Stan Lynn: A Boy's Adventures in China
But still they came on, till after four final discharges there was a sharp, cracking sound below; glass had evidently been shivered in one of the lower windows, and a rush of flame illumined the smoke that now floated up thickly, while for the first time the besieged had a view of their fierce enemies who paused from their attack and stood back watching the progress of the mischief they had done.
“Don’t show yourselves in the light, either of you,” said Uncle Jeff, doing at once that which he had forbidden.
“Then don’t you!” cried Stan’s father. “Keep back, man – keep back!”
“Directly, old fellow,” said his brother. “I only want to see what they are about to do next. They’re busy about something.”
“I can see,” cried Stan excitedly from where he crouched with one eye over the edge of the table. “They’re carrying the men who have fallen away out of the light.”
“What!” cried Uncle Jeff. “Why, so they are – thirty of them at least, hard at work. Well, they have some humanity in them after all.”
“It’s almost too good to be true, Jeff,” said Stan’s father, “but I believe they are giving us up for a bad job.”
“You’re right, Oliver,” was the excited reply. “That’s it; they find us too hard nuts to crack.”
“They feel that the fire will bring help, and that it is time to be off. Come and help to remove the barricade; we must escape before the fire takes a firmer hold.”
“Wait a moment, both of you,” cried Uncle Jeff. “Yes. Hurrah in a whisper. Don’t shout. It’s all right; they are making off, and we are saved.”
“You forget the fire, Jeff,” said Stanley’s father sadly.
“Not I. Let’s hurry down and see what mischief has been done.”
“No, no,” cried Stan excitedly as the glow from beneath increased; “they are coming back again.”
“What!” cried Uncle Jeff. “No, you are wrong this time; it is a fresh mob from the busy part of the town, coming to see what plunder they can get from the fire.”
“Yes, I think you’re right,” said Stanley’s father – “come to see our ruin.”
“Who’s that talking about ruin?” said Uncle Jeff scornfully as, with Stan’s help, he took down the barricade and unfastened bar and bolt. “Let’s see what mischief the fire has done before we talk of that.”
“Think of saving our lives,” said Stan’s father excitedly. “Never mind the rest.”
“But I do mind the rest,” cried Uncle Jeff. “Come along, Stan. Never say die! I don’t believe the fire has had time to take much hold.”
“What are you going to do?” cried Stan’s father.
“Make a dash for the outer office, where the buckets hang. They’re all full.”
“For heaven’s sake take care! Don’t run any risks.”
Uncle Jeff did not seem to hear him, but ran down the stairs, to find the lobby full of smoke. His first act was to dash out the panes of glass in a fanlight to admit the fresh air, while directly after he threw open the door, whose fastenings Stan had by his instructions loosened.
“Keep back,” cried Stan’s father; “it is madness.”
“Bah!” said Uncle Jeff, who had a better view of the state of affairs. “Take a long breath and follow me.”
In his excitement Stan had just one glimpse of the office interior, where towards the window a great bonfire-like heap was blazing away, licking the side about the opening, and forming a column of fire and smoke which went wreathing and darting out, many-tongued, to rise high in the night air, spreading out towards the wharf, and making the water of the river beyond gleam, while a busy hum of many voices greeted them from beyond the flame and smoke.
“We can do nothing, Jeff,” cried Stan’s father; “only escape for our lives. It is madness to try and do anything.”
“Then let’s be mad, old fellow. – Bah! Nonsense! The draught carries all the fire from us, and we can breathe easily. Rouse up, man!”
“I am roused up,” cried Stan’s father angrily; “but I must think of my boy.”
“Don’t!” roared Uncle Jeff; “he’s big enough to think for himself. – Now, Stan, out through this door and get a bucket of water. Do as I do. – Come on, Oliver.”
“But the ceiling’s catching. The place will be all in flames directly.”
“Of course it will if we stand still and watch it. Come on.”
He led the way through the door before him, making a sudden rush past the blazing heap, and the other two followed, each lifting down a bucket of water from the dozen hanging in a row on the pegs where Uncle Jeff’s foresight had had them placed ready for such an emergency. As soon as he had seized his pair of buckets he stepped back through the brightly illuminated door; and as Stan quickly followed him, the two stood together, the boy feeling the scorching glow of the flames upon his face.
“Let me do the throwing, Stan,” said Uncle Jeff calmly, as he set one bucket on the floor. “Stand back, and look out for the choking steam.”
