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Can't Hardly Breathe

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Mr. Jonathan Hillcrest, the fifth and final teacher, saved the day. Even though he was a few years older than Dorothea, they’d played in the band together when they were in high school. The popular crowd had considered him a nerd, just like her. Kindred spirits unite!

While Dorothea had retained her supposed “nerdiness,” he’d grown out of his. Tall and lean with sandy-colored hair, he had a construction worker’s tan, and adorable laugh lines around his eyes and mouth. His nose was a little too long, but it worked in his favor, giving him an aristocratic vibe.

She thought she recalled a rumor that he and his girlfriend of two years had broken up a few months ago.

“I have to tell you, Dottie. Holly has so much potential. She’s so smart. She just needs to apply herself.” He sat at his desk, the surface cluttered with papers. “Any tips for how I can reach her?”

She decided not to correct his use of the hated nickname. The meeting wasn’t about her. “Are you kidding me? I need tips.”

He chuckled, and she grinned.

“And please, call me Dorothea.”

Twining his fingers over his middle, he leaned back in his chair. “I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you smile.”

Her eyes widened. He’d noticed her? Before this?

Then he shocked her further, saying, “It looks good on you.”

What! It did?

“Thank you,” she replied, her tone soft, her cheeks burning. “That’s very kind of you to say.”

“Not kind. Honest.” Now unwilling to meet her gaze, he cleared his throat and stacked a set of papers at the corner of his desk. “Anyway. We were talking about Holly.”

“Right.” Dorothea hooked a lock of hair behind her ear. How to explain she’d been back home for nearly a year, but her sister had yet to forgive her for leaving in the first place?

“I know your family owns the Strawberry Inn, and I wonder if Holly maybe...works too much?” His hesitation lessened the sting of his words. “She rarely turns in her assignments. I’ve offered her numerous extensions, but she always declines, stating she’s far too busy to pencil me into her schedule.”

Guilt pricked at Dorothea. Holly had zero free time, the way Dorothea had once had zero free time. The way she now had zero free time. And she had only perpetuated the problem.

When her sister asked for a day off, she should have given it to her. She remembered the teenage horror of being forced to turn down every after-school invitation. Not that she’d been invited anywhere by anyone other than Ryanne and Lyndie.

Making a split-second decision, she said, “Consider Holly fired, effective immediately.” The theme rooms could wait. Every penny she’d saved could be used to hire a new receptionist. “I want the best for her. Underneath her insults, she has a good heart.”

He nodded as she spoke. “I agree.”

Those two swords fertilized Dorothea’s hopes, helping them grow. If she and Mr. Hillcrest teamed up, surrounding her sister with love and acceptance, Holly would have nowhere to run.

Together, they brainstormed ways to help Holly engage with the class. At one point, he stopped Dorothea to ask for her number. “So I can keep you apprised of my progress.”

How kind. She rattled off the digits.

A harried knock echoed inside the room, and they jolted in unison. The door swung open, an irritated-looking woman stalking into the classroom. She tapped on the screen of her phone. “My meeting was scheduled to begin six minutes ago. I’ve been pacing the hall, waving at you through the glass partition, doing my best to be patient, but I have a job, too, and I can’t be late.”

“I’m so sorry.” Dorothea jumped to her feet. “I lost track of time. I’m sorry,” she repeated. “I’m leaving.” She extended her hand to Mr. Hillcrest. “Thank you again, Mr. Hillcrest. I—”

“Call me Jonathan. Please.”

She inclined her head before darting into the hall. As she left the building and made her way across the parking lot, her gaze lifted to the sky out of habit. Over the past few years, Oklahoma had been dubbed the home of the quakenado. Storms, tornadoes and earthquakes, oh my! She loved to predict what would come next.

The thunderstorm she’d predicted now brewed, a thick wall of cloud stretching as far as the eye could see; the heavy veil of humidity suggested there would, in fact, be tornadic activity, too.

A horn blasted.

She yelped and skidded to a stop. A minivan sped past her. Yikes! She’d been so wrapped up in weather-watching she’d lost track of her surroundings.

“Sorry,” she called.

Heart thudding, she settled behind the wheel of her car. The same car she’d had since she was sixteen years old. A granny mobile, kids had called it. Once, those same kids had used shoe polish to write the words oink oink on her windshield.

Ugh. No more thinking about the past.

Since she planned to fire Holly later today, she needed to stop at Copy Copy to create the perfect flyer for a new hire...

Wanted: Receptionist for the Strawberry Inn.

If you can:

* Speak to strangers

* Answer a phone

* Show up on time

* Type complete sentences

You have the skills we need.

Contact Dorothea Mathis to schedule an interview.

Excellent! Up next, posting the flyers and setting Holly free.

Would Dorothea be met with hugs or insults?

She heaved a sigh. Like she really had to wonder.

* * *

DOROTHEA RETURNED TO the inn and stopped short in the lobby. Her little sis had actually listened to her! Holly rather than Mrs. Hathaway manned the desk. If “manned” was defined as staring at a cell phone and chewing gum. Still, it was progress.

“Good afternoon.” Dorothea approached her sister the way she would approach a wounded animal.

Holly popped a bubble. “Daniel Porter came by to see you.”

The air gushed from her lungs. “What’d he want?”

“He looked tee-icked, but he wouldn’t tell me what the problem was. I bet he’s going to complain about his last stay.”
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