This Part of my Plan seems to be abundantly justified by that which the Rev Dr Colman of Boston, and the Rev Mr. Sergeant of Stockbridge, have wrote upon this Head. See Mr. Sergeant's Letter to the Doctor, printed at Boston 1743. Page 15. The Doctor writes thus:—"Another thing suggested by Mr. Sergeant, and a most wise and necessary one in the present Case is—his taking in Girls as well as Boys, if Providence succeed the Design, and a Fund sufficient to carry it on can be procured:–I must needs add on this Head, that this Proposal is a Matter of absolute Necessity, wherein we are not left at Liberty, either as Men or Christians; for there cannot be a Propagation of Religion among any People, without an equal Regard to both Sexes; not only because Females are alike precious Souls, form'd for God and Religion as much as the Males; but also because the Care for the Souls of Children in Families, and more especially in those of low Degree, lies chiefly upon the Mothers for the first 7 or 8 Years: Which is an Observation or Remark which I had the Honour to make unto my dear and honoured ancient Friend, Henry Newman, Esq; Secretary to the Hon. and Rev. Society for promoting Christian Knowledge; which when he had communicated to them they put into Print, and sent it to the Directors of the 1764 Schools; (if I have not miscounted) that so a greater Proportion of Girls might be taken into them to receive a religious Education for the sake of their Posterity, and therein for the more effectual answering the very End of their Charity Schools."–