“How in the world did you know it? I thought we were particularly careful.”
“How can a woman help knowing such a thing? She guesses it—she discovers it by instinct; especially if she be a proud woman.”
“Ah,” said Bernard, “if pride is a source of information, you must be a prodigy of knowledge!”
“I don’t know that you are particularly humble!” the girl retorted. “The meekest and most submissive of her sex would not have consented to have such a bargain as that made about her—such a trick played upon her!”
“My dearest Angela, it was no bargain—no trick!” Bernard interposed.
“It was a clumsy trick—it was a bad bargain!” she declared. “At any rate I hated it—I hated the idea of your pretending to pass judgment upon me; of your having come to Baden for the purpose. It was as if Mr. Wright had been buying a horse and you had undertaken to put me through my paces!”
“I undertook nothing—I declined to undertake.”
“You certainly made a study of me—and I was determined you should get your lesson wrong. I determined to embarrass, to mislead, to defeat you. Or rather, I did n’t determine; I simply obeyed a natural impulse of self-defence—the impulse to evade the fierce light of criticism. I wished to put you in the wrong.”
“You did it all very well. You put me admirably in the wrong.”
“The only justification for my doing it at all was my doing it well,” said Angela.
“You were justified then! You must have hated me fiercely.”
She turned her back to him and stood looking at the fire again.
“Yes, there are some things that I did that can be accounted for only by an intense aversion.”
She said this so naturally that in spite of a certain theory that was touched upon a few pages back, Bernard was a good deal bewildered. He rose from the sofa where he had been lounging and went and stood beside her a moment. Then he passed his arm round her waist and murmured an almost timorous—
“I don’t know what you are trying to make me say!” she answered.
He looked down at her for a moment as he held her close to him.
“I don’t see, after all, why I should wish to make you say it. It would only make my remorse more acute.”
She was musing, with her eyes on the fire, and for a moment she made no answer; then, as if her attention were returning—
“Are you still talking about your remorse?” she asked.
“You see I put it very strongly.”
“That I was a horrid creature?”
“That you were not a woman to marry.”
“Ah, my poor Bernard,” said Angela, “I can’t attempt to prove to you that you are not inconsistent!”
The month of September drew to a close, and she consented to fix a day for their wedding. The last of October was the moment selected, and the selection was almost all that was wanting to Bernard’s happiness. I say “almost,” for there was a solitary spot in his consciousness which felt numb and dead—unpervaded by the joy with which the rest of his spirit seemed to thrill and tingle. The removal of this hard grain in the sweet savour of life was needed to complete his felicity. Bernard felt that he had made the necessary excision when, at the end of the month, he wrote to Gordon Wright of his engagement. He had been putting off the performance of this duty from day to day—it seemed so hard to accomplish it gracefully. He did it at the end very briefly; it struck him that this was the best way. Three days after he had sent his letter there arrived one from Gordon himself, informing Bernard that he had suddenly determined to bring Blanche to Europe. She was not well, and they would lose no time. They were to sail within a week after his writing. The letter contained a postscript—“Captain Lovelock comes with us.”
Bernard prepared for Gordon’s arrival in Paris, which, according to his letter, would take place in a few days. He was not intending to stop in England; Blanche desired to proceed immediately to the French capital, to confer with her man-milliner, after which it was probable that they would go to Italy or to the East for the winter. “I have given her a choice of Rome or the Nile,” said Gordon, “but she tells me she does n’t care a fig where we go.”
I say that Bernard prepared to receive his friends, and I mean that he prepared morally—or even intellectually. Materially speaking, he could simply hold himself in readiness to engage an apartment at a hotel and to go to meet them at the station. He expected to hear from Gordon as soon as this interesting trio should reach England, but the first notification he received came from a Parisian hotel. It came to him in the shape of a very short note, in the morning, shortly before lunch, and was to the effect that his friends had alighted in the Rue de la Paix the night before.
“We were tired, and I have slept late,” said Gordon; “otherwise you should have heard from me earlier. Come to lunch, if possible. I want extremely to see you.”
Bernard, of course, made a point of going to lunch. In as short a time as possible he found himself in Gordon’s sitting-room at the Hotel Middlesex. The table was laid for the midday repast, and a gentleman stood with his back to the door, looking out of the window. As Bernard came in, this gentleman turned and exhibited the ambrosial beard, the symmetrical shape, the monocular appendage, of Captain Lovelock.