Then, with a clever whirl of the bucket, he sent its contents in a curve, spreading as it were so much golden liquid metal over the flames, a good sprinkling striking the woodwork on both sides of the window; and in an instant the sharp hissing of the encounter between fire and water was accompanied by a change, the fire still blaring furiously, but a great cloud of steam being formed, the odour of which struck Stan as abominable.
“Bravo!” cried Uncle Jeff. “Smell the hydrogen, my lad?”
As he spoke he set down his empty bucket, took up the full one at his feet, and scattered its contents in the same way and with a similar effect to that which had preceded it.
“Now,” he cried, “set down your two buckets, my lad; take back my empty ones, and bring two more. – Set yours down too, Oliver,” he continued coolly, “and do as the boy does – unless you want to play fireman.”
“No, no; go on,” said Stan’s father. “Splendid, my dear boy! Go on.”
“Yes, I’ll go on,” said Uncle Jeff coolly; “only one mustn’t waste a drop.”
As he spoke he scattered the contents of both Stan’s buckets, and then those of his brother, so deftly over the blazing woodwork that by the time the first six had been emptied the heart of Stan’s father rose with relief, for the change was wonderful. Then, as the second six bucketfuls were being thrown, the first two right upward to the ceiling, whence they began to drip in a steady shower whose drops hissed and crackled where they fell, it became evident that very little further effort would be needed to master the flames. In fact, now that the twelve buckets were nearly all exhausted, Stan found himself able to throw out the empty ones to some of the men who had gathered outside, plenty of willing hands being ready to catch them; and under the directions given in English by a loud voice outside, the men – coolies, most of them – hurried down to the edge of the wharf where the river ran muddily, and a second dozen buckets nearly finished the task.
“Stitch in time saves nine – eh, Stan?” cried Uncle Jeff merrily; “and a tumblerful of water at the beginning of a fire is better than a hogshead at the end. – H’m! there’s plenty of help now, Oliver. We’re not ruined yet, old man.”
“Thank heaven, no, Jeff!” said his brother. “I wish I had your coolness and nerve.”
“And I wish I had your nous, old fellow,” replied his brother quietly. “But there! we won’t have the place flooded. I’ll scatter about a couple of dozen more buckets over the smoking and charred wood; and then, as the mob gathering out there must be thirsty, we will distribute a few strings of copper money among them to make up for the chance of plunder that they have missed.”
Friendly voices by the score were now heard making inquiries; the help was plentiful, and in less than an hour clever carpenters were hammering away, replacing the broken and burned windows with a lattice-work of bamboo. Soon after a late-arriving party of the city guard were pursuing the marauders, while a certain number were posted about the offices and warehouse to protect the rich stores within from “friendly” and unfriendly attack.
But there was no sleep for the Lynns that night, and daylight made such a display of the effects of the night’s business that Stan’s first disposition was to burst out laughing in his uncle’s face.
“Eh? What is it? Why are you grinning at me, sir?” said the object of Stan’s mirth.
“I couldn’t help it, uncle,” said the lad apologetically. “Go and have a wash, and just look at your face.”
“Blackened a bit? Well, it does smart.”
“Why, Jeff,” cried Stan’s father, “your eyebrows, eyelashes, and beard are completely burned away.”
“What!” cried Uncle Jeff angrily. “My beautiful great beard? Oh! that comes of trying to save this wretched old house and store. – Why, you heartless young ruffian,” he roared as he met his nephew’s mirthful eyes, “you are laughing at my misfortune. Do you know what a loss like this means to me?”
“Yes, uncle,” replied Stan: “waiting until it grows again.”
Uncle Jeff’s countenance was a study as he stood staring at his nephew, his forehead all in wrinkles, eyes screwed up, and lips compressed, till all at once the muscles relaxed, his eyes opened widely, and a frank, pleasant smile of satisfaction began to make him look genial and sunny.
“Why, of course!” he cried. “I was going to put it down as a dead loss. I never thought of that, Stan. To be sure, it’s only a bit of waiting for it to grow again. Here, I can’t go out in this state. Call Sin the Wicked, Stan.”
“Yes, uncle,” was the reply, and Stan hurried out.
Chapter Three
“A Bloodthirsty Young Ruffian.”
Stan had been long enough in the great port to know something of the habits of the people, and he was in nowise surprised to find that not one of the employees had put in an appearance that morning; nor yet that Pi Sin, the general man-of-all-work of the household, who slept in the house, was nowhere to be found, for the simple reason that he had dropped from one of the windows and made off at the first alarm.
