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Book of Changes («I Ching») with octanalytic commentary

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The octanalysis method revealed the effect of congenital dominance of personality instances (Fu Xi trigrams) [4], which depends on the date of birth of a person and manifests itself to the same extent throughout a person’s life.

An analysis of people’s behavior shows that the congenital dominants of the personality (congenital dominant trigrams) most often dominate in the human psyche in the process of his activity.

Octanalysis notes that a person’s personality has a five-component structure. Depending on the date of birth, two to five instances of the personality may show congenital dominance. A person perceives the congenital dominants of his personality as virtues perceives as a talent and applies them to achieve success in his activities.

People in whom only two instances of the five instances of personality show congenital dominance, have a narrow range of professions choice, and they may also have specific problems of adaptation, both social and labor. Such people need psychological support.

Octanalysis has developed an octanalytic personality formula [4], which shows which instances of the personality show congenital dominance, and also characterizes the degree of their congenital dominant activity.

The Appendix describes in detail the procedure for compiling an octanalytic personality formula by date of birth.

For example, the octanalytic personality formula for a person born on 07/2/1954,

3 lunar day / 31-Leo / 4% + / / 42-Cancer / 4-31-Horse

shows that he was born on the 3rd lunar day, the lunar zodiac sign is Leo, the percentage of illumination of the Moon in the phase “Growing Moon” is 4%, the solar zodiac sign is Cancer, the year of the Horse according to the eastern calendar.

The digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in the personality formula indicate congenital dominants, respectively, instances 1-Mind/Gen, 2-Ratio/Kan, 3-Irratio/Xun, 4-Heart/Zhen, 5-Soul/Li.

The location of the digit in the personality formula (“first dominant”, “second dominant”, “background dominant”) and the repetition of this digit (for example, “four”, instance 4-Heart/Zhen, twice as the first dominant, as the second dominant and as background dominant) show the degree of congenital dominant activity of the instance.

Note that the congenital dominants of the lunar zodiac sign have a greater influence on human behavior than the congenital dominants of the solar zodiac sign.

The personality formula written above indicates the following congenital dominants of the personality and characterizes the degree of their activity:

• instance 4-Heart/Zhen (“four” as the first dominant and as background dominant);

• instance 3-Irratio/Xun (“three” twice as the first dominant);

• instance 2-Ratio/Kan (“two” as the second dominant);

• instance 1-Mind/Gen (“one” twice as the second dominant).

The octanalytic personality formula is used to analyze interpersonal communication. When studying and evaluating the psychological state of two persons who interact with each other, the octanalytic personality formulas of these persons are compared.

5. Society and power

Octanalysis notes that in his activity a person uses a three-component consciousness: instances 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 1-Mind.

Harmonious hierarchy of consciousness instances is 541-hierarchy: instance 5-Soul – in the first place, instance 4-Heart – in second place, instance 1-Mind – in third place.

Instance 1-Mind has a unique property – it is able to show a sense of superiority and establish in consciousness any other hierarchy of consciousness instances: 514-, 415-, 451-, 154-, 145-hierarchy.

Age-related pentapsychology [1], the section of octanalysis, notes that age-related activation of consciousness instances is carried out in the sequence 1-Mind ? 4-Heart ? 5-Soul.

At the age of 1.5—2 years to 6 years, only the extroverted instance 1-Mind dominates in consciousness of a child. At the age of 6 to 18 years, in consciousness of a child, a teenager, in turn the introverted instance 4-Heart and the extroverted instance 1-Mind dominate. Over the age of 18 years, in consciousness of an adult in turn the extroverted instance 5-Soul, the introverted instance 4-Heart and the extroverted instance 1-Mind dominate.

In the development process of society, the same regularity is observed. The age-related activation of public consciousness instances is carried out in the sequence 1-Mind ? 4-Heart ?5-Soul.

How do the instances of public consciousness 1-Mind, 4-Heart, 5-Soul manifest themselves?

When the extrovert instance 1-Mind dominates in public consciousness, people build relationships, first of all, according to the scheme “I am higher, you are lower”, on the basis of selfishness, a sense of superiority, lies, lack of principle. This means that the distribution of public good among people on the basis of selfishness, lies, criminal actions is a fair approach from the point of view of the extroverted instance of public consciousness 1-Mind (the “capitalism” approach).

When the introverted instance 4-Heart dominates in public consciousness, people build relationships, first of all, according to the scheme “I and you are on the same level”, they build friendly, cordial relationships. This means that the even distribution of public good among people is a fair approach from the point of view of the introverted instance of public consciousness 4-Heart (the “socialism” approach).

