The Lord's Forced Bride - читать онлайн бесплатно, автор Anne Herries, ЛитПортал
The Lord's Forced Bride
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The Lord's Forced Bride

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Andrew watched her walk away, a soft laugh issuing from his lips. She was lovely and truly innocent. He would dare swear that no other man had paid her compliments. He sighed as he thought of the bold women of the court, and the response such a sally would have brought forth, and sighed. Lady Henrietta Salmons was almost as beautiful as that gentle girl, but she had lost her modesty long ago when married to a man twice her age. Her husband was long dead, and he knew that Henrietta hoped for a match between them. At times he had thought to oblige her, for she was a sweet bed companion—but marriage was more than a night’s work and as yet he had not made up his mind. He liked her well enough, but there was something in her nature that gave him pause and made him hesitate to offer for her.

He had thought his sweet country lass might be less modest as she had watched the wrestling and he had seen passion in her eyes, but she was clearly not for dalliance, and it was unlikely that they would meet again.

He turned back to his horse, swinging up into the saddle. He would try once more to see Melford, then he must return to London and the court, for he had been expected some days ago.

Catherine’s heart was racing as she walked away from the man. How could he say such things to her? She knew that he must have been laughing at her for her innocence, but what must he think of her to offer her such an insult? It was because she had stopped to watch him wrestling, of course. He had mistaken her for one of the village girls, and thought that it would pass a little time if she would allow him to seduce her.

Her cheeks were hot with shame. Her mother would be so angry if she knew that Catherine had stopped to speak to a complete stranger. She had been warned of the dangers often enough as a child!

But no harm had come from it, after all. Her pulses returned to normal as she took a detour to call in at the parson’s house. The parson’s wife was a friend to all the family, and Catherine felt the need of a warm, familiar face. Perhaps by the time she left Goodwife Mills the stranger would have departed from the village. Besides, she needed a little time to calm herself before she returned home.

She had never met anyone like the stranger before, and she could not account for the odd feelings his banter had aroused. She ought to have been angry, but for one moment she had felt as if she would like to go with him to the landlord’s best parlour and be kissed—but that was immodest and wicked! She must put all thought of him from her mind and forget the traitorous leap of her heart when he had smiled at her!

Robert Melford frowned as his steward announced that the Earl of Gifford had returned and craved an audience with him. So many years had passed since the war that had caused the quarrel between the Gifford family and his that he had pushed it to the back of his mind; it was almost forgotten and he hoped that Gifford did not wish to bring it all up again.

‘Very well,’ he said as his steward stood waiting. ‘Ask the earl to come in, if you will.’

Rob glanced through the ledgers on his trestle table. His accounts were in order and his vast estates prospered, much of his wealth earned by his own industry. It was true that the sale of the Gifford lands had brought him a decent sum, but he had increased his fortune several times since then. He could, had he wished, have made further reparation to the Giffords, but having made some at the time of the sale, he saw no reason to do more. Gifford’s estate had come to him as a gift from the King and he was not obliged to do anything for the family. Especially after the way the late earl had behaved towards Rob’s beloved wife, Melissa.

He closed the ledger and stood up as the present earl entered, feeling surprised at his appearance—this was not a man struck by poverty, as the wife of the late earl would have them believe. He was well dressed, of good appearance, a handsome young man with a pleasant smile.

‘Good morning, Gifford. I bid you sit, if you will. May I offer some wine?’

‘Thank you, I will take a cup with you,’ the earl replied.

Rob nodded to his steward, who left to carry out his unspoken order. He sat down on the chair he had been using, indicating that the earl should sit in the other at the opposite end of the board.

‘What brings you so far from London, sir? I thought you were often at court these days?’

‘His Majesty has been pleased to give me offices that I have carried out as best I may,’ Andrew replied. ‘I took leave on the occasion of my stepfather’s funeral, and it was in part to tell you of his death that I came.’

‘Thank you. We had heard of it,’ Rob replied. ‘You may know that there was no love lost between Harold of Meresham and my wife. Although she once thought him her half-brother, she never cared for him. In all honesty he was a brute.’

