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Gabriel left the zone of access to his hangar for the repair of multi-tier simulators, where besides him worked two mechanic trainees dismantling all types of electrical devices: exercise bikes for employees studying heart rate changes, body temperature and finding a pacemaker; side robots, leading the main work on the assembly of all aerodynamic simulators; operating systems that control clone bracelets; electronic payroll receipt orders; electric engineers, as in the subway, for employees when they descended into underground communication laboratories; light displays at the intersection of each inspection room, where all the secret materials of the aerodrome were placed, and much more that was their responsibility.

Regina, with the hope of a speedy meeting with Gabriel, appeared on the theatrical stage between the wings without a princess costume, afraid to move, causing the director’s anger, since there was no time for dressing up.

“So, I do not see the main character,” shouted the director, waving his hands for clarity. “Why there is no light frame. We must maintain our security from the sudden invasions of clones.”

He settled down near the stage in an armchair, and on his desk there was already a cup of freshly prepared coffee. In appearance he was about sixty. Tall, thin, greyish, with nervous movements, dressed in a suit and an ordinary gray robe, which he wore to warm in order not to freeze in a cold room. After working for many years in this position, he had several clones at his disposal, which he used for his work at hand, but did not allow him to approach himself, but only transmitted radio signals to their bracelets.

“I did not have ten minutes to disguise because of traffic jams and accidents on the road. I had to wait,” becoming the opposite of the director in the polar direction, Regina, the lead singer performing the main part, explained disappointedly.

“Ok,” the director clapped his hands. “Getting started. Your way out.”

Played a quick tune from the speakers. Regina, checking her voice with a phonogram that slid over a quiet background, sang Gilda’s part from Verdi’s opera “Rigoletto”.

The action of the second act, they rehearsed several times with the scenery, so the appearance of the indispensable, the only soloist so angered the director, introducing the entire troupe into such confusion that Rigoletto himself, who was both the director and Regina’s father, made everyone move in a circle. Other female actors, performers of roles, diligently brushing the dust from the dresses, entered the images, preparing to shine on the stage in a similar way. They were comprehensively developed, civilized, melodiously repeating to themselves the texts of the arias in Italian. Regina placed all her arias in a small box of a recorder, so from childhood she could not imagine her life outside the theater. They always trusted her, set the example of the whole troupe, not stint on compliments. And this time the director, having finished his role, instructively said:

“Well done, princess. Now run, change your clothes. I hope we will please our viewers in a week with the premiere.”

Regina returned three minutes later. The dresser was already keeping her costume behind the scenes. The girl, quickly throwing off her sweater, put on a ball gown right there. Then they played the whole performance to the end in theatrical costumes, observing pauses.

“I get goose bumps when I imagine that this idea of the composer probably took place in real life,” Regina exclaimed in the dressing room, addressing her friend, Giovanna’s performer, the girl’s mentor.

“My content doesn’t care at all. Outdated edition of our life does not apply. I think nothing was chosen such a tragedy. There is something more modern,” Violetta sympathized with putting her hand on Regina’s shoulder. “My name is also listed in the operatic repertoire.”

“We’re tired of space tragedies long ago, but at all costs we could even sing the drama ‘Orpheus Going to Hell’ by Williams,” Regina remembered the play she had seen on a mobile gadget a few days ago.

“The repertoire already has an eighteenth-century opera “Orpheus and Eurydice” by Gluck for three roles. Uneasy melancholy. Someday we will have a competition; we will fulfill all our obligations to the conductor of the orchestra. For now we will be content with what we have in stock.

“Do you have an affair with him?”

“Something likes that. We prefer not to cover this topic with our extras and the corps de ballet.

“Would you like to change the party with me?” Regina asked an envious and jealous girlfriend, finishing shoot makeup near the mirror.

“Why not? And you?”

“Everything is in our power, but all we need is time and patience,” the princess wisely remarked instead of saying goodbye, heading for the exit from the dressing room. Girls dressed in their daily costumes. They parted with a sense of satisfaction that the rehearsal was successfully over, not a single clone was hurt when they moved the scenery. Those were periodically thrown out of the windows in the hope of getting out of the state of trance, in which they were constantly after the next portion of doping.

“I waited. I see you are on the rise,” standing at the exit from the theater, Gabriel praised Regina

“How are you doing? Put in order the operating system and the coordination of impulses of my electric car?”

“Everything is fine. You can drive,” said Gabriel, skipping Regina forward, watching how she sat down easily in the front seat and began testing the engine – a set of wires connected to an electric charger.

He himself sat next to her.

“It seems all is well. Thank you,” the girl, who did not want to put up with loneliness, said laconically. They drove a few meters away. Suddenly they heard deafening cries:

“Down with the main director!”

“Long live freedom!”

“Down with the conductor!”

“We ourselves will be able to put on a performance and go out to the world level in order to earn millions of dollars!

“Soloists for the stage!” scanned clones.

They staged a strike, deciding to do away with their past at once, in order to prove to all the unemployed that jobs are open to everyone.

“They are on strike again,” Regina said, worrying about her friend, who was lingering in the lobby, waiting for a taxi.

Dark, night, city lighting required an increase in the number of power plants, increasing power.

“Do you have a target disassembly with the staff?” asked Gabriel, who was not used to disobedience, but always acted on instructions.

“Yes, the clones have their own requirements. They work for time off. Money they do not pay to limit freedom.”

“We do the same at the aerodrome, but we do not control the light frames, but we reinstall personnel, neutron isolators, where all clones flow in searching for a habitat.”

“Made a special sump for them?” Regina asked, completely internally devastated after the rehearsal.

“Something likes that. There is a means of communication. They can express their opinion or send any message up.”

“Are you not afraid that I will learn state secrets by breaking the sequence between you and them?”

“No, I am not afraid. We have no slavery. Everyone is busy doing things they love.”

“Or maybe you want to reorient me?” Regina asked, directing the electric car to the supermarket, where Gabriel was so eager that she treated him to something exotic and natural.

“What kind of talk do you have? Well, okay, such a beautiful girl can be forgiven for tactlessness,” he sincerely smiled, in order to find mutual understanding with Regina.

“Thank you,” she answered mechanically, softening, without in the least giving importance to the significance of the moment.

“Would you like to be my bride?” Gabriel took into account all possible answers.

“What is so right?” Regina asked worriedly.

“Why immediately? We will be together forever. In the meantime, you just need to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no.’”

“What do you think?” Regina began to ask basic questions that required the most creative answers in the spirit of the Chinese princess Turandot.

“I think that my intellectual abilities will be useful to the theatrical diva. The position of the Commander-in-Chief looms on my horizon,” he insistently made his urgent demands.

“Do you want to grow up in my eyes?” she continued the telescopic “shelling” of the coded object sitting next to her in an electric vehicle.

“Awesome shrewdness,” Gabriel agreed wholeheartedly.

“Note that I am still a top model, a fashion model, an actress,” the girl decided to share her achievements in the show business.
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