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1984. A2

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Winston wrote in his diary, “If there is hope, it lies in the proles.” He believed the proles, the working class majority, could destroy the Party – but only if they realised their power. He remembered a moment when he saw a riot and thought the proles were finally rising. A loud cry from a crowd of women on the streets had filled him with hope. But when he arrived, he saw they were fighting over some saucepans. Winston felt disappointed.

Winston wrote further, “They will not understand until they start a riot.”

The Party claimed it freed the proles from evil but at the same time treated them as inferiors. So, as long as they worked, their other activities didn't matter. They were always busy looking after their homes and their children and doing hard physical work, so there was no need to control them. Most of their homes didn't have a telescreen. The Party always said:,“Proles and animals are free.” The only requirement for them was basic patriotism.

Winston's body started aching again. Every thought in his head led him to one question: what was life like before the Revolution? Not long ago, he borrowed a children's history book from Mrs. Parson. He finally opened it.

Before the glorious Revolution, the world wasn't as beautiful as it is today. It was dark, dirty, and miserable. People had no food to eat, no clothes to wear, and no roof to sleep under. Children worked at factories for bread and water. The Revolution improved lives.

Winston wondered how much of this could be a lie. After all, it could be true that, for average

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