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Gena Showalter Bundle: The Stone Prince / The Pleasure Slave / Heart of the Dragon

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Cahoots was a large bar and club situated on the edge of town. Tumultuous rock music assaulted her ears as she and Jorlan stepped inside and meandered across thin, black carpet in search of a table. All around them, bodies gyrated to the fast-paced beat. Cigarette smoke created a thick, choking cloud that enveloped the dancers like a ghostly hand. Katie wanted to play pool, but all the tables were currently occupied.

Jorlan’s expression was pained and stoic, though he seemed a bit shocked by the intimate way couples were dancing. They settled inside a booth. Katie set the empty beer bottles onto the nook behind them, clearing the table surface. Then, with a sigh, she settled in her seat and simply absorbed the atmosphere.

“What do you think?” she shouted over the music a short time later.

His nose wrinkled. “’Tis…interesting.”

Her lips twitched, but she managed to subdue her grin. “Wanna drink?”

He gave a single shake of his head.

“Well, I do. I’ll be right back.” Katie worked her way to the bar. By the time she reached the shiny mahogany wood, Jorlan was beside her. Two bartenders were on duty, mixing drinks and popping beer caps. A woman stood off in the corner drying glasses; her bright orange nail polish gleamed from the overhead lighting. Her hair was a deep, rich purple. She had a cigarette clamped between her pink, glittery lips; her eyebrow was pierced, and she had a row of cowboy hat tattoos down her right arm.

Katie purchased rum-and-Coke for herself and a 7-Up for Jorlan, knowing he wanted nothing to do with “lick her” unless it involved a tub full of naked women. Her fingers tightened on the glass at the thought of him with other women. She practically shoved the drink at him. “Here.”

One of the male bartenders gave Jorlan a twice over, his eyes growing wide. “Hey, aren’t you—holy shit. I can’t believe this. Man, you’re like Mike Calman, the best lineman ever to play for the Wyoming Wranglers. Will you sign this for me?” He slid a napkin over the bar surface.

At the words Mike Calman several people turned and stared at Jorlan. An avid sports fan, Katie had watched Mike Calman lead his team to several major victories over the last two years, and she didn’t think Jorlan looked anything like the famed football star. Within moments, however, an entire group was surrounding him, asking him questions like, “Where’s your Super Bowl ring?” “Who’s going to replace Coach Garedy?” “Are you thinking of playing for the Cowboys?”

Katie had no idea how Jorlan answered, but whatever he said, the people were charmed. To those who bothered to spare her a glance, she tried to explain Jorlan wasn’t a professional football player, but her protests were laughed off. Finally, she’d had enough and she tugged on his arm. “Let’s go back to the table, Mikey.”

He nodded, albeit reluctantly.

She was just turning back to her table when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the purple-haired woman behind the bar approaching. Her eyes were filled with purpose, and not even her thick, spiky mascara could mask it.

“Anything I can help you with, sugar?” she asked Jorlan. “We don’t get many professional ballplayers in here, but I’m sure I can come up with something to keep you entertained.”

Liberated women were a nuisance, Katie decided. “Mr. Calman here just wants to relax. In private.”

The woman kept her attention on Jorlan as her gaze darkened with disappointment. Somehow, she was still able to convey hot, sexual interest. “You sure, sugar? I’m real good with…balls.”

“What do you have in mind?” he asked.

Katie stiffened. How dare he! She’d brought him to Lubbock out of the goodness of her heart. He owed her a little consideration. And coming on to a starstruck bartender was not her idea of consideration.

“I’m Rinnie, by the way, and a big fan. I swear on the Lone Star Flag that I’ve never seen a lineman with more power.” She squeezed his bicep for emphasis. “Do you mind if I show you off upstairs? The girls are gonna want to meet you.”

“I do not mind, nay.”

“I didn’t know you had an accent. It’s so cute.” Rinnie grinned, a wide grin that spread from ear to ear and revealed slightly crooked, yet utterly endearing front teeth. “Come on. I’ll introduce you to some people. Upstairs is for our VIPs and you, Mike Calman, are definitely VIP. Very Irresistibly Packaged.”

So upstairs they went, though from the frown Rinnie shot her, Katie knew she wasn’t welcome. Katie’s teeth ground together with every step. There was a crowd of people, an equal mix of men and women, situated in one large room, talking and laughing. The entire area looked more like a restaurant than a bar. Small, round tables were situated around a tantalizing buffet of enchiladas, rice, cheese sauce and chips. Katie’s mouth watered, but she made no move to eat. She was too busy guarding her VIP. Not that her death-ray glare was doing any good. Like a pack of bees, everything female swarmed around Jorlan as if he were a pot full of honey and they had to eat him or die.

Rinnie made the introductions. “Hey, everybody. I’m sure you know who this gorgeous man is, so I won’t bother introducing him. Just show him a real good time, you hear, so he’ll come back and visit us.” She leaned into Jorlan. “You let me know if you need anything, anything at all. I’ll just be downstairs.”

