But we are always told that God, that is, the Prime Creator, is Love, and that this is the greatest Force in the Universe, capable of dissolving any Darkness. And you speak of Love having a Dual Pair – Hatred and the Vector of Hatred in the Anti-world.
I already told you that in the Anti-world, everything is the opposite. And there, the main driving force is Hatred, just as in your world it is Love. You continue to evaluate everything from the perspective of your moral principles, but there are simply two Poles of Energy of the Prime Creator.
So, does it mean that Hatred is also the Prime Creator, and He can hate just as He can love? It's hard to believe.
Abstain from moral judgments, though it is not easy. Everything was created by the Will of God, by the Will of the Prime Creator, based on His Thought-form of Separation, dividing into two poles. In your World, the Prime Creator manifests as Love; in the opposite World, the Prime Creator manifests as Hatred. These are simply two different poles of the Prime Creator, two different poles of His Divine Will.
It's difficult for me to abstain. In my World, if a person hates, they kill another person. I understand that death, in the grand scheme of things, does not exist, but what good is there in killing? How can it be justified? It seems like an inverted World.
I understand that it's difficult for you to grasp this and to take such a colossal step away from what you have been taught for many centuries. But if Duality exists, then why does it cease to exist in one part of the Universe? Where does it go?
We are told that only in part of the Universe is there an Experiment of Duality, while in the Higher Spheres, this division does not exist.
Yes, in the Higher Spheres, there is no division into duality, because the Higher Spheres are located close to the Original Point of Duality. And so, in the Higher Light Spheres, everything is clear as day, to use your language. There, Light prevails; it is strong and pure.
And this Light does not accept or understand Darkness. And this Light, from its position, in the form of the Hierarchy of Light, fights against Darkness, opposes it, and does not accept it.
But, the further a Being moves away from the Higher Spheres, that is, from the Original Points of Duality, the more the Light dissipates, and the more twilight elements begin to dominate in the Beings (as in humanity), the less the Light is heard.
And there are points in the Universe where Light is balanced with Darkness.
And there are points in the Universe, at a distance, where Light transitions into Darkness and, by this vector, now moves towards the Original Point of Duality, but as if from the other side.
The same is true in the World of Darkness. The closer Beings are to the Original Point of Duality, the darker they are, the less they understand what Light is, and the more the Hierarchy of Darkness fights against Light and opposes it. And hence all the stories about how Darkness advances.
But, the further a Being moves away from the Original Point, the more Darkness dissipates.
And there are areas in the Dark World where Darkness is balanced with Light.
And there are areas where Darkness transitions into Light and strives towards Light, as if from the other side.
And the Points of Equilibrium in one World and the other are essentially the same regions of the Universe, into which Beings enter by different paths.
And the Twilight Regions of the Universe are, in fact, the same areas through which Beings travel between the two Worlds.
And therefore, it is possible to enter from the Dark Side into the Light Side through the Original Point of Duality. But this is a Path of Strengthening, a difficult path, the Path of Strength and self-denial and self-sacrifice.
And one can move from the Dark Side to the Light Side by moving away from Darkness through the Twilight Zone.
And one can move from the Light Side to the Dark Side through the Original Point of Duality, by maximizing one's Light, through the Path of Self-denial and Strength. Or, Light can enter Darkness by moving away from Light into the Twilight Zone.
In both cases, the boundary is very thin.
So, the more you strive towards Light, the stronger your drive towards the maximum Light, that is, towards the Point of Duality. And so, at a certain point, the force of Duality will "flip" your drive – into the Dual Pair. Like when a swing, if pushed hard enough, can fly to the opposite side, or a pendulum can rise to its uppermost point, and vice versa.
Let's use a swing as an analogy.
There is the lower part of the swing's movement, where it is comfortable; let's call this "Light." The more you swing the swing, the more you move away from the lower position of the swing, the more you strive towards the uppermost point of the swing's arc, where it’s a bit scary and takes your breath away. Let's call this "Darkness."
The more you swing, the greater the force of inertia, and the more you are drawn towards the lower point of the swing. If you stop the swing, you will end up in the lower position, in the "Point of Light." It is comfortable there.
If you start swinging the swing, you will strive to move away from this "Point of Light," and more towards the "Point of Darkness" – the opposite point, the highest point of the swing's arc. And the more you strive towards the "Point of Darkness," the stronger the vector of your drive, and thus, at one fine moment, you will flip over to the very top point of the swing's trajectory. Imagine that there is a magnet at this point. And the swing, under the influence of this magnet, has stopped. What would you feel? You would literally be standing upside down; all your references would shift, the top would become the bottom. Imagine that now you have to live in such a state – where beneath your feet is not the ground but emptiness. Sooner or later, you would adapt to that world, though it would be difficult, but it would become familiar to you.
In this example, the left and right positions of the swing's movement are the Central Points of the Twilight Zones. But it's even "more quantum," as one of your interlocutors says.
In reality, the division into the upper and lower Points is an illusion. Because they are one and the same Point – the transition of Light into Darkness, the World into the Anti-world, the black hole into the white hole. In reality, there are no extreme left and right points of the swing, but there is a single twilight-dawn zone of the transition state of Light and Darkness, the World and the Anti-world.