When the extroverted instance 5-Soul dominates in public consciousness, people build relationships according to the scheme “You are higher, I am lower”, they show altruism, devotional service and sacrifice. This means that charity and devotional service to people is a fair approach from the point of view of the extraverted instance of public consciousness 5-Soul (the “communism” approach).

Octanalysis clearly shows where the ideas of building capitalism, socialism and communism came from. These ideas reflect the fundamental properties of three components of human consciousness – the extroverted instance 1-Mind, the introverted instance 4-Heart and the extroverted instance 5-Soul.

In addition to these three approaches (capitalism, socialism, communism) of influencing public consciousness, there is also an approach of hypnotic influence on public consciousness (the “hypnotism” approach). When using the “hypnotism” approach, the state of consciousness of a person changes. In this state, a person acts unconsciously.

The human psyche is arranged in such a way that in the eight-component structure of the psyche the introverted instance 6-Subconscious in the hierarchy is higher than the instances of consciousness 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 1-Mind. This makes it possible, with the help of suggestion, with the help of hypnosis, to control a person’s behavior from the outside. When the introverted instance 6-Subconscious dominates in the psyche, the state of consciousness changes, the three-component consciousness is turned off and the person acts unconsciously according to the programs of the subconscious.

If a hypnotist or a system of hypnotic influence, with the help of an extroverted instance 1-Mind introduces his program into public subconscious, then people unconsciously act according to this program (the “hypnotism” approach).

Thus, in the development process of society, the public consciousness can be influenced by four approaches:

– capitalism (with dominance of the extraverted instance of public consciousness 1-Mind);

– socialism (with dominance of the introverted instance of public consciousness 4-Heart);

– communism (with dominance of the extraverted instance of public consciousness 5-Soul);

– hypnotism (with dominance of the introverted instance of public subconscious 6-Subconscious).

At the society development stage “capitalism” in public consciousness primarily the extroverted instance 1-Mind dominates. In the power structures of the state, first of all, people come, in whom the extroverted instance 1-Mind shows a pronounced congenital dominance.

At the society development stage “socialism” in public consciousness primarily the introverted instance 4-Heart dominates. In the power structures of the state, first of all, people come, in whom the introverted instance 4-Heart and the extroverted instance 1-Mind show congenital dominance.

At the society development stage “communism” in public consciousness primarily the extraverted instance 5-Soul dominates. In the power structures of the state, first of all, people come who show congenital dominance of extraverted instances of consciousness 5-Soul and 1-Mind, as well as those people who show congenital dominance of all five instances of personality (three instances of consciousness 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 1-Mind and two instances of the unconscious 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio).

It is very easy to identify people in whom the extroverted instance 5-Soul shows congenital dominance. Octanalysis states that such people are born in a year that ends in digit 2 or 3, such as 2002, 2003, 2012, 2013, 2022, 2023. The beginning of the year must be determined according to the eastern calendar: second new moon after winter solstice (after December 22). In Gregorian calendar, this usually corresponds to one of the days between January 20 and February 20.

At the development stage of society “hypnotism” public consciousness is subject to the dominant influence of the introverted instance 6-Subconscious. Since the introverted instance 6-Subconscious does not have freedom of choice, then when the introverted instance 6-Subconscious dominates in the psyche, a person acts unconsciously according to programs that are laid down from the outside in the subconscious of a person in order to manipulate his behavior.

Caritology [3], the section of octanalysis, notes that the universe’ phenomenon “Love” manifests itself in human behavior through eight types of love (universe’, imaginary, suggestible, sacrificial, friendly, sexual, parental, egoistic love), which uniquely correspond to eight instances of human psyche (0-Source, 7-Imagination, 6-Subconscious, 5-Soul, 4-Heart, 3-Irratio, 2-Ratio, 1-Mind).

By the type of love shown in a person’s behavior at given moment of time, it is easy to determine which instance of the psyche is dominating at that moment. For example, the manifestation of selfish (friendly, sacrificial, suggestible) love clearly indicates at this moment dominance of the instance 1-Mind (4-Heart, 5-Soul, 6-Subconscious).

6. Inner development of a person

In the interaction of a person and the situation, a person manifests himself as a leading principle, and the situation – as a driven principle.

The advancement of a person from one situation to another is the advancement of a person along the Path of Life, the advancement along the Path of Returning Home to the Unified Consciousness.

The Universe takes care of the inner development of person.

According to the law “Psychically similar is mutually attracted”, or in other words, “Like attracts like”, a person encounters situations that contribute to his inner development and advancement along the Road to Home.
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