All of a sudden everyone wanted a piece of Mike Calman.

For the next hour, Jorlan talked and laughed with everyone but Katie, soaking up attention as if it was oxygen he needed for life support. Fuming, Katie plopped into a chair that was propped against the back wall. Every once in a while a brave man approached her and flirted, but her snappy retorts combined with the prepare-to-die glares Jorlan sent them caused each man to make a hasty retreat. Once she found herself alone again, Jorlan would turn back to whatever woman he was flirting with and ignore her.

She wasn’t sure exactly what he was doing. Teaching her a lesson, perhaps, for ending their kiss too soon? The moral being that if she didn’t snatch him up, someone else would? Oh, yes, that was exactly what he was doing, she realized as she looked, really looked into his eyes. They were glazed with hard-edged determination, not enjoyment. Lord, how many times had she watched her brothers do the same thing to their women?

Well, she could teach Jorlan a lesson. It was about time he learned that Katie James knew how to play the Dating Game! Unfortunately, she had run most of the men out of the room, so her choices were limited. She motioned a short, round man over with an I’m-very-limber smile.

He eagerly joined her.

Jorlan watched Katie interact with the newcomer; she smiled and laughed and acted as if she’d been lost in a desert for an entire span and the chubby man could provide her with water. Black fury surged within him so potently he craved the long, sharp length of his talon. He saw the man latch on to her shoulder—a man who would die if he didn’t remove the offending appendage immediately.

Katie said something to the marked-for-death man. Plump cheeks turning red, he huffily marched away.

Jorlan relaxed. Better. Much better. By her own doing, Katie belonged to him. She’d kissed him. Allowed him to sleep next to her bed. She’d even listened while he spoke of his family. No other man was allowed to touch this woman who was to be his life-mate and live.

Something brushed his jaw. He half turned his attention from Katie and frowned. The woman at his side was persistent, tracing her fingertip over his face. She’d offered him the use of her bed three times already, and had even slipped a key inside his pocket. He muttered something quick and impersonal in her direction, then once again went back to fully watching Katie. She was scowling, but she was alone.

Just then, someone thrust a beer bottle into Katie’s hand. She set aside her empty rum-and-Coke glass. She wasn’t thirsty, but as she continued to cast covert glances in Jorlan’s direction, she pictured herself in a boxing ring with each woman present and drank. Deeply. She’d never enjoyed the taste of beer, but before she realized what she’d done, she had consumed four bottles.

A waitress arrived with a tray of Jell-O shots and nachos. “In honor of Mike,” she said. Cheers circulated throughout the room and Katie found herself having one shot, then another without giving the nachos a second glance. Jorlan, she noticed, didn’t even sip his water. He was too busy watching her. Had he learned his lesson? Not quite well enough, was her guess. Arching one brow, she looked over at him and raised her glass in a silent salute, a salute that said bite me. A leggy brunette, who was wearing a short spandex skirt and minitop, playfully jumped onto his lap.

Who did he think he was, anyway? Only an hour ago he’d tried to get into her pants. Only three days ago—or was it four?—anyway, he’d asked her to marry him. She’d told him no. Big deal. That didn’t mean he had the right to flirt with other women.

Before she knew it, Katie had worked up a good steam.

She jackknifed to her feet and propelled over to the snuggly couple. She pointed to the woman with a shaky finger. When had her hands gotten shaky? “Look here,” she shouted. The noise level tapered to quiet. “The last woman who made a play for him ended up in the hospital.”

“Why?” the woman asked with a little, tinkering laugh. Obviously she thought Katie was joking. She flipped her main of glossy hair over her shoulder. “Did he lick her to death?”

Katie’s eyes narrowed. “No. I broke every bone in her body and ate her organs for breakfast.” She said it with a lethal seriousness thrummed with icy determination.

The brunette jumped up as though Jorlan had suddenly mutated into nuclear waste.

“Now let’s dance,” Katie commanded Jorlan.

A wicked gleam entered his eyes, and he stood, holding out his hand to her. She took it, glaring around her just in case someone decided to protest. Together she and Jorlan strode downstairs and stepped onto the dance floor. It seemed like he had to hold her up, though. In the short time she’d been upstairs, the lower level had somehow become tilted, and each time she moved, her head felt fuzzy.

“That was quite a display, warrior woman.”

“Are you laughing at me?”


Well, at least he was truthful about it. Sighing, she rested her head on his shoulder. “You’re too handsome, Jorlan. Do you know that?” Her lips clamped shut. Why had she admitted that aloud?

His husky chuckle reverberated against her chest. “Tell me more. Tell me what you like about me.”

For some reason, that sounded like such a good idea. “Well, you’re tall. I think that is sooo sexy.”

“Hmm. What else?”

“At the house that first night, when you were naked, I kept looking down and all I could think about was how big you were and how wonderful you would feel buried deep inside me.”
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