And even when you are in another country, you and me are together,
We are united in the halls of the mind
Soul and heart and in lucid dreams,
We learn the waltz by ascending to the heavens,
With various keys from other worlds.
The magic gaze, so gentle and at the same time very strict,
Penetrates into the heart mercilessly.
So scary, I'm defenseless before this look,
Especially when the sun is reflected in it.
A glimpse glance stops my breath,
And a micro smile starts my heart like a motor.
O universe, as if you are looking at me
With his eyes with the greatest love and longing,
Embracing my soul with all your warmth.
These eyes are unique, they are only mine, for me
Let your gaze find refuge in my eyes, in my heart and in my soul at peace.
Even if…
Even if you are in total darkness,
You will see my face in the candle flame.
Even if while in the deepest sadness looking at the moon,
I will be the face of the moon.
Even if you don't have any strength left,
I will give you power.
Even if your wings get tired,
You will still fly up to heaven with me.
Even if you are lost,
I will show you the way.
Even if you lose everything,
I will hold your hand.
Even if there is war,
I will be behind your back.
Even if the whole world is against you,
I'm for you.
Even if…
I see in your eyes, your real dream.
I feel your soul in sorrow and fear,
Don't resist me.
I know more about you than you yourself.
I see your way and I can guide you,
Don't resist me.
I can feel your energy from thousands of miles away,
I know what's behind the smile,
Don't resist me.
Mind games change worlds,
I summon you from your heart,
I'm your dream,
Don't resist me.
Through eternity.