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Fern Britton 3-Book Collection: The Holiday Home, A Seaside Affair, A Good Catch

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‘Come on, Connie.’ She stood up and started to roll her towel. ‘Time we were going back.’

Connie was already up and shooshing Abi off her towel.

The man continued to watch them with a slow smile spreading across his handsome face. He waved at them.

‘Oh my God, he’s waving,’ Connie flustered.

‘He’s coming this way.’

Merlin’s brown athletic legs were carrying him towards them. Fifty metres, thirty and finally with only a couple more steps to go he stopped and raised a sunkissed eyebrow, allowing his sea-green eyes to gleam flirtatiously.

‘Connie? Pru? Is it really you?’ The two women looked uncomfortable. ‘You do remember me, don’t you?’

Pru acknowledged him and answered coolly: ‘How could we forget, Merlin.’

He leaned forward as if to kiss her cheek, but she offered her hand to shake instead. He ignored it. She felt his warm skin brush her face.

He stepped back. ‘I’d know you anywhere, Prudence Carew.’



‘I’m Prudence Meake now.’

‘Oh, you’re married. Congratulations.’

Pru introduced Jeremy, ‘And this is my son, Jem.’

Merlin reached out to shake his hand. ‘Good to meet you, Jem.’ He turned to Connie. ‘Don’t tell me you’re married too, Connie?’

‘Of course I am.’

‘Oh yes. I remember reading about it. After our summer you married one of your dad’s employees.’

Connie looked crossly at him. ‘I married a man who loves me. He’s managing director of the company now.’

‘Is that so?’ He nodded his head slowly, his piercing eyes smiling sardonically. ‘Well, you did all right for yourself, didn’t you, eh?’

Abigail couldn’t bear to be left out a moment longer. ‘Hi, I’m Abi. Connie’s daughter.’

He turned his glittering gaze to her. ‘Well, well. You’re a beauty, aren’t you.’

Connie snapped, ‘She’s not seventeen yet, Merlin.’

Merlin laughed. ‘And so were you once, Con. So were you.’

Jem, conscious that there was something rather uncomfortable about this encounter, felt a primeval urge to protect the women, though he wasn’t sure why.

‘My father and Uncle Greg are up at Atlantic House,’ he said loyally.

Merlin shifted his gaze from Pru to this young boy with the beginnings of soft whiskers on his chin and hair gelled in the way the ‘up country’ kids seemed to favour.

‘Is that so?’ he drawled. ‘I’ll make sure I look out for them.’ He turned his attention back to the two sisters. ‘You’ve still got Atlantic House then?’

Connie answered, ‘Yes.’

‘There are a few memories there, aren’t there?’ he said.

‘Come along, Connie, we must get back to the house.’ Pru was stuffing her towel into her beach bag.

Merlin ignored her and sat himself down on the sand. Fishing in his shorts pocket, he brought out a bag of tobacco. ‘Stay a while longer. We’ve got catching up to do.’ He calmly set about rolling a cigarette. ‘Want one?’ He pushed the leather pouch towards Jeremy.

‘No thanks. I don’t smoke.’

Merlin looked up at him and winked. ‘Not tobacco, anyway, boy. Eh?’

‘Jeremy’s only sixteen, Merlin. Don’t tease him,’ Pru scowled.

‘Oh, right.’ Merlin screwed up an eye as the wind blew smoke into it. ‘How about you?’ He was looking at Abi. ‘Or are you a good girl?’

‘How do you know my mum and my auntie Pru?’ asked Abi.

Merlin took a deep drag on his cigarette and smiled.

‘Shall I tell her, girls?’

‘Merlin is an old friend of your mother’s and mine. We knew him when we were about your age, Abi. That’s all,’ said Pru with feigned disinterest.

Merlin again raised an eyebrow. ‘That’s all?’ he smirked. ‘That wasn’t the way it seemed to me.’ He turned to Abi. ‘These two broke my heart. The prettiest girls on the beach – and they knew it.’

‘Tell me more,’ said Abi.

‘Hmmm.’ He looked at Connie and Pru and gave a sad smile. ‘I would, darlin’, but I think your mum and Auntie Pru might not want me to. Another time, eh?’

‘Yes, another time,’ said Connie.

‘Good idea,’ said Pru.

Abi’s eye was caught by the sight of her father walking down the beach towards them. ‘Hey, Daddy!’ She waved. ‘Over here!’

Merlin stood up. ‘Time I was off. Good to see you, girls. Catch you later.’ And he was gone.


Greg arrived hot and perspiring. He had on a white singlet vest and board shorts pulled low to reveal the back of his designer underpants.

‘Hey, kids. Hey, Con.’ He reached his wife and pulled her into a hug. ‘Jem, Abi – want to surf with me?’
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