‘I know little of what happened at that time, for I was a child,’ Andrew said and frowned. ‘But I believe there was much bad blood between the families?’

‘It is an old story and best forgot,’ Rob said. ‘If it is in the matter of reparation that your mother claims is due—’ He was silenced as Andrew held up his hand. ‘No? Then I do not understand.’

‘I came to make peace if I can,’ Andrew told him. ‘I do not ask for anything.’

‘Reparation was made years ago. Lady Gifford knows that I had no need to give her anything, but I did.’

‘I have heard naught of that.’ Andrew’s eyes snapped with annoyance. ‘I have told her that she is entitled to none, but she is bitter and does not listen. I hope that now Meresham is dead, she will cease to petition his Majesty.’

Rob was silent for a moment, then, ‘For myself I would shake hands and end this feud here and now. My wife suffered greatly at that time, and your father played his part in it. She does not speak of it, but I think it must still linger in her memory. I cannot invite you to dine as it might offend her—but let there be no more enmity between us.’ He stood and offered his hand. Andrew came forward and took it. ‘If we should meet at court in future, we shall be at least civil to one another, sir—though Lady Gifford may not feel the same.’

‘My mother is unlikely to be at court. The King has no patience with her endless complaints, and I have told her she must remain on her estates and be thankful Henry does not see fit to imprison her.’

‘As you said, perhaps now that her husband is dead, she will be less bitter, for I know he hated both my wife and me.’

‘He would have done you harm if he could,’ Andrew said, ‘but in later years he had become a surly drunkard and was no use for anything.’

‘Your family is well rid of him, then,’ Rob said. He paused as the steward brought wine in a gilt ewer. ‘Come, drink with me, Gifford, and we will seal our truce.’

Catherine was upstairs at the window of her chamber, looking out at the yard when the man left the house. She knew that her father had a visitor, and that her mother was a little disturbed by it, but she gasped in surprise as she saw the man she had spoken to in the village earlier that day. He looked thoughtful as a groom brought him a horse, and he glanced back at the house, his gaze moving upward to her window. She stepped back hastily, not wanting him to see her watching.

‘Catherine, have you decided on the style of your new gown?’

Catherine turned guiltily as her mother entered the room. She was supposed to be deciding on a pattern for the dress they were to cut out downstairs in the parlour.

‘I think I should like it to be similar to my blue,’ she said, laying the garment on the bed for her mother to see. ‘I would like the waist a little higher, but a squared neckline suits me well.’

‘Yes, it does,’ Lady Melford said and glanced out of the window. ‘So he is leaving at last. He spent more than two hours with your father.’

‘Who was Father’s visitor?’

‘He is the Earl of Gifford,’ her mother said and frowned. ‘I did not care for his father, but his mother was kind enough once—though I believe she grew bitter later in life.’

‘Why did you not like his father?’

‘It is an old story, Catherine. Forgive me if I do not tell you. It pains me and I do not care to remember the war.’

Catherine was silenced. She knew that something had happened during the war, though she did not know what. Her father had fought on the side of Henry Tudor and was given great honours for the part he played at that time. Catherine was sure there was much more that she had not been told, but she would not dream of distressing her mother by speaking of something that clearly brought back unpleasant memories.

‘Do not speak of it if it hurts you, dearest Mother,’ she said. ‘Yes, I think I shall have the new gown styled as this one. Shall we cut it out now?’

‘I think we should make a start, for we shall all need new clothes before we leave for London. We may have others made for us in town, but it is good for you and Anne to make your own sometimes. You should both know how to mend and set your stitches before you marry.’

Catherine caught her breath. Until this moment she had not truly thought about her marriage, though she knew that it would happen one day. She thought about what the earl had said to her that morning in the village. Would he have said such a thing if he had guessed that she was the daughter of a rich and powerful lord?

She was certain that he had mistaken her for a village girl, because she had watched the wrestling. He probably thought that her father was a rich merchant, because, although her clothes were good quality, she had made most of them with the help of her mother and sister.

