CREMER. 'Tes empty, zurr. But I'll get on some'ow.
STRANGWAY. You put me to shame.
CREMER. No, zurr. I'd be killin' meself, if I didn' feel I must stick it, like yu zaid.
[They stand gazing at each other in the moonlight.]
STRANGWAY. [Very low] I honour you.
CREMER. What's that? [Then, as STRANGWAY does not answer] I'll just be walkin' – I won' be gain' 'ome to-night. 'Tes the full mune – lucky.
STRANGWAY. [Suddenly] Wait for me at the crossroads, Jack. I'll come with you. Will you have me, brother?
STRANGWAY. Wait, then.
CREMER. Aye, zurr.
[With his heavy tread CREMER passes on. And STRANGWAY leans against the lintel of the door, looking at the moon, that, quite full and golden, hangs not far above the straight horizon, where the trees stand small, in a row.]
STRANGWAY. [Lifting his hand in the gesture of prayer] God, of the moon and the sun; of joy and beauty, of loneliness and sorrow – give me strength to go on, till I love every living thing!
[He moves away, following JACK CREMER. The full moon shines; the owl hoots; and some one is shaking TIBBY'S tambourine.]