The lad was balked, then, at the offset, and had to return to his uncle for instructions.
“Gone – eh?” said Uncle Jeff. “Of course he would go. It doesn’t take much to scare one of his kind. You’ll have to fetch the barber for me, Stan. Know where he lives?”
“No,” said Stan.
“Keep along the wharf-side till you come to the big pagoda half and mile along the river, and then go down the narrow lane under the pagoda walls till you come to his place, just opposite the gate. You’ll see his shop. Tell him to come at once.”
“Can he speak English?”
“After a fashion; and half-a-dozen other languages too. Tell him he must come back with you. He’ll say he can’t leave home, but you say the one word ‘Dollar’ and he’ll come at once.”
“I understand, uncle,” was the reply; and the boy started off, feeling as if all the previous night’s experience had been a dream, and as if he were still only half-awake.
He was glad to escape from the dwelling over the offices, with their black, dismantled look, where all was charred wood, wet with the little deluge of water that had been poured thereon.
The lad sniffed two or three times involuntarily as he made his way out to pass through a crowd of staring idlers of all sorts and sizes, dressed in blue cotton jackets and trousers, save those whose costume half-way down was a pigtail only, the other half to the ground consisting of a pair of baggy, much-washed cotton trousers, tight at the ankles, and tucked into clumsy shoes with thick white soles. They were all staring vacantly at the damaged office and shattered windows; while the broken ladder, propped up in two pieces, was placed against the front of the house, and formed the greatest attraction of all, till Stan appeared, when about two hundred and fifty pairs of beady, piggish eyes were turned upon him, and there was a quiver of pigtails of all lengths, from a few inches to those of the finest growth, which tapped against the owners’ heels as they walked.
“I suppose I shall get to know one face from another in time,” thought Stan as the crowd made way for him, “but at present they all seem to be alike. My word! I do feel glad to get out. The place smelt like a school bonfire put out for fear of risk, or as the kitchen did when the cook upset part of the soup into the fire and made the rest taste just the same as this smells. – Oh, do get out of the way, some of you!” he said aloud impatiently. “Can’t you see that I’m in a hurry?”
“You wantee Sin?” said a high-pitched voice close behind; and Stan stopped short to face a particularly meek-looking, full-moon-countenanced Chinaman in the cleanest of cotton clothes, and without a wrinkle of trouble in his placid face.
“Wantee you? Yes,” said Stan angrily, for wakefulness, over-exertion, and hunger combined had put his nerves in a state of compound irritation. The sight of the man, too, brought up ideas of breakfast, as well as bitter annoyance against him for his desertion of them in their time of peril. “Why did you run away last night?”
“Lun away? Sin no lun away. Dlop down flat and clawl away so lobbee man not see.”
“Well, it’s all the same,” cried Stan. “Oh, you were a coward to desert us like that!”
The Chinaman smiled feebly, and there was a look of apology in his eyes as he said meekly:
“Plentee bad man makee Sin all aflaid. One man enough one man fight. One man can’tee fight gleat many. Only one Sin takee big knife and chop off head.”
“But you went away instead,” growled Stan sourly. “Look here, sir, I’ve a good mind to kick you.”
“What good? Stan-lee kick Sin, Sin go ’way and cly. No good cookee bleakfast.”
“Then I won’t kick you,” said the boy, who felt mollified by the suggestion of hot tea and cake contained in the man’s speech. “Here! run off and fetch the barber. Bring here.”
“No come. Shavee many man.”
“You say ‘Dollar,’ and bring him along.”
The Chinaman grinned and nodded.
“Come now,” he said, and turned to go, but stopped short directly to look curiously at his young master.
“Well,” said Stan, “why don’t you go?”
“Wantee go? Stan-lee wan tee man to shave him?”
“To shave me? Nonsense! To shave my uncle.”
“What good shave uncle? Uncle killee. All loasted ’way in big fi’.”
“Nonsense! He wasn’t hurt.”
“Not killee?”
“Not Mistee Lynn killee?”
“What! My father?”
The man nodded quickly.
“No; we fought the enemy and beat them off.”
“Sin velly glad,” said the man, smiling. “All say Mistee Jefflee and Mistee Lynn allee kill dead and loast black. Velly good job fo’ Sin. No go find new mastee. Sin lun fas’ now.”
