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Gulliver's Travels. A Voyage to Lilliput. A2 / Путешествия Гулливера. Гулливер в стране лилипутов

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pocket ['pɒkɪt] – n. карман

mountain ['maʊntɪn] – n. гора

silver ['sɪlvə] – n. серебро

brush [brʌʃ] – n. щётка, v. расчесывать

heavy ['hɛvi] – adj. тяжелый

shave [ʃeɪv] – v. бриться

gold [ɡəʊld] – n. золото

fight [faɪt] – v. драться, сражаться

light [laɪt] – adj. лёгкий; n. свет

noise [nɔɪz] – n. шум

fall down [fɔ:l daʊn] – v. падать

Chapter III

The author tells about how Lilliput spend their time. He shows the emperor some tricks. The author can go free with some rules to follow.

In a short time, I started thinking about running away again: the emperor and his people really liked my kindness and how well I behaved. I did all that I could to make them believe that I'm not dangerous, and it worked. I sometimes lay down, and let five or six of them dance on my hand and play with me. I made good progress in understanding and speaking the language. The emperor organised some shows for me; I enjoyed them and liked the dancers, who walked on a thread most of all.

It turned out that the only people who do this dance are ministers or future ministers. They are not always well-educated, however, they train to dance on the rope from childhood. Many people want to be in their place, because this job is very respected: when one of the ministers dies or falls ill, five or six of those candidates come to the emperor and ask to take their places. The candidate needs to jump highest and perform the most dangerous tricks to get the place. It often happens that candidates get traumas. However, it's much more dangerous when the working ministers start doing that: they can only win against each other so their jumps and tricks have to be more and more difficult each time. They told me that Flimnap, my friend, was in danger two years before my arrival, but the pillow on the floor helped him to stay safe.

There was one more game that the emperor, empress and the first minister liked. The emperor has three threads; one is blue, the other red, and the third green. He gives these threads to the best candidates. First, the emperor holds a stick in his hands, and people need to do tricks on it. Some of them jump over it, some of them creep under it back and forth. Sometimes the emperor holds one end of the stick, and his first minister the other; sometimes the minister has it all to himself. The best candidate gets the blue-coloured thread; the red is given to the next, and the green to the third.

A few days before I was free, a message came to the king to tell him that some people saw a large black thing on the ground. It was as wide as the king's bedroom and as tall as a person. It wasn't alive, just lying without moving. The king told them to bring it with five horses. When I saw it, I understood that it was my hat that I lost while swimming. I asked the king to give it back to me.

Two days later, the emperor wanted to have some fun. He asked me to stand like a giant with my legs wide; and told his soldiers to walk through them. They really tried to behave respectively, however, it was hard and they couldn't stop laughing.

Meanwhile, I never stopped asking the emperor to be free; and he decided to speak to his council. Everyone was ready to do it, and only one, Skyresh Bolgolam, didn't like this idea. However, the emperor didn't listen to him. He told him to make some rules upon which I can be free; when they were ready, Skyresh Bolgolam brought them to me along with some important people. After I read the rules, I answered that I would follow them. I believe that you, the reader, need to know them, so here is the English version:

“Golbasto Momarem Evlame Gurdilo Shefin Mully Ully Gue, the great Emperor of Lilliput, here are our rules for the man-mountain, which he needs to follow:

“1st, He cannot leave without asking.

“2d, He cannot come to the capital without asking; and when he comes, all people need to be inside of their houses.

“3d, He can walk only in certain places.

“4th, He must be careful with our people, horses and machines; he can't take them without asking.

“5th, He must help the mailman with some messages; he must hold him and his horse in his pocket, so the mailman does his job faster.

“6th, When we have problems, he must help us to fight.

“7th, He must help us with building houses, parks and palaces.

“8th, He must tell us how big our country is (measure it);

“Lastly, If he says 'yes' to our rules, he will have meat and drink, as for 1724 Lilliputians, will be able to speak to our emperor and many other things.”

I was thankful for this chance and was ready to follow these rules. However, Skyresh Bolgolam, who didn't like me, made some of them unfair. When I said yes, he took off all my chains, and I was finally free. The emperor himself was at the ceremony. He said kind words to me and added that he hoped that I would help his kingdom in the future.

If you look at the last rule, you will see that they planned to give me food as for 1724 Lilliputians. Some time after, my friend told me that his mathematicians measured that I was twelve times higher than their one Lilliput, and that's how they got that I need this much food. It tells us a lot about how clever and wise these people were.


trick [trɪk] – n. трюк

rule [ru:l] – n. правило

follow ['fɒləʊ] – v. следовать

thread [θrɛd] – n. нить

train [treɪn] – v. тренироваться

rope [roʊp] – n. верёвка

ill [ɪl] – adj. больной

win [wɪn] – v. выигрывать

pillow ['pɪləʊ] – n. подушка

hold [hoʊld] – v. держать, удерживать

stick [stɪk] – n. палка

wide [waɪd] – adj. широкий

laugh [lɑ:f] – v. смеяться

certain ['sɜ:tən] – adj. определенный

careful ['keəfʊl] – adj. осторожный

palace ['pælɪs] – n. дворец

measure ['meʒə] – v. измерять, n мера

thankful ['θæŋkfʊl] – adj. благодарный

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