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Taming the Rebel Tycoon: Wife by Approval / Dating the Rebel Tycoon / The Playboy Takes a Wife

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‘The first time I saw you I knew you were all I’d ever dreamed of or wanted in a woman.’

Though his answer was sweet and romantic, something impelled her to say, ‘It just seems so sudden…’

He brushed her lips lightly with his. ‘Have you never heard of love at first sight?’

‘Of course, but—’

‘I had hoped the feeling might have been mutual.’

After a moment she admitted softly, ‘It was.’

Making no attempt to hide his elation, he pulled her into his arms and began to kiss her in earnest.

For a while they stood embracing, lost to the world, like Donne’s ecstatic lovers.

Eventually, the intrusive thought that there were still things to be done, one final hurdle to surmount, disturbed the blissful mood.

Lifting his head reluctantly and opting for a change of scene, Richard suggested, ‘It’s a lovely morning—shall we get some fresh air?’

A fountain of happiness welling inside her, she nodded. ‘Let’s.’

‘Sure the ankle’s up to it?’

‘It’s as good as new this morning.’

‘Oh, wait a minute, you won’t have had anything to eat yet…’

‘I haven’t, but—’

‘There’ll be bacon and eggs and coffee keeping hot in the breakfast room.’

‘I’m not hungry, but I’d like a cup of coffee before we go.’

When they’d each had a coffee, wondering how best to play it without appearing to rush things, he suggested casually, ‘Would you like to stroll down and see the horses?’

‘I’d love to.’

‘You said you used to ride.’

‘Oh, yes. Though I haven’t been on a horse for some time now, I rode a lot when I was younger.’

‘Then perhaps we could take them out.’

He captured her hand and laced his fingers through hers as they left the breakfast room and made their way along the length of the hall.

Beyond the servants’ quarters, the kitchens and a flagged outer hall—all of which appeared to be deserted—a huge studded-oak door opened on to a wide area of decking and a sturdy wooden bridge.

‘The tradesmen’s entrance,’ Richard told her with a grin as they crossed the bridge hand in hand.

It was a beautiful morning, calm and sunny, the balmy air full of the oddly poignant scents of autumn: freshly sawn pine logs, late wallflowers, decaying leaves and woodsmoke.

On the far side of the bridge was a paved carriageway, one fork of which served the garden area, while the other, running between smooth lawns, sloped gently down to an old-fashioned stone-built stable block and coach house.

The large central archway was surmounted by a cupola, on top of which a black wrought iron weathervane—a horse taking the place of the traditional cock—stood motionless in the still air.

On all four sides of the cupola was a large clock with a blue face and golden hands that declared it was almost ten-thirty.

In the stable yard a short bow-legged man wearing a flat cap, a flannel shirt and riding breeches was grooming a large black stallion, whose coat gleamed with good health and care.

‘Morning, Josh,’ Richard said cheerfully. ‘I’d like you to meet Miss Dunbar.’

‘Good morning, miss…Morning, Mr Richard.’ The groom touched his forelock in a gesture Tina had thought obsolete.

Indicating a chestnut mare with pricked ears and gentle eyes who was regarding them quietly over one of the stable doors, Richard told her, ‘This is Juno.’

‘Well, hello…’ Tina stroked the waiting head and was nuzzled in return. ‘You’re beautiful…’

‘And, as you’ve no doubt guessed, this is Jupiter.’ Richard clapped the black horse on the shoulder.

Taking a liking to the big placid-looking animal, she stroked his velvety muzzle and told him, ‘My, but you’re a handsome fellow…’

Lifting his head, he snuffled her cheek appreciatively.

‘If you were thinking of taking un out,’ Josh said, ‘I can have un saddled up in no time at all.’

‘What about Juno?’ Richard asked.

‘Yesterday when ’er was out, ’er cast a near hind shoe. I’m waiting on Tom Ferris. Said ’e’d fetch ’er some time this morning, so if you were wanting to take ’er out later…’

As if sensing Tina’s disappointment, Richard glanced at her and suggested, ‘If you fancy a ride now, Jupiter will easily take both of us.’

At her eager acceptance, he nodded to the groom. ‘Saddle him up, Josh.’

As soon as the horse was ready, the groom disappeared, to return almost immediately with two riding hats.

‘There be yours, Mr Richard, and I fancy the mistress’s old un’ll do fine for Miss Dunbar.’

The protective headgear buckled into place, Tina climbed the two steps to the mounting block and in a trice was astride Jupiter’s broad back, taking care to leave the stirrups free for Richard.

He swung himself lightly into the saddle behind her and a moment later, with a wave to Josh, they were off.

Holding the reins in his left hand, his right arm securely around Tina, for a while they ambled along, heading south through pleasant undulating parkland.

After they had gone some half a mile, in response to Jupiter’s urging, Richard gave the beast his head and, making light of his load, the big horse broke into an easy canter.

It was exhilarating and Tina laughed aloud with the sheer joy of it. In response to such spontaneous gladness, Richard’s arm tightened around her.

When a shallow stream came into view, unwilling to overtax the horse, he reined him in and they ambled down to the water’s edge.
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