ‘I am not sorry that you do not think he is Dickon, for to see my son like that…’ He drew a deep breath, a look of sadness in his eyes. ‘The search for Dickon will go on, but I have room enough in my household for this poor wretch. He may never be able to do much for his keep, but I dare say we shall find him something to keep him out of mischief.’
‘Oh, thank you, dearest Uncle,’ Kathryn said and hugged him. She did not know whether to laugh or cry, but her smile won through. ‘Lorenzo thought you might refuse to take him and then I should not have known what to do.’
‘You might have taken him as your own servant,’ her uncle said. ‘Your father has provided money for anything you might need. This man may be your servant if you choose. If he knows how to write, he may be of some use as a scribe. We shall have to see how he goes on as he recovers his strength.’
‘He speaks English and understands it, though he is hesitant,’ Kathryn said. ‘But he will learn once he is living with us.’
‘I am certain that he will,’ Charles said. ‘And I am proud of your tender heart, my dear. I wish that we might find Dickon safe and well, but I would not have you live your life in expectation of it. If you should find yourself able to love another, I would rejoice in your happiness.’
‘You are so good to me,’ Kathryn said with a smile that lit up her whole face. ‘But as yet I have not met anyone I would wish to marry.’
There was someone who could make her heart beat faster, but he could also rouse her to anger and despair and he was not at all the kind of man she would wish to marry. Nor, indeed, did she flatter herself that he would ever think of her as a woman he might take as a wife.
‘My business here should be done within another week,’ Charles told her. ‘I advise you to make the most of your stay here, Kathryn, for I imagine the life on Cyprus will be very different. I do not believe you will find merchants there of the kind that are here, and we shall be reliant on ships that call at the island for much of our provisions, though I believe we may be self-sufficient for the food we eat and such things. However, any luxuries you need should be bought before we go.’
‘Lady Mary has already suggested another shopping expedition,’ she said. ‘Perhaps you could send some of your servants with us, sir. I do not like to ask Signor Santorini for his escort again.’
‘Yes, of course, my dear. I shall arrange it myself and there is no need for Santorini to know. He has been a considerate host and we should not take up more of his time.’
Kathryn tossed and turned restlessly. Her dream had been pleasant at the start for she had been walking in a beautiful garden and she had been happy. Someone was with her—a man. The man was Lorenzo Santorini, but not as she knew him. This man laughed and teased her, looking at her with eyes of love. He had taken her into his arms and kissed her, telling her that she was everything to him.
And then, just as she was about to answer him, a great tide of water had come rolling towards them, sweeping her up and carrying her away from him. She woke suddenly, shivering and frightened.
Why was she having these dreams? It was not as if she even liked Signor Santorini, and yet…when she was torn from his arms she had felt as if her heart was breaking.
Kathryn shook her head, clearing it of the troubling images that had caused her so much distress. She was being very foolish. She was confusing Dickon with the proud Venetian in her dreams, for it was her dearest friend who had been torn away from her. She must put all this nonsense from her mind and get ready for the shopping expedition later that day.
‘Well, my dear, I think we have spent our time and our money profitably,’ Lady Mary said as they turned their steps towards the gondola that was to take them back to the Santorini Palace. ‘When our stores are delivered to Charles’s ship we shall be ready to leave. I do not think we shall go short of anything we require for the next six months, and before then we may order what we need.’
‘I am glad to have so many beautiful embroidery silks and such fine cloth—I dare say we shall find the life a little quiet after our time in Venice, Aunt Mary. At home I had my father’s library whenever I needed something to fill my time, but Uncle Charles was unable to bring everything he might have wished for and I believe many of his books were left behind.’
‘I shall mention it to him this evening at supper,’ Lady Mary promised. ‘It may well be that he has already thought to order books for himself and might do the same for us.’
They had reached the steps leading down to the lagoon where their gondola was waiting. Kathryn was a little ahead of Lady Mary and the two servants who had accompanied them. She ran down the steps, accepting the hand of a man who came forward to help her. As she stepped on board, she glanced back at the steps, expecting to see Lady Mary follow, but to her surprise she saw that she was being restrained by one man, while the servants were engaged in a battle with several burly rogues armed with cudgels.
‘It is a trap, Kathryn,’ Lady Mary cried. ‘Come back!’
Kathryn gave a cry of alarm, trying to jump back to the steps, but it was too late. Already the gondolier was pushing off from the steps and someone grabbed her from behind, clasping her in a strong hold as she struggled to get free. She watched as the shore receded, seeing that her aunt seemed to have been released and was standing on the steps staring after her. She sensed Lady Mary’s distress, realising too late that it was not her friend who had been in danger, but herself. Lady Mary and the servants, who had now joined her on the steps, had been diverted for long enough for the abduction to be carried out.
‘Stop struggling, girl, and you will not be harmed,’ a voice said and all at once she felt herself released. Turning, she saw a man of middle years. Heavily built, he had a small pointed beard in the Spanish fashion, his hair cut short and thinning at the temples.
