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The Christmas Gift

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“I wasn’t,” Krista said. “The job offer came from out of the blue, and I accepted on the spot.”

Alex hadn’t seen it coming. One day, he was dating a woman with a semester left at a college less than three hours away in Philadelphia. The next, she was moving across the Atlantic Ocean.

Looking back on it, Alex had envisioned the same future for Krista that her mother had. She was a business major at the University of Pennsylvania and her parents owned a nursery. It seemed a given that she’d eventually join the family business, perhaps because that was the choice Alex made.

No, he hadn’t known Krista well at all.

“You sound like you have no regrets,” he said.

“Not about moving,” Krista replied. “But if I had it to do over again, I’d wait a lot longer before telling you I was taking the job.”

The last mile before they reached the nursery was on a fairly steep road with a narrow shoulder. Krista didn’t sound as if she were teasing, but Alex couldn’t risk a glance at her to find out.

“We still would have had an expiration date,” he said.

Krista agreed. “But think of the fun we could have had in the meantime.”

Alex would rather not. “What’s over is over.”

The paved parking lot that served both Novaks’ Nursery and the adjoining Christmas Shoppe came into view, half-filled with cars even though it was barely past ten o’clock. Alex switched on his turn signal and slowed down.

“What if it’s not over? What would you say if I propositioned you now?” Krista asked in the same low voice she once used when they were in bed together. Just like that, sensations assailed him. He could recall the smooth texture of her skin. The fresh smell of her hair. The sweet taste of her kiss.

Alex focused on another memory as he pulled the truck into the parking lot, found a space and shut off the ignition—the disappointment that Krista was leaving when things between them had barely begun.

“You won’t proposition me,” he said in an equally soft voice. “You won’t be here long enough.”

KRISTA COULDN’T IMAGINE what had possessed her to say those suggestive things to Alex.

Sure, the abrupt way he’d cut things off with her eight years ago had stung. And, yes, he’d crept into her thoughts over the years. He remained the one and only man who’d ended a relationship before she had.

Maybe that was why whatever was between them didn’t feel as though it were over.

She pulled on the fur-lined black leather gloves she’d taken off during the drive and prepared to be gracious. With only a few days remaining before she left Jarrell, Krista wouldn’t be spending much time—if any—with Alex.

“Thank you for the ride,” she said.

He dipped his dark head in a formal little bow. “Like I said, it was my pleasure.”

No wonder she’d fallen for him, Krista thought. She’d always been a sucker for guys with good manners.

“See you around,” she said and got out of the pickup.

Almost immediately she heard the driver’s door open and shut. Alex strode around the pickup, joining her on the path leading to the nursery.

“You don’t need to walk me to the door,” Krista said.

“I’m not.” Alex’s breath was visible in the frosty air. “I’m working at the shop today, too.”

She noticed that he was carrying a black athletic bag over his shoulder. “Doing what?”

“You’ll see soon enough,” he said.

“A mystery,” Krista said. “You know how much I love them.”

Years ago they’d discovered they shared a passion for true-crime books and classic whodunits. They both considered Alfred Hitchcock to be a genius.

Up ahead, the blooms that added color to the nursery yard in the spring and summer were gone. A few empty crates and leafless trees in burlap bags added to the barren feel. A few steps farther, however, the atmosphere underwent a dramatic change.

A charming wood sign hung suspended from a post. It was painted red and featured a winking elf and white lettering that spelled out Novaks’ Christmas Shoppe.

Past the sign was a covered entranceway lined with poinsettias that transported Krista back to her first sighting of Alex. He hadn’t been the only one who was gobsmacked. If Alex hadn’t overturned the cart, she would have found another reason to talk to him.

He looked even better now than he had then. With his height and broad shoulders, he still cut an impressive figure. But he’d let the black hair that went so well with his olive complexion and dark-as-night eyes grow a little longer. His hair curled at the ends, a soft touch that made his lean face appear even more masculine.

Alex placed his hand at the small of her back. She nearly jumped, even though there was a coat and a sweater between his hand and her skin.

Who was she kidding? She was still as sexually attracted to Alex as she’d been as a twenty-one-year-old. Her candid talk when she’d propositioned him in the car had been more than just talk.

“Your family decided not to use the nursery’s retail space,” Alex said, then indicated the expansive structure that was just past it. “The Christmas Shoppe is in the old storage building.”

The revelation drove all other thoughts from Krista’s mind. Though sizeable, the storage building was dank and dark. It had been her least favorite place whenever she worked at the nursery, which was saying something.

“Both your mom and grandma are proud of the job they’ve done with the place,” Alex said.

Was he warning her not to hurt their feelings by making a tactless remark? As though she’d do such a thing. Krista schooled her features while he opened the door to the strains of the Christmas song about grandma getting run over by a reindeer.

Alex chuckled, and Krista felt the warmth of his breath on her neck as she preceded him into the shop. “Grandma Novak plays that song at least a couple times a day,” he said.

Krista stopped dead. She’d expected the place to be lit up like a candelabra. She hadn’t anticipated the place to be tasteful. The ceiling was gold, the walls red. Gaily bedecked artificial trees competed for space with shelves neatly packed with colorful ornaments and holiday decorations.

“Krista! Alex!” Grandma Novak must have been watching for them. She rushed to their side, wearing a long red skirt and a matching jacket trimmed with white fur. “What do you think of the store, Krista?”

“It’s fantastic,” Krista said truthfully. “Really impressive.”

“Grandma Novak drew up the plans herself.” Alex sounded like a proud grandson. “She knew exactly how she wanted it.”

“Today I’m not Grandma Novak.” She pushed her glasses up her nose. “I’m Grandma Claus.”

“You look the part,” Krista said. “Love the outfit.”

“I’ve sold four of these getups this week.” Grandma lowered her voice. “You wouldn’t believe the kinds of things customers buy. Get a load of this.”

She led them to the end of a nearby aisle and picked up one of an identical stack of boxes. It contained a mechanical Santa holding together the edges of a fur-trimmed red cape. Grandma pressed a button, and Santa gyrated to the tune of “Santa, Baby.” He opened the cape wide. Underneath he wore nothing but green boxer shorts adorned with twinkling Christmas lights.

“It’s a flashing Santa!” Grandma exclaimed. “It’s a bestseller!”

A deep, inviting laugh bubbled up from Alex that Krista felt reverberate down to her toes.
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