Went a little beyond their means – but thought,
No doubt, that they thus had a bargain bought.
Now they'll be cheated, sirs, one and all,
Should our chief, our head, the general fall.
Oh, Heaven! this curse I never can brook
Why, half of the army stand in my book.
Two hundred dollars I've trusted madly
That Count Isolani who pays so badly.
Well, comrades, let's fix on what's to be done —
Of the ways to save us, I see but one;
If we hold together we need not fear;
So let us stand out as one man here;
And then they may order and send as they will,
Fast planted we'll stick in Bohemia still.
We'll never give in – no, nor march an inch,
We stand on our honor, and must not flinch.
We're not to be driven the country about,
Let 'em come here, and they'll find it out.
Good sirs, 'twere well to bethink ye still,
That such is the emperor's sovereign will.
Oh, as to the emperor, we needn't be nice.
Let me not hear you say so twice.
Why, 'tis even so – as I just have said.
True, man – I've always heard 'em say,
'Tis Friedland, alone, you've here to obey.
By our bargain with him it should be so,
Absolute power is his, you must know,
We've war, or peace, but as he may please,
Or gold or goods he has power to seize,
And hanging or pardon his will decrees.
Captains and colonels he makes – and he,
In short, by the imperial seal is free,
To hold all the marks of sovereignty.
The duke is high and of mighty will,
But yet must remain, for good or for ill,
Like us all, but the emperor's servant still.
Not like us all – I there disagree —
Friedland is quite independent and free,
The Bavarian is no more a prince than he
For, was I not by myself to see,
When on duty at Brandeis, how the emperor said,
He wished him to cover his princely head.
That was because of the Mecklenburgh land,
Which he held in pawn from the emperor's hand.
FIRST YAGER (to the Sergeant)
In the emperor's presence, man! say you so?
That, beyond doubt, was a wonderful go!
SERGEANT (feels in his pocket).
If you question my word in what I have told,
I can give you something to grasp and hold.
[Showing a coin.
Whose image and stamp d'ye here behold?
Oh! that is a Wallenstein's, sure!
Well, there, you have it – what doubt can rest