He set off at a very slow dog-trot, and the lad looked after him for a few moments before walking back through the staring crowd, who had caught from Sin the refutation of their news, and were chattering eagerly, and, as it seemed to Stan, looking disappointed at the fact that neither of the English merchants had been killed. In fact, the information just received had reduced a serious catastrophe into nothing better than a pitiful fire and the breaking of a few windows; but the crowd stopped and stared all the same, just as persistently as a London gathering would round a house where something or another had happened.
“You’ve been pretty quick, Stan,” said his father as the lad entered the room where the brothers were discussing the night’s proceedings, with their loaded revolvers lying upon the table.
Uncle Jeff turned sharply and stared.
“You haven’t been?” he said as he passed his hand slowly over his singed face.
Stan told of his meeting with their Chinese cook and general man.
“The cowardly ruffian!” cried Uncle Jeff angrily. “Did he say anything about leaving us in the lurch last night?”
Stan told him.
“Of course. Velly much aflaid. Just like a Chinaman; but they’re brave enough when they’re fifty to one, as they were last night. He ought to have stood by us, Stan. We’ve behaved well to him.”
“He’s a very good servant, Jeff,” said Stan’s father, “and works well for us. Don’t bully the man for what he cannot help.”
“I’m not going to, Oliver. I know, and I’ll forgive him if he’ll only make haste back, bring that precious barber, and get us some breakfast. I’m starving.”
As it happened, the unhappily named man came hurrying back with the razor-wielder; and soon after the latter had performed his task, turning Uncle Jeff into a bluff-looking middle-aged man with closely cut hair, smooth chin, and a short, fierce moustache, Sin made his appearance at the door, to smilingly announce that “bleakfast” was “leady,” and then stood fast, wide-open of eyes, extended of lips, and shaking gently.
“You scoundrel!” cried Uncle Jeff. “If you dare to laugh at my misfortunes I’ll kick you downstairs.”
“Pi Sin no laugh at Mistee Jeff’s misfoltunes,” said the man piteously. “Him laugh see mast’ look so ’live and well when Sin tink um dead and bellied. Gleat pity didn’t make shave all head and weah long tail.”
“Oh, that’s it, is it?” said Uncle Jeff, who was mollified by the man’s words, “Well, what’s for breakfast?”
“Coffee, hot cake – ”
“What!” cried Uncle Jeff. “You’ve had no time to make hot cakes.”
“Pi Sin buy um all leady at bakee when he go fetch shave-man.”
“Oh, that’s how you managed – eh?” said Uncle Jeff Sin smiled.
“Make poke-pie yes’day. Nice cold.”
“That’ll about do – eh, Stan?” said Uncle Jeff.
“Capitally, uncle.”
“Got any appetite after your fighting?”
“Oh yes, uncle; it has made me terribly hungry.”
“Then come along.”
“Hah!” said Uncle Jeff, about a quarter of an hour later, as he wiped his lips with a paper napkin. “Who’d ever have thought we should be having such a breakfast as this in the old place – eh, Oliver?”
“I for one fully expected that we should be buried in its ashes,” said Stan’s father.
“Humph!” said Uncle Jeff; “then next time you think such dolorous things keep them to yourself, and don’t say them to spoil your son’s breakfast.”
“They don’t spoil my breakfast a bit, Uncle Jeff. More pie, please.”
“You’re right, Stan. Sin is a good cook, even if he is no use as a fighting-man.”
“Splendid, uncle.”
“And we’ll forgive him – eh?”
“Certainly, uncle.”
Five minutes later the object of these remarks appeared, to say that a party of gentlemen had arrived.
It was a deputation from the foreign merchants of the port, to offer condolences and help to their brethren; and on finding how little the Lynns had suffered, they did not hesitate to tell them that they might have expected the fate that befell them, which was like a judgment upon them for erecting their warehouse and stores so far away from their brother-merchants, and prophesied more evil to them if they failed now to remove to a safer position.
“Likely!” said Uncle Jeff. “Who’s going to pull a great place like this down and build another?”
This after their friends had gone.
“It is impossible, of course, Jeff,” said Stan’s father sadly. “We must content ourselves with strengthening this a little more, and hope to escape by being more ready for an attack.”
By this time clerks and warehousemen – the latter Chinese – were busy at work over their daily avocations, just as if nothing had happened, though the remarks among themselves were many. The native craftsmen, too – carpenters, painters, and glaziers – were busy repairing damages, just as if, Stan thought, it was a town in old England, instead of in the far east of Asia, when a Chinese messenger arrived, a round-faced, carefully dressed, middle-aged man, who had come in charge of a consignment of silk from the collecting hong of Lynn Brothers’ house down south on the Mour River; and one of the passages in the letter the man brought from their manager was the cause of a good deal of perplexity at such a time.
