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You create and generate the configuration of the magnetic field that holds your cells in the state and composition in which they exist now. You are their god. And this can be called the third density, where your actions and your choice are determined by some god who unites you into a single conglomerate, into a single organism, into a single strictly oriented team. And at this level, the magnetic force of a certain quality unites these parts into a single organism. And it was the same with humanity. For a long time, you carried out the tasks of strict unity, tasks of submission. And your tasks and your path of development were determined by that god who united you.

Which god united us?

I already mentioned. Your Planetary Essence.

I don't understand. Is the Planetary Essence Gaia or Sanat Kumara, also known as Jehovah?

These are two aspects of the planetary essence, two dual aspects. Two types of energy.

It feels like they exist separately.

Yes, at your level, it is so.

I don't understand. Sanat Kumara has his female half, his Archai, probably. But what about Gaia?

Gaia is the female half of the planetary Spirit. And on your path of development, the male spirit became predominant in determining the will of humanity's development as a community.

So, the god who united you with his magnetic will, or rather, who maintains your collective form as humanity, who unites you together as a whole, and who determined the laws of your development.

Many people are currently dissatisfied with Jehovah's actions. Does it turn out that he is not to blame and is just working as a universal magnet?

The concept of blame is not quite accurate. There are choices, and there are consequences. You were drawn into the concept of guilt. No one should feel guilty. Everyone should just understand the consequences of their choices and accept those consequences. There is no system of punishment and fear of punishment. There is a clear understanding of the cause-and-effect relationships of your choice. And the ability to accept these consequences.

Jehovah, like everyone else, exercises his choice within his authority. He united humanity with his will, and the quality of his unification is now reflecting on him as a consequence of his choice. He chose to make your unity exactly this way. And for a long time, you lived as cells of his organism, obeying his commands, his choices, his tasks, maintaining the organism he created. Similarly, the cells of your body obey the commands from your brain. Although each exists as a separate independent essence, a separate ray of consciousness and Spirit. But they chose to undergo their experience as part of your body and you as part of humanity. And humanity as part of the Planetary Spirit. The experience is manifold and also includes Everything. And your cells can also be "dissatisfied" with your choices. And believe me, they don't want to die, but each of you makes many choices on your path that lead to the death of cells. So, this is not the time for accusations. You need to move forward and realize yourselves as creators, as gods.

But then, some children suddenly start showing awareness. They begin to understand why they were confined by adults and gradually start exploring the world around them. They see the dangers that might be lurking. That’s when the next stage of maturity begins. This is the stage of being in a group, recognizing oneself as a part of the whole, and understanding oneself as both a part of the team and the team itself.

When each of you starts to understand that you are an individual part of humanity and can be independent of it, but at this stage, you fulfill common tasks and follow common rules that are not harmful but rather contribute to your development, complementing and educating you, then such a person can slowly be 'let out through the gate' beyond the fence of the 'kindergarten,' beyond the boundary of the world in which they reside.

Some of you have developed the notion that the planet is a prison. This is a distorted view. It’s not like that. It’s simply that care is being taken for you, for your safety. Of course, inside the 'kindergarten' fence, you play strange games. And your caretakers do not interfere with this and carefully ensure that no one causes significant harm to another. Those who fall ill are moved to isolation, and so on—everything follows the same script.

But when someone among you begins to show understanding, they start being taught about what lies beyond the 'kindergarten' gates—explained what laws operate there, how to navigate, and what to beware of. Gradually, you are allowed to take walks in the outside world, but under the supervision of a caretaker. After all, you do the same with your own children, yet you don’t call it a prison. And believe me, sometimes they think so too. Some of you may find this comparison offensive; you don’t want to remain in a kindergarten. But believe me, there’s no condescension here. Only care.

But then, what about the seven Kumaras that Sanat Kumara created: the Kumara of Suffering, the Kumara of Pain, the Kumara of Death, the Kumara of Judgment, the Kumara of Greed, and so on? It is written in the TAO that these are his inventions. Why did he do this, as the leader of our 'kindergarten'?

He spoke to you. He believed that such training programs would prepare you better. And that was his choice. He went through all of this with you.

But let’s return to you. So, some of you are beginning to realize yourselves as independent and are learning new qualities, qualities of a new level. This is what you call the fourth level. It is the awareness of oneself as part of the Whole and existing as a part within the Whole, consciously. With each new level, your degree of freedom increases. Because freedom is, above all, responsibility for your choices. Freedom of choice is the freedom to choose the consequences of your choice. Understand this and remember it. It’s important.

Until you realize that with every step, with every thought, you are choosing this or that consequence, which manifests in your reality and the reality of all humanity, you won’t be let out of the 'kindergarten' gate, which is essentially a playground.

One question keeps bothering me. When I spoke with El Morya, he admitted that we are all now energetically intertwined and can ascend only together. But we can also choose our own path, purely magnetic, and ascend separately. Besides, the TAO says that all the higher essences of our world, except for Christ, have ascended and continue to ascend through the energy of worship, which they receive from us. How would you comment on this?