When they went to court she would have more stylish gowns. She wondered what he would think of her then and her cheeks felt warm. It would not do to think of him in this way! Catherine mentally scolded herself. The earl would not be interested in her, for there must be many beautiful ladies at court, and though her father was rich, they lived a sheltered life here on the Borders.

The earl must meet many clever, beautiful women if he went often to court. Besides, there was clearly some bad feeling between the earl’s family and hers. Therefore she must not think of him again.

Chapter Two

Catherine was in the back parlour, working on her sewing two weeks later. The mists of autumn were gathering outside as dusk fell and a fire had been lit in the big open hearth for the first time in weeks. Her little brother was coughing, and she had noticed that her father seemed to have taken it from him, though as yet her mother, sister and Catherine herself were all free of the malady. She had heard that there was a deal of sickness in the village, and one elderly man had died of the fever that was raging in the district.

In another two weeks they were due to leave for London to prepare for the royal wedding, and Catherine hoped fervently that her father and brother would have recovered in time.

Her head was bent over her work as it had become dark in the parlour and she was considering whether she should call for a candle when she heard voices and footsteps outside the door. Her head came up and she was looking at the door as it was flung open and a young man entered, still wearing his riding clothes, which were spattered with mud.

‘Harry!’ she cried, jumping up with a shout of joy as her brother entered. ‘You are home at last! You sent no word—at least, Father did not tell us that you were expected.’

‘I did not send word,’ her twin told her, coming to embrace her in a fierce hug. The two were very close and as children had been inseparable. ‘I was at court for some days after my return from Spain, and when given leave I thought to be here sooner than a letter.’

‘It is a wonderful surprise,’ Catherine said. ‘Have you seen Father and Mother?’

‘Not yet,’ Harry said, a smile in his eyes. ‘Hannah said you were in here so I came first to you. I wanted to see my little sister.’

‘Harry!’ Catherine laughed, because it was their special joke. She had been born only ten minutes after him and they had many jokes that were private, for they did not share all their thoughts with Anne or their youngest sibling. ‘It is so good to see you home!’

Harry nodded, looking serious for a moment. ‘I wondered if I should see you again, my little cat. I have been on a secret mission for the King and was attacked on my way to Oxford. Had it not been for the intervention of a stranger, I should have been murdered.’

‘Oh, Harry, no!’ Catherine was horrified. ‘That is terrible. Do you know who it was? The King should not send you on dangerous missions.’

‘I said secret, not dangerous,’ Harry said and frowned. ‘I do not know whether they wanted the letters I carried to his Majesty—or whether it was for another reason that they sought to kill me.’

Catherine’s eyes widened. ‘Do you have an enemy?’

‘A man makes enemies at court,’ Harry said. ‘I am not aware of any in particular, but there is always jealousy, Cat. I am popular with some, disliked by others—perhaps because the King favours me. I cannot tell.’

‘You must be careful,’ Catherine said, looking anxious. ‘I could not bear it if anything happened to you, Harry.’

‘It will not, for I am more careful now,’ her twin replied. ‘I travel in company and do not venture into dark alleys at night.’

‘If Mother knew, she would beg you to come home and go no more to court.’

‘That is why you must promise not to tell her or Father,’ Harry said. ‘I have told you because we share everything—but Mother would worry. I cannot stay here all the time, Cat. I must make my way in the world, as Father has. I know that I shall inherit much of the estate one day, but I wish to build my own fortunes.’

‘I do understand,’ Catherine said, a wistful expression in her eyes. ‘I sometimes wish that I had been a boy, Harry. Then I could make my fortune too, as you will.’

‘Your face is your fortune,’ Harry said. ‘You will find a rich husband and marry him. I think nothing but a marquis or a duke will be good enough for my little cat.’ His gaze rested on her fondly.

‘Father is taking us all to London for the royal wedding,’ Catherine said. ‘There has been talk as to whether it will go ahead.’

‘You may rest assured on that,’ Harry told her, a confident smile in his eyes. ‘The wedding is to be next month, though not everyone knows of it yet. You will be the loveliest woman at court, Cat—and I shall be there to watch you break hearts. I am to stay at court for the wedding, though afterwards his Majesty has other work for me.’

