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Stephen Archer, and Other Tales

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Wat. At home, I presume.

Mrs. C. Indeed she is not. I must speak to Arthur.

Wat. He's not here.

Mrs. C. Where's my—his man, then?

Wat. Taken himself off to the public-house, I suppose. There's nobody about. Odd—ain't it?

Mrs. C. I'll go and see. Exit into the house.

Wat. What can be the row! there is some row. Exit into the room.

Enter GER., supported by COL. G.

Col. G. Thank God! Thank God!

Ger. But where is she? I shall go mad if you've told me a lie.

Col. G. I saw her, and sent a messenger after her. We shall have news of her presently. Do have a little patience, sir.

Get. How can I have patience? I'm a brute—a mean, selfish devil! If that fellow Waterfield was to horse-whip me—I should let him.

Tho. (coming forward). Theer wur that yung chap yere a while agoo, and he said aw wur to say to Maister William—what wur it aw're to say?—Yigh—it wur—"Bill's been. O'reet."

Col. G. There, sir! I told you so. Do sit down. I'll go after her.

Ger. I will. I will. Only make haste. (Stands staring at the Psyche.)

Tho. Th' boy said he'd be yere direckly.

Col. G. You sit down. I'll be with you presently.

Tho. (retiring behind the Psyche). Aw're noan likely to goo, maister.

Enter MRS. C. Crosses to room door. Enter WATERFIELD. They talk.

Ger. William! I don't want them. (Retreats towards the Psyche.)

Col. G. Sit here one moment, sir. (Leads him to the dais. Advances to MRS. C.)

Mrs. C. (trying to pass him). Arthur, what can—?

Col. G. (intercepting her). Let him rest a bit, ma'am, if you please. He's been out for the first time.

Mrs. C. At night! and in a fog! A pretty nurse you are! Poor boy!

Col. G. Mr. Waterfield, sir, would you mind stepping into the room again for a moment? (Exit WAT.) Mrs. Clifford, ma'am, would you please get a glass of wine for master? Exit MRS. C. into the house.

Ger. William! William!

Col. G. Yes, sir.

Ger. Send him away. Don't let him stop there. I have nothing to say to him.

Col. G. He shan't trouble you, sir. I'll take care of that. (Goes behind the Psyche to THOMAS, but keeps watching the door of the room.)—Did you see the man that went in there just now?

Tho. (with anxiety). He winnot joomp eawt ov th' window, dosto thenk, lad?

Re-enter MRS. C. with wine. GER. drinks.

Col. G. Why should he do that? Do you know anything about him?

Tho. Aw do.

Col. G. Has he seen you here?

Tho. No. Aw're afeard he'd roon away, and aw keepet snoog.

Col. G. I needn't ask who it is, then?

Tho. Yo needn't, lad.


Tho. Mo conscience! he'll pike eawt afoor aw geet howd on him! (Rushes out and seizes WAT.)

Enter MATTIE and BILL.

Tho. Thae'rt a domned villain! Wheer's mo Mattie?


Bill. O Lord! the swell's murdered old daddy!

All but GER. rush together. COLONEL GERVAISE seizes    WATERFIELD. MATTIE throws herself on her knees beside THOMAS and lifts his head.

Mat. Father! father! Look at me! It's Mattie!—your own wicked Mattie! Look at her once, father dear! (Lays down his head in despair, and rises.) Who struck the good old man?

Bill. He did—the swell as give me the gold sov.

Mat. Mr. Watkins!—

Wat. I haven't the honour of the gentleman's acquaintance. I'm not Mr. Watkins. Am I now? (to COL. G.). Ha! ha!—Let go, I say. I'm not the man. It's all a mistake, you see.

Col. G. In good time. I might make a worse. Watkins mayn't be your name, but Watkins is your nature.

Wat. Damn your insolence! Let me go, I tell you! (Struggles threatening.)
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