The Captain screwed his glass into his eye, and greeted Bernard in his usual fashion—that is, as if he had parted with him overnight.
“Oh, good morning! Beastly morning, is n’t it? I suppose you are come to luncheon—I have come to luncheon. It ought to be on table, you know—it ‘s nearly two o’clock. But I dare say you have noticed foreigners are never punctual—it ‘s only English servants that are punctual. And they don’t understand luncheon, you know—they can’t make out our eating at this sort of hour. You know they always dine so beastly early. Do you remember the sort of time they used to dine at Baden?—half-past five, half-past six; some unearthly hour of that kind. That ‘s the sort of time you dine in America. I found they ‘d invite a man at half-past six. That ‘s what I call being in a hurry for your food. You know they always accuse the Americans of making a rush for their victuals. I am bound to say that in New York, and that sort of place, the victuals were very good when you got them. I hope you don’t mind my saying anything about America? You know the Americans are so deucedly thin-skinned—they always bristle up if you say anything against their institutions. The English don’t care a rap what you say—they ‘ve got a different sort of temper, you know. With the Americans I ‘m deuced careful—I never breathe a word about anything. While I was over there I went in for being complimentary. I laid it on thick, and I found they would take all I could give them. I did n’t see much of their institutions, after all; I went in for seeing the people. Some of the people were charming—upon my soul, I was surprised at some of the people. I dare say you know some of the people I saw; they were as nice people as you would see anywhere. There were always a lot of people about Mrs. Wright, you know; they told me they were all the best people. You know she is always late for everything. She always comes in after every one is there—looking so devilish pretty, pulling on her gloves. She wears the longest gloves I ever saw in my life. Upon my word, if they don’t come, I think I will ring the bell and ask the waiter what ‘s the matter. Would n’t you ring the bell? It ‘s a great mistake, their trying to carry out their ideas of lunching. That ‘s Wright’s character, you know; he ‘s always trying to carry out some idea. When I am abroad, I go in for the foreign breakfast myself. You may depend upon it they had better give up trying to do this sort of thing at this hour.”
Captain Lovelock was more disposed to conversation than Bernard had known him before. His discourse of old had been languid and fragmentary, and our hero had never heard him pursue a train of ideas through so many involutions. To Bernard’s observant eye, indeed, the Captain was an altered man. His manner betrayed a certain restless desire to be agreeable, to anticipate judgment—a disposition to smile, and be civil, and entertain his auditor, a tendency to move about and look out of the window and at the clock. He struck Bernard as a trifle nervous—as less solidly planted on his feet than when he lounged along the Baden gravel-walks by the side of his usual companion—a lady for whom, apparently, his admiration was still considerable. Bernard was curious to see whether he would ring the bell to inquire into the delay attending the service of lunch; but before this sentiment, rather idle under the circumstances, was gratified, Blanche passed into the room from a neighboring apartment. To Bernard’s perception Blanche, at least, was always Blanche; she was a person in whom it would not have occurred to him to expect any puzzling variation, and the tone of her little, soft, thin voice instantly rang in his ear like an echo of yesterday’s talk. He had already remarked to himself that after however long an interval one might see Blanche, she re-appeared with an air of familiarity. This was in some sense, indeed, a proof of the agreeable impression she made, and she looked exceedingly pretty as she now suddenly stopped on seeing our two gentlemen, and gave a little cry of surprise.
“Ah! I did n’t know you were here. They never told me. Have you been waiting a long time? How d’ ye do? You must think we are polite.” She held out her hand to Bernard, smiling very graciously. At Captain Lovelock she barely glanced. “I hope you are very well,” she went on to Longueville; “but I need n’t ask that. You ‘re as blooming as a rose. What in the world has happened to you? You look so brilliant—so fresh. Can you say that to a man—that he looks fresh? Or can you only say that about butter and eggs?”
“It depends upon the man,” said Captain Lovelock. “You can’t say that a man ‘s fresh who spends his time in running about after you!”