‘Oh, that is wonderful—’ Catherine broke off as she heard coughing outside the door. ‘I think Father is worse today. It is a dreadful illness that haunts the village, Harry, and our brother and father have taken it. You must go to Father and Mother, tell them you are home.’

‘I have a gift for you in my bags,’ Harry said. ‘You shall have it later, Cat. Now I shall tell my parents I am here.’

Catherine sat down as he left the room, but did not immediately begin work. Her twin’s return from Spain was all she needed to complete her contentment. In two weeks they would go to London together.

‘I am glad that your feuding with Melford is at an end,’ the King said, but his face was grim as he looked at the earl. ‘However, I have had another petition from your mother this morning. This must cease, Gifford. I will not have it! Do you hear me? She must be curbed. It is up to you to bring her to heel. She threatens to attend the court, though I have expressly ordered that she shall not.’

‘I had hoped that she would see sense,’ Andrew said. ‘Forgive her, sire. I dare say she thinks herself slighted and neglected. I shall pay her a visit and remind her that your patience grows thin.’

‘If she does not behave, I shall remove her to a place of incarceration. She would find that less comfortable than her present lodgings, I think?’

‘Indeed she would, sire. I shall leave at once and remind her of your displeasure.’

‘My displeasure does not extend to you, Gifford. You will stay for the banquet this evening and leave in the morning.’

‘As your Majesty commands,’ Andrew said and bowed as he left the King’s chamber. He was thoughtful as he made his way towards the gallery where most of the courtiers liked to gather at this hour of the day.

‘So you are returned,’ a woman’s soft voice called to him, breaking into his reverie. ‘I had begun to think you had deserted me, sir.’

Lady Henrietta’s tone and pointed look made Andrew smile as she came up to him. He made her an elegant leg, offering her his arm as they resumed their walk towards the gallery.

‘I fear that this is but a flying visit, my lady. I must visit my mother—though I am bidden to return for the wedding.’

‘Must you leave so soon?’ Lady Henrietta’s dark eyes smouldered with barely hidden passion. ‘I have looked for your return these many days.’

‘I fear it is the King’s command. I am to attend the banquet and leave on the morrow.’

‘Then we have tonight?’ she said, her eyes meeting his so directly that he found himself a little repulsed by her insistence. In his mind he was comparing her to the fresh innocence of the village girl he had met so briefly, and she did not measure up in his estimation. There was at times something unpleasant about her overeagerness. ‘You will not desert me without at least giving me that, Andrew?’

He found himself unable to refuse her. When they last met he had been on the verge of asking her to wed him, and she had every right to expect some attention from him. He felt that he had been drawn into the net of her charms. In the past he had been content to take all that she offered. He was not sure why the idea of spending the night in her bed no longer held the same appeal.

‘Your father is very unwell,’ Lady Melford said to her eldest daughter a few days after Harry’s return. ‘I think he may not be able to take us to London as he hoped, Catherine.’

Catherine felt a sharp sting of disappointment, but she knew that both her father and brother had been quite ill as she had been helping her mother to nurse them.

‘I am sorry that Father is so ill,’ she said, putting on a brave face. She had been eagerly looking forward to the trip. ‘But I could not go away and leave you with all the trouble of nursing both Father and Richard.’

‘As to that, I have servants enough to help me,’ Lady Melford said. ‘I do not like you to be disappointed, Catherine. You are always a dutiful girl and you deserve some pleasure. Let me speak with your father. It is possible that we may be able to find some other way.’

Catherine was doubtful. Even if some of her neighbours were travelling to London, she did not see how she could go without her mother and father. She smiled at her mother to show that she did not mind, because she knew that it was highly unlikely she would be able to go.

A wistful sigh escaped her as she went back to her sewing after her mother had left the room. They would visit London another time, but it would be a shame to miss the royal wedding.

‘It is an insult,’ Lady Gifford declared. ‘To be forbidden the court when there is a royal wedding! I should be permitted to take my place with the other ladies in the cathedral. Surely I have been slighted enough?’