Now let's consider your question with this analogy. In the state of the lowest point on the "swing," where it is comfortable, killing is nonsense, an incomprehensible action. Why kill if you can live and enjoy this "swing"? But, if you enter the opposite world, in the "reverse swing," you might think that maybe you should fall to the ground because such a position is uncomfortable for you, and falling to the ground might lead to you being broken and dying. In this sense, killing for the one who is killed is, in a way, an exit from the Anti-world. And in this sense, if judged from the perspective of the opposite world, the killer helps the victim exit into another area of the Universe.
This is, of course, a very rough analogy. It's hard for me to explain the anti-logic of the Anti-world to you because you won’t be able to perceive it. Anti-logic and anti-laws. Everything is the opposite. Accept this for now as a given.
Well, suppose so. Then, does it turn out that in the Anti-world there is a "Me, hating," my opposite?
It depends on how you perceive the word "I". It has many meanings. Your Collective Soul came to experience Duality in this sector of the Universe. Naturally, it undergoes all possible experiences of the Universe, including the experiences of the Dark side. In this sense, You, as the Collective Soul, split into parts and stepped through the "doors of reality" of all possible versions of your incarnation. You, as a fragment of the Collective Soul, are currently experiencing life in the Light World, within multiple Light Realities. But there is also your opposite, your dark side. How deeply you delve into it depends on your Choice.
But we are urged to accept our dark side. What does this refer to? Is it about my complete opposite in the Antiworld, or about the dark qualities within me? And why do they exist within me? Am I in the Twilight Zone?
Well done! I'm glad you can think outside the box. All of humanity is in the Twilight Zones of the Universe. And you are there with it, as part of it. From this Twilight Zone, one can equally move towards both Light and Darkness, towards the World and the Antiworld. Therefore, the Forces of Light urge humanity to reject Darkness and embrace the Light. And the forces of Darkness do the opposite.
Some civilizations have already made their choice between Darkness and Light. I won't classify anyone's choice. I'm simply talking about the structure of the Universe and the possibility of Choice.
Those close to the Original Point of Duality do not accept the Opposite Side; they lack that Side. Those in the Twilight Zone have both Dark and Light Sides, and they constantly have to choose between Light and Darkness. In this sense, those close to the Original Point of Duality have no Choice, and they speak of this: "Let His Will be done." Those further from the Original Points of Duality have more Choice, more Freedom. For those near the Points of Duality, it is natural not to have their own Will because they are close to their Side, and this is their normal energetic state – a state of fusion with the maximum saturation of their Side. Therefore, they cannot understand the wavering of those who have distanced themselves from the Original Points of Duality and are in a state of duality, in twilight, constantly choosing between Light and Darkness.
Those who consistently choose Light begin to move closer to the Original Point of Duality from the Light side, and the Dark side affects them less. They seem to distance themselves from Darkness and their Dark side, illuminating it with the Light of their chosen Light side. Conversely, those who consistently choose Darkness move closer to the Original Point of Duality from the Dark side and distance themselves from the Light, as if dimming their Light side, and Darkness engulfs their Light.
Then why are we urged to balance Light and Darkness within ourselves?
If you balance Light and Darkness within yourself, you reach a point of equilibrium in the Twilight Zone. This is the magical exit into Absolute Consciousness, the very same "emergency brake" that saves. At the Original Point of Duality, the separation is strong, like a fountain spraying in all directions, with powerful streams. In the Points of Equilibrium, there is calm, and this calm is the entry into the Absolute Void of the Source.
You can choose whichever trajectory of movement you wish.
You can strive towards the Light, that is, towards the Original Point of Duality through the Light, thereby amplifying your Light and dissolving your Dark side in Light. In doing so, you ascend to the Higher Light Worlds and gradually lose the Freedom of Choice, as there is little of it there.
Or you can find a point of equilibrium between Darkness and Light in the Twilight Zone and merge with Absolute Consciousness.
Naturally, the closer your position is to the Original Point of Duality, the more comfortable and joyful you feel because you don't have to choose between extremes, between the Dark and Light parts of yourself. You don't have to sway from side to side. Your Path is stable and joyful.
The more you dwell in the Twilight Zone, the more the Light in you "swings" the Darkness, and the Darkness "swings" the Light. And from this, you suffer. The greater the amplitude of this "swinging," the more you suffer. Because your Light side suffers from your Dark side, and the Dark side suffers from the Light, and you are divided, not whole.
Does this mean that the First Creator also suffers since He too is divided and not whole?
The First Creator is simultaneously present in all Points. His consciousness is not divided. He is both divided and whole at the same time. He is simultaneously in the Original Points of Duality, in the Twilight Zones, and in the Points of Equilibrium. And since He feels His wholeness, one Point compensates for another. Darkness dissolves in Light, and Light is absorbed by Darkness simultaneously. Therefore, He is in constant balance.
But when He wishes to immerse His Consciousness into one of His parts, He either suffers or rejoices along with everyone else because He exists in everything simultaneously.
But what about His Love? Does it turn into Hatred in the Antiworld?
Love is fusion. You've been told this. He is fused with all. He is one.