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- Thorsten Hawk
Thorsten Hawk
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Successfully tame budgies within a few weeks. How does clicker training birds with budgerigars work?
A step-by-step guide for budgies taming and parakeet training.
You've never had a budgie …
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Wealth accumulation through investment P2P lending | Get a passive income and secure financial independence | optimal Use of Leverage for p2p payments. Invest from 10€ with up to 30% return and w…
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Everything around the hamster
★ A compact hamster counselor, who provides an overview of the individual races, their differences and characteristics points out and summarizes, how one holds and m…
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You want to be healthier, more successful and influence your relationships in a positive way?
You have a permanent inner dissatisfaction? Things only make you happy in the short term?
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Guinea Pigs Book.
What a Guinea Pig needs and diet of a Guinea Pig food list. Around attitude, best Guinea Pig food, nutrition, taming and diseases
How to transport guine…
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★ Clicker Training For Cats. ★
Successfully train cats with cat clicker Training for a gentle cat education
Whether it's just to strengthen the relationship between you and your cat or…
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How to explain to your own children, how to handle and save money.
An important milestone in the education of children is the handling of money. Money rules the world and those who do not have an…
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★ Just grow mushrooms ★
Guide to growing mushrooms at home, in the basement or in garden. Mushroom gardening and cultivation for beginners.
In this guide you will learn everything important…
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Keeping Greek tortoise properly.
★ Pet guide about species-appropriate feeding, keeping, care and overwintering ★
The following questions will be answered to you among others.
How to …
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★ Proper Quail Guide for Beginners ★
1x1 Guide to Quail Keeping and Breeding Japanese Laying Quail. Perfect Quail Raising. A wonderful Poultry Breeds
Why it's worth keeping quail…
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The Basic Supplement Guide for Strength TrainingIn the book «The Basic Supplement Guide for Strength Training» you will learn the basics of dietary supplements for strength and muscle building. B…
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★ Successful Resilience Training. ★
Easy to Learn with the 7 pillars principle. Your Resilience Project to master any crisis with self-confidence. Incl. tips for more serenity.
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Gerbil: The star of the rodents.
★ Compact guidebook about the Mongolian gerbil. Keeping, care and feeding to keep species-appropriate gerbils. ★
A new pet is always a reason for joy and br…
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A step-by-step guide to training rabbits. Very important. No individual animal husbandry. The individual weeks should be taken as a guideline. If it takes longer or shorter, that is fine.
Table o…
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★ The wonder product milk kefir ★
Make kefir yourself with milk kefir tubers for a healthy gut. Simple instructions on how to make it with kefir mushrooms. Incl. 3 recipe ideas
Kefir is an …
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★ Happy raising chickens in your backyard for beginners ★
How to raising chickens for eggs in your own garden. 1x1 about feed, equipment, costs and care.
What you should know if you w…
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Axolotl for beginners
1x1 guide for appropriate keeping, care and feeding in the aquarium incl. interesting facts
If you look closely at the axolotl, at first you don't know what to think of…