‘I am sorry, Mother,’ Andrew said, smothering a sigh of impatience. ‘But you brought your punishment on yourself. If you had been more circumspect, it would not have happened.’

‘You take against me when it is Lord Melford you should blame for all our troubles!’ she cried, her eyes flashing with temper. ‘That man stole our heritage and I shall never forget or forgive!’

‘That is not true, Mother,’ Andrew told her. ‘Lord Melford told me that he had made recompense for our loss when he sold the lands—and you have never spoken of this to me. The money was mine, not yours.’

‘I needed it to keep body and soul together until you were old enough to win favours from the King,’ she said, looking reproachful. ‘You know my husband was extravagant. How was I supposed to live?’

‘You should never have wed him,’ Andrew said coldly. ‘Be warned, Mother. The King has lost patience with you. He says that if you dare to come to court, he will have you imprisoned.’ He saw the anger and frustration in her eyes. ‘You must remain here on your estate and be thankful that you have your freedom.’

‘Freedom when I am a prisoner on my estates?’

‘It is better than being a prisoner in the Tower, madam.’ Andrew gave her a hard look. ‘I, too, am losing patience. You will stay here as you are bid—and you will make no more petitions to the King. If you do, I shall not try to help you. You will receive nothing from me. You have wasted your fortune on a scoundrel and must learn to live as befits your income.’

‘You are an unkind, ungrateful son!’

‘For what should I be grateful, Mother?’ His harsh stare made her look away. ‘You gave me little enough affection when I was a child—and I have made my own way in the world while you squandered what belonged to me on that rogue you married. Be thankful that I do not demand you return what Lord Melford paid you!’

‘I could not! It has all gone…’ She held a hanging sleeve to her eyes to wipe the tears. ‘You are so cruel to me, Andrew.’

‘I have been patient with you too long, Mother. You must obey the King or accept the consequences.’

‘Very well,’ she said. ‘If you cared for me at all, you would marry a rich wife and invite me to make my home with you in comfort.’

‘No, madam,’ Andrew said. ‘I may marry in time, but she will be a soft, gentle woman I can love—and you will not be welcome in my home.’

‘Unnatural son!’

‘If I am, you have made me so,’ Andrew replied. ‘If you had ever thought what your bitterness was doing to us as a family, it might have been different. It is hard to forgive you for bringing that man into this house. He destroyed your reputation, ill treated the servants—and wasted your fortune. You showed me no warmth or love, and can expect nothing now.’

‘Go then and leave me to my solitary life,’ she said. ‘One day you will be sorry for what you do now!’

Andrew bowed his head, turning to leave her standing there alone. She had gone too far and he would leave her to reflect on her foolishness. If she ceased her petitions to his Majesty and lived quietly on her estates, he would not see her go short of the comforts of life, but she must learn her lesson before she drove the King to carry out his threats.

Catherine looked at her father anxiously. She had been summoned to his bedchamber, where he lay propped against a pile of feather pillows. His cough had eased a little, but she could see that the fever had pulled him down. It was obvious that he could not take his family to London.

‘Are you feeling a little better, Father?’

‘Yes, at last,’ Rob said and frowned. Melissa was right. Catherine was a dutiful girl and she deserved a treat. ‘Your mother and I have been talking about this visit to court and we have decided that we shall send you to London. I have already taken a house for us, and Lady Anne Shearer will be a chaperon for you at court. She is to attend the wedding and you may go with her. Harry will accompany you to London, and he will be with you until after the wedding. Lady Anne will keep you with her once he leaves—and I should be well enough to join you in a couple of weeks or so.’

‘Lady Anne is to chaperon me at court?’ Catherine stared at him in surprise. Lady Anne Shearer was a good friend of her parents, particularly her mother, though they had not visited each other of late. ‘Are you sure it would be no trouble to her, Father?’

She could not keep the excitement from her voice, because she wanted so much to attend the celebrations for the union of the King’s eldest son to the Spanish princess!

‘Am I truly going, Father?’ she asked, her green eyes bright with happiness. She had never been as far as London in her life! ‘But what about my brother—and you? You have both been so ill.’

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