‘I beg your pardon for this inconvenience,’ he said, speaking in English, but in an odd accent that told her he was unused to the language. ‘Please believe me when I say that I mean you no harm. You are simply the means to an end, Mistress Rowlands.’
‘Who are you?’ Kathryn demanded. Her heart was racing, for she could not help but be afraid despite the words that were meant to calm her. ‘And why have you abducted me?’
‘My name is Don Pablo Dominicus,’ he said. ‘And you are my guest. I mean you no harm, mistress. Providing you are sensible and do not try anything foolish, you will be made comfortable aboard my ship.’
‘Your ship?’ Kathryn stared at him in horror. ‘Where are you taking me?’ It was like something out of one of her nightmares! She was being taken from her friends, just as in her dream.
‘To my home in the hills of Granada,’ he replied. ‘It is a temporary arrangement, Mistress Rowlands. You are to be held until you can restore my younger daughter Maria to me.’
‘But I do not understand,’ Kathryn said. ‘How can I help your daughter? I do not know her.’
‘Maria is being held by a man called Rachid,’ Don Pablo said, a look of anger in his eyes. ‘His price for her release was that I should deliver his enemy to him—dead or alive. He would prefer to have him alive, for I believe he has a score to settle with Lorenzo Santorini.’ He smiled cruelly as Kathryn gave a little gasp. ‘Yes, I see that you begin to understand. I asked Signor Santorini for his help, but he would not give it, therefore I have taken you. We shall see what he is prepared to offer in exchange for you.’
Kathryn’s head went up proudly. ‘Why should he offer anything? Signor Santorini is merely a business acquaintance of my uncle. My father might be prepared to ransom me, but Signor Santorini will not be interested in your proposition. You have made a mistake if you believe that he will give into your blackmail on my behalf.’
‘Then I shall offer you to Rachid in exchange for my daughter,’ Don Pablo said. ‘If Santorini will not come for you himself, you may be my only chance of regaining my daughter.’
A thrill of horror went through her. He could not mean it!
‘Surely you would not…that man is a pirate of the worst kind…’
‘I see that you have heard of him, from Santorini, I dare say.’ An unpleasant smile curved Don Pablo’s mouth. ‘No, Mistress Rowlands, I do not believe that I have made a mistake. I think that Santorini will come for you and when he does…’
‘You mean to trap him! It is his life for mine, is that not what you are saying?’ Kathryn felt icy shivers all over her body. It was worse than any of her nightmares. This man was desperate for the return of his daughter. He would stop at nothing to get her back—and that meant he would kill Lorenzo if he could. No, she could not bear it if he were to sacrifice his life for hers. Lifting her head, her eyes glittering with angry pride, she said, ‘You are a fool if you think he will come. I mean nothing to Lorenzo—nothing at all.’ Yet, she was beginning to realise, it seemed that he meant something to her.
‘How could she have been so foolish as to go without the proper escort?’ Lorenzo’s anger was fearful to see and Lady Mary felt quite faint. ‘God only knows where she is now or who has taken her!’
‘But we had our servants to protect us…’
‘Little good they did you,’ Lorenzo growled. ‘Surely the attack on me in St Mark’s Square was enough to warn you that it was dangerous for ladies to go out without sufficient protection?’
‘I thought the attack was against you personally…’ Lady Mary swallowed hard as she saw the flash of fire in his eyes. ‘Forgive me. My brother believed that two servants should be enough.’
‘No,’ Lorenzo said, ‘do not apologise, ma’am. This is my fault, as you so rightly say. I acknowledge it freely. Kathryn has been taken because my enemy believes she is important to me—this was done against me.’
‘Against you?’ Lady Mary fanned herself, for the heat and the shock of what had happened that day had overset her and she was feeling quite unwell. ‘Then…what will they do with her?’
‘I am not sure,’ Lorenzo said. ‘It depends who has taken her. She might be used as a hostage—in that case we shall receive a ransom demand for her, but…’ If she had been abducted by his enemy she might pay with her life.
Lady Mary gave a cry of distress as she saw the look in his eyes. ‘Mercy on us! You do not think that they will kill her?’
‘If she should fall into the hands of Rachid, he would do so without a flicker of remorse,’ Lorenzo said. ‘However, I believe there may be more to this than meets the eye.’ He frowned, taking a turn about the salon. ‘For the moment there is little I can do but make some inquiries. I beg you to be patient, Lady Mary. Be assured that I shall do all I can to return Kathryn to you safely.’
‘I can do no other than trust you,’ Lady Mary replied. ‘She is very dear to us, sir. It would break her father’s heart if she were lost—and I believe my brother would be deeply distressed. It almost killed him to lose Richard. I do not think he could bear the responsibility of losing Kathryn too. And her father would be devastated.’ She gave a little sob. ‘This is terrible—terrible…’
‘The responsibility for this is mine and mine alone,’ Lorenzo said and something in his eyes shocked Lady Mary, for she suddenly understood something that she had not guessed before. ‘I promise you that I shall do all in my power to find her. If she lives, she shall be restored to you, no matter what it costs.’
Lorenzo left her, for he had much to do. He was not a man to wait for news. He would make searches, discover what he could before his enemy could demand whatever it was he intended.
