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Fix Bay'nets: The Regiment in the Hills

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“They’ll go on till they come upon the next lot o’ their pardners, and then they’ll tell ’em they were attacked by two whole ridgements, and show their wounds, if they’ve got any. Don’t think I hit one, sir. Did you?”

“I did not even try to,” said Bracy. “I only thought of firing as quickly as I could. Now, then, a drink of water apiece, and forward. We can’t stop to rest, but must eat as we go.”

They hurried down in turn to where the tribes-men had refreshed themselves, each watching while the other drank hastily, and remounted to the track; after which, food in hand, they were about to recommence their journey, when Gedge started.

“What is it?” said Bracy quickly.

“One on ’em down, sir. Didn’t think we had hit any of ’em, but yonder’s one lying among the bushes.”

“Yes,” said Bracy; “perfectly still. I saw and covered him while you were drinking, and was going to see if he is dead as we went by, in case he might be only wounded, and dangerous.”


“What is it?” said Bracy wonderingly, for Gedge had broken into a quiet little laugh.

“It’s the bear they shot, sir, and brought into camp with ’em. Won’t come back to fetch it – will they?”

“We will not stop to see,” said Bracy quietly. “Now, forward once more.”

Their path took them by the dead bear, whose paws were bound together with twigs, and a freshly-cut pole was thrust through, showing how the trophy had been borne so far. The next minute the pair were steadily climbing again, and finding by degrees that, though the slope increased, the way was less cumbered with dense growth, so that the advance was easier; while as the sun sank lower a gentle breeze sprang up to refresh them, making Gedge stretch out and increase the pace, in spite of the path growing more steep.

“Don’t think they’re after us – do you, sir?” said the lad at last, as they trudged on, watching the gradual ascent of a shadow on one of the hills in front.

“No; I think we succeeded in our scare.”

“Because it makes a lot o’ difference, sir.”

“I don’t understand you,” said Bracy.

“We’ve a lot to do to-morrow, sir; and while it’s dark I s’pose you’ll bivvywack.”

“I shall keep on till it’s too dark to see, my lad,” said Bracy, “and then we must sleep till it is light enough to see, and go on again. I want to get twenty-four hours’ walking between us and the fort.”

“Exactly, sir. Be safer then.”

“Perhaps,” said Bracy, smiling grimly.

“O’ course, sir,” said Gedge sharply; “but I was thinking about to-night. Is it to be watch and watch, sir – one on dooty, t’other off.”

“No; our work will be too hard for that, Gedge,” replied Bracy. “We must have as many hours’ heavy sleep as we can, or we shall never get to the Ghil Valley. The work to-day has been play to some of the climbing we shall have.”

“Yus, sir; I s’pose so,” said Gedge cheerily; “lot o’ uphill, o’ course.”

“Up mountain, my lad.”

“Yus, sir; only got in the way o’ calling all these snow-pynts hills; but it’ll be very fine; and after getting up one there must be some downhill on the other side. Do you know, sir, I’ve been reg’lar longing, like, ever since we come here, to go up a mountain – a reg’lar big one; but I didn’t think I should ever have the chance, and here it is come.”

Instead of rapidly growing darker a glorious sunset lit up cloud and mountain, till the peaks literally blazed and flashed with the colours of the various precious stones, wondrously magnified, till the ever-changing scene rose higher, fading rapidly, and only a few points burned as before. Then, in a minute, all was grey, and a peculiar sense of cold tempered the climbers’ brows.

“We shall just have time to reach that great patch of firs, Gedge,” said Bracy; “yonder, this side of the snow.”

“Right, sir, I see; but it’s a good two mile away.”

“Surely not,” said Bracy sceptically.

“’Tis, sir,” persisted the man. “Distances is precious deceiving.”

They kept on, with the gloom darkening rapidly now in the valleys, and the peaks in the distance standing up of a ghastly grey; while Gedge shook his head and said to himself:

“Gov’nor ought to know; but it ’ll be dark ’fore we get there.”

The next minute Gedge was looking in wonder at the peculiar rosy glow which suddenly began to suffuse the great mountain. The chilly grey died out and the ruddy glow grew richer and brighter for a time, while the sky in the west seemed to be blazing and as if the glow were being dragged backward, to aid the weary messengers till they could reach the fir-tree forest that was to form their camp.

“Think there’s a tremenjus fire somewhere, sir?” said Gedge at last.

“No; it is only what people call the Alpenglow,” said Bracy softly, for the wondrous beauty of the scene impressed him. “It will soon die out again, but it will help us on our way: for you were right, Gedge; that patch of trees was fully two miles from where we stood, and we have all our work cut out to reach it before dark. If we cannot we must shelter beneath the first wind-screen of rock we can find. What about your sheepskin coat? Is it too hot?”

“Not a bit, sir; I’m cooling down fast; and, I say, there goes the last of the light. Shall we get to the wood?”

“I’m afraid not,” said Bracy. “Look to the left, and I’ll look to the right. We’ll stop at the most likely spot we see.”

“Don’t, sir. I can keep my eye on that tall tree that goes up like a spike, and hit it if it gets twice as dark. Wind feels cool now; by-and-by it’ll be like ice up here. Hadn’t we better get right, into shelter?”

“Go on, then, my lad. I was thinking of you.”

“Then don’t, please, sir; I can keep on as long as you.”

The next minute – it seemed so close – the stars were shining brightly out of the deep purple sky, and it was as if their coming brought on a cooler breath of wind, which Gedge suggested had a sniff of frost in it. But they had no time for conversation; and, making a final effort to overcome their weariness, they pressed on till it had grown so dark that they felt that it would be hopeless to persevere, for the forest could not be readied. The next minute the darkness was profound; they were no longer stumbling along a stony way, but passing silently over a thick carpet of fir-needles; the sky was blotted out as if by a dense black cloud; and there was a strange humming overhead as of the sea upon the shore. For they had unwittingly reached and plunged into the forest when giving it up in despair.

“Mind the trees, sir,” said Gedge warningly. “I’ve just ketched myself an awful rap.”

“Feel your way with your rifle,” said Bracy hoarsely. “We need only go a little farther, so as to be well in shelter.”

So, after cautiously advancing about a hundred yards, feeling their way from trunk to trunk, they stopped short beneath one of the largest trees, and sank down amongst the fir-needles.

“Shall I make a fire, sir?” said Gedge; “here’s heaps of wood as ’ll burn like hoorrah.”

“Fire! Are you mad?” cried Bracy.

“No, sir; but I was feared you’d be cold.”

“No fire, and no watch, my lad,” said Bracy. “It would be impossible for any one to find us here. Make the best meal you can in the dark; then take out your revolver, and lie down with it in your hand, as I shall. You must sleep as hard as you like till daybreak. Think you can?”

Gedge said something indistinctly, for he had begun eating, but ten minutes later his voice sounded clear again.

“Likely to be any bears, sir?” he said.

“Very likely,” replied Bracy. “If one comes supper-hunting he’ll wake us by pawing us about and sniffing. Use your revolver then, only make sure of his head. Good-night, my lad.”
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