He glanced at the sky, scanning for aircraft.
Nothing. All clear.
That seawall was topped with concrete docks. It ran parallel to land, a hundred meters from the shore. The seawall and the shore formed a narrow pass a thousand meters long. At the far end was the cargo ship, the Yuri Andropov II.
Ed’s job was to punch a hole in it. A hole, maybe a small fire. Enough to cause a distraction, a misdirection. Enough to let Stone and Frenchy sneak onto the boat, release the prisoners, and maybe even scuttle that sub.
The Russians knew the Americans were watching them from the skies. So these docks looked like they had minimal activity. Just an old cargo ship, not too much security, nothing to see here.
But Ed knew there were gun men on those docks. Driving this boat up that pass was going to be running a gauntlet.
He reached the mouth of the pass. He took a deep breath.
“Garry, you better be there.”
He opened the throttle all the way. The engines screamed.
The boat burst forward, even faster than before.
Land raced by on either side of him, the seawall on his left, the shore on his right. But he kept his eyes on the prize. He could see it now, the Andropov, looming far ahead. It was docked perpendicular to him, showing him its whole length.
To his left, men ran along the docks. He saw them as tiny stick figures, moving slow, much too slow.
He ducked way down, already knowing what they would do. An instant later, automatic gunfire ripped up the side of the boat. He felt it more than heard it or saw it. It was altering his course, the thudding impacts of the high-caliber rounds.
The windshield shattered.
The Andropov was coming closer, growing larger.
There was an iron bar on the floor. Ed picked it up. One end had a gripping tool, almost like a hand. He placed this onto the steering wheel. He wedged the far end into a metal slot welded onto the floor.
Old school, but it would do the trick. It would keep the boat going more or less straight ahead.
He glanced up. The Andropov was big now.
It seemed like it was RIGHT THERE.
“Uh-oh, time to go.”
He darted to the right side of the boat, away from the gunfire. He squatted, all the power in his legs, and leapt to his right, over the gunwale. He curled into a ball, like a child doing a cannonball at the local swimming pool.
The boat zoomed away while he was in the air.
Dimly, he had the sensation of falling, falling through the sky. A long time passed. He crashed into the water and for a moment the blackness was all around him. He moved through it like a torpedo, no feeling except the feeling of dark speed.
At first there was a loud roar, and then the muffled sounds of the deep.
For a moment, he thought about floating in the womb, bathed now in warm light. It occurred to him that the beacon light on his life vest had activated. The vest yanked him to the surface, back to the roar and the spray of the boat’s wake.
He gasped for air and dove again. For another few seconds, those gunners were going to be looking for him.
After that…
He bobbed to the surface again. Everything was dark—the night, the water, everything.
For a moment he could not see the boat. Then he spotted it. It was moving fast, dwindling, dwindling. It was tiny in the looming shadow of the freighter.
Ed dove below the surface again, to the safety of the darkness.
* * *
Luke leaned on the Lada, pretending to smoke a cigarette. Everybody around here smoked, so he figured it might help his disguise. He had tried it a couple of times before in high school but never caught the hang of it. He liked football better.
He took a drag, held it in his mouth for a few seconds, then let the whole mess blow out again. It tasted like smog. He nearly laughed at himself. If anyone was watching, they would see how ridiculous he looked.
He pitched the lit cigarette into the gutter.
The Lada was parked fifty yards from the security gate of the small port. Frenchy was over there at the gate, asking the guards for directions. There was a small knot of men, silhouettes in the fog, shadows thrown by the yellow lamps, talking and laughing through the gate. Frenchy was kind of a funny guy. He could crack anybody up.
Frenchy was smoking effortlessly. Smoke one down to the nub, pitch it, and light another one. That was Frenchy.
Suddenly gunshots rang out. They came from the other side of the wharf. Three hundred yards away, Luke saw the muzzle flashes of the guns.
Now men were shouting. A man screamed in terror, a high falsetto wail.
Someone opened up with a heavy gun, full auto. Luke could hear the metallic stomp of the rounds being unleashed.
Now the guards were running away from the gate, back toward the action. That was Luke’s cue. Just like that, they were in.
But then Frenchy did something unexpected. As soon as the guards turned from him, he had a gun in his hand. He took a two-handed stance and started firing. His shots were LOUD.
He shot the running guards in their backs. They spun to face him, and he shot them in their fronts. Poor guys, they didn’t know if they were coming or going.
“Frenchy!” Luke almost shouted, but didn’t.
“Dammit!” he said instead.
The man hated Russians. Luke knew that going in. Don knew it. Big Daddy knew it. But no one expected him to start killing Russians the second he got a chance.
Luke reached into the car and pulled out the heavy bolt cutters. He set the incendiary beneath the dashboard for one minute. Then he dashed to Frenchy’s side.