Teachers teach what they know and can do. The caretakers of the 'kindergarten' instill in the 'children' the skills they themselves have mastered. And, of course, in this process, there is an exchange of energies and symbiosis, and this is inevitable. If you remove your moral judgments, each person represents a configuration of the manifestation of their Divine energy, a configuration of its intertwining with other energies during interaction. Any interaction is the interaction and intertwining of energies. By learning proper communication, you learn to give and receive energy equally. In some of your current states, you give more energy than you receive; in others, it’s the opposite. For example, when someone is angry or upset, they take energy from another. And when someone worships someone else, they give their energy. All of this exists simultaneously. And you are learning to balance giving and receiving, which is what you call equilibrium, and this is what you are being urged toward. When you feel joy or anger, in both cases, there is an unequal exchange of energies. When you have inner peace and balance, it means the interaction is equalized.

But wait. What about joy and love? Does this mean you shouldn’t rejoice or love, but always be in balance?

I'm not imposing on you or others what should or shouldn't be done. I'm explaining the mechanisms. What you call love has many shades—from simple sensuality to the heroism of self-sacrifice. Yes, someone who sacrifices something to another gives a tremendous amount of energy to that person. And that is their choice. And there is always someone who accepts this sacrifice and receives this immense energy. And then it's up to them to decide what to do with the energy they've received: keep it within themselves, accumulate it and not pass it on, or transfer it to others. And this, too, is a significant choice.

If you receive the energy of gratitude, joy, and self-sacrifice, you can pass it on, balancing your energetic debts. You are responsible for the quality of that transmission, participating in this chain. If you've received negative energies, there's also a choice to be made. You can pass it on, as many of you do. But if you add your own shades, your own judgments, that energy becomes yours, colored by you. And then you enter your zone of responsibility.

If you simply let this energy pass through you like a clear glass, you won't be responsible for it. It will be drawn, by the law of correspondence, to where it's "expected," so to speak. And you are taught to be such clear "glasses," allowing energies to pass through, to be empty, to be calm, not to take on negative energies. But if you are developed to a higher level and can not only accept but also change and transmute energies within yourself, then you can purify this negative energy and transform it into the energy of love and gratitude, and also pass it on for further interaction.

The example you gave—is Christ, who had this great power to transform negative energies. He did not take your sins upon himself, as is commonly believed, but instead transformed the massive layers of negative energy accumulated by humanity, passing them through himself, and manifested them in your world in their pure, original divine form, shining with the fire of purification. In this way, he cleansed the karma of the planet and the karma of humanity—neutralizing the connections and pathways of accumulated negative energy—and freed you from the burden of receiving and processing that energy. Because in the quantum world, everything is connected, and nothing disappears. Because everything you send into the world will return to you sooner or later, because it is yours.

Therefore, if you feel joy and love, upliftment, and elevation, it means that you are accepting the energy of joy from someone and perhaps passing it on. If you keep this energy within yourself, it will continually be colored by your characteristics, your marks. And sooner or later, it will find an outlet, but it will already be a different energy. So, if you keep it within yourself, you must understand your responsibility for maintaining its purity. You must either fill it with brighter tones and pass it on, or give it away immediately. And there is nothing wrong with that; you are all still learning to work with your energies. And sooner or later, you will learn. If someone feels compassion, it means they have taken someone's negativity and processed it within themselves. And in a processed form, they returned it or passed it on to others. Everything is an exchange of energy.

There are many configurations of energetic interaction. But the main thing you must understand is that you are responsible for it. The feelings you experience are your choice, and you will accept the consequences of your choice. And if someone is constantly joyful, it does not mean they are stealing joy. It is their choice of a joyful essence, their choice of the type of energy exchange. And if someone is compassionate, it is their choice of the path of compassion, their choice of energy exchange. And if someone is negative, it is also their choice.

By choosing the path of joy, you separate yourself from negative energy exchange.

By choosing the path of anger, you separate yourself from joyful energy exchange.

By choosing the path of compassion, you choose both paths and transmute them within yourself. And these are different paths. And different stages of your learning. And different stages of maturing and learning to handle energies.

Therefore, returning to your question about the Planetary Spirit and its choice, the same thing happens to it as to you, but on a higher level. It tried to accept the energies of negativity and process them within itself, but it couldn't. Perhaps it lacked the ability. Perhaps there was too much of your negativity. And it accumulated this in vessels, separated them to try to process them individually. Into the vessel of suffering. Into the vessel of death, into the vessel of greed, and so on. And now it is dealing with their processing.

And since it kept them, literally, within itself, they became colored by its characteristics. You must understand that it did not pass them on, and that is its kind of sacrifice. It tried to protect the Cosmos from the negativity that was growing in you. But its mistake was that it did not ask for help from above when it realized its problems and realized that it lacked the power to neutralize it. And this does not mean at all that it generated these negative energies. You did that.

But it imposed religions on us, which partially generated these negative energies. Didn’t it?

It did not calculate those probabilities and did it for the greater good, as it believed. It wanted to protect you, like children, from potential dangers of the outside world. But what happened, happened.