“Ah, are you here?” cried Blanche with another little cry of surprise. “I did n’t notice you—I thought you were the waiter. This is what he calls running about after me,” she added, to Bernard; “coming to breakfast without being asked. How queerly they have arranged the table!” she went on, gazing with her little elevated eyebrows at this piece of furniture. “I always thought that in Paris, if they could n’t do anything else, they could arrange a table. I don’t like that at all—those horrid little dishes on each side! Don’t you think those things ought to be off the table, Mr. Longueville? I don’t like to see a lot of things I ‘m not eating. And I told them to have some flowers—pray, where are the flowers? Do they call those things flowers? They look as if they had come out of the landlady’s bonnet! Mr. Longueville, do look at those objects.”
“They are not like me—they are not very fresh,” laughed Bernard.
“It ‘s no great matter—we have not got to eat them,” growled Captain Lovelock.
“I should think you would expect to—with the luncheon you usually make!” rejoined Blanche. “Since you are here, though I did n’t ask you, you might as well make yourself useful. Will you be so good as to ring the bell? If Gordon expects that we are going to wait another quarter of an hour for him he exaggerates the patience of a long-suffering wife. If you are very curious to know what he is about, he is writing letters, by way of a change. He writes about eighty a day; his correspondents must be strong people! It ‘s a lucky thing for me that I am married to Gordon; if I were not he might write to me—to me, to whom it ‘s a misery to have to answer even an invitation to dinner! To begin with, I don’t know how to spell. If Captain Lovelock ever boasts that he has had letters from me, you may know it ‘s an invention. He has never had anything but telegrams—three telegrams—that I sent him in America about a pair of slippers that he had left at our house and that I did n’t know what to do with. Captain Lovelock’s slippers are no trifle to have on one’s hands—on one’s feet, I suppose I ought to say. For telegrams the spelling does n’t matter; the people at the office correct it—or if they don’t you can put it off on them. I never see anything nowadays but Gordon’s back,” she went on, as they took their places at table—“his noble broad back, as he sits writing his letters. That ‘s my principal view of my husband. I think that now we are in Paris I ought to have a portrait of it by one of the great artists. It would be such a characteristic pose. I have quite forgotten his face and I don’t think I should know it.”
Gordon’s face, however, presented itself just at this moment; he came in quickly, with his countenance flushed with the pleasure of meeting his old friend again. He had the sun-scorched look of a traveller who has just crossed the Atlantic, and he smiled at Bernard with his honest eyes.
“Don’t think me a great brute for not being here to receive you,” he said, as he clasped his hand. “I was writing an important letter and I put it to myself in this way: ‘If I interrupt my letter I shall have to come back and finish it; whereas if I finish it now, I can have all the rest of the day to spend with him.’ So I stuck to it to the end, and now we can be inseparable.”
“You may be sure Gordon reasoned it out,” said Blanche, while her husband offered his hand in silence to Captain Lovelock.
“Gordon’s reasoning is as fine as other people’s feeling!” declared Bernard, who was conscious of a desire to say something very pleasant to Gordon, and who did not at all approve of Blanche’s little ironical tone about her husband.
“And Bernard’s compliments are better than either,” said Gordon, laughing and taking his seat at table.
“I have been paying him compliments,” Blanche went on. “I have been telling him he looks so brilliant, so blooming—as if something had happened to him, as if he had inherited a fortune. He must have been doing something very wicked, and he ought to tell us all about it, to amuse us. I am sure you are a dreadful Parisian, Mr. Longueville. Remember that we are three dull, virtuous people, exceedingly bored with each other’s society, and wanting to hear something strange and exciting. If it ‘s a little improper, that won’t spoil it.”
“You certainly are looking uncommonly well,” said Gordon, still smiling, across the table, at his friend. “I see what Blanche means—”
“My dear Gordon, that ‘s a great event,” his wife interposed.
“It ‘s a good deal to pretend, certainly,” he went on, smiling always, with his red face and his blue eyes. “But this is no great credit to me, because Bernard’s superb condition would strike any one. You look as if you were going to marry the Lord Mayor’s daughter!”
If Bernard was blooming, his bloom at this juncture must have deepened, and in so doing indeed have contributed an even brighter tint to his expression of salubrious happiness. It was one of the rare occasions of his life when he was at a loss for a verbal expedient.
“It ‘s a great match,” he nevertheless murmured, jestingly. “You must excuse my inflated appearance.”