His mind was working furiously. This was the third unpleasant incident to occur since his trip to Rome—was it possible they were connected? He had suspected Don Pablo of some treachery, and it was unlikely that Rachid would have had the necessary contacts in Venice to make that attack on him in St Mark’s Square.
It was more likely to be the Spaniard—but why? Why should Dominicus hate him that much? He could not think that they had met before that night in Rome. Was it only that he had refused to help him escort his daughter from Cyprus? Surely not.
He had been used to danger and hardship and could bear with them—but Kathryn had never faced the kind of danger that threatened her now. Lorenzo was consumed with a terrible anger, and fear—fear that he might not be able to help her.
Chapter Four
Kathryn made no attempt to escape as she was taken on board the Spanish galleon. She had considered jumping into the lagoon, but she could not swim and the weight of her clothes would soon drag her under. As yet she was not desperate enough to take her own life. Lorenzo would not walk into the trap that Don Pablo had set for him—why should he? But perhaps a ransom could be paid? Don Pablo had told her that in the last resort he would try to exchange her for his daughter Maria, and perhaps Rachid would accept a ransom for her.
It was very frightening, but she comforted herself as best she could. Perhaps Rachid would not be interested in exchanging the other girl for her and then Don Pablo might release her.
Once on board the ship, Kathryn was treated well. She was shown to a cabin, which clearly belonged either to Don Pablo himself or another important member of his crew. It was furnished with a heavily carved, ornate wooden box bed, on which was a mattress of feathers covered by a silken quilt and several pillows. There was also a table, chair and two sea chests. Looking about her, she noted the iron sconces that held lanthorns secured to the wooden panelling, and when she glanced inside one of the chests she discovered a quantity of women’s clothing, also silver items and ivory combs that she might need for her toilette. There was, however, nothing that she might use as a weapon to defend herself. It seemed that this abduction had been planned with some care.
The door to her cabin had been locked once she was inside and when she looked out of the small square window, she saw that the cabin was situated at the stern of the ship, and she realised that they were leaving the waters of the Grand Lagoon far behind. They were heading out to the open sea, on their way to Spain as her captor had promised.
She whirled around as the cabin door opened, half-expecting to see Don Pablo, but it was merely a sailor come to bring her food and wine.
‘Where is your captain?’ she asked. ‘Has a ransom demand been sent to my uncle?’
The sailor shook his head, saying something in Spanish that she took to mean he did not understand her. It was useless to ask questions—he probably would not have dared to tell her had he known what she was asking.
Kathryn sat down at the table where the tray awaited her. She looked at the bread, meat and fruit provided warily, wondering if it might be drugged or even poisoned. The sailor watched her for a moment, then picked up the wine cup and took a sip as if to show her it was harmless. Afterwards, he wiped the cup with his fingers and gave it back to her.
Kathryn took the cup. She realised that she was actually feeling hungry for she had not eaten since early that morning and it was now late in the afternoon. It would do no good to starve herself, she decided, and ate one of the rich black grapes, the juice running down over her chin. The fruit was crisp and delicious and she reached for a peach as the sailor nodded his satisfaction and left her to her meal.
Kathryn ate most of the fruit and some of the bread. Her fear had begun to abate. It seemed that she was to be treated as a guest as Don Pablo had promised, and, since there was no possibility of her escaping while on board this ship, she must accept the situation and wait as patiently as she could.
Please come for me. The words were in her mind. She knew that she was hoping Lorenzo would find some way to rescue her, but why should he? He had no reason to care what happened to her. Besides, she did not want him to risk his life for hers.
Lorenzo took the letter his servant offered, breaking the wax seal at once. He read the brief message it contained, cursing aloud as it confirmed his fears. Ever since Kathryn’s abduction he had suspected something of the sort.
‘You have news of Kathryn?’ asked Charles, his face drawn with concern. ‘Do they ask for a ransom?’
‘Yes, but not the kind that you can supply, my friend.’ Lorenzo handed him the letter, but he stared at it blankly and gave it back. ‘Forgive me. You do not read Spanish. It is from a man called Don Pablo Dominicus. He is holding Kathryn hostage. He promises she is unharmed, and will be exchanged for his daughter Maria.’
‘What does this mean? Do you have the girl of whom he writes?’
‘No—but Rachid does.’ Lorenzo frowned as he saw that Lord Mountfitchet was puzzled. ‘Some weeks ago Don Pablo came to me with an offer I refused. He asked me to escort his elder daughter Immacula from Cyprus to Spain, but I believe he wanted me to commit myself to him so that I was at a certain place at a certain time.’
Charles stared at him in silence, then, understanding, finished, ‘So that Rachid would know where to find you?’
‘It has a certain logic. One thing that Rachid can never know is where I am at any given time or how many galleys will be with me. If I had agreed to commit three of my galleys and accompany the lady myself as he asked…’ Lorenzo shrugged. ‘At the time I was not sure. My instincts told me that Domincus was lying, hiding something, but I did not know why. Now I understand. Rachid has his younger daughter Maria and demands a ransom from him.’