In any case, I understand your desire to know the whole truth, but you are on the path of seeking someone to blame on the outside, not understanding that you are all One. You are Sanat Kumara, do you understand? You just don’t yet realize yourself as a conscious part of it. And you made that decision. And you did it too, just like all the other parts of it. Learn to think as parts of the Whole. Nothing exists separately. Everything is part of something greater, part of the Whole, and is, in essence, this Whole.

Therefore, right now, you don't need to look for someone to blame. Guilt does not exist. I’ve already said: there is receiving the consequences of your choices. And since you, as a part of Sanat, made your choices unconsciously, you will accept, like all others, the partial consequences of your choices. But if someone made those choices consciously on your behalf, they will accept the consequences of those choices to a greater extent. And all of you together, as a single Planetary Spirit, will accept the consequences of your human development. And there should be no fear in this; it is a conscious step towards healing. And maybe for some, the medicine will be bitter, but there is no other way.

Become aware. Accept the consequences of your choices, at least on your level. Consciously accept the consequences of your choices at the level of your personality. And realize that there is no one to blame outside. There is you and YOU. And that is all one. And by calmly—without aggression and seeking to blame others—accepting the consequences of your choices, you learn to be independent, you learn the responsibility of creators of your reality. And then, if your shared reality does not satisfy you, if you don't like it as humanity, start repainting it, redrawing it, recreating it, transforming it. You have all the colors of the world.

And if you want to create a world of joy and harmony, then create it! Accept your negativity and transmute it, to begin with, into the energy of joy and love. Many of you are already doing this and have done so. And if you have managed to transform your personal reality into a reality of joy and love, then help others do the same—accept their negativity and transmute it into the energy of joy and love. And let this energy, at the first transitional stage, be felt by you as the energy of compassion. And maybe in the process, you will experience some discomfort from the influence of negative energies, but if this is your conscious path, no one can stop it, no one can stop this process. And sooner or later, you will process this energy into the energy of joy and love and build the world you choose.

You are called the Prince of Darkness. And you are telling me how to build a path of joy?

Within me exists both Light and Darkness. And this is my choice. I emit both energies and try to merge and reconcile them. I observe how one energy transitions into the other within me and what happens during this process. I am a testing ground for the merging of energies. With each person, I interact with the side of myself that best corresponds to them. With you, I communicate through the light side of myself, the part that resonates with you.

Thank you. I want to ask something else, not related to this. There are many people who read our conversations and are grateful for them because these conversations uncover layers of energy within them, revealing new understandings. But there are also some who utterly reject them, accusing me of spreading Satanism, leading thousands astray. What do you have to say about this?

Everyone aligns with a particular type of energy exchange. Breaking away from stereotypes of thinking, from familiar energy exchanges, can sometimes be painful. You are parting with old dogmas of subjugation, the dogmas of causing harm, of blaming someone, of violence. The dogmas of delusion—there are many more to list. You know this yourself. All these dogmas must be transmuted into new concepts, living and changing concepts that encompass a multitude of nuances and differences, corresponding to the many distinctions in energy exchanges within you and within all humanity. Like the riot of colors. Like the multitude of patterns of force and magnetic lines.

Thus, subjugation is transformed into agreement, into interaction. Causing harm is transformed into compassion. Blame is transformed into responsibility. Violence is transformed into giving and love. Delusion is transformed into awareness, and so on. No one can make a choice for you. Everyone makes it themselves and accepts the consequences of their choice.

But there are many who are so accustomed to existing within the old paradigms and so fearful of freedom that they cannot calmly accept the consequences of their choice. These are the ones who shout about it. You must have a lot of patience and compassion for them. Therefore, you are free to make your own choice. You can absorb their energies and transmute them within yourself if you have the capability and strength for it. In any case, it is a valuable experience. But it is difficult. Because for this, for transmutation, you must remove all your attachments that they can latch onto in their desire to hold onto the old worldview, which is now crumbling before their eyes. It is not an easy path, in some ways, it is the Path of Jesus.

But you can continue to live in your joyful world and choose not to engage with them—choosing your own path to joy and to God, and discovering new Divine energies within yourself.

And since other people read what you write, your choice is quite serious. Because, on one hand, when you interact with those who are still unable to let go of the old dogmas, you take on some of their energy. And if you cannot transmute it, you will inevitably color yourself with it and the information you receive. Consequently, you will distort it. But on the other hand, the experience of transmuting negative energies into compassion is very valuable; it is a beautiful path, accessible to few, and it also helps others on their journey. Therefore, the choice is yours.

But I would advise you for now to simply learn to maintain a constant presence of the new energies within you—the energies of the new world, the energies of joy that you have chosen. By perfecting yourself in this way, first of all, you accumulate your power; secondly, you systematically cleanse yourself of negative energies; and thirdly, you purify the quality of your reception of information and, accordingly, transmit it to others in a purer form. Later, when your power grows, you can begin to try transmuting the energies of others. But for now, you can only transmute your own energies.
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