Stan entered the room after a quiet inspection of the messenger, who smiled at him blandly and then began to carefully trim and polish the nails of his forefingers, each of which was long and sharp and kept in a thimble-like sheath of silver; while, to indicate his higher position in life than the cook, the new arrival’s dark-blue frock was of silk.
“It’s very, very awkward,” said Stan’s father.
“Very,” said his brother. “Quite impossible for me to go now.”
“It is not so much help he asks for as a companion,” said Stan’s father.
“Some one trustworthy whom he can leave in charge for a short time while he is away buying or visiting at one or other of the hongs up the river.”
“Yes, that is the sort of man; but how are we to get such a person without sending to England?”
“But he wants him now, by return boat,” said Uncle Jeff testily. “The fellow must be mad. Here, I have it,” he whispered, leaning across the table.
“You are busy, father. Shall I go?” said Stan, who noticed the movement.
“No,” cried Uncle Jeff sharply, answering for his brother. “Sit down a bit. Perhaps we shall want you. – Here, Oliver,” he whispered; “why not send Stan?”
“What! Oh, he’s too young and inexperienced.”
“Not a bit too young, and the experience will come.”
“But it’s so far away, and there may be risks.”
“Risks? Do you think it’s going to be half so risky as staying here? Because if you do, I don’t.”
“There is something in that,” said his brother.
“Of course there is; and we can’t slave Blunt to death. I meant to have stayed with him a couple of months to lighten his work; but, as we have said, it is quite impossible. Stan would be the very fellow.”
The lad’s father tapped the table with the tips of his fingers and frowned.
“Very well,” he said suddenly. “He proved that he could play the man last night. – Here, Stan.”
“Yes, father.”
“Your uncle and I want you to go south to the Mour River – to our branch collecting-house there, under the charge of our Mr Blunt.”
“Very well, father,” said the lad, the news coming like a shock after the events of the past night.
“You’ll find Blunt rather rough – such a man as ought to be named Blunt – but a good fellow at bottom,” said Uncle Jeff.
“I’m afraid you’ll find it rather solitary, my boy,” said Stan’s father; “but it will be a fine lesson in business, and you’ll learn a great deal.”
“Very well, father,” said the lad again coldly.
“Hullo, young man!” cried his uncle. “What’s the meaning of this? You ought to be jumping for joy at the thought of going to a new place, and you look as if you don’t want to go,” said Uncle Jeff.
“I don’t, uncle,” said the lad.
“And pray why?” said his father.
“Because you are going to send me away, father, as you don’t think it is safe for me here; and I don’t want to leave you both in trouble.”
There was a dead silence, and the brothers exchanged glances, the eyes of both looking dark, before the senior spoke, holding out his hand to grasp that of his son.
“On my word of honour, no, Stan,” he said in a voice slightly affected by the emotion he felt. “Indeed, it is because we are – your uncle and I – in a difficulty about responding to our Mour manager’s demand. Your uncle was to go, but after last night’s attack it would be impossible for him to leave me here alone.”
Stan gazed sharply from his father to his uncle and back again, with doubt shining out of his eyes; then he said in an eager, excited way:
“Then it isn’t because I seemed cowardly last night, father?”
“Cowardly!” cried the brothers in a breath.
“And because you want to send me where I shall be safe?”
“No, my dear boy – no,” cried his father warmly.
“Not a bit of it, Stan, old chap,” cried Uncle Jeff. “Why, we’d give anything to keep such a proved soldier with us. It’s because we can’t help ourselves that we want to send you.”
“Yes, Stan; your uncle is speaking the simple truth. But we will not press you if you feel that you would rather stay here with us.”
“Yes, father,” said the boy. “I know it is dangerous, but I would rather stay here with you.”
“Hark at the bloodthirsty young ruffian!” cried Uncle Jeff, with something like a tremble in his voice. “He wants to stop here and shoot down pirates by the score.”
“I don’t, uncle!” cried the boy angrily. – “I want to be of use to you now, father, and not to think only of myself. I’m going to this place on that river, wherever it is, but I’m afraid I shan’t be of so much use as you expect. I haven’t learnt to be business-like at school, and I don’t think classics and mathematics will